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DNA polymerase θ (Pol θ) plays an essential role in the microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) pathway for repairing DNA double-strand breaks. However, the mechanisms by which Pol θ recognizes microhomologous DNA ends and performs low-fidelity DNA synthesis remain unclear. Here, we present cryo-electron microscope structures of the polymerase domain of Lates calcarifer Pol θ with long and short duplex DNA at up to 2.4 Å resolution. Interestingly, Pol θ binds to long and short DNA substrates similarly, with extensive interactions around the active site. Moreover, Pol θ shares a similar active site as high-fidelity A-family polymerases with its finger domain well-closed but differs in having hydrophilic residues surrounding the nascent base pair. Computational simulations and mutagenesis studies suggest that the unique insertion loops of Pol θ help to stabilize short DNA binding and assemble the active site for MMEJ repair. Taken together, our results illustrate the structural basis of Pol θ-mediated MMEJ.  相似文献   

A single amino acid residue change in the exonuclease domain of human DNA polymerase ϵ, P286R, is associated with the development of colorectal cancers, and has been shown to impart a mutator phenotype. The corresponding Pol ϵ allele in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (pol2-P301R), was found to drive greater mutagenesis than an entirely exonuclease-deficient Pol ϵ (pol2–4), an unexpected phenotype of ultra-mutagenesis. By studying the impact on mutation frequency, type, replication-strand bias, and sequence context, we show that ultra-mutagenesis is commonly observed in yeast cells carrying a range of cancer-associated Pol ϵ exonuclease domain alleles. Similarities between mutations generated by these alleles and those generated in pol2–4 cells indicate a shared mechanism of mutagenesis that yields a mutation pattern similar to cancer Signature 14. Comparison of POL2 ultra-mutator with pol2-M644G, a mutant in the polymerase domain decreasing Pol ϵ fidelity, revealed unexpected analogies in the sequence context and strand bias of mutations. Analysis of mutational patterns unique to exonuclease domain mutant cells suggests that backtracking of the polymerase, when the mismatched primer end cannot be accommodated in the proofreading domain, results in the observed insertions and T>A mutations in specific sequence contexts.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic DNA replication, DNA polymerase ε (Polε) is responsible for leading strand synthesis, whereas DNA polymerases α and δ synthesize the lagging strand. The human Polε (hPolε) holoenzyme is comprised of the catalytic p261 subunit and the noncatalytic p59, p17, and p12 small subunits. So far, the contribution of the noncatalytic subunits to hPolε function is not well understood. Using pre-steady-state kinetic methods, we established a minimal kinetic mechanism for DNA polymerization and editing catalyzed by the hPolε holoenzyme. Compared with the 140-kDa N-terminal catalytic fragment of p261 (p261N), which we kinetically characterized in our earlier studies, the presence of the p261 C-terminal domain (p261C) and the three small subunits increased the DNA binding affinity and the base substitution fidelity. Although the small subunits enhanced correct nucleotide incorporation efficiency, there was a wide range of rate constants when incorporating a correct nucleotide over a single-base mismatch. Surprisingly, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme was significantly slower than that of p261N when editing both matched and mismatched DNA substrates. This suggests that the presence of p261C and the three small subunits regulates the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity of the hPolε holoenzyme. Together, the 3′→5′ exonuclease activity and the variable mismatch extension activity modulate the overall fidelity of the hPolε holoenzyme by up to 3 orders of magnitude. Thus, the presence of p261C and the three noncatalytic subunits optimizes the dual enzymatic activities of the catalytic p261 subunit and makes the hPolε holoenzyme an efficient and faithful replicative DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

We report the properties of two mutations in the exonuclease domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase ϵ. One, pol2-Y473F, increases the mutation rate by about 20-fold, similar to the catalytically dead pol2-D290A/E290A mutant. The other, pol2-N378K, is a stronger mutator. Both retain the ability to excise a nucleotide from double-stranded DNA, but with impaired activity. pol2-Y473F degrades DNA poorly, while pol2-N378K degrades single-stranded DNA at an elevated rate relative to double-stranded DNA. These data suggest that pol2-Y473F reduces the capacity of the enzyme to perform catalysis in the exonuclease active site, while pol2-N378K impairs partitioning to the exonuclease active site. Relative to wild-type Pol ϵ, both variants decrease the dNTP concentration required to elicit a switch between proofreading and polymerization by more than an order of magnitude. While neither mutation appears to alter the sequence specificity of polymerization, the N378K mutation stimulates polymerase activity, increasing the probability of incorporation and extension of a mismatch. Considered together, these data indicate that impairing the primer strand transfer pathway required for proofreading increases the probability of common mutations by Pol ϵ, elucidating the association of homologous mutations in human DNA polymerase ϵ with cancer.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases catalyze DNA synthesis with high efficiency, which is essential for all life. Extensive kinetic and structural efforts have been executed in exploring mechanisms of DNA polymerases, surrounding their kinetic pathway, catalytic mechanisms, and factors that dictate polymerase fidelity. Recent time-resolved crystallography studies on DNA polymerase η (Pol η) and β have revealed essential transient events during the DNA synthesis reaction, such as mechanisms of primer deprotonation, separated roles of the three metal ions, and conformational changes that disfavor incorporation of the incorrect substrate. DNA-embedded ribonucleotides (rNs) are the most common lesion on DNA and a major threat to genome integrity. While kinetics of rN incorporation has been explored and structural studies have revealed that DNA polymerases have a steric gate that destabilizes ribonucleotide triphosphate binding, the mechanism of extension upon rN addition remains poorly characterized. Using steady-state kinetics, static and time-resolved X-ray crystallography with Pol η as a model system, we showed that the extra hydroxyl group on the primer terminus does alter the dynamics of the polymerase active site as well as the catalysis and fidelity of DNA synthesis. During rN extension, Pol η error incorporation efficiency increases significantly across different sequence contexts. Finally, our systematic structural studies suggest that the rN at the primer end improves primer alignment and reduces barriers in C2′-endo to C3′-endo sugar conformational change. Overall, our work provides further mechanistic insights into the effects of rN incorporation on DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that replication through the N1-methyl-deoxyadenosine (1-MeA) adduct in human cells is mediated via three different Polι/Polθ, Polη, and Polζ-dependent pathways. Based on biochemical studies with these Pols, in the Polι/Polθ pathway, we inferred a role for Polι in the insertion of a nucleotide (nt) opposite 1-MeA and of Polθ in extension of synthesis from the inserted nt; in the Polη pathway, we inferred that this Pol alone would replicate through 1-MeA; in the Polζ pathway, however, the Pol required for inserting an nt opposite 1-MeA had remained unidentified. In this study, we provide biochemical and genetic evidence for a role for Polλ in inserting the correct nt T opposite 1-MeA, from which Polζ would extend synthesis. The high proficiency of purified Polλ for inserting a T opposite 1-MeA implicates a role for Polλ—which normally uses W-C base pairing for DNA synthesis—in accommodating 1-MeA in a syn confirmation and forming a Hoogsteen base pair with T. The potential of Polλ to replicate through DNA lesions by Hoogsteen base pairing adds another novel aspect to Polλ’s role in translesion synthesis in addition to its role as a scaffolding component of Polζ. We discuss how the action mechanisms of Polλ and Polζ could be restrained to inserting a T opposite 1-MeA and extending synthesis thereafter, respectively.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions in the exonuclease domain of DNA polymerase ϵ (Polϵ) cause ultramutated tumors. Studies in model organisms suggested pathogenic mechanisms distinct from a simple loss of exonuclease. These mechanisms remain unclear for most recurrent Polϵ mutations. Particularly, the highly prevalent V411L variant remained a long-standing puzzle with no detectable mutator effect in yeast despite the unequivocal association with ultramutation in cancers. Using purified four-subunit yeast Polϵ, we assessed the consequences of substitutions mimicking human V411L, S459F, F367S, L424V and D275V. While the effects on exonuclease activity vary widely, all common cancer-associated variants have increased DNA polymerase activity. Notably, the analog of Polϵ-V411L is among the strongest polymerases, and structural analysis suggests defective polymerase-to-exonuclease site switching. We further show that the V411L analog produces a robust mutator phenotype in strains that lack mismatch repair, indicating a high rate of replication errors. Lastly, unlike wild-type and exonuclease-dead Polϵ, hyperactive variants efficiently synthesize DNA at low dNTP concentrations. We propose that this characteristic could promote cancer cell survival and preferential participation of mutator polymerases in replication during metabolic stress. Our results support the notion that polymerase fitness, rather than low fidelity alone, is an important determinant of variant pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Backbone‐dependent rotamer libraries are commonly used to assign the side chain dihedral angles of amino acids when modeling protein structures. Most rotamer libraries are created by curating protein crystal structure data and using various methods to extrapolate the existing data to cover all possible backbone conformations. However, these rotamer libraries may not be suitable for modeling the structures of cyclic peptides and other constrained peptides because these molecules frequently sample backbone conformations rarely seen in the crystal structures of linear proteins. To provide backbone‐dependent side chain information beyond the α‐helix, β‐sheet, and PPII regions, we used explicit‐solvent metadynamics simulations of model dipeptides to create a new rotamer library that has high coverage in the (ϕ, ψ) space. Furthermore, this approach can be applied to build high‐coverage rotamer libraries for noncanonical amino acids. The resulting Metadynamics of Dipeptides for Rotamer Distribution (MEDFORD) rotamer library predicts the side chain conformations of high‐resolution protein crystal structures with similar accuracy (~80%) to a state‐of‐the‐art rotamer library. Our ability to test the accuracy of MEDFORD at predicting the side chain dihedral angles of amino acids in noncanonical backbone conformation is restricted by the limited structural data available for cyclic peptides. For the cyclic peptide data that are currently available, MEDFORD and the state‐of‐the‐art rotamer library perform comparably. However, the two rotamer libraries indeed make different rotamer predictions in noncanonical (ϕ, ψ) regions. For noncanonical amino acids, the MEDFORD rotamer library predicts the χ 1 values with approximately 75% accuracy.  相似文献   

The translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases Rev1 and Polζ function together in DNA lesion bypass during DNA replication, acting as nucleotide inserter and extender polymerases, respectively. While the structural characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Polζ in its DNA-bound state has illuminated how this enzyme synthesizes DNA, a mechanistic understanding of TLS also requires probing conformational changes associated with DNA- and Rev1 binding. Here, we used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the apo Polζ holoenzyme. We show that compared with its DNA-bound state, apo Polζ displays enhanced flexibility that correlates with concerted motions associated with expansion of the Polζ DNA-binding channel upon DNA binding. We also identified a lysine residue that obstructs the DNA-binding channel in apo Polζ, suggesting a gating mechanism. The Polζ subunit Rev7 is a hub protein that directly binds Rev1 and is a component of several other protein complexes such as the shieldin DNA double-strand break repair complex. We analyzed the molecular interactions of budding yeast Rev7 in the context of Polζ and those of human Rev7 in the context of shieldin using a crystal structure of Rev7 bound to a fragment of the shieldin-3 protein. Overall, our study provides new insights into Polζ mechanism of action and the manner in which Rev7 recognizes partner proteins.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that drive the infection by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2)—the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19)—are under intense current scrutiny to understand how the virus operates and to uncover ways in which the disease can be prevented or alleviated. Recent proteomic screens of the interactions between viral and host proteins have identified the human proteins targeted by SARS‐CoV‐2. The DNA polymerase α (Pol α)–primase complex or primosome—responsible for initiating DNA synthesis during genomic duplication—was identified as a target of nonstructural protein 1 (nsp1), a major virulence factor in the SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Here, we validate the published reports of the interaction of nsp1 with the primosome by demonstrating direct binding with purified recombinant components and providing a biochemical characterization of their interaction. Furthermore, we provide a structural basis for the interaction by elucidating the cryo‐electron microscopy structure of nsp1 bound to the primosome. Our findings provide biochemical evidence for the reported targeting of Pol α by the virulence factor nsp1 and suggest that SARS‐CoV‐2 interferes with Pol α''s putative role in the immune response during the viral infection.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage ϕ29 generates large forces to compact its double-stranded DNA genome into a protein capsid by means of a portal motor complex. Several mechanical models for the generation of these high forces by the motor complex predict coupling of DNA translocation to rotation of the head-tail connector dodecamer. Putative connector rotation is investigated here by combining the methods of single-molecule force spectroscopy with polarization-sensitive single-molecule fluorescence. In our experiment, we observe motor function in several packaging complexes in parallel using video microscopy of bead position in a magnetic trap. At the same time, we follow the orientation of single fluorophores attached to the portal motor connector. From our data, we can exclude connector rotation with greater than 99% probability and therefore answer a long-standing mechanistic question.  相似文献   

8‐oxoguanine is a major lesion of genomic DNA that results from oxidation of guanine by reactive oxygen species. The repair of this lesion is initiated by 8‐oxoguanine glycosylases, which excise the damaged base by “flipping” it outside the DNA double helix. The molecular mechanisms involved in the specific recognition of the damaged base by the enzyme are not yet fully understood. Several models have proposed that, in DNA, the base pair between 8‐oxoguanine and cytosine may possess altered dynamic properties that could help the enzyme locate the lesion and could favor the selective extra‐helical flipping of the damaged base. To test this proposal, we have characterized the spontaneous opening of the base pair between 8‐oxoguanine and cytosine in a DNA double helix using NMR spectroscopy and proton exchange. The results show that the rate of spontaneous opening of 8‐oxoguanine and the lifetime of the base in the extra‐helical state are the same as those of a canonical guanine‐cytosine base pair, in the same base sequence context. This finding suggests that the opening dynamics of 8‐oxoguanine, when paired with cytosine in DNA, does not play a significant role in the recognition of the lesion by glycosylases. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integrase (Int) from phage ϕC31 acts on the phage and host-attachment sites, attP and attB, to form an integrated prophage flanked by attL and attR. Excision (attL × attR recombination) is prevented, in the absence of accessory factors, by a putative coiled-coil motif in the C-terminal domain (CTD). Int has a serine recombinase N-terminal domain, required for synapsis of recombination substrates and catalysis. We show here that the coiled-coil motif mediates protein–protein interactions between CTDs, but only when bound to DNA. Although the histidine-tagged CTD (hCTD) was monomeric in solution, hCTD bound cooperatively to three of the recombination substrates (attB, attL and attR). Furthermore, when provided with attP and attB, hCTD brought these substrates together in a synaptic complex. Substitutions in the coiled-coil motif that greatly reduce Int integration activity, L460P and Y475H, prevented CTD–CTD interactions and led to defective DNA binding and no detectable DNA synapsis. A substitution, E449K, in full length Int confers the ability to perform excision in addition to integration as it has gained the ability to synapse attL × attR. hCTDE449K was similar to hCTD in DNA binding but unable to form the CTD synapse suggesting that the CTD synapse is not essential but could be part of the mechanism that controls directionality.  相似文献   

Somatic and germline mutations in the proofreading domain of the replicative DNA polymerase ε (POLE-exonuclease domain mutations, POLE-EDMs) are frequently found in colorectal and endometrial cancers and, occasionally, in other tumours. POLE-associated cancers typically display hypermutation, and a unique mutational signature, with a predominance of C > A transversions in the context TCT and C > T transitions in the context TCG. To understand better the contribution of hypermutagenesis to tumour development, we have modelled the most recurrent POLE-EDM (POLE-P286R) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Whole-genome sequencing analysis revealed that the corresponding pol2-P287R allele also has a strong mutator effect in vivo, with a high frequency of base substitutions and relatively few indel mutations. The mutations are equally distributed across different genomic regions, but in the immediate vicinity there is an asymmetry in AT frequency. The most abundant base-pair changes are TCT > TAT transversions and, in contrast to human mutations, TCG > TTG transitions are not elevated, likely due to the absence of cytosine methylation in fission yeast. The pol2-P287R variant has an increased sensitivity to elevated dNTP levels and DNA damaging agents, and shows reduced viability on depletion of the Pfh1 helicase. In addition, S phase is aberrant and RPA foci are elevated, suggestive of ssDNA or DNA damage, and the pol2-P287R mutation is synthetically lethal with rad3 inactivation, indicative of checkpoint activation. Significantly, deletion of genes encoding some translesion synthesis polymerases, most notably Pol κ, partially suppresses pol2-P287R hypermutation, indicating that polymerase switching contributes to this phenotype.  相似文献   

A DNA lesion created by oxidative stress is 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-guanine (8-oxoG). Because 8-oxoG can mispair with adenine during DNA synthesis, it is of interest to understand the efficiency and fidelity of 8-oxoG bypass by DNA polymerases. We quantify bypass parameters for two DNA polymerases implicated in 8-oxoG bypass, Pols δ and η. Yeast Pol δ and yeast Pol η both bypass 8-oxoG and misincorporate adenine during bypass. However, yeast Pol η is 10-fold more efficient than Pol δ, and following bypass Pol η switches to less processive synthesis, similar to that observed during bypass of a cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer. Moreover, yeast Pol η is at least 10-fold more accurate than yeast Pol δ during 8-oxoG bypass. These differences are maintained in the presence of the accessory proteins RFC, PCNA and RPA and are consistent with the established role of Pol η in suppressing ogg1-dependent mutagenesis in yeast. Surprisingly different results are obtained with human and mouse Pol η. Both mammalian enzymes bypass 8-oxoG efficiently, but they do so less processively, without a switch point and with much lower fidelity than yeast Pol η. The fact that yeast and mammalian Pol η have intrinsically different catalytic properties has potential biological implications.  相似文献   

7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) is an abundant and mutagenic DNA lesion. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the 8-oxoG DNA N-glycosylase (Ogg1) acts as the primary defense against 8-oxoG. Here, we present evidence for cooperation between Rad18–Rad6-dependent monoubiquitylation of PCNA at K164, the damage-tolerant DNA polymerase η and the mismatch repair system (MMR) to prevent 8-oxoG-induced mutagenesis. Preventing PCNA modification at lysine 164 (pol30-K164R) results in a dramatic increase in GC to TA mutations due to endogenous 8-oxoG in Ogg1-deficient cells. In contrast, deletion of RAD5 or SIZ1 has little effect implying that the modification of PCNA relevant for preventing 8-oxoG-induced mutagenesis is monoubiquitin as opposed to polyubiquitin or SUMO. We also report that the ubiquitin-binding domain (UBZ) of Pol η is essential to prevent 8-oxoG-induced mutagenesis but only in conjunction with a functional PCNA-binding domain (PIP). We propose that PCNA is ubiquitylated during the repair synthesis reaction after the MMR-dependent excision of adenine incorporated opposite to 8-oxoG. Monoubiquitylation of PCNA would favor the recruitment of Pol η thereby allowing error-free incorporation of dCMP opposite to 8-oxoG. This study suggests that Pol η and the post-replication repair (PRR) machinery can also prevent mutagenesis at DNA lesions that do not stall replication forks.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing 5-formyl-2′-deoxycytidine (fC) were synthesized by the phosphoramidite method and subsequent oxidation with sodium periodate. The stabilities of duplexes containing A, G, C or T opposite fC were studied by thermal denaturation. It was found that fC:A, fC:C or fC:T base pairs significantly reduce the thermal stabilities of duplexes. Next, single nucleotide insertion reactions were performed using ODNs containing fC as templates and the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. It was found that: (i) insertion of dGMP opposite fC appears to be less efficient relative to insertion opposite 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine (mC); (ii) dAMP is misincorporated more frequently opposite fC than mC, although the frequency of misincorporation seems to be dependent on the sequence; (iii) TMP is misincorporated more frequently opposite fC than mC. These results suggest that fC may induce the transition mutation C·G→T·A and the transversion mutation C·G→A·T during DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2α is a rapid and vital cellular defence against many forms of stress. In mammals, the levels of eIF2α phosphorylation are set through the antagonistic action of four protein kinases and two heterodimeric protein phosphatases. The phosphatases are composed of the catalytic subunit PP1 and one of two related non-catalytic subunits, PPP1R15A or PPP1R15B (R15A or R15B). Here, we generated a series of R15 truncation mutants and tested their properties in mammalian cells. We show that substrate recruitment is encoded by an evolutionary conserved region in R15s, R15A325–554 and R15B340–639. G-actin, which has been proposed to confer selectivity to R15 phosphatases, does not bind these regions, indicating that it is not required for substrate binding. Fragments containing the substrate-binding regions but lacking the PP1-binding motif trapped the phospho-substrate and caused accumulation of phosphorylated eIF2α in unstressed cells. Activity assays in cells showed that R15A325–674 and R15B340–713, encompassing the substrate-binding region and the PP1-binding region, exhibit wild-type activity. This work identifies the substrate-binding region in R15s, that functions as a phospho-substrate trapping mutant, thereby defining a key region of R15s for follow up studies.  相似文献   

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