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Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) are powerful techniques to measure molecular interactions with high sensitivity in homogeneous solution and living cells. In this study, we developed methods for the detection of prion protein (PrP) using FCS and FCCS. A combination of a fluorescent-labeled Fab' fragment and another anti-PrP monoclonal antibody (mAb) enabled us to detect recombinant bovine PrP (rBoPrP) using FCS because there was a significant difference in the diffusion coefficients between the labeled Fab' fragment and the trimeric immune complex consisting of rBoPrP, labeled Fab' fragment, and another anti-PrP mAb. On the other hand, FCCS detected rBoPrP using two mAbs labeled with different fluorescence dyes. The detection limit for PrP in FCCS was approximately threefold higher than that in FCS. The sensitivity of FCCS in detection of abnormal isoform of PrP (PrP(Sc)) was comparable to that of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Because FCS and FCCS detect the PrP immune complex in homogeneous solution of only microliter samples with a single mixing step and without any washing steps, these features of measurement may facilitate automating bovine spongiform encephalopathy diagnosis.  相似文献   

Myosin II molecules assemble into filaments through their C-terminal rod region, and are responsible for several cellular motile activities. Three isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II (IIA, IIB and IIC) are expressed in mammalian cells. However, little is known regarding the isoform composition in filaments. To obtain new insight into the assembly properties of myosin II isoforms, especially regarding the isoform composition in filaments, we performed a combination analysis of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS), which enables us to acquire information on both the interaction and the size of each molecule simultaneously. Using C-terminal rod fragments of IIA and IIB (ARF296 and BRF305) labelled with different fluorescent probes, we demonstrated that hetero-assemblies were formed from a mixture of ARF296 and BRF305, and that dynamic exchange of rod fragments occurred between preformed homo-assemblies of each isoform in an isoform-independent manner. We also showed that Mts1 (S100A4) specifically stripped ARF296 away from the hetero-assemblies, and consequently, homo-assemblies of BRF305 were formed. These results suggest that IIA and IIB can form hetero-filaments in an isoform-independent manner, and that a factor like Mts1 can remove one isoform from the hetero-filament, resulting in a formation of homo-filaments consisting of another isoform.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) is used as a powerful technique to analyze molecular interactions both in vitro and in vivo. This method basically requires two laser excitations for two target molecules labeled with fluorophores of different colors. Their coincidence in a microscopic detection volume is analyzed using two detectors. Any overlap of emission spectra of the two fluorophores, however, gives rise to false-positive data about their interaction. To overcome this problem, we have developed a new FCCS system, in which two excitation lasers are switched alternately by modulation using an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). In this report, we demonstrate the feasibility of switching FCCS for enzymatic cleavage of proteins in living cells. A fusion protein of two fluorophores (EGFP and mRFP) with a cleavage site of caspase-3 inserted was expressed in HeLa cells, and proteolysis assay was performed during apoptotic cell death. Due to the absence of cross-talk signals, the FCCS measurement with the switching function gave a large change in relative cross-correlation amplitude after protein cleavage. Hence, switching FCCS enables more reliable measurement of molecular interactions than conventional FCCS.  相似文献   

Synchronous fluorescence spectrophotometry has been used to measure induced and constitutive levels of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in lysates of C3H 10T1/2 mouse embryo fibroblasts. Without compromising sensitivity, the method was reproducible, eliminated the need to extract metabolites, and made the procedure simpler and less time consuming than other methods. Moreover, since the assay was tailored to directly measure 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene, a metabolite produced by several cytochrome P-450s, it may be more generally applicable than dealkylation assays, which apparently detect only P-450-IA1.  相似文献   

Here, we describe novel puromycin derivatives conjugated with iminobiotin and a fluorescent dye that can be linked covalently to the C-terminus of full-length proteins during cell-free translation. The iminobiotin-labeled proteins can be highly purified by affinity purification with streptavidin beads. We confirmed that the purified fluorescence-labeled proteins are useful for quantitative protein-protein interaction analysis based on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS). The apparent dissociation constants of model protein pairs such as proto-oncogenes c-Fos/c-Jun and archetypes of the family of Ca2+-modulated calmodulin/related binding proteins were in accordance with the reported values. Further, detailed analysis of the interactions of the components of polycomb group complex, Bmi1, M33, Ring1A and RYBP, was successfully conducted by means of interaction assay for all combinatorial pairs. The results indicate that FCCS analysis with puromycin-based labeling and purification of proteins is effective and convenient for in vitro protein-protein interaction assay, and the method should contribute to a better understanding of protein functions by using the resource of available nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) can measure diffusion on the cell surface with unparalleled sensitivity. In appropriate situations, this can be the most sensitive and accurate method for measuring receptor interaction and oligomerization. Here we attempt to describe FCS in sufficient detail so that the reader is able to judge when there is a compelling reason to choose this technique, understand the basic theory behind it, construct a FCS spectrometer in the laboratory, and analyze the data to obtain a meaningful estimate of the physical parameters.  相似文献   

Merkle D  Lees-Miller SP  Cramb DT 《Biochemistry》2004,43(23):7263-7272
The conditions required to form transfectable lipoplexes have been extensively studied [Zuhorn, I. S., and Hoekstra, D. (2002) J. Membr. Biol. 189, 167-179]. However, to date, experiments have not addressed either the order of events of lipoplex formation in solution or the maximum number of DNA molecules per vesicle in stable single-vesicle lipoplexes. In this study, we have employed two-photon excitation fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TPE-FCS) and two-photon fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (TPE-XCS) to examine both fluorescence-labeled DNA and cationic vesicle structure and dynamics simultaneously. The dependence of large aggregated lipoplex formation on DNA-to-cationic lipid charge ratio was determined, as was the maximum number of 40 bp double-stranded DNA oligonucleotides able to bind to a single vesicle.  相似文献   

Bacia K  Schwille P 《Nature protocols》2007,2(11):2842-2856
Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) allows for the determination of molecular mobility and concentrations and for the quantitative analysis of molecular interactions such as binding or cleavage at very low concentrations. This protocol discusses considerations for preparing a biological system for FCCS experiments and offers practical advice for performing FCCS on a commercially available setup. Although FCCS is closely related to two-color confocal microscopy, critical adjustments and test measurements are necessary to establish successful FCCS measurements, which are described in a step-by-step manner. Moreover, we discuss control experiments for a negative cross-correlation artifact, arising from a lack of detection volume overlap, and a positive artifact, arising from cross-talk. FCCS has been applied to follow molecular interactions in solutions, on membranes and in cells and to analyze dynamic colocalization during intracellular transport. It is a technique that is expected to see new applications in various fields of biochemical and cell biological research.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can be used to measure kinetic properties of single molecules in drops of solution or in cells. Here we report on FCS measurements of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-dextran (10 kDa) in dendrites of cultured mitral cells of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. To interpret such measurements correctly, the plasma membrane as a boundary of diffusion has to be taken into account. We show that the fluorescence data recorded from dendrites are best described by a model of anisotropic diffusion. As compared to diffusion in water, diffusion of the 10-kDa TMR-dextran along the dendrite is slowed down by a factor 1.1-2.1, whereas diffusion in lateral direction is 10-100 times slower. The dense intradendritic network of microtubules oriented parallel to the dendrite is discussed as a possible basis for the observed anisotropy. In somata, diffusion was found to be isotropic in three dimensions and 1.2-2.6 times slower than in water.  相似文献   

Here, we describe novel puromycin derivatives conjugated with iminobiotin and a fluorescent dye that can be linked covalently to the C-terminus of full-length proteins during cell-free translation. The iminobiotin-labeled proteins can be highly purified by affinity purification with streptavidin beads. We confirmed that the purified fluorescence-labeled proteins are useful for quantitative protein–protein interaction analysis based on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS). The apparent dissociation constants of model protein pairs such as proto-oncogenes c-Fos/c-Jun and archetypes of the family of Ca2+-modulated calmodulin/related binding proteins were in accordance with the reported values. Further, detailed analysis of the interactions of the components of polycomb group complex, Bmi1, M33, Ring1A and RYBP, was successfully conducted by means of interaction assay for all combinatorial pairs. The results indicate that FCCS analysis with puromycin-based labeling and purification of proteins is effective and convenient for in vitro protein–protein interaction assay, and the method should contribute to a better understanding of protein functions by using the resource of available nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

The hybridization of fluorescently tagged 18mer deoxyribonucleotides with complementary DNA templates was analysed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) in a droplet under an epi-illuminated fluorescence microscope at the level of single molecules. The interaction can be monitored by the change in the translational diffusion time of the smaller (18mer) primer when binding to the bigger (7.5 kb) DNA containing the complementary sequence. The hybridization process in the presence of template M13mp18 ssDNA was monitored in a small volume (2 x 10(-16)I) at various temperatures. The Arrhenius plot of the association rate constant shows that the activation energy was 38.8 kcal/mol, but the hybridization process may involve several components. The titration experiment suggested that approximately 2 primers can be associated with one template DNA at 40 degrees C. Results of a simple homology search for the sequences complementary to the primer indicate the existence of additional sites of lower specificity.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) is used to determine interactions and dissociation constants (Kds) of biomolecules. The determination of a Kd depends on the accurate measurement of the auto- and cross-correlation function (ACF and CCF) amplitudes. In the case of complete binding, the ratio of the CCF/ACF amplitudes is expected to be 1. However, measurements performed on tandem fluorescent proteins (FPs), in which two different FPs are linked, yield CCF/ACF amplitude ratios of ~0.5 or less for different FCCS schemes. We use single wavelength FCCS and pulsed interleaved excitation FCCS to measure various tandem FPs constituted of different red and green FPs and determine the causes for this suboptimal ratio. The main causes for the reduced CCF/ACF amplitude ratio are differences in observation volumes for the different labels, the existence of dark FPs due to maturation problems, photobleaching, and to a lesser extent Förster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer between the labels. We deduce the fraction of nonfluorescent proteins for EGFP, mRFP, and mCherry as well as the differences in observation volumes. We use this information to correct FCCS measurements of the interaction of Cdc42, a small Rho-GTPase, with its effector IQGAP1 in live cell measurements to obtain a label-independent value for the Kd.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a 'mix-and-measure' procedure for the analysis of interactions of endogenous proteins in microliters of crude cell lysates. The proteins of interest are labeled by indirect immunofluorescence through simple addition of all primary and secondary antibodies to the lysate. Detection is based on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Due to the minimal number of handling steps for sample preparation and the need of only microliters of sample, the approach enables the parallel and miniaturized analysis of protein-protein interactions. No heterologous expression of proteins with detection tags is required. For this reason, the cellular processes leading to protein-protein interactions are not skewed by overexpression of individual components. This makes the approach particularly suitable for the parallel monitoring of interactions in signaling networks. Additionally, the approach enables the screening and titration of compounds interfering with interactions, especially for those interactions based on signaling-dependent post-translational modifications. This protocol can be completed in approximately 22 h, including a 16-h incubation phase.  相似文献   

Studies of RNA interference (RNAi) provide evidence that in addition to the well-characterized cytoplasmic mechanisms, nuclear mechanisms also exist. The mechanism by which the nuclear RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) is formed in mammalian cells, as well as the relationship between the RNA silencing pathways in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments is still unknown. Here we show by applying fluorescence correlation and cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCS/FCCS) in vivo that two distinct RISC exist: a large ~3 MDa complex in the cytoplasm and a 20-fold smaller complex of ~158 kDa in the nucleus. We further show that nuclear RISC, consisting only of Ago2 and a short RNA, is loaded in the cytoplasm and imported into the nucleus. The loaded RISC accumulates in the nucleus depending on the presence of a target, based on an miRNA-like interaction with impaired cleavage of the cognate RNA. Together, these results suggest a new RISC shuttling mechanism between nucleus and cytoplasm ensuring concomitant gene regulation by small RNAs in both compartments.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) provides a versatile tool to investigate molecular interaction under native conditions, approximating infinite dilution. One precondition for its application is a sufficient difference between the molecular weights of the fluorescence-labelled unbound and bound ligand. In previous studies, an 8-fold difference in molecular weights or correspondingly a 1.6-fold difference in diffusion coefficients was required to accurately distinguish between two diffusion species by FCS. In the presented work, the hybridization of two complementary equally sized RNA single strands was investigated at an excellent signal-to-noise ratio enabled by the highly photostable fluorophore Atto647N. The fractions of ssRNA and dsRNA were quantified by applying multicomponent model analysis of single autocorrelation functions and globally fitting several autocorrelation functions. By introducing a priori knowledge into the fitting procedure, 1.3- to 1.4-fold differences in diffusion coefficients of single- and double-stranded RNA of 26, 41, and 54 nucleotides could be accurately resolved. Global fits of autocorrelation functions of all titration steps enabled a highly accurate quantification of diffusion species fractions and mobilities. At a high signal-to-noise ratio, the median of individually fitted autocorrelation functions allowed a robust representation of heterogeneous data. These findings point out the possibility of studying molecular interaction of equally sized molecules based on their diffusional behavior, which significantly broadens the application spectrum of FCS.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a novel high-pressure cell is suitable for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). The pressure cell consists of a single fused silica microcapillary. The cylindrical shape of the capillary leads to refraction of the excitation light, which affects the point spread function of the system. We characterize the influence of these beam distortions by FCS and photon-counting histogram (PCH) analysis and identify the optimal position for fluorescence fluctuation experiments in the capillary. At this position within the capillary, FCS and photon-counting histogram experiments are described by the same equations as used in standard FCS experiments. We report the first experimental realization of fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy under high pressure. A fluorescent dye was used as a model system for evaluating the properties of the capillary under pressure. The autocorrelation function and the photon count distribution were measured in the pressure range from 0 to 300 MPa. The fluctuation amplitude and the diffusion coefficient show a small pressure dependence. The changes of these parameters, which are on the order of 10%, are due to the pressure changes of the viscosity and the density of the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

To develop a high-performance method for measuring the length of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) fragments, the capability of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was examined. To omit troublesome and time-consuming labeling operations such as PCR with fluorescently labeled mononucleotides or primers, intercalation of dimeric cyanine dye YOYO-1 iodide (YOYO) to dsDNA was utilized as a simple labeling method. Various lengths of dsDNA fragments were prepared and mixed with YOYO prior to FCS, and the dependence of the diffusion time of a dsDNA-YOYO complex on the length of dsDNA fragment and the dsDNA/YOYO ratio was investigated. It was successfully demonstrated that the dsDNA length can be measured using YOYO and FCS, and the calibration curve was developed taking into account the rewinding and expansion of the dsDNA fragment caused by YOYO intercalation.  相似文献   

The pathway for the in vitro equilibrium unfolding of the tubulin heterodimer by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) has been studied using several spectroscopic techniques, specifically circular dichroism (CD), two-photon Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), and time-resolved fluorescence, including lifetime and dynamic polarization. The results show that tubulin unfolding is characterized by distinct processes that occur in different GdmCl concentration ranges. From 0 to 0.5 M GdmCl, a slight alteration of the tubulin heterodimer occurs, as evidenced by a small, but reproducible increase in the rotational correlation time of the protein and a sharp decrease in the secondary structure monitored by CD. In the range 0.5-1.5 M GdmCl, significant decreases in the steady-state anisotropy and average lifetime of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence occur, as well as a decrease in the rotational correlation time, from 48 to 26 nsec. In the same GdmCl range, the number of protein molecules (labeled with Alexa 488), as determined by two-photon FCS measurements, increases by a factor of two, indicating dissociation of the tubulin dimer into monomers. From 1.5 to 4 M GdmCl, these monomers unfold, as evidenced by the continual decrease in the tryptophan steady-state anisotropy, average lifetime, and rotational correlation time, concomitant with secondary structural changes. These results help to elucidate the unfolding pathway of the tubulin heterodimer and demonstrate the value of FCS measurements in studies on oligomeric protein systems.  相似文献   

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