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Unsaturated fatty acid (ufa) auxotrophs of Neurospora crassa were obtained by treatment of conidia with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine followed by isolation on media containing polyunsaturated fatty acids suspended in Tergitol NP-40. The 24 mutants for which reisolates were obtained from crosses with wild type were assigned to two complementation classes, ufa-1 and ufa-2, located on linkage group V. Unsaturated fatty acids with varying degrees of unsaturation, chain length, and double-bond position as well as different steric configurations were tested for growth requirements.  相似文献   

Urease defective mutants in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A method for isolating urease mutants was developed. It is based on the use of microconidial strains with small and compact colonies. Mutants are detected by their inability to change the color of a pH indicator when they are brought in contact with a solution of urea. The assay is performed in the absence of growth conditions so that the colonies remain separate. Two isolated urease mutants are unable to grow on urea as the sole source of nitrogen, but grow as well as the wild type on other sources of nitrogen. The same two mutants give rise to different acidities in liquid growth medium. The two mutants are also genetically different (K?lmark, 1969 b). The finding that two genetically and physiologically distinct loci participate in the control of one enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described which permits the selection of mutants of Neurospora crassa that are deficient in succinic dehydrogenase activity. The method relies on the observation that succinic dehydrogenase-deficient strains fail to reduce the dye nitrotetrazolium blue when overlaid with the dye in the presence of succinate and phenazine methosulfate. Wild-type colonies reduced the dye and turned blue, whereas mutant colonies remained colorless. In this communication we present studies of a mutant, SDH-1, isolated by this method. The mutant had 18% of the succinic dehydrogenase activity of the parent strain used in the mutation experiments as determined from the ratio of Vmax activities obtained from Lineweaver-Burk plots. The SDH-1 mutant segregated in a Mendelian manner when back-crossed to its parent strain. Succinate oxidase activity in SDH-1 was low and was markedly inhibited by adenosine 5'-diphosphate. The succinate oxidase activity of the parent strain was high and was not affected by the presence of adenosine 5'-diphosphate.  相似文献   

Thirty-two independent mutants were isolated which overcame the proline requirement of pro-3 mutations in Neurospora crassa. The mutations were not revertants, appeared to be allelic, were closely linked or allelic to arg-6, and in strains unable to degrade ornithine no longer suppressed the proline requirement. The suppressor mutations did not alter the levels of biosynthetic or catabolic enzymes, yet allowed accumulation of ornithine. Suppressed strains unable to degrade arginine still produced ornithine (as detected by growth) in arginine-supplemented medium. The results suggest that the suppressor mutants were impaired in the feedback inhibition of ornithine synthesis by arginine. The activity of the appropriate biosynthetic enzyme was less sensitive to inhibition by arginine. The potential usefulness of such mutations is discussed.  相似文献   

Allelic complementation occurs at the mtr (methyltryptophan resistance) locus. Kinetic properties of neutral amino acid transport are altered for mtr mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Heteroplasmons with normal growth rates are formed when the slow-growing, female fertile, group I or II extranuclear mutants of Neurospora crassa are combined by forced heterokaryosis with the female sterile, stopper mutants of group III. Different mutants from the same growth and fertility group do not complement each other, and the poky-like strains of group I do not interact synergistically with [mi-3], the only known group II mutant. The mitochondrial cytochrome system of the complementing heteroplasmons are as abnormal as the cytochrome complements of the component extranuclear mutants, indicating that defects in the electron transport system represented by those mutants are related inconsequentially to growth. The observed functional complementation indicates the expression of the mitochondrial genome is not restricted to the specific organelle of which it is a part.Contribution No. 1255 Department of Agronomy; Contribution No. 1148, Division of Biology, Kansas Agriculture Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kansas.  相似文献   

Two auxotrophs of Neurospora crassa have been isolated that give a positive growth response to putrescine, spermidine or spermine. One of the mutants is deficient in ornithine decarboxylase activity and has been designated put-1. Both mutants map on linkage group VR, fail to complement and are infertile when crossed to one another, indicating that they are probably alleles. A putrescine auxotroph is incapable of suppressing a pro-4 mutant. The isolation of the mutants confirms that putrescine is an essential factor for the normal growth of the organism, and is synthesized via a single pathway in Neurospora.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurospora crassa mutants deficient in asparagine synthetase were selected by using the procedure of inositol-less death. Complementation tests among the 100 mutants isolated suggested that their alterations were genetically allelic. Recombination analysis with strain S1007t, an asparagine auxotroph, indicated that the mutations were located near or within the asn gene on linkage group V. In vitro assays with a heterokaryon indicated that the mutation was dominant. Thermal instability of cell extracts from temperature-sensitive strains in an in vitro asparagine synthetase assay determined that the mutations were in the structural gene(s) for asparagine synthetase.  相似文献   

Studies on the crisp-1 (cr-1), cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP)-deficient mutants of Neurospora crassa were undertaken to characterize the response of these mutants to exogenous cyclic nucleotides and cyclic nucleotide analogs. A growth tube bioassay and a radioimmune assay for cyclic nucleotides yielded the following results. (i) 8-Bromo cAMP and N6-monobutyryl cAMP but not dibutyryl cAMP are efficient cAMP analogs in Neurospora, stimulating mycelial elongation of the cr-1 mutants. Exogenous cyclic guanosine 3'5'-monophosphate (cGMP) also stimulates such mycelial elongation. (ii) Both cAMP levels and cGMP levels found in cr-1 mycelia are lower than those in wild type. However, the levels of both cyclic nucleotides are normal in conidia of cr-1. The data on cr-1 mycelia and those reported earlier in Escherichia coli (M. Shibuya, Y. Takebe, and Y. Kaziro (Cell 12:528-528, 1977) show a previously unexpected relationship between cAMP and cGMP metabolism in microorganisms. The semicolonial morphology of another adenylate cyclase-deficient mutant of Neurospora, frost, was not corrected by exogenous cyclic nucleotides or by phosphodiesterase inhibitors indicating that the frost morphology is probably not caused by low endogenous cAMP levels. The low adenylate cyclase activity and the abnormal morphology of frost may be related separately to the linolenate deficiency reported in the mutant.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa has 10 mapped supersuppressor (ssu) genes. In vivo studies indicate that they suppress amber (UAG) premature termination mutations but the spectrum of their functions remains to be elucidated. We examined seven ssu strains (ssu-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -9, and -10) using cell-free translation extracts. We tested suppression by requiring it to produce firefly luciferase from a reading frame containing premature UAA, UGA, or UAG terminators. All mutants except ssu-3 suppressed UAG codons. Maximal UAG suppression ranged from 15% to 30% relative to controls containing sense codons at the corresponding position. Production from constructs containing UAA or UGA was 1-2%, similar to levels observed with all nonsense codons in wild-type and ssu-3 extracts. UAG suppression was also seen using [35S]Met to radiolabel polypeptides. Suppression enabled ribosomes to continue translation elongation as determined using the toeprint assay. tRNA from supersuppressors showed suppressor activity when added to wild-type extracts. Thus, these supersuppressors produce amber suppressor tRNA.  相似文献   

Two independent mutants of Neurospora crassa lacking glucosphosphate isomerase activity (gpi) were isolated. These mutants were obtained as double mutants containing the pp or T9 mutation in addition to the gpi mutation located on linkage group IV; the pp mutation caused the inability to form protoperithecium and the loss of ascospore germination, and the T9 mutation caused the alteration in glucoamylase and several growth characteristics. The gpi mutants did not grow on fructose but grew on glucose or sucrose. Growth of these mutants on glucose was stimulated by addition of fructose. The gpi mutants showed restricted colonial growth on agar media containing glucose in contrast to the normal filamentous growth of the wild-type stain.  相似文献   

This study identified and characterized four cadmium-resistant mutants of Neurospora crassa. One of these mutants maps to linkage group II and the other three map to linkage group VII, whereas a naturally occurring resistant trait in a strain from Japan resides at a distinct but unmapped locus. Transport of cadmium into Neurospora cells occurs by more than a single uptake system and involves both energy-dependent and -independent components. The resistant mutants transport cadmium in the same manner as does the cadmium-sensitive wild-type strain. Cadmium resistance in these mutants does not appear to result from an increase in cytosolic heat-stable cadmium-binding proteins. Cadmium does not induce the typical heat-shock response in conidia. Under various growth conditions, each of the mutants exhibited morphological alterations, possibly involving the cell wall or plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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