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In adult mice, direct intratesticular injection of ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (o-FSH-13; AFP 2846-C, from NIAMDD, less than 1% LH contamination) at 10, 100 or 1000 ng significantly elevated concentrations of testosterone (T) within the testis. These effects were rapid, with peak values attained by 15 min, and transient, with return to values comparable to that in the contralateral, saline-injected testis within 90 min. Intratesticular injection of FSH (1 microgram) significantly increased testicular T levels in 15- and 60-day old mice. This contrasted with the effects of intratesticular administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which stimulated T production significantly at 30 days of age through adulthood. In adult mice, the equivalent LH to the possible contamination in the FSH preparation (1 ng) had no effect. Intratesticular injection of 10 ng LH produced comparable stimulation to that by 100 ng FSH (approximately 7-fold). Systemic pre-treatment with a charcoal-treated porcine follicular fluid (PFF) extract for 2 days reduced plasma FSH levels [86 +/- 17 (5) vs 700 +/- 8 (6); P less than 0.05], but had no effect on plasma LH. Twenty-four hours after the last treatment, the response to intratesticular injection of hCG (2.5 mIU), FSH (100 ng) or LH (10 ng) was also significantly attenuated in these mice. Intratesticular injection of PFF had no direct effect on testicular T levels. In vitro T production in the presence of hCG, LH or FSH were differentially affected by the concentrations of calcium (Ca2+) or magnesium (Mg2+) in the incubation media. The stimulatory effects of FSH were apparent at significantly lower levels of Ca2+ or Mg2+, than were those of LH or hCG. The results of these studies indicate that FSH is capable of stimulating testicular T production. Furthermore, the responsiveness to FSH is qualitatively different than that to LH/hCG in terms of the age pattern, as well as the dependence on Ca2+ or Mg2+. In addition, plasma FSH levels appear to influence testicular responsiveness to direct exogenous administration of gonadotropins. These studies indicate that FSH stimulation of T production can be differentiated from those of LH, and that these effects of FSH can be observed under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The age-related expression of testosterone and 3beta-HSD in the testes of cynomolgus monkeys was detected using light-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Intense deposits of immunoreactive testosterone were labeled in parts of Leydig cells in neonatal, late infantile, pubertal, and adult testes, and only a few Leydig cells in early infantile testes. The immunoreactive 3beta-HSD was labeled in parts of Leydig cells and in all Sertoli cells in neonatal, late infantile, pubertal, and adult testes, whereas only a few Leydig cells, but no Sertoli cells, were labeled in early infantile testes. The fluctuations of testosterone and 3beta-HSD expression in testes correlated well with those already observed plasma testosterone levels during postnatal development in cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

Antigenicity of IgG was compared among human, the cynomolgus monkey, the African green monkey and the squirrel monkey by the quantitative precipitation test using purified IgG of and rabbit anti-IgG serum to each species. Clear cross-antigenicity was observed between the cynomolgus monkey and the African green monkey and less clear cross-antigenicity between human and the cynomolgus monkey or the African green monkey. The cross-antigenicity observed between the squirrel monkey and the other three species examined was evidently weak.  相似文献   

Components of the testis and cytoplasmic organelles in Leydig cells were quantified with morphometric techniques in hamster, rat, and guinea pig. Testosterone secretory capacity per gram of testis and per Leydig cell in response to luteinizing hormone (LH) (100 ng/ml) stimulation was determined in these three species from testes perfused in vitro. Numerous correlations were measured among structures, and between structures and testosterone secretion, to provide structural evidence of intratesticular control of Leydig cell function. Testosterone secretion per gm testis and per Leydig cell was significantly different in the three species: highest in the guinea pig, intermediate in the rat, and lowest in the hamster. The volume of seminiferous tubules per gm testis was negatively correlated, and the volumes of interstitium, Leydig cells, and lymphatic space per gm testis were positively correlated with testosterone secretion. No correlations were observed between volumes of blood vessels, elongated spindleshaped cells, or macrophages per gm testes and testosterone secretion. The average volume of a Leydig cell and the volume and surface area of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and peroxisomes per Leydig cell were positively correlated, and the volume of lysosomes and surface area of inner mitochondrial membrane per Leydig cell were negatively correlated with testosterone secretion. No correlations were observed between volume and surface area of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi apparatus, and lipid, and volume of ribosomes, cytoplasmic matrix, and the nucleus with testosterone secretion per Leydig cell. These results suggest that Leydig cell size is more important than number of Leydig cells in explaining the difference in testosterone-secreting capacity among the three species, and that this increase in average volume of a Leydig cell is associated specifically with increased volume and surface area of SER and peroxisomes. An important unresolved question is what is the role of peroxisomes in Leydig cell steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor localization in the rat and monkey testes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Epidermal growth factors receptor (EGFR) was localized immunocytochemically in the testes of mature and immature rats and immature monkeys. One polyclonal antibody, recognizing the intracellular domain (RK2) of the receptor, was used to carry out the EGFR immunodetection. The RK2 antibody revealed the presence of the EGFR predominantly in Sertoli cells of mature and immature rats and of immature monkeys, although limited interstitial localization of the EGFR was also discerned in the mature rat. In cultured Sertoli cells of immature rats, grown in the absence of epidermal growth factor (EGF), the EGFR was randomly distributed at the cell surface, whereas after the addition of EGF the receptor became aggregated into distinct focal regions. In addition, EGFR of cultured Sertoli cells exhibited autophosphorylation activity upon stimulation with EGF, but failed to transcytose iodinated EGF across a permeability barrier formed by the cultured cells. Instead, all of the added iodinated EGF was internalized and degraded.  相似文献   

Elimination and metabolic profiles of the O-glucuronide conjugated products of pyrilamine and their nonconjugated O-dealkylated and N-desmethyl pyrilamine products were determined after the oral administration of (14C)-pyrilamine maleate to Fischer 344 rats, B6C3F1 mice and female rhesus monkeys by stomach tube or i.v. The total cumulative urinary and fecal pyrilamine products were determined. The conjugated pyrilamine metabolites, isolated and identified were the glucuronide products of O-dealkylated pyrilamine and ring-hydroxylated pyrilamine, and the nonconjugated metabolites were predominately the N-desmethylpyrilamine and O-dealkylated pyrilamine and their ring-hydroxylated products. Statistically significant differences were observed in the percentages of the conjugated and nonconjugated metabolites of pyrilamine excreted by the three species studied.  相似文献   

Right atrial bolus administration of rat/human corticotropin releasing hormone (r/hCRH) at a dose of 90 micrograms/kg to anesthetized cynomolgus monkeys caused a dramatic and prolonged fall in both the peripheral vascular resistance (48% reduction) and mean systemic blood pressure (36% reduction). An associated tachycardia could be blocked with prior propranolol administration and thus was probably reflexic. A mean 43 and 37% increase in the flow of the superior mesenteric and common iliac arteries, respectively, was demonstrated with electromagnetic flow probes. These changes were associated with a concomitant 38 and 40% diminution in the respective vascular resistance. Similar blood flow changes were noted in the carotid artery, however, these were of a much shorter duration. None of these changes occurred in placebo-treated animals. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol concentrations were elevated basally and throughout the procedure and were similar in the experimental and control groups, suggesting maximal activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Plasma renin activity, however, gradually increased in the r/hCRH-treated animals, probably as a result of the systemic hypotension. We speculate that CRH or a CRH-like substance may function as a paracrine hormone modulating local blood vessel tone and may be important in directing blood flow during stress and injury. The vasoactive properties of exogenous r/hCRH may be of clinical use in man.  相似文献   

The estrogen and progesterone receptors of several organs of the prenatal cynomolgus macaque and the fetal mouse were studied using a combination of the dextran-coated charcoal technique and high-performance liquid chromatography. This procedure permitted the concurrent measurement of both receptors in minute amounts of tissue. Estrogen receptors, but not progesterone receptors, were found in the fetal monkey and mouse uteri. No estrogen or progesterone receptors were detected in the lungs, liver, kidney, heart, brain, adrenal gland, or limbs of mouse or monkey fetuses. The nonspecific binding of radioactive ORG-2058 was not displaced by unlabeled progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, or ORG-2058. Because the steroid receptors that are indispensable mediators of steroid hormone action were absent from the nonreproductive tissues, prenatal development of these organs and tissues cannot be adversely influenced by exposure to estradiol, progesterone, or their synthetic analogues.  相似文献   

The experimental infertility model of treatments involving testicular warming, testosterone implant, and a combination of the two was developed to confirm a synergistic action induced by the combination treatment on germ cell apoptosis in cynomolgus monkey testis. Using this model, the spatio-temporal expression changes of 16 reported or novel genes in epididymis were investigated to examine the treatment's effect on epididymal genes. It was demonstrated that these region-specific genes, some of which were not regionally fixed, changed greatly with these treatments. The expression levels of these epididymal genes fluctuated, and the expression of most of the genes returned to nearly normal level at the end of treatments. Moreover, the expression changes resulting from the combination treatment were not more significant than those resulting from the single treatment. This suggests that the combination treatment has an antagonistic action on the expression of epididymal genes and that its effect is not as adverse on epididymis as that of the two single treatments.  相似文献   

H Kindahl 《Prostaglandins》1977,13(4):619-629
[5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-3H8]-Thromboxane B2 was injected into the saphenous vein of female cynomolgus monkeys, and blood samples were withdrawn from the contralateral saphenous vein. The compound was eliminated from the circulation with a half-life of about 10 min after an initial rapid disappearance. Some more polar products appeared with time, and also small amounts of material less polar than thromboxane B2; however, the dominating compound in all blood samples was unconverted thromboxane B2. About 45% of the given dose of tritium was excreted into urine in 48 hrs. Several metabolites of thromboxane B2 were found. The major urinary metabolite was identified as dinorthromboxane B2 (about 32% of urinary radioactivity). Unconverted thromboxane B2 was also found in considerable amounts (13% of urinary radioactivity). It is concluded that 1) dehydrogenation at C-12 is not a major pathway in the degradation of this compound, in contrast to metabolism at the corresponding C-15 alcohol group of prostaglandins; 2) after having gained access to the circulation, thromboxane B2 is the main circulating compound; however, assay of thromboxane B2 in plasma will be complicated or precluded by large artifactual production of the compound by platelets during sample collection.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical study on the localization of inhibin in the testes of human, bonnet monkey, dog and rat was carried out using indirect immunoperoxidase technique, in order to investigate the cell types involved in inhibin production/storage. A positive reaction was observed in the testes of human, monkey and dog while it was negative in rat testis using specific antiserum to human testicular inhibin generated against homogeneous preparation of human testicular inhibin in our laboratory. Inhibin was found to be localized in Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes of human, monkey and dog testes. A weak positive reaction was observed in spermatids of human testis only. Interestingly, Leydig cells of human, monkey and dog testes showed positive reaction indicating presence of inhibin in these cells also.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida of mammalian oocytes plays an important role in binding and activation of sperm cells during the molecular events leading to fertilization. The genes coding for the three zona pellucida glycoproteins ZPA, ZPB, and ZPC of various species including mouse, dog, and human have been cloned and sequenced by several groups. However, it has remained a matter of debate as to whether the oocytes alone or in conjunction with the surrounding granulosa cells express and deposit these proteins to form the zona pellucida matrix. Addressing this unresolved issue, we assessed the expression and localization of all three zona pellucida proteins in ovaries of human, cynomolgus monkey and mice using immunohistochemical methods. In addition, oocyte-specific expression of ZPC from the primordial stage onward was confirmed by in situ hybridization. In sections of human ovaries, ZPA, ZPB, and ZPC proteins were immunohistochemically detected in the cytoplasms of primordial oocytes and during later stages of folliculogenesis in the zona pellucida matrices of oocytes. In sections fixed with formalin, a clear homogeneous ring was visible around the oocyte and no staining of granulosa cells was observed. In contrast, staining of ZP proteins was also observed between granulosa cells when Bouin's reagent had been used for tissue fixation. Thus, the original zona pellucida architecture was better preserved by formalin fixation. We further demonstrated that dissolution of the zona pellucida of isolated bovine oocytes occurred after they were exposed to Bouin's reagent. In summary, these results demonstrate that in mice, monkeys and humans, zona proteins are expressed and assembled exclusively by the oocyte and not by the granulosa cells. Previously observed results of ZP expression by an involvement of granulosa cells might therefore be the result of an improper fixation of the tissues leading to the disruption of the zona pellucida. Additionally this study highlights the importance of choosing the correct fixative for immunohistochemistry, not only for the usual reason of retaining antigenicity, but rather to retain the entire architectural structure.  相似文献   

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