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Summary The inward membrane current was recorded under voltage clamp from nonbursting neurons of the snailHelix pomatia in Na-free solutions containing Ba ions but no other divalent cations. The inward current was separated into two components: (i) an early fast inactivating component and (ii) a smaller long-lasting component. Both components were dependent on the external Ba concentration. It is concluded that both components of the inward current are carried by Ba ions. The activation of the early fast inactivating component of the inward current occurred at more positive membrane potential than that of the long-lasting component. The shape of the inactivation curve for the peak value of the inward current was similar to that for the long-lasting component. The potentials of half-inactivation for the peak value of the inward current and for its long-lasting component were –28 and –22 mV, respectively. The blocking effect of Co++ on the early fast inactivating component was substantially greater. In some neurons after treatment with 15mm Co++ only the long-lasting component was recorded. The activation kinetics of the long-lasting component of the inward current were analyzed using the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. The results could be explained by assuming that two components of the inward current in Na–Ca-free solution with Ba ions flowed through the two different channels. The significance of the long-lasting inward current for the normal spike generation is discussed.  相似文献   

The tight-seal, whole-cell recording technique has been used to voltage-clamp unfertilized eggs of the mouse. Good seal formation was obtained in a solution containing 20 mM Ca2+ and the transient inward Ca2+ current recorded. This technique offers several advantages over the conventional, two-microelectrodes voltage-clamp: (i) improved signal to noise ratio; (ii) larger membrane-pipette seal resistance; (iii) possibility of very stable, long duration, recordings and (iv) possibility of controlling the intracellular medium. The main disadvantage of the technique, namely the rundown of channels due to loss of intracellular components, was not encountered in this preparation.  相似文献   

The influence of the initial parameters of the magnetic field and plasma on the spatial structure of the electric current and electron density in current sheets formed in helium plasma in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations with X-type singular lines is studied by the methods of holographic interferometry and magnetic measurements. Significant differences in the structures of plasma and current sheets formed at close parameters of the initial plasma and similar configurations of the initial magnetic fields are revealed.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological states of the marine diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii are known to change spontaneously in the temporal range of seconds. In order to assess the genuine current-voltage-time relationships of individual states in less than a second, voltage-clamp experiments have been carried out using single sweeps of saw-tooth shaped command voltages. This method is introduced with model calculations. Plotting the results in current-voltage coordinates provides convenient access to several electrophysiological entities, such as absence of drift (smoothly closed IV loops), membrane capacitance (by I jump at sign reversal of dV/dt), and ohmic conductances (in linear regions of the current-voltage relationship), as well as equilibrium voltage (internal intersection of capacitance-corrected, 8-shaped tracings) and coarse gating kinetics (rise or fall of capacitance-corrected I at sign reversal of dV/dt) of a voltage-sensitive ion conductance. From electrophysiological measurements with double-barreled glass-microelectrodes on C. wailesii, several distinct types of current-voltage loops are presented. Most of the data, including recordings from electrical excitation, can be interpreted as temporal relaxations of voltage-sensitive conductances for K+ and Cl. A more detailed analysis of the effect of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) shows that 10 and 20 mM TEA+ inhibit the K+ conductance in C. wailesii only by up to about 20% but predominantly via a K+ outward rectifier. Received: 23 December 1998 / Revised version: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

When current clamped, skate electroreceptor epithelium produces large action potentials in response to stimuli that depolarize the lumenal faces of the receptor cells. With increasing stimulus strength these action potentials become prolonged. When the peak voltage exceeds about 140 mV the repolarizing phase is blocked until the end of the stimulus. Perfusion experiments show that the rising phase of the action potential results from an increase in calcium permeability in the lumenal membranes. Perfusion of the lumen with cobalt or with a zero calcium solution containing EGTA blocks the action potential. Perfusion of the lumen with a solution containing 10 mM Ca and 20 mM EGTA initially slows the repolarizing process at all voltages and lowers the potential at which it is blocked. With prolonged perfusion, repolarization is blocked at all voltages. When excitability is abolished by perfusion with cobalt, or with a zero calcium solution containing EGTA, no delayed rectification occurs. We suggest that repolarization during the action potential depends on an influx of calcium into the cytoplasm, and that the rate of repolarization depends on the magnitude of the inward calcium current. Increasingly large stimuli reduce the rate of repolarization by reducing the driving force for calcium, and then block repolarization by causing the lumenal membrane potential to exceed ECa. Changes in extracellular calcium affect repolarization in a manner consistent with the resulting change in ECa.  相似文献   

1.  Properties of the membrane currents ofDidinium nasutum have been investigated under voltage clamp in different solutions and after deciliation.
2.  Theearly transient Ca2+ inward current activates in a voltage-dependent manner. Inactivation is both Ca2+ -dependent and voltage-dependent.
3.  Alate Ca2+ current rises with time to peak > 50 ms and decays in the order of seconds.
4.  Activation and inactivation of the late Ca2+ current is voltage-dependent.
5.  The delayed outward current is activated by voltage. The kinetics of this K+ current, but not its amplitude, are enhanced in the presence of intracellular EGTA.
6.  The two voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are located in the cilia, whereas all K+ channels are restricted to the somatic membrane.

The Electric current density imaging technique (CDI) was used to monitor the dissolution of and ion migration from tablets of different acids in agar-agar gel. Conventional MRI cannot monitor these processes, since it can only show changes in the size of the tablet during the dissolving process. CDI traces the dissolved ions thanks to changes in conductivity.  相似文献   

The distribution of membrane current in three models of nerve, when a longitudinal, linearly increasing current is applied, is derived. For the simple core conductor model it is shown that, if the region over which such a current is applied is large compared to the space constant of the model, the membrane current in the mid-portion of the region is a constant, independent of the distance, the time following the application of the current, and the impedance of the membrane. The effect of nonlinear membrane electrical properties is discussed. It is further shown that these conclusions apply equally to the case in which the simple model is surrounded by another concentric sheath (the double cable model). In this case the impedance of the sheath does not influence the membrane current in the mid-polar region. Finally, it is shown that the form of the solution for the saltatory model, for this type of applied current, is identical with that for the simple model.  相似文献   

不同初始密度棉蚜种群动态过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索棉蚜初始密度对其种群过程的影响,在棉田控制1和20头·叶-1 2个初始密度,通过尼龙网纱袋构建在封闭(套袋)与开放(不套袋)条件下,监测棉蚜在不同初始密度和不同环境条件下种群动态.结果表明:初始密度越大,棉蚜种群峰值越高,封闭条件和开放条件棉蚜种群峰值没有显著性差异;初始密度越大种群高峰期越早,开放条件比封闭条件种群高峰期提前;封闭条件下,初始密度越大,种群崩溃越快.种群发展初期,初始密度越小,种群增长率越大,开放条件比封闭条件棉蚜种群增长快;种群高峰期和崩溃期,不同初始密度棉蚜种群增长率没有显著差异.初始密度影响有翅蚜形成,初始密度越大,有翅蚜比例越高;但封闭条件和开放条件有翅蚜比例没有显著性差异.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is presented of the changes in fluorescence intensity, associated with nerve stimulation, of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) injected in squid axons. A preliminary and qualitative account of the physiological modifications produced by the ANS injection is also given. The time course of the fluorescence intensity during the first 300 sec following the onset of voltage-clamp is shown to be exponential with a time constant of about 35 msec, fairly independent of the amplitude and sign of the applied voltage, the intensity increasing during hyperpolarizations and decreasing during depolarizations. Data are presented on the relationship between the amplitude of the changes in fluorescence intensity and the voltage applied, the amplitude of the changes associated with depolarizations being measured at the time of occurence of the peak inward current. The interpretation of the changes in fluorescence intensity in terms of electrophoretic effects or as being due to a direct effect of the electric field upon the quantum yield of ANS fluorescence, is hardly compatible with the results of our present analysis.  相似文献   

Amniotic membrane (AM) is the innermost, multilayered part of the placenta. When harvested, processed and stored properly, its properties, stemming from AM biological composition, make it a useful tissue for ophthalmic surgery. AM was shown to have several beneficial effects: it promotes epithelization, has antimicrobial effects, decreases inflammation, fibrosis and neovascularization. Many case reports and case series as well as practical experience (e.g. reconstruction of conjunctival and corneal defects, treatment of corneal ulcers) demonstrated the beneficial effect of AM for different ophthalmological indications. The combination of the above mentioned beneficial effects and reasonable mechanical properties are also the reason why AM is used as a substrate for ex vivo expansion of epithelial progenitor cells. Recently, amnion-derived cells, which also have stem cell characteristics, have been proposed as potential contributors to cell-based treatment of ocular surface disease. However, the use of AM remains one of the least standardized methods in ophthalmic surgery. In this review, the various properties of AM and its current clinical use in ophthalmology in Slovenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Surface charge density of purple membrane.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

C S Hui 《Bio Systems》1977,8(4):207-212
The present information about gating current observed in squid giant axons points towards the distinct possibility of the current arising from the Debye relaxation of the carboxyl groups in the side chains of the globular proteins enclosing the ionic channels. These carboxyl groups form dipole chains stretching across the membrane. A dipole model is constructed to study the relaxation process under the assumption that the relaxation time tau of the dipoles is modified by dipole-dipole interaction. This model explains qualitatively some of the features of the asymmetric gating current, but is not indicative of any specific mechanism leading to the opening of the gates in the ionic channels. We speculate that the conformational change in the protein globules as a result of dipole reorientation would be the key to the mystery.  相似文献   


The effect of pre-plant population density (Pi) of Pratylenchus brachyurus on the growth of maize and reproduction of the nematode was studied in the screenhouse. All growth parameters were reduced at all populations tested when compared with the control. Reduction was significant even at Pi of 500 nematodes per 5-litre pot. Both penetration and reproduction of the nematode increased as Pi increased but at a declining rate. These reached a maximum at a density of 2000 nematodes per pot.  相似文献   

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