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The fallacy of behavioral phenotyping without standardisation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioral phenotyping of mutant mice is a new and challenging task for the behavioral neuroscientist. Therefore, standardisation of the experimental conditions is required to permit comparisons between the results of experiments within and between laboratories. Once mutation-induced behavioral changes have been identified, phenotyping of mouse mutants should be performed along a systematic trajectory, which allows for an in-depth characterisation of the mutant under investigation.  相似文献   

It is basic biology that the phenotype of an animal is the product of a complex and dynamic interplay between nature (genotype) and nurture (environment). It is far less clear, however, how this might translate into experimental design and the interpretation of animal experiments. Animal experiments are a compromise between modelling real world phenomena with maximal validity (complexity) and designing practicable research projects (abstraction). Textbooks on laboratory animal science generally favour abstraction over complexity. Depending on the area of research, however, abstraction can seriously compromise information gain, with respect to the real world phenomena an experiment is designed to model. Behavioral phenotyping of mouse mutants often deals with particularly complex manifestations of life, such as learning, memory or anxiety, that are strongly modulated by environmental factors. A growing body of evidence indicates that current approaches to behavioral phenotyping might often produce results that are idiosyncratic to the study in which they were obtained, because the interactive nature of genotype-environment relationships underlying behavioral phenotypes was not taken into account. This paper argues that systematic variation of genetic and environmental backgrounds, instead of excessive standardization, is needed to control the robustness of the results and to detect biologically relevant interactions between the mutation and the genetic and environmental background of the animals.  相似文献   

In litter‐bearing mammals, adult phenotype is influenced during prenatal life by the sex of neighbouring foetuses. This phenomenon, found so far only in laboratory studies, may have ecological importance in nature. We present the first evidence that litter sex ratio has consequences for lifetime reproductive success in mammals. Female Alpine marmots born in a male‐biased litter, i.e. more likely to be located in utero next to male foetuses, are more likely to be dominant later in life – a prerequisite for reproduction in this species. We found no evidence for lower reproductive output of these females, a common cost of prenatal masculinization.  相似文献   

组织特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠是进行组织特异性条件敲除研究的关键。采用PCR扩增大鼠胰岛素基因705bp启动子指导发胰岛细胞中特异表达;同时采用改构的Cre重组酶基因,在其5'端添加有真核核糖体结合序列和核定位序列使Cre重组酶能穿越核膜在细胞核能发挥功能;同时,为了保证原核基因Cre能在真核系统顺利表达,在其3'端添加含内含子的人生长激素基因。构建的表达载体在去除原核序列后用显微注射方法转基因小鼠,在出生的27只仔鼠中,PCR检测共获得7只Cre整合阳性的转基因小鼠,整合率26%。这种Cre转基因小鼠与基因组小携带LoxP位点的条件基因打靶小鼠交配,在胰腺组织中可以检测到Cre介导的重组,表明Cre在转基因小鼠胰腺中有表达。  相似文献   

Dvl1 is one of three murine Dishevelled genes widely expressed in embryonic development and in the adult central nervous system. Dishevelled proteins are a necessary component of the Wnt and planar cell polarity developmental signaling pathways. We reported previously that mice deficient in Dvl1 exhibited abnormal social interaction and sensorimotor gating. To assess the validity of our earlier findings, we replicated the previous behavioral tests and included several new assays. The behaviors assessed included: social interaction, sensorimotor reflexes, motor activity, nociception, prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle (PPI) and learning and memory. Assessments with an explicit social component included: social dominance test, whisker trimming, nest building, home-cage huddling and ultrasonic vocalization rate analysis in pups. In addition, separate cohorts of wildtype and Dvl1 -null mice were assessed for social recognition of a conspecific. Replicating the original report, Dvl1 -null mice were impaired in several tasks containing an explicit social component. However, no impairment was obser‐ ved in the social memory task. A previously observed deficit in PPI did not replicate in two institutions. In conclusion, we provide evidence that the social interaction phenotype of Dvl1 -deficient mice has a strong genetic influence, but the sensorimotor gating deficit was subject to environmental influences. The specificity of observed social interaction deficits also suggests that lack of Dvl1 is associated with deficits in the recognition of social hierarchy and dominance.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of overexpressing antioxidant enzymes on the lifespans of transgenic mice that overexpress copper zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), catalase, or combinations of either CuZnSOD and catalase or CuZnSOD and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Our results show that the overexpression of these major antioxidant enzymes, which are known to scavenge superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments, is insufficient to extend lifespan in mice.  相似文献   

Scent marking by deposition of urine, and the preputial glands, of adult, male, wild house mice, Mus mmmlus L., were studied and compared with those of an outbred domestic strain. The preputial glands of dominant wild mice were always heavier than those of subordinates. No dominance relationships could be established among the domestic mice. For study of scent marking each mouse was observed singly in a residential maze. Dominant wild mice marked more than the subordinates. The domestic mice scent-marked much less even than the subordinate wild mice. Subordinate wild mice spent less time than the dominant wild mice outside the nest; but the number of excursions outside the nest made by the subordinates resembled that of the dominants. Hence social status influenced the pattern of movements in a structured environment.  相似文献   

The math of making mutant mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Different rat and mouse models are used in studies of social interactions. Simple behavioral measures, which are commonly used in the laboratory, allow to perform relatively short experiments and to use multiple brain manipulation techniques. However, too much focus on the simplest behavioral models generates a serious risk of reducing ecological validity or even studying phenomena which would never happen outside of the laboratory. In this review, we discuss the suitability of mice and rats as model organisms for studying social behaviors, with focus on social transmission of fear paradigms. First, we briefly introduce the concept of domestication and what impact it had on laboratory rodents. Then, we present two aspects of social behaviors, sociability and dominance, which are crucial for social organization in these species. Finally, we present experimental models used for studying how animals transmit information about danger between each other, and how these models may reflect what happens in the natural environment. We discuss the difficulties that arise from our limited knowledge of rat and mouse ecology, especially their social life. We also explore the subject of balancing ecological validity and controllability in rodent models of social behaviors, the latter being particularly important for studying brain activity. Although it is very challenging, an efficient program for social neuroscience research should, in our opinion, aim at bridging the gap between laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

The relationships among social status and the cortisol and testosterone stress-response were studied in the non-natal male members of a troop of olive baboons (Papio anubis) before and during a period of social instability. The unstable period was characterized by dominance interactions that were more frequent, more inconsistent, and produced less linear hierarchies than during the stable period. These changes occurred predominantly among the high-ranking males. Such males engaged in coalitions and consortship harassments at a higher rate during the unstable period than during the stable period. Finally, high-ranking males had the highest rates of involvement in and initiation of escalated fighting during the unstable period, in contrast with the stable period. A number of endocrine correlates of instability emerged. During the stable period, high-ranking males (by reproductive criteria) showed an endocrine profile different from that of subordinates. They had the lowest basal cortisol titers, the largest and fastest increases in cortisol titer during stress, and had elevated testosterone titers during stress. None of these attributes was found in high-ranking males during the unstable period. Males during the unstable period had elevated basal cortisol titers, suppressed cortisol responsiveness to stress, and no longer showed elevated testosterone titers during stress. When psychological advantages associated with social status in a stable social environment were lost, endocrine efficiency previously associated with social status was apparently also lost. Further, high-ranking males, who were most aggressive exclusively during the unstable period, had the highest absolute titers of testosterone exclusively during the unstable period. Thus, elevated testosterone and high levels of aggression were unrelated to social status during the period of social stability, but were traits associated with dominant individuals during the unstable period.  相似文献   

The role of hormones in apical dominance has been under investigation with traditional 'spray and weigh' methods for nearly 5 decades. Even though the precision of hormone content analyses in tissue has greatly improved in recent years, there have been no significant breakthroughs in our understanding of the action mechanism of this classical developmental response. Auxin appears to inhibit axillary bud outgrowth whereas cytokinins will often promote it. Conclusive evidence for a direct role of these or other hormones in apical dominance has not been forthcoming. However, promising new tools and approaches recently have begun to be utilized. The manipulation of endogenous hormone levels via the use of transgenic plants transformed with bacterial genes ( iaaM and ipt from Agrobacterium tumefaciens and iaaL from Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi ) has demonstrated powerful effects of auxin and cytokinin on axillary bud outgrowth. Also, possible auxin and cytokinin involvement of rolB and C genes from Agrobacterium rhizogenes whose activity is associated with reduced apical dominance in dicotyledons has received considerable attention. The characterization of unique mRNAs and proteins in non-growing and growing lateral buds before and after apical dominance release is helping to lay the groundwork for the elucidation of signal transduction and cell cycle regulation in this response. The use of auxin-deficient, and auxin/ethylene-resistant mutants has provided another approach for analyzing the role of these hormones. The presumed eventual employment of molecular assay systems (SAUR/GH3 promoters fused with GUS reporter gene) which are presently being developed for analyzing auxin localized in lateral buds will hopefully provide a critical test for the direct auxin inhibition hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies pervade animal societies. Within a static social environment, in which group size and composition are unchanged, an individual's hierarchy rank results from intrinsic (e.g. body size) and extrinsic (e.g. previous experiences) factors. Little is known, however, about how dominance relationships are formed and maintained when group size and composition are dynamic. Using a fusion-fission protocol, we fused groups of previously isolated shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) into larger groups, and then restored groups to their original size and composition. Pre-fusion hierarchies formed independently of individuals' sizes, and were maintained within a static group via winner/loser effects. Post-fusion hierarchies differed from pre-fusion ones; losing fights during fusion led to a decline in an individual's rank between pre- and post-fusion conditions, while spending time being aggressive during fusion led to an improvement in rank. In post-fusion tanks, larger individuals achieved better ranks than smaller individuals. In conclusion, dominance hierarchies in crabs represent a complex combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, in which experiences from previous groups can carry over to affect current competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Transgenic (Tg) mice that overexpress the human apolipoprotein A-V gene (APOA5) yet lack an endogenous mouse apoa5 gene (APOA5 Tg mice) were generated. Subsequently, the effect of human apoA-V expression on plasma triglyceride (TG) concentration and lipoprotein and apolipoprotein distribution was determined and compared with that in mice deficient in apoA-V (apoa5(-/-) mice). NMR analysis of plasma lipoproteins revealed that APOA5 Tg mice had a very low VLDL concentration (26.4 +/- 7.7 nmol/dl), whereas VLDL in apoa5(-/-) mice was 18- fold higher (467 +/- 152 nmol/dl). SDS-PAGE analysis of the d < 1.063 g/ml plasma fraction revealed that the apoB-100/apoB-48 ratio was 14-fold higher in APOA5 Tg versus apoa5(-/-) mice and that the apoE/total apoB ratio was 7-fold greater in APOA5 Tg versus apoa5(-/-) mice. It is anticipated that a reduction in apoB-100/apoB-48 ratio as well as that for apoE/apoB would impair the uptake of VLDL and remnants in apoa5(-/-) mice, thereby contributing to increased plasma TG levels. The concentration of apoA-V in APOA5 Tg mice was 12.5 +/- 2.9 microg/ml, which is approximately 50- to 100-fold higher than that reported for normolipidemic humans. ApoA-V was predominantly associated with HDL but was rapidly and efficiently redistributed to apoA- V-deficient VLDL upon incubation. Consistent with findings reported for human subjects, apoA-V concentration was positively correlated with TG levels in normolipidemic APOA5 Tg mice. It is conceivable that, in a situation in which apoA-V is chronically overexpressed, complex interactions among factors regulating TG homeostasis may result in a positive correlation of apoA-V with TG concentrations.  相似文献   

The extent to which dominance status and sex can influence the physical act of grooming was examined in two groups of rhesus monkeys. Both the sex and the dominance status of the groomee, but not of the groomer, were found to affect the body sites groomed and the positions assumed by the animals during the grooming bout. Females were groomed more on the back and head and less on the tail, rump, upper leg, and lower arm than males. Females with infants tended to face away from the groomer. Higher-ranking groomees were groomed more on the tail and rump and less on the upper leg and back than lower-ranking groomees. Higher-ranking groomees spent more time lying down during grooming than lower-ranking groomees, while lower-ranking groomees faced away from the groomer more then higher-ranking groomees. The behavioral interactions just prior to and immediately after grooming were also recorded. Although the onset of grooming was preceded by social interactions between the partners, the end of grooming was followed by a complete break in interactions. Particular types of social signals displayed by the groomee just prior to grooming were highly correlated with the grooming of specific body sites. These results suggest that the groomee controls the behavior of the groomer by the social signals it displays and the positions it maintains during the grooming bout. Thus, the grooming act itself may play an important role in the social relationships between group members.  相似文献   

Social affiliative behavior is an important component of everyday life in many species and is likely to be disrupted in disabling ways in various neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, determining the mechanisms involved in these processes is crucial. A link between N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor function and social behaviors has been clearly established. The cell types in which NMDA receptors are critical for social affiliative behavior, however, remain unclear. Here, we use mice carrying a conditional allele of the NMDA R1 subunit to address this question. Mice bearing a floxed NMDAR1 (NR1) allele were crossed with transgenic calcium/calmodulin‐dependent kinase IIα (CaMKIIα)‐Cre mice or parvalbumin (PV)‐Cre mice targeting postnatal excitatory forebrain or PV‐expressing interneurons, respectively, and assessed using the three‐chambered Social Approach Test. We found that deletion of NR1 in PV‐positive interneurons had no effect on social sniffing, but deletion of NR1 in glutamatergic pyramidal cells resulted in a significant increase in social approach behavior, regardless of age or sex. Therefore, forebrain excitatory neurons expressing NR1 play an important role in regulating social affiliative behavior.  相似文献   

In social animals, body size can be shaped by multiple factors, such as direct genetic effects, maternal effects, or the social environment. In ants, the body size of queens correlates with the social structure of the colony: colonies headed by a single queen (monogyne) generally produce larger queens that are able to found colonies independently, whereas colonies headed by multiple queens (polygyne) tend to produce smaller queens that stay in their natal colony or disperse with workers. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to investigate the proximate causes of queen size variation in the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. As expected if genetic or maternal effects influence queen size, eggs originating from monogyne colonies developed into larger queens than eggs collected from polygyne colonies, be they raised by monogyne or polygyne workers. In contrast, eggs sampled in monogyne colonies were smaller than eggs sampled in polygyne colonies. Hence, eggs from monogyne colonies are smaller but develop into larger queens than eggs from polygyne colonies, independently of the social structure of the workers caring for the brood. These results demonstrate that a genetic polymorphism or maternal effect transmitted to the eggs influences queen size, which probably affects the social structure of new colonies.  相似文献   

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