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The mucosal epithelium is a major portal for microbial invasion. Mucosal barrier integrity is maintained by the physical interactions of intercellular junctional molecules on opposing epithelial cells. The epithelial mucosa in the female reproductive tract provides the first line of defense against sexually transmitted pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but little is known concerning the structure and molecular composition of epithelial junctions at this site. In the present study, the distribution of tight, adherens, and desmosomal junctions were imaged in the human endocervix (columnar epithelium) and ectocervix (stratified squamous epithelium) by electron microscopy, and permeability was assessed by tracking the penetration of fluorescent immunoglobulin G (IgG). To further define the molecular structure of the intercellular junctions, select junctional molecules were localized in the endocervical, ectocervical, and vaginal epithelium by fluorescent immunohistology. The columnar epithelial cells of the endocervix were joined by tight junctions that excluded apically applied fluorescent IgG. In contrast, the most apical layers of the ectocervical stratified squamous epithelium did not contain classical cell-cell adhesions and were permeable to IgG. The suprabasal and basal epithelial layers in ectocervical and vaginal tissue contained the most robust adhesions; molecules characteristic of exclusionary junctions were detected three to four cellular layers below the luminal surface and extended to the basement membrane. These data indicate that the uppermost epithelial layers of the ectocervix and vagina constitute a unique microenvironment; their lack of tight junctions and permeability to large-molecular-weight immunological mediators suggest that this region is an important battlefront in host defense against microbial pathogens.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized ewes, 10 clover disease infertility and 10 controls, were injected daily for 3 days with 25 micrograms oestradiol benzoate. At the end of this period, the Spinnbarkeit of cervical mucus and the keratinization of the vaginal epithelium were less in the infertile ewes. It is suggested that the infertility in clover-affected ewes is due to an inability of target organs to give a continued response to the 'priming' action of oestrogen.  相似文献   

This protocol describes the setup, maintenance and characteristics of models of epithelial Candida infections based on well-established three-dimensional organotypic tissues of human oral and vaginal mucosa. Infection experiments are highly reproducible and can be used for the direct analysis of pathogen-epithelial cell interactions. This allows detailed investigations of Candida albicans wild type or mutant strain interaction with epithelial tissue or the evaluation of the host immune response using histological, biochemical and molecular methods. As such, the models can be utilized as a tool to investigate cellular interactions or protein and gene expression that are not complicated by non-epithelial factors. To study the impact of innate immunity or the antifungal activity of natural and non-natural compounds, the mucosal infection models can be supplemented with immune cells, antimicrobial agents or probiotic bacteria. The model requires at least 3 days to be established and can be maintained thereafter for 2-4 days.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of a vaginal mucus impedance meter for the detection of estrus in the dairy cow. In Experiment 1 the positioning of the probe within the vaginal tract was examined in dairy cows (n=6) by measuring mucus impedance at 5-cm intervals during probe withdrawal and comparing these fixed distance measurements with the depth within the vaginal tract at which the lowest impedance measurement was recorded. Measurements at 15 and 20 cm from the vulva were significantly lower than at other fixed depths, but did not show a reduction during estrus. The lowest recording upon withdrawal of the probe, which usually occurred between 15 and 20 cm from the vulva, was significantly lower than at any fixed depth recordings and was reduced proportionate during estrus to 0.14 of its non-estrus value. In Experiment 2 the accuracy of the probe to confirm estrus in cows exhibiting possible estrus signs was examined. Dairy cows (n=191) were inseminated either on the basis of herdsman observation of behavior alone (Treatment A) or on the basis of herdsman observation with cows exhibiting signs of estrous behaviour, but not standing to be mounted, being tested for vaginal mucus impedance (Treatment B). There were no significant treatment differences in the estrus detection rate, conception rate or other reproductive performance parameters. However, in 12% of cows in Treatment B, measurement of vaginal mucus impedance detected an extra estrous event, giving a theoretical increase in the estrus detection rate from 0.67 to 0.74 detected/predicted estrous events. It was concluded that when using a vaginal probe the lowest value in the vaginal tract should be sought, but that using the probe as an adjunct to herdsman's observation would not greatly increase estrus detection rate.  相似文献   

The relevance of diethylstilbestrol (DES) administration to neonatal mice as a model for human pathology attributed to the use of DES in high-risk pregnancies has been investigated, particularly with respect to cervical and vaginal changes in female offspring. Neonatal DES treatment of mice results in tonic pituitary gonadotropin release and continuous estrogen secretion by the ovary. Studies were designed to determine the effect of this altered ovarian endocrine activity on cervical and vaginal histopathology. Ovariectomy of DES-treated mice, with or without estradiol replacement, did not eliminate the lesions, nor did estrogen and progesterone administered in a regimen intended to mimic estrous cycle changes. Induction of the constant estrus state by neonatal estradiol benzoate or testosterone propionate administration or by exposure to constant light did not produce the type of vaginal or cervical changes seen in DES mice. Thus, altered ovarian function is apparently not required for the vaginal and cervical changes appearing in later life. A role for endogenous (or exogenous) ovarian hormones in the developmental progression toward normality is suggested.  相似文献   

目的 分析乳杆菌属细菌对宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)患者阴道菌群的影响,为该类患者的治疗提供参考.方法 选择2019年1月至2020年1月我院收治的CIN患者137例,根据组织学病理结果分为CIN Ⅰ组(84例)和CIN Ⅱ、Ⅲ组(53例).选择同期100例宫颈检查正常者为对照组.比较各组对象阴道菌群数量.根据患者阴道内乳...  相似文献   

目的 探讨宫颈癌癌前病变及宫颈癌患者阴道微生态失调相关因素。 方法 选择2016年7月至2018年12月我院收治的200例宫颈癌和癌前病变患者为研究对象,其中宫颈癌患者100例(宫颈癌组),癌前病变患者100例(癌前组),另选50例健康女性为对照组。观察各组对象阴道微生态指标(菌群密集度、菌群多样性、pH和H2O2)水平、HPV感染情况及乳杆菌分布情况。分析患者阴道微生态变化与HPV感染的关系。 结果 癌前组和宫颈癌组阴道菌群密集度Ⅰ-Ⅳ级的患者分别占33.00%和42.00%,显著高于对照组的10.00%(χ2=15.762 9,P=0.000 1);菌群多样性Ⅰ-Ⅳ级的患者分别占35.00%和41.00%,同样高于对照组的6.00%(χ2=19.783 1,P4.5的患者分别占53.00%和56.00%,高于对照组的12.00%(χ2=29.267 3,P2O2阴性患者占比分别为63.00%和70.00%,显著高于对照组的18.00%(χ2=39.343 7,P2=63.624 2,P2=8.742 1,P结论 宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌的发生与患者阴道微生态失调、HPV感染、乳杆菌减少密切相关;同时癌前病变的发展与阴道微生态失调具有相关性。  相似文献   


对宫颈高危型HPV HR-HPV感染后的转归进行阴道微生态及其危险因素分析, 以探讨宫颈高危型HPV感染后的转归与阴道微生态的相关性。


选取2019年7月至2020年9月在中山市博爱医院妇科门诊就诊的进行机会性宫颈癌筛查女性, 对其中符合研究纳入标准及排除标准的291例HR-HPV阳性者进行阴道微生态分析并随访, 在排除宫颈病变后, 6~12个月后再次进行HR-HPV检测, 若再次阳性者为持续感染组, 转阴性者为病毒清除组。分析2组的阴道微生态是否存在差异, 并进一步分析HR-HPV持续感染的危险因素。


符合研究纳入标准及排除标准的291例HR-HPV阳性者中持续感染组173例, 占59.45%, 平均年龄43.02岁±9.16岁(22~64岁); 病毒清除组118例, 占40.55%, 平均年龄40.26岁±9.00岁(24~66岁)。2组间年龄比较差异无统计学意义(F=0.041, P=0.839)。2组的阴道微生态分析表明, 病毒持续感染组的细菌性阴道病感染率、乳杆菌异常率、pH值异常率、白细胞酯酶阳性率分别为15.03%、41.62%、74.41%和22.54%, 这4项指标均大于病毒清除组, 2组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.088、14.369、9.585、4.487, P=0.008、<0.001、0.002、0.034)。而2组在外阴阴道假丝酵母菌感染、滴虫性阴道炎、菌群密集度、多样性、过氧化氢酶、唾液酸苷酶、β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶和乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶等指标方面的差异无统计学意义。Logistic回归分析显示乳杆菌异常、pH值异常是HR-HPV持续感染的危险因素, 其OR值分别为2.076(95%CI: 1.156~3.728)、2.121(95%CI: 1.218~3.688)(P<0.05)。


宫颈HR-HPV感染后的转归与细菌性阴道病、白细胞酯酶阳性、乳杆菌异常及pH值异常存在一定的相关性, 尤其是乳杆菌异常、pH值异常是HR-HPV持续感染的危险因素, 需要重视。同时, 临床工作中可以考虑通过积极治疗下生殖道感染性疾病, 重建阴道微生态平衡, 以利于HR-HPV的清除, 降低宫颈病变的发生率。


Cytological characteristics and pattern of distribution of different cell types in the epithelia of cervix and uterus of crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis) in follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cyclic and amenorrhea were studied. The cervix uteri and uterus exhibit remarkable structural differenes in the ciliated, secretory, and ciliated-secretory cells. Since the number of ciliated-sexretory cells in the uterus is higher than in the cervix. It is believed that they form an additional source for the secretion of uterine fluid during the menstrual cylce. Both ciliated and secretory cells undergo degeneration; extensive cytoplasmic vacuolation associated with pycnosis and disorganization of the nuclei encountered.  相似文献   

In order to understand the means by which cellular aggregates were maintained in gynecologic samples, the fine structure of samples derived from a number of women of various ages was examined with special attention paid to the intercellular junctions. Most cells in the samples were squamous cells containing numerous intercellular fibrils and glycogen granules. Parabasal or intermediate cells were also seen as well as occasional endocervical cells. All of these cell types were often found as parts of aggregates and, while other cell junctions were present, desmosomes were the most prominent. It was concluded that desmosomes were probably responsible for maintaining the aggregated state of many of the cells found in gynecologic samples.  相似文献   

Fas, also called APO-1, belongs to the tumor necrosis factor/nerve growth factor receptor family and transmits an apoptotic signal within the cell by binding to the Fas ligand. Fas has been implicated in the activation-induced suicide of T cells and cytotoxic T cell activity in the immune system. Non-immune cells such as those in liver, lung and ovary also express Fas, but its role in these cells remains unclear. Ovariectomy has been used to study homeostasis of female reproductive organs, which is regulated by sex hormones. Here we analyzed Fas function in the ovariectomy-induced regression of mouse vaginal epithelial cells. Fas expression was detected in vagina and was elevated after ovariectomy. Fas-deficient lpr and lpr(cg) mice did not exhibit ovariectomy-induced regression of vaginal epithelia, whereas uterine regression induced by ovariectomy was not affected in these mice. The vaginas of lpr and lpr(cg) mice were in a persistent estrous stage with cornification of vaginal epithelia, as judged from the cell types in the vaginal fluid. Thus, Fas appears to be involved directly in the regression of vaginal epithelia induced by ovariectomy and during the estrous cycle, suggesting that the physiological role of this receptor extends beyond that exerted on immune cells. This is the first evidence of a role for Fas inducing physiological apoptosis in non-immune cells.  相似文献   

In addition to those usually mentioned in textbooks on comparative anatomy, the anuran skin contains, in many species, a layer situated between the stratum compactum and the stratum spongiosum which is acellular and which has a selective tinctorial affinity for Alizarine, haematoxylin, Alcian Blue and ionized iron. The indications are that this layer consists of acid mucopolysaccharides and calcium. This layer is most prominently developed in the more differentiated anuran families. It is almost entirely absent in the aquatic species but predominantly present in the terrestrial forms. Presumably this layer plays an important part in the defence mechanism of the Anura against desiccation.  相似文献   

人类阴道微生物群是由200多种细菌组成的复杂系统,其组成受到基因、民族背景、行为以及环境因素等的影响。其中乳杆菌是女性阴道内的优势菌,在健康女性的阴道内主要有L. iners、L. crispatus、L. gasseri和L. jensenii这4种乳杆菌。阴道内乳杆菌主要通过代谢阴道上皮细胞内的糖原产生乳酸,维持阴道正常的酸性环境。此外,阴道乳杆菌还可通过产生过氧化氢(H2O2)和细菌素等物质发挥抵御致病微生物入侵的作用。近年来的研究显示女性阴道HPV感染与阴道微生态失衡尤其是乳杆菌含量的减低有关。本文将围绕阴道内乳杆菌的生理作用及其与宫颈癌发病的相关性作一综述。  相似文献   

阴道炎症是妇科疾病中发病率最高的疾病,不同年龄和种族的妇女均可患病。近年来,阴道炎症与妇科肿瘤的相关性日益受到关注。而在妇科恶性肿瘤中,宫颈癌的发病率高居第一。虽然高危型HPV感染很常见,但是宫颈癌的发病率却并不高,这是因为若缺乏协同因素作用就不会有宫颈癌的发生。目前认为阴道炎症除了与阴道黏膜被破坏、免疫功能受到抑制有关外,还与HPV感染、宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌的发生发展密切相关。因此,阴道炎症与宫颈癌的相关性研究已成为人们关注的热点,本文就阴道炎症及其与宫颈癌的关系的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

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