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Summary Histochemical reactions indicating keratinization have previously been demonstrated in parts of the epidermis of Bagarius bagarius. Fluorescence histochemistry and electron microscopy have now confirmed these results. Elevated areas of the epidermis are capped by a layer of dead cells with altered contents. On the outer aspect of these cells a dense layer, 18 nm thick, beneath the plasma membrane corresponds to the resistant envelope found in keratinized cells in tetrapod vertebrates. In Bagarius this layer does not extend to all faces of the keratinized cells, but a similar envelope has been detected in two other sites of piscine keratinized epidermis investigated, namely in the breeding tubercles of Phoxinus phoxinus and in the teeth of Lampetra fluviatilis. In the elevated areas of Bagarius-epidermis, the epithelial cells undergo progressive changes in cytoplasmic organization as they become more superficial. The second tier from the surface is sealed by tight junctions and is separated from the overlying keratinized cells by a sub-corneal space resembling that found in keratinized amphibian epidermis. Histochemical evidence of a high lipid content in the outer layers of the epidermis correlates with the presence of lipid inclusions and lamellated membranous profiles in the material studied by electron microscopy. Histochemical results show that the fin skin of Blennius pholis is not keratinized, but secretes a cuticle, histochemically reactive for both proteins and glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Atelectasis and emhysema have been induced in rabbits after anaesthesia and IPPB for one hour at 30 cm water pressure. The pulmonary surfactant became coarsely granular and appeared in the form of large drops. A correlation is suggested to exist between this phenomenon and the atelectasis and emphysema which developed during IPPB.  相似文献   

Patterns of activity and inactivity were experimentally measured for two shallow-water octopuses, Octopus laqueus (n = 8) and Abdopus aculeatus (n = 4), inhabiting the Ryukyu Archipelago. Octopuses that were collected from the coastal waters of Okinawa Island were held in experimental tanks under controlled light conditions (L, light; D, dark; 12L:12D, LD conditions; 12D:12D, DD conditions). Behaviors of these two species were continuously recorded for 9 to 10 days. Under LD conditions, O. laqueus were active for 7 to 14 min during daytime and 298 to 339 min at night, and under DD conditions, for 97 to 140 min during daytime and 71 to 169 min at night. A. aculeatus were active for 49 to 99 min during daytime and 138 to 185 min at night under LD conditions, whereas under DD conditions, they were active for 36 to 56 min during daytime and 55 to 154 min at night. Continuous duration for activity cycles was 39 ± 7.6 h under LD conditions and 42 ± 2.6 h under DD conditions in O. laqueus, and 38 ± 7.4 h under LD conditions and 42 ± 2.8 h under DD conditions in A. aculeatus. Ratios for active duration to inactive duration did not differ between LD condition and DD condition both in O. laqueus and A. aculeatus.  相似文献   

The histochemistry of glycoconjugates in the nasolabial skin of the goat has been studied by means of a series of selected methods of light microscopy. The epidermis of the nasolabial skin was found to contain neutral and acid glycoconjugates with different saccharide residues. The secretory epithelial cells and secretory substances of the sebaceous glands contained primarily neutral glycoconjugates, whereas those of the apocrine glands involved largely strongly acidic and neutral glycoconjugates. In the epithelial cells and secretory substances of the nasolabial eccrine glands, glycoconjugates involved were characteristically strongly neutral but weakly acidic in nature. From the present results, the histophysiological significance of glycoconjugates in the particular histologic structures of the nasolabial skin has been discussed with special reference to the functions of this particular skin type in the goat.  相似文献   

Definition and classification of the arterial hypertension in pregnancy are discussed. An emphasis is on the problems of differential diagnosis between pre-eclampsia and other forms of hypertension. Use of hypotensive drugs in pregnant patients with particular reference to emergencies is also discussed. The treatment of pregnant women with hypertension is still a problem which require close co-operation of both an obstetrician and internist. Follow-up after labour is GP duty to find out if the patient remains hypertensive. If so, etiology of the disease should be again searched.  相似文献   

Whirling disease is caused by the myxozoan parasite Myxobolus cerebralis, Hofer. It has been associated with a serious decline in wild rainbow trout populations in the western United States. The alternate host is the tubificid oligochaete Tubifex tubifex, and perhaps other tubificids. Tubifex is a very adaptable taxon, being found in various morphological forms. Polyploidy has been demonstrated. There is some suspicion that sibling species may be found to exist. Infection rates in tubificids are low. Related myxosporeans are associated with a variety of aquatic oligochaete worms belonging to three families, Tubificidae, Naididae and Lumbriculidae, and also with polychaetes. Myxozoans are now recognized as members of the phylum Cnidaria. Other fish parasites, such as the cestodes Archigetes and Caryophyllaeus and the nematode Eustrongylides, are transmitted by tubificids. The tubificid worm population in an ecosystem may provide an infective reservoir as the disease persists for long periods in the worm. Control of worm populations might be achieved by reducing organic inputs, lowering erosion, increasing flow and removing objects that accumulate pockets of silt. The use of pesticides is unlikely to be effective because of a lack of specific impact and consequent disruption of the whole benthic community, at least.  相似文献   

Patch contrast, defined as the difference between patches, isamong the basic traits of environmental heterogeneity (Kolasa and Pickett 1991;Stuefer 1996). Clonal plants, especially those with long spacers,usually experience certain patches with different nutrient-patchcontrasts (de Kroon et al. 2005; Stuefer 1996). Clonal integrationhas been recognized as a basic strategy, by which clonal plantscan effectively cope with patchy resources and increase theirfitness in such habitats (de Kroon et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2007).Glechoma longituba is distributed  相似文献   

Summary Different staining procedures, various digestion methods and autoradiographic techniques were employed to study the structure and composition of the nucleolus and of the nucleolonema, after unmasking the latter by adenosine treatment. The presence of DNA, RNA, protein and lipid in these structures has been shown. It has been demonstrated that the filamentous structure within the nucleolus — the nucleolonema— has a core of DNA, around which RNA and protein have accumulated. The structure of the nucleolonema suggests that it is in a highly active state, in synthesizing ribosomal RNA and protein.We take the opportunity to express our gratefulness to the Director, Prof. Dr. Hans Lettré, for providing facilities to work in this Institute. We like to thank our other colleagues, particularly Dr. N. Paweletz, for their valuable help during the course of the investigations.  相似文献   

Synopsis The presence of ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease is reported in human elastic tissue. Differences between the effects of various agents on these enzymes in epidermal cells and in elastic tissue are described. Other acid hydrolases in elastic tissue have also been investigated.It is thought that the presence of these acid nucleases and other hydrolases in elastic tissue may be related to its removal and thus provide the means whereby a dynamic system of breakdown of old fibres and the formation of new fibres is continually occurring in dermal tissues.  相似文献   

Harold  Fox 《Journal of Zoology》1985,205(2):223-234
The skin of the paired tentacles of Ichthyophis consists of a cornified epidermis of 5–7 layers of epidermal cells, and a glandular dermis of ducted mucous glands, in association with collagen, blood vessels, fibroblasts, granulocytes, sparse melanophores and characteristic laminophores of unknown function. The epidermis is highly innervated at all levels below the stratum corneum by naked neurites, which originate as branches from large unmyelinated nerve bundles (and associated Schwann cells), located sub-epidermally, and which are part of the trigeminal cranial nerve. Myelinated nerves are also present below the epidermis, spatially associated with capillaries and glands. The study of the ultrastructure of the tentacle supports a concept of a sensory function, possibly tactile, though until further information from experimentation is available, any ideas on the specific nature of these sensory activities must remain speculative.  相似文献   

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