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Abstract: There is compelling evidence that excessive GABA-mediated inhibition may underlie the abnormal electrical activity, initiated in the thalamus, associated with epileptic absence seizures. In particular, the GABAB receptor subtype seems to play a critical role, because its antagonists are potent inhibitors of absence seizures, whereas its agonists exacerbate seizure activity. Using a validated rat model of absence epilepsy, we have previously found no evidence of abnormal GABAB receptor density or affinity in thalamic tissue. In the present study, we have used in vivo microdialysis to monitor changes in levels of extracellular GABA and other amino acids in this brain region. We have shown that basal extracellular levels of GABA and, to a lesser extent, taurine are increased when compared with values in nonepileptic controls. However, modifying GABAergic transmission with the GABAB agonist (−)-baclofen (2 mg/kg i.p.), the GABAB antagonist CGP-35348 (200 mg/kg i.p.), or the GABA uptake inhibitor tiagabine (100 µ M ) did not produce any further alteration in extracellular GABA levels, despite the ability of these compounds to increase (baclofen and tiagabine) or decrease (CGP-35348) seizure activity. These findings suggest that the increased basal GABA levels observed in this animal model are not simply a consequence of seizure activity but may contribute to the initiation of absence seizures.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of chronic treatment with the specific, mechanism-based, irreversible inhibitors of 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase (EC; GABA transaminase), ethanolamine O -sulphate (EOS), and 4-aminohexenoate [vigabatrin; γ-vinyl-GABA (GVG)] on the extracellular concentrations of GABA in the hippocampus have been studied using in vivo microdialysis in conscious animals. Oral dosing [3 mg/ml of drinking water, giving doses of GVG of 194 ± 38 mg/kg/day and of EOS of 303 ± 42 mg/kg/day (mean ± SD)] was followed by microdialysis at 2, 8, and 21 days. The basal outflow of GABA (in the range of ∼1–2 pmol/30 µl/30-min sample) after 2 and 8 days of treatment was not significantly different from that in control animals, but the 21-day treatment gave significant rises in the extracellular GABA concentration (up to ∼6–8 pmol/30 µl/30-min sample). Both inhibitors gave similar results. Depolarisation with 100 m M K+ gave large increases in GABA release in control (∼20–60 pmol/30 µl/30-min sample) and treated animals. The 8- and 21-day-treated animals showed significant increases in the stimulated release compared with control animals (∼80–100 pmol/30 µl/30-min sample). Excluding Ca2+ had no significant effect on either basal or stimulated release. The significant increases in K+-evoked release of GABA show that the increased intracellular pool of GABA is available for release, and this may be related to the anticonvulsant action of these compounds.  相似文献   

Abstract: Measurements of the activities of the two key enzymes in cerebral GABA metabolism—glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and GABA-transaminase (GABA-T)—were performed in normal rabbits and in rabbits with hepatic encephalopathy due to galactosamine-induced liver failure. Furthermore the uptake of GABA by synaptosomes was studied. Hepatic encephalopathy was associated with a marked decrease in the activity of GAB A-T. This decrease in activity was already apparent in galactosamine-treated rabbits before the onset of hepatic encephalopathy. Sera and serum ultrafiltrates of rabbits with hepatic encephalopathy but not of normal rabbits or of rabbits with uremic encephalopathy were shown to inhibit GABA-T activity in vitro . Cerebral GAD activity and synaptosomal GABA uptake in rabbits with hepatic encephalopathy and in untreated animals were not different. These later findings indicate that hepatic encephalopathy is not associated with alterations of presynaptic GABA nerve terminals in the central nervous system. The demonstration of a decrease in cortical GABA-T activity provides indirect evidence for decreased GABA turnover in the brains of rabbits with hepatic encephalopathy and thus is compatible with augmented GABA-ergic inhibitory neurotransmission contributing to the neural inhibition of hepatic encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Pretreatment with 100 M GABA of synaptosomes purified from rat brain results in an increased uptake of the labelled neurotransmitter in subsequent incubations. The effect is blocked by a GABAB receptor antagonist, 2-hydroxy-saclofen. The effect is mimicked by baclofen and the baclofen effect is blocked by saclofen too. Lower GABA concentrations (up to 50 M) do not result in an increase of subsequent GABA uptake. Treatment of synaptosomes with 8-Br-cAMP results in a decreased GABA uptake. Since the uptake incubations were run with saturating concentrations of labelled GABA, the data indicates that GABAB receptor activation in brain synaptosomes up-regulates their GABA uptake capacity by an increase in Vmax. This mechanism appears of physiological relevance under conditions of sustained GABA release and substantial increase of its extracellular concentration.  相似文献   

The neurotoxic compound 1-[methyl-3H]-4-phenylpyridinium ([3H]MPP+) was actively taken up by human, rabbit, and guinea pig platelets incubated in plasma. In human platelets, the apparent Km of this uptake (22.6 microM) was 50 times higher than that for serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT]). The uptake of [3H]MPP+ by human platelets was inhibited by selective 5-HT uptake blockers [cianopramine, (-)-paroxetine, and clomipramine], by metabolic inhibitors (KCN and ouabain), and by drugs that interfere with amine storage in the 5-HT organelles (reserpine, mepacrine, and Ro 4-1284). Impairment of the transmembrane proton gradient by ionophores (monensin and nigericin) induced a marked release of radioactivity from platelets preincubated with [3H]MPP+. Fractionation of homogenates of rabbit platelets preincubated with [3H]MPP+ showed that the drug was concentrated to a great extent in the 5-HT organelle fraction. MPP+ competitively inhibited [14C]5-HT uptake by human platelets and reduced the endogenous 5-HT content of human, rabbit, and guinea pig platelets. These investigations show that MPP+ is transported into the platelets via the 5-HT carrier and is accumulated predominantly in the subcellular organelles that store 5-HT and other monoamines. It is suggested that an accumulation of MPP+ in amine storage vesicles of neurons may be involved in the effects of the drug in the CNS, e.g., by protecting other subcellular compartments from exposure to high concentrations of MPP+, by sustaining a gradual release of the toxin, or both.  相似文献   

Hyponatremia leads to hyperexcitability of neurons, seizures, and coma. It is well established that uptake of neurotransmitters is a sodium-dependent process. Therefore, we suggest that inhibition of neurotransmitter uptake can lead to the clinical manifestations of hyponatremia. Decreasing of sodium concentration down to 92 mM in incubation medium, which corresponds to lowering the osmolarity down to 230 mOsm/l, leads to a 45% decrease in glutamate uptake and a 46% decrease in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake. However, this effect was mediated by the nonspecific lowering of osmolarity rather than by decreasing sodium concentration. Hypotonic shock was able to reduce glutamate uptake in the presence of protein kinase inhibitors staurosporine and genistein, the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin, and cytoskeleton modulators colchicine and cytochalasin B. Therefore, we suggest that intracellular signaling is not mediating the effect of osmolarity reduction on neurotransmitter uptake.  相似文献   

The primary mechanism by which the action of synaptically released GABA is thought to be terminated is by re-uptake into neurones and glial cells, and the pharmacological inhibition of this uptake may be beneficial in conditions where decreased GABAergic transmission has been implicated, such as epilepsy. We have compared the effects of two of these uptake inhibitors, tiagabine and NNC-711, on extracellular GABA levels in the thalamus of the rat, after both systemic and local administration. Both compounds produced dose-dependent increases in GABA concentration irrespective of the route of administration, but the concentrations required to produce increased extracellular GABA levels were considerably higher than those known to be effective for anticonvulsant purposes. These data suggest that, initially at least, alternative GABA transporters, not susceptible to inhibition by the compounds used, may still be able to remove synaptically released GABA from the extracellular space. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Kinya Kuriyama.  相似文献   

儿童失神癫痫的默认模式网络的结构连接研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大脑结构连接是其功能连接的物质基础.已有研究表明,失神癫痫患者默认模式网络(default mode network,DMN)中的功能连接发生了改变.为了探索这些改变相应的结构基础,对11名儿童失神癫痫患者和12名正常对照,使用基于弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)的纤维束追踪技术,构建了每个被试DMN脑区间的纤维束连接.结果表明,在所有被试的DMN网络中一致发现后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶、后扣带/楔前叶到左右双侧的内侧颞叶都存在纤维束连接.通过两组间统计比较这些纤维束连接的平均长度、连接强度、平均部分各向异性(fractional anisotropic,FA)值和平均弥散度(mean diffusivity,MD)值等参数,发现患者组的后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶纤维束连接上的平均FA值及连接强度都显著降低,而平均MD值显著增加,并且其FA值与癫痫病程呈显著的负相关关系,这些改变可能影响了患者DMN网络的功能连接.本研究结果为DMN功能连接异常提供了相关的结构上的依据,提示后扣带/楔前叶到内侧前额叶的连接异常可能在儿童失神癫痫中起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸代谢旁路作为三羧酸循环的一个分支,在真核、原核生物中广泛存在。在这条代谢途径中,涉及γ-氨基丁酸分解代谢的主要有两种酶:一种是γ-氨基丁酸转氨酶,能将γ-氨基丁酸转变成琥珀酸半醛;另一种是琥珀酸半醛脱氢酶,该酶能将琥珀酸半醛氧化形成琥珀酸,后者进入三羧酸循环。从国内分离得到的苏云金芽胞杆菌G03菌株中克隆了gabT和gabD基因。其中gabT基因含有1440bp,编码一个大小为52.6kD的蛋白质,而gabD基因大小为1449bp,编码一个52.2kD的蛋白质。这两个基因都分别在大肠杆菌中进行了表达和纯化。通过酶活测定结果表明,GabT和GabD蛋白分别呈现出γ-氨基丁酸转氨酶和琥珀酸半醛脱氢酶的活性。氨基酸序列同源性比对分析发现,这两个蛋白质在蜡样芽胞杆菌群(B.cereus group)中具有较高的相似性,而与枯草芽胞杆菌的相似性较低则分别为58%、51%。为进一步深入研究γ-氨基丁酸代谢旁路在苏云金芽胞杆菌中的生物学功能及其转录调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of elevation of GABA concentration and those of inactivation ofl-ornithine: 2-oxoacid aminotransferase (OAT) on the in vivo metabolism ofl-ornithine (Orn) in brain. Vigabatrin (4-aminohex-5-enoic acid) and gabaculine (5-amino-1,3-cyclohexadienyl carboxylic acid), two well known inactivators of GABA-T, were used to elevate brain GABA concentrations. The latter inactivates OAT also. Transamination of Orn is, from a quantitative point of view, a significant reaction in mouse brain. GABA is a feed-back regulator of OAT. Within GABAergic neurons Orn concentration may be regulated by endogenous GABA. Extensive inactivation of OAT causes a considerable increase of Orn concentration, both in synaptosomes and in non-synaptosomal compartments. The results are compatible with a role of Orn as precursor of glutamate and/or GABA in certain neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural immunohistochemical localization of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its regulating enzymes, l-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and gamma aminobutyrate--ketoglutarate transaminase, was determined utilizing an immunogold post-embedding protocol in pancreatic exocrine tissue. Within the acinar cell, GABA and its biosynthetic enzyme, GAD, were localized in zymogen granules. Quantitative analysis of the GABA immunoreactivity in the acinar cell revealed 1.7±0.5 gold particles/m2 over the cytoplasm, 36.6±14.1 gold particles/ m2 over the zymogen granules, and 2.9±2.1 gold particles /m2 over the mitochondria. Quantitative analysis of the distribution of colloidal gold particles, representing glutamate decarboxylase immunoreactivity in the acinar cells, revealed 38.4±2.5 gold particles/m2 over the zymogen granules, 4.7±1.1 gold particles/m2 over the mitochondria and 6.3±0.5 gold particles/m2 over the remainder of the cytoplasm. Substitution of normal sheep serum for the sheep anti-glutamate decarboxylase serum revealed a significant (p< 0.001) decrease of the colloidal gold particle distribution over the zymogen granules and cytoplasmic compartments of the acini. Gamma aminobutyrate --ketoglutarate transaminase, the catabolic enzyme for GABA, was not detected in the mitochondria, zymogen granules, and cytoplasm of the acinar cell, suggesting that GABA is not catabolized within the acinar cell. Preabsorption and substitution controls resulted in an absence of labeling. These results suggest that GABA may act extracellularly and/or have a role within the zymogen granule in the exocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

Brain GABA levels rise and plateau following prolonged administration of the irreversible GABA-transaminase inhibitor vigabatrin (γ-vinylGABA). Recently it has been shown that increased GABA levels reduces GAD67 protein, one of two major isoforms of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). The effects of GABA elevation on GABA synthesis were assessed in vivo using1H and13C-edited NMR spectroscopy. Rates of turnover of cortical glutamate and GABA from intravenously administered [1-13C]glucose were measured in α-chloralose anesthetized rats 24 hours after receiving vigabatrin (500 mg/kg, i.p.) and in non-treated controls. GABA concentration was increased 2-fold at 24 hours (from 1.3±0.4 to 2.7±0.9 μmol/g) and GABA-T activity was inhibited by 60%. Tricarboxylic acid cycle flux was not affected by vigabatrin treatment compared to non-treated rats (0.47±0.19 versus 0.52±0.18 μmol/g, respectively). GABA-C2 fractional enrichment (FE) measured in acid extracts rose more slowly in vigabatrin-treated compared to nontreated rats, reaching >90% of the glutamate FE after 3 hours. In contrast, GABA FE≥glutamate FE in non-treated rats. A metabolic model consisting of a single glutamate pool failed to account for the rapid labeling of GABA from glutamate. Metabolic modelling analysis based on two (non-communicating) glutamate pools revealed a ∼70% decrease in the rate of GABA synthesis following vigabatrin-treatment, from 0.14 (non-treated) to 0.04 μmol/g/min (vigabatrin-treated). These findings, in conjunction with the previously reported differential effects of elevated GABA on the GAD isoforms, suggests that GAD67 may account for a major fraction of cortical GABA synthesis in the α-chloralose anesthetized rat brain in vivo. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Herman Bachelard.  相似文献   

Abstract: Regional distribution of endogenous γ- aminobutyric acid (GABA), its synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), and metabolic enzyme, GABA transaminase (GABA-T), were determined in the intestinal tract of guinea pigs and cats and the findings compared with the number of ganglion cells in Auerbach's plexus. There were positive correlations among the GABA contents and the numbers of neural cells of the plexus. The precise localization of GABA and GAD in individual layers (mucosa, circular and longitudinal muscles, and Auerbach's plexus) in the human and cat colon was also determined. The endogenous GABA contents and GAD activity were the highest in Auerbach's plexus in tissues of both species. These results indicate that GABA is synthesized and localized in Auerbach's plexus and probably plays a significant role in the enteric nervous system.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distributions of glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate decarboxylase (EC, and GABA transaminase (EC were determined in rabbit and mudpuppy retinas. In both species, peak levels of the amino acids and the enzymes occurred in the inner plexiform layer. Glutamate decarboxylase was almost entirely confined to the inner plexiform layer. Determinations were also made of the GABA content of 107 individual putative amacrine cell somas from mudpuppy retina. About 30% of those somas were found to have high endogenous GABA levels.  相似文献   

Recently, pipecolic acid (PA) has been involved in the functioning of the GABAergic system. In the present work we have studied the effect of PA on GABA uptake and release in cerebral cortex slices. PA (100 M) was able to increase the release of [3H]GABA (90%) stimulated by mild depolarization with 15 mM potassium. If during the labeling of the tissue with [3H]GABA, -alanine was present, PA also enhanced the release (42%). However, when nipecotic acid was present instead -alanine, no stimulation of [3H]GABA release by potassium was observed neither in the control nor in the presence of PA. Spontaneous release was not affected by PA in any of the experimental conditions tested. In uptake experiments, only when -alanine was present in the medium PA significantly diminished the uptake (36%) of [3H]GABA. These results suggest that the effect of PA is mostly at the presynaptic level, inhibiting the neuronal GABA uptake and/or enhancing its release.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two groups of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) analogues, one comprising derivatives of β-proline and the other compounds structurally related to nipecotic acid, were investigated as potential inhibitors of high-affinity GABA transport in neurons and glial cells, as well as displacers of GABA receptor binding. In addition to cis -4-hydroxynipecotic acid, which is known as a potent inhibitor of GABA uptake, homo-β-proline was the only compound which proved to be a potent inhibitor of glial as well as neuronal GABA uptake. IC50 values for GABA uptake into glial cells and brain cortex "prisms" were 20 and 75 μM, respectively, and the IC50 value obtained for GABA uptake into cultured neurons was 10 μM. A kinetic analysis of the action of homo-β-proline on GABA uptake into cultured astrocytes and neurons showed that this compound acts as a competitive inhibitor of GABA uptake in both cell types. From the apparent K m values, K i values for homo-β-proline of 16 and 6 μM could be calculated for glial and neuronal uptake, respectively. This mechanism of action strongly suggests that homo-β-proline interacts with the GABA carriers. Furthermore, homo-β-proline also displaced GABA from its receptor with an IC50 value of 0.3 μM. The cis -4-hydroxynipecotic acid analogues, cis- and trans-4-mercaptonipecotic acid, had no inhibitory effect on glial or neuronal GABA uptake. Other SH reagents, PCMB, NEM and DTNB, were shown to be relatively weak inhibitors of GABA uptake into cultured astrocytes, suggesting that SH groups are not directly involved in the interaction between GABA and its transport carrier.  相似文献   

Abstract: It has been suggested that the degeneration of motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a consequence of excitotoxicity resulting from a loss of synaptosomal glutamate uptake. The role of synaptosomal glutamate uptake in the pathogenesis of motor neuron disease was studied in the Mnd mouse. Glutamate uptake in spinal-cord synaptosomes declined in parallel with the onset of behavioral deficits in Mnd mice but lagged considerably behind the appearance of pathology in motor neurons. Glutamate uptake did not decline significantly in corpus striatum, and GABA uptake did not change significantly in either spinal cord or striatum. The presence of pronounced histopathological changes before the loss of glutamate uptake suggests that the decline of glutamate uptake is a consequence rather than the primary cause of motor neuron disease in the Mnd mouse.  相似文献   

We have studied the levels of neuroactive amino acids in synaptosomes (P2 fraction) isolated from brain tissue of ten patients with medically intractable epilepsy who were undergoing temporal lobectomy. First, lateral temporal tissue (nonfocal) was removed followed by medial temporal tissue (focal). A synaptosomal fraction (P2) was immediately prepared from each tissue and analyzed for free amino acid concentrations. Statistically significant reductions were seen in glutamine and GABA concentrations in focal tissue compared to nonfocal tissue. The ratio of excitatory amino acids (aspartate and glutamate) to inhibitory amino acids (taurine and GABA) was significantly higher in focal tissue compared to nonfocal. The glutamine/glutamate ratio was significantly reduced. These data support the hypothesis that alterations in the balance between excitatory and inhibitory amino acids may be involved in the expression of epilepsy.  相似文献   

The topographic distribution of dopamine (DA) uptake, choline uptake, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and GABA uptake within the striata of weaver mutant mice and control mice was determined. Uptake of [3H]dopamine, [3H]choline and [14C]GABA, as well as ChAT activity were determined in samples prepared from the dorsolateral, dorsomedial, ventrolateral and ventromedial portions of the striatum. In 45–60 day old control mice, dopamine uptake was homogeneously distributed throughout the striatum. On the other hand, striata from weaver mice exhibited an uneven distribution with the ventral aspects having greater uptake activity than the dorsal regions. Thus, although the ventral portion of the striatum is less severely affected than the dorsal portion, all areas of the striatum exhibited significantly reduced uptake rates. In 9 and 12 month old mice, choline uptake was higher in lateral than medial zones of the striatum of both genotypes and no differences were observed between genotypes. GABA uptake was higher in the ventral striatum than in the dorsal striatum but again no differences were found between weaver and control mice. The results of this study indicate that the entire weaver striatum is severely deficient in its ability to recapture dopamine and thus is functionally compromised. The results also indicate that the striatal cholinergic and GABAergic interneurons are not directly or indirectly affected by the weaver gene.Special ïssue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the uptake of glutamate, GABA and glycine into synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain has been investigated. The vesicular uptake of the three amino acids increased with developmental age in parallel with synaptogenesis, indicating a functional role of uptake of the amino acids by synaptic vesicles in the nerve terminals. Uptake of the amino acids by plasma membrane particles (synaptosomes) in brain homogenate showed a somewhat different developmental profile. The uptake of glutamate increased markedly with developmental time, while the uptake of GABA showed only a slight increase. Uptake of glycine by plasma membrane particles was very low and therefore not registered. The observed developmental increase in uptake of glycine by synaptic vesicles isolated from brain, supports previous reports indicating that glycine can be taken up by vesicles from non-glycine terminals.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison.  相似文献   

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