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Among numerous protein kinases found in mammalian cell systems there is a distinct subfamily of serine/threonine kinases that are regulated by calmodulin or other related activators in a calcium concentration dependent manner. Members of this family are involved in various cellular processes like cell proliferation and death, cell motility and metabolic pathways. In this contribution we shall review the available structural biology data on five members of this kinase family (calcium/calmodulin dependent kinase, twitchin kinase, titin kinase, phosphorylase kinase, myosin light chain kinase). As a common element, all these kinases contain a regulatory tail, which is C-terminal to their catalytic domain. The available 3D structures of two members, the serine/threonine kinases of the giant muscle proteins twitchin and titin in the autoinhibited conformation, show how this regulatory tail blocks their active sites. The structures suggest that activation of these kinases requires unblocking the active site from the C-terminal extension and conformational rearrangement of the active site loops. Small angle scattering data for myosin light chain kinase indicate a complete release of the C-terminal extension upon calcium/calmodulin binding. In addition, members of this family are regulated by diverse add-on mechanisms, including phosphorylation of residues within the activation segment or the P+1 loop as well as by additional regulatory subunits. The available structural data lead to the hypothesis of two different activation mechanisms upon binding to calcium sensitive proteins. In one model, the regulatory tail is entirely released ("fall-apart"). The alternative model ("looping-out") proposes a two-anchored release mechanism.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases are a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a central role in transducing extracellular cues into a variety of intracellular responses ranging from lineage specification to cell division and adaptation. Fourteen MAP kinase genes have been identified in the human genome, which define 7 distinct MAP kinase signaling pathways. MAP kinases can be classified into conventional or atypical enzymes, based on their ability to get phosphorylated and activated by members of the MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK)/MEK family. Conventional MAP kinases comprise ERK1/ERK2, p38s, JNKs, and ERK5, which are all substrates of MAPKKs. Atypical MAP kinases include ERK3/ERK4, NLK and ERK7. Much less is known about the regulation, substrate specificity and physiological functions of atypical MAP kinases.  相似文献   

Background: Aurora kinases are a recently discovered family of kinases (A, B & C) consisting of highly conserved serine\threonine protein kinases found to be involved in multiple mitotic events: regulation of spindle assembly checkpoint pathway, function of centrosomes and cytoskeleton, and cytokinesis. Aberrant expression of Aurora kinases may lead to cancer. For this reason the Aurora kinases are potential targets in the treatment of cancer. In this review we discuss the biology of these kinases: structure, function, regulation and association with cancer. Methods and Results: A literature search. Conclusion: Many of the multiple functions of mitosis are mediated by the Aurora kinases. Their aberrant expression can lead to the deregulation of cell division and cancer. For this reason, the Aurora kinases are currently one of the most interesting targets for cancer therapy. Some Aurora kinase inhibitors in the clinic have proven effectively on a wide range of tumor types. The clinical data are very encouraging and promising for development of novel class of structurally different Aurora kinase inhibitors. Hopefully the Aurora kinases will be potentially useful in drug targeted cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Calcium activates the ATPase activity of tissue-purified myosin V, but not that of shorter expressed constructs. Here, we resolve this discrepancy by comparing an expressed full-length myosin V (dFull) to three shorter constructs. Only dFull has low ATPase activity in EGTA, and significantly higher activity in calcium. Based on hydrodynamic data and electron microscopic images, the inhibited state is due to a compact conformation that is possible only with the whole molecule. The paradoxical finding that dFull moved actin in EGTA suggests that binding of the molecule to the substratum turns it on, perhaps mimicking cargo activation. Calcium slows, but does not stop the rate of actin movement if excess calmodulin (CaM) is present. Without excess CaM, calcium binding to the high affinity sites dissociates CaM and stops motility. We propose that a folded-to-extended conformational change that is controlled by calcium and CaM, and probably by cargo binding itself, regulates myosin V's ability to transport cargo in the cell.  相似文献   

Protein-kinase activity has been found to be associated with a membrane fraction obtained from dark-grown zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L., cv. Senator) hypocotyl hooks. Proteins of this membrane fraction were used as protein substrates. The effects of Mg2+, Na+ and K+ on phosphorylation, measured as 32P incorporation, was investigated. The kinetics of phosphorylation of the individual protein peptides indicate the presence of specific phosphatase activity. Phosphorylation activity is strongly influenced by Ca2+. One peptide (relative molecular weight: 180,000) exhibits strong inhibition of 32P incorporation at physiological Ca2+ concentrations between 0.1 and 1 μM. Phosphorylation of about 10 other proteins was enhanced by Ca2+, being maximal in most cases at a concentration of about 3 μM free Ca2+. Five out of these 10 peptides show increased phosphorylation in the presence of 1 μM calmodulin. This calmodulin-dependent enhancement of phosphorylation could be completely inhibited by the calmodulin antagonist fluphenazine. Cyclic AMP was found to have no stimulating effect on protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Induction and maturation of the sexual stage (oospores) of the facultative mosquito parasite Lagenidium giganteum (Oomycetes: Lagenidiales) are complex developmental processes regulated by calcium-dependent events. Use of developmentally synchronized cultures of L. giganteum allowed stage-specific disruption of calcium metabolism. A calcium chelator (EGTA), an ionophore (chlortetracycline), and inhibitors of the calcium-binding protein calmodulin (dibucaine, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine) disrupted several discrete developmental steps associated with oosporogenesis: induction of antheridia, gametangial fusion, meiosis, oospore wall formation, and subsequent spore maturation. Extracellular calcium is necessary for oosporogenesis to proceed normally and under some conditions magnesium has a synergistic effect with calcium on oospore induction. Results are discussed in relation to calcium mediation of fusion events in a number of model membrane and biological systems.  相似文献   

The present focus survey represents a short review of current knowledge concerning involvement of protein kinases in control of basic ovarian functions. Ovarian cells produce a number of protein kinases, whose expression depends on type of cells, their state and action of hormones and other protein kinases. A number of protein kinases are involved in control of ovarian cell proliferation, apoptosis, oocyte maturation, hormone release, reception and response to hormones, as well as in mediating action of hormones on these ovarian functions. Complexity of interrelationships between different protein kinase‐dependent signaling pathways occurs. Protein kinases and their regulators could be used for characterization, prediction and control of ovarian folliculogenesis and atresia, Corpus luteum functions, oocyte maturation, fertility, release of hormones, response of ovarian structures to hormonal regulators, as well as for treatment of some reproductive disorders. The present data demonstrate importance of protein kinases in control of basic ovarian function and potential usage of protein kinases for characterization, prediction and control of these functions. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 37–45, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are evolutionary conserved enzymes connecting cell-surface receptors to critical regulatory targets within cells. The three major MAPK cascades are known, the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) cascade, c-Jun amino-terminal protein kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) cascade and p38-MAPK cascade. This paper is focused on characterization of these MAPK cascades in terms of their distribution and biological role in some pathological processes (apoptosis, hypertrophy) with a special orientation on the role of MAPKs in cardiovascular system during ischemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   


Rab geranylgeranyl transferase is an enzyme responsible for double geranylgeranylation of Rab proteins in all eukaryotic cells. In the present article we would like to focus on new findings concerning the holoenzyme structure and mechanism of catalytic activity, its mode of regulation and consequences of RGGT deficiency in different eucaryotic model organisms and patients.  相似文献   

During infection, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) injects effector proteins into the host cell to manipulate the actin cytoskeleton and promote formation of actin pedestals. IQGAP1 is a multidomain protein that participates in numerous cellular functions, including Rac1/Cdc42 and Ca(2+)/calmodulin signaling and actin polymerization. Here we report that IQGAP1, Ca(2+), and calmodulin modulate actin pedestal formation by EPEC. Infection with EPEC promotes both the interaction of IQGAP1 with calmodulin and the localization of IQGAP1 and calmodulin to actin pedestals while reducing the interaction of IQGAP1 with Rac1 and Cdc42. IQGAP1-null fibroblasts display a reduced polymerization of actin in response to EPEC. In addition, antagonism of calmodulin or chelation of intracellular Ca(2+) reduces EPEC-dependent actin polymerization. Furthermore, IQGAP1 specifically interacts with Tir in vitro and in cells. Together these data identify IQGAP1, Ca(2+), and calmodulin as a novel signaling complex regulating actin pedestal formation by EPEC.  相似文献   

Although it has been believed for several years that calcium ions are the means by which glycogenolysis and muscle contraction are synchronized, it is only over the past three years that this concept has started to be placed on a firm molecular basis. It appears that the regulation of phosphorylase kinase in vivo is achieved through the interaction of the enzyme with the two calcium binding proteins, calmodulin and troponin-C, and that the relative importance of these proteins depends on the degree of phosphorylation of the enzyme (figure 3). In the dephosphorylated form of the enzyme, troponin-C rather than calmodulin is the dominant calcium dependent regulator providing an attractive mechanism for coupling glycogenolysis and muscle contraction, since the same calcium binding protein activates both processes. On the other hand, the phosphorylated form of the enzyme can hardly be activated at all by troponin-C, although it is still completely dependent on calcium ions. Calmodulin (the δ - subunit) is therefore the dominant calcium dependent regulator of phosphorylase kinase in its hormonally activated state.
Recent work has demonstrated that phosphorylase kinase not only activates phosphorylase, but also phosphorylates glycogen synthase thereby decreasing its activity (45–49). The regulation of phosphorylase kinase by calcium ions may therefore also provide a mechanism for co-ordinating the rates of glycogenolysis and glycogen synthesis during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The present focus survey represents a review of current knowledge concerning involvement of protein kinases in control of basic ovarian functions in mammals. Ovarian cells produce a number of protein kinases, whose expression depends on type of cells, their state and action of hormones and other protein kinases. A number of protein kinases are involved in control of ovarian cell proliferation, apoptosis, oocyte maturation, hormone release, reception and response to hormones, as well as in mediating action of hormones on these ovarian functions. Protein kinases and their regulators could be used for characterization, prediction and control of ovarian folliculogenesis and atresia, corpus luteum functions, oocyte maturation, fertility, release of hormones, response of ovarian structures to hormonal regulators, as well as for treatment of some reproductive disorders.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) and brain spectrin, a protein that links membrane proteins to the actin cytoskeleton, are major components of post-synaptic densities (PSDs). Since the activity of the NMDA-R channel is dependent on the integrity of actin and leads to calpain-mediated spectrin breakdown, we have investigated whether the actin-binding spectrin may interact directly with NMDA-Rs. Spectrin is reported here to interact selectively in vitro with the C-terminal cytoplasmic domains of the NR1a, NR2A and NR2B subunits of the NMDA-R but not with that of the AMPA receptor GluR1. Spectrin binds at NR2B sites distinct from those of alpha-actinin-2 and members of the PSD95/SAP90 family. The spectrin-NR2B interactions are antagonized by Ca2+ and fyn-mediated NR2B phosphorylation, but not by Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM) or by Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II-mediated NR2B phosphorylation. The spectrin-NR1 interactions are unaffected by Ca2+ but inhibited by CaM and by protein kinase A- and C-mediated phosphorylations of NR1. Finally, in rat synaptosomes, both spectrin and NR2B are loosened from membranes upon addition of physiological concentrations of calcium ions. The highly regulated linkage of the NMDA-R to spectrin may underlie the morphological changes that occur in neuronal dendrites concurrently with synaptic activity and plasticity.  相似文献   

The human VEGF family consists of VEGF (VEGF-A), VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, and placental growth factor (PlGF). The VEGF family of receptors consists of three protein-tyrosine kinases (VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and VEGFR3) and two non-protein kinase co-receptors (neuropilin-1 and neuropilin-2). These components participate in new blood vessel formation from angioblasts (vasculogenesis) and new blood vessel formation from pre-existing vasculature (angiogenesis). Interaction between VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 or VEGFR2 and VEGFR3 alters receptor tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

ERK and Akt have been shown to regulate cell sensitivity to death-inducing stress by phosphorylating GSK-3β, a major modulator of the threshold for mitochondrial permeability transition. Here we examined intra-mitochondrial localization of the pro-survival kinases and their regulation by phosphatases. Stepwise trypsin digestion of mitochondria isolated from HEK293 or H9c2 cells was performed, and immunoblotting revealed that GSK-3β and ERK localized dominantly in the outer membrane (OM), while Akt resided at comparable levels in OM, the inner membrane (IM) and the matrix. Treatment with IGF-1 increased the protein level of Akt in the matrix, while ERK and GSK-3β protein levels were increased in OM. Simultaneously, IGF-1 treatment elevated the level of Thr202/Tyr204-phospho-ERK in IM and matrix and levels of Ser473-phospho-Akt and Ser9-phospho-GSK-3β in OM, IM and matrix. Exposing cells to reactive oxygen species (ROS) by using antimycin A increased the levels of DUSP5 and PHLPP-1 mainly in OM and induced dephosphorylation of Akt, ERK and GSK-3β. The mitochondrial localization of DUSP5 was confirmed by experiments with mitochondria purified by Percoll gradient centrifugation and by transfection of cells with GFP-tagged DUSP5. Knockdown of either DUSP5 or PHLPP-1 increased the levels of both Thr202/Tyr204-phospho-ERK and Ser473-phospho-Akt in mitochondria. Cell death induced by antimycin A was suppressed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of DUSP5. The results suggest that Akt and ERK in mitochondria show distinct intra-mitochondrial localization and crosstalk in GSK-3β regulation and that recruitment of DUSP5 as well as PHLPP-1 to mitochondria contributes to ROS-induced termination of the protective signaling.  相似文献   

The study was conducted on human leukemia (K 562) cells to characterize the mechanisms implicated in the regulation of the polyamine spermicine (Spd) transport process. The antagonists of calmodulin, trifluoperazine (TFP), W-7 (N-[6-aminohexyl]-5-chloro-1-naphthelenesulfonamide), or mellitin inhiblted significantly polyamine Spd uptake in these cells. The translocation of calmodulin towards plasma membrane and a concomitant decrease in its contents in cytosol were directly correlated with the time course increases similar to that of Spd uptake, indicating that calmodulin is recruited towards plasma membrane during the Spd transport process. Diminution of free intracellular calcium, (Ca2+)i, by preincubating the cells in BAPTA (bis[2-amino-5-methylphenoxyl]-ethane-N,N′,N′,-tetraacetate) buffer inhibited Spd transport significantly. Addition of lanthanum (LAN), a molecule known to inhibit Ca2 efflux via Ca2+-ATPase, curtailed Spd uptake by these cells. LAN inhibited Vmax, but not the Km, of Spd uptake, indicating that the former does not directly interact with the polyamine transporter; rather it regulates the transport process, probably via its action on Ca2+-ATPase. Calmodulin-stimulated uptake of 45Ca2+ by inside-out vesicles of K 562 cells, a measure of Ca2+-ATPase activity. Furthermore, addition of LAN inhibited both basal and calmodulin-stimulated activity of Ca2+-ATPase. Thapsigargin (THAP), a molecule known to elevate (Ca2+) i due to its action on the endoplasmic reticulum, increased Spd transport whereas addition of LAN inhibited THAP-stimulated Spd transport activity. THAP increased free (Ca2+)i in these cells, and a pre-addition of LAN to these cells curtailed the THAP-stimulated increases of (Ca2+)i concentrations. Addition of Spd brought about elevations in (Ca2+)i contents. Caffeine also increased (Ca2+)i in these cells; however, it failed to stimulate significantly the Spd uptake process, indicating that (Ca2+)i which is involved in the regulation of polyamine transport pathways does not belong to the calcium-induced calcium-release (CICR) pool. Replacement of Ca2+ from the incubation medium (i.e., 0% Ca2+) resulted in higher uptake activity as compared to that in 100% Ca2+ medium, demonstrating that in 100% Ca2+ medium the calcium efflux process is quickly compensated by calcium refilling/influx from the extracellular medium, while in 0% Ca2+ medium there is perpetual efflux of (Ca2+)i which contributes to higher Spd uptake process. The results of this study suggest that an increase in free (Ca2+)i and its release from the cells via Ca2+ ATPase, and concomitant activation of calmodulin, which controls Ca2+-pump activity, are involved in the regulation of the Spd uptake process in human leukemia cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have identified three distinct groups of mitochondria in normal living pancreatic acinar cells, located (i) in the peripheral basolateral region close to the plasma membrane, (ii) around the nucleus and (iii) in the periphery of the granular region separating the granules from the basolateral area. Three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal slices showed that the perigranular mitochondria form a barrier surrounding the whole of the granular region. Cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillations initiated in the granular area triggered mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake mainly in the perigranular area. The most intensive uptake occurred in the mitochondria close to the apical plasma membrane. Store-operated Ca(2+) influx through the basolateral membrane caused preferential Ca(2+) uptake into sub-plasmalemmal mitochondria. The perinuclear mitochondria were activated specifically by local uncaging of Ca(2+) in the nucleus. These mitochondria could isolate nuclear and cytosolic Ca(2+) signalling. Photobleaching experiments indicated that different groups of mitochondria were not luminally connected. The three mitochondrial groups are activated independently by specific spatiotemporal patterns of cytosolic Ca(2+) signals and can therefore participate in the local regulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis and energy supply.  相似文献   

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