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The authors have used an online community approach, and tools that were readily available via the Internet, to discover genealogically and therefore phylogenetically relevant Y-chromosome polymorphisms within core haplogroup R1b1a2-L11/S127 (rs9786076). Presented here is the analysis of 135 unrelated L11 derived samples from the 1000 Genomes Project. We were able to discover new variants and build a much more complex phylogenetic relationship for L11 sub-clades. Many of the variants were further validated using PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. The identification of these new variants will help further the understanding of population history including patrilineal migrations in Western and Central Europe where R1b1a2 is the most frequent haplogroup. The fine-grained phylogenetic tree we present here will also help to refine historical genetic dating studies. Our findings demonstrate the power of citizen science for analysis of whole genome sequence data.  相似文献   

The release of the 1000th complete microbial genome will occur in the next two to three years. In anticipation of this milestone, the Fellowship for Interpretation of Genomes (FIG) launched the Project to Annotate 1000 Genomes. The project is built around the principle that the key to improved accuracy in high-throughput annotation technology is to have experts annotate single subsystems over the complete collection of genomes, rather than having an annotation expert attempt to annotate all of the genes in a single genome. Using the subsystems approach, all of the genes implementing the subsystem are analyzed by an expert in that subsystem. An annotation environment was created where populated subsystems are curated and projected to new genomes. A portable notion of a populated subsystem was defined, and tools developed for exchanging and curating these objects. Tools were also developed to resolve conflicts between populated subsystems. The SEED is the first annotation environment that supports this model of annotation. Here, we describe the subsystem approach, and offer the first release of our growing library of populated subsystems. The initial release of data includes 180177 distinct proteins with 2133 distinct functional roles. This data comes from 173 subsystems and 383 different organisms.  相似文献   

The Haplotype Map (HapMap) project recently generated genotype data for more than 1 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four population samples. The main application of the data is in the selection of tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) to use in association studies. The usefulness of this selection process needs to be verified in populations outside those used for the HapMap project. In addition, it is not known how well the data represent the general population, as only 90–120 chromosomes were used for each population and since the genotyped SNPs were selected so as to have high frequencies. In this study, we analyzed more than 1,000 individuals from Estonia. The population of this northern European country has been influenced by many different waves of migrations from Europe and Russia. We genotyped 1,536 randomly selected SNPs from two 500-kbp ENCODE regions on Chromosome 2. We observed that the tSNPs selected from the CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) from Utah (CEU) HapMap samples (derived from US residents with northern and western European ancestry) captured most of the variation in the Estonia sample. (Between 90% and 95% of the SNPs with a minor allele frequency of more than 5% have an r2 of at least 0.8 with one of the CEU tSNPs.) Using the reverse approach, tags selected from the Estonia sample could almost equally well describe the CEU sample. Finally, we observed that the sample size, the allelic frequency, and the SNP density in the dataset used to select the tags each have important effects on the tagging performance. Overall, our study supports the use of HapMap data in other Caucasian populations, but the SNP density and the bias towards high-frequency SNPs have to be taken into account when designing association studies.  相似文献   

Improving drought tolerance of crop plants is a major goal of plant breeders. In this study, we characterized biomass and drought‐related traits of 220 Medicago truncatula HapMap accessions. Characterized traits included shoot biomass, maximum leaf size, specific leaf weight, stomatal density, trichome density and shoot carbon‐13 isotope discrimination (δ13C) of well‐watered M. truncatula plants, and leaf performance in vitro under dehydration stress. Genome‐wide association analyses were carried out using the general linear model (GLM), the standard mixed linear model (MLM) and compressed MLM (CMLM) in TASSEL, which revealed significant overestimation of P‐values by CMLM. For each trait, candidate genes and chromosome regions containing SNP markers were found that are in significant association with the trait. For plant biomass, a 0.5 Mbp region on chromosome 2 harbouring a plasma membrane intrinsic protein, PIP2, was discovered that could potentially be targeted to increase dry matter yield. A protein disulfide isomerase‐like protein was found to be tightly associated with both shoot biomass and leaf size. A glutamate‐cysteine ligase and an aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein with Arabidopsis homologs strongly expressed in the guard cells were two of the top genes identified by stomata density genome‐wide association studies analysis.  相似文献   



DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic mechanism involved in gene regulation and disease, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying inter-individual variation in methylation profiles. Here we measured methylation levels at 22,290 CpG dinucleotides in lymphoblastoid cell lines from 77 HapMap Yoruba individuals, for which genome-wide gene expression and genotype data were also available.  相似文献   

MC4R (melanocortin 4 receptor) is expressed in the appetite-regulating areas of the brain and takes part in leptin signaling pathways. Sequencing of the coding region of the MC4R gene for 354 yaks identified the following five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): SNP1 (273C>T), SNP2 (321 G>T), SNP3 (864 C>A), SNP4 (1069G>C) and SNP5 (1206 G>C). SNP1, SNP2 and SNP3 were synonymous mutations, whereas SNP4 and SNP5 were missense mutations resulting in amino acid substitutions (V286L and R331S). Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis indicated that two pairs of SNPs, SNP2 and SNP5 (r2=0.81027) and SNP4 and SNP5 (r2=0.53816), exhibited higher degrees of LD. CC genotype of SNP4, CGACG and CTCCC haplotypes for all SNPs were associated with increased BW of animals that were 18 months old and with the average daily gain. The secondary structure and transmembrane region prediction of the yak MC4R protein suggested that SNP4 was correlated with influential changes in the seventh transmembrane domain of the MC4R protein and with the functional deterioration or even incapacitation of MC4R, which may contribute to the increased feed intake, BW and average daily gain of the yaks with CC genotypes. The data from this study suggested that 1069G>C SNP of the MC4R gene could be used in marker-assisted selection of growth traits in the Maiwa yak breed.  相似文献   

Summary Five new genetically determined Gc variants were observed by isoelectric focusing. Seven rare variants 1A4, 1C1, 1C3, 1C9, 1C11, 2A2, and 2A5 were also found in the material comprising Danish ans Swedish paternity cases. All the variants were further analysed by electrophoresis in agarose gel. Two of the new variants had double bands of which the anodal one was susceptible to neuraminidase treatment (Gc 1C13 and 1C14). The three other new variants appeared as a single band, which was unaffected by neuraminidase treatment (Gc 2A9, 2C5, and 2C6). The Gc Ar variant originally detected by electrophoresis was reexamined by isoelectric focusing and named 2C4.  相似文献   

Saturation recovery (SR) electron paramagnetic resonance was used to determine the distance between iron and nitroxyl for spin-labeled metmyoglobin variants in low-spin and high-spin states of the Fe(III). The interspin distances were measured by analyzing the effect of the heme iron on the spin-lattice relaxation rates of the nitroxyl spin label using the modified Bloembergen equation for low-spin species, and an analogue of the Bloembergen equation for high-spin species. Insight simulations of the spin-labeled protein structures also were used to determine the interspin distances. The distances obtained by SR for high-spin and low-spin complexes with 15-20 A interspin distances, for low-spin CN(-) and high-spin formate adducts at distances up to about 30 A, and results from Insight calculations were in good agreement. For variants with 25-30 A interspin distances, the distances obtained by SR for the fluoride adducts were shorter than observed for the CN(-) or formate adducts or predicted by Insight simulations. Of the heme axial ligands examined (CN(-), imidazole, F(-), and formate), CN(-) is the best choice for determination of iron-nitroxyl distances in the range of 15-30 A.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genetic homogeneity in systems with multiple genomes.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The genetic code provides the translation table necessary to transform the information contained in DNA into the language of proteins. In this table, a correspondence between each codon and each amino acid is established: tRNA is the main adaptor that links the two. Although the genetic code is nearly universal, several variants of this code have been described in a wide range of nuclear and organellar systems, especially in metazoan mitochondria. These variants are generally found by searching for conserved positions that consistently code for a specific alternative amino acid in a new species. We have devised an accurate computational method to automate these comparisons, and have tested it with 626 metazoan mitochondrial genomes. Our results indicate that several arthropods have a new genetic code and translate the codon AGG as lysine instead of serine (as in the invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code) or arginine (as in the standard genetic code). We have investigated the evolution of the genetic code in the arthropods and found several events of parallel evolution in which the AGG codon was reassigned between serine and lysine. Our analyses also revealed correlated evolution between the arthropod genetic codes and the tRNA-Lys/-Ser, which show specific point mutations at the anticodons. These rather simple mutations, together with a low usage of the AGG codon, might explain the recurrence of the AGG reassignments.  相似文献   

Fifteen (soil and intestinal) strains of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans species were typed by PCR method with the use of primers specific for repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) sequences. As a result, characteristic DNA fingerprints for the strains were obtained. Moreover, the genetic profiles were found to be useful for typing and distinguishing the strains of D. desulfuricans. According to cluster analysis, PCR with primers complementary to the sequences REP appeared to be slightly more discriminatory than PCR with ERIC primers for the investigated strains. Distinct fingerprint patterns of two isolates derived from the same patient pointed to the different origin of both strains.  相似文献   

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