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High-throughput RNAi screening in vitro: from cell lines to primary cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are being used to induce sequence-specific gene silencing in cultured cells to study mammalian gene function. Libraries of siRNAs targeting entire human gene classes can be used to identify genes with specific cellular functions. Here we describe high-throughput siRNA delivery methods to facilitate siRNA library screening experiments with both immortalized and primary cells. We adapted chemical reverse transfection for immortalized adherent cell lines in a 96-well format. The method is fast, robust, and exceptionally effective for many cell types. For primary cells and immortalized cells that are recalcitrant to lipofection-based methods, we developed electropermeabilization (electroporation) conditions that facilitate siRNA delivery to a broad range of cell types, including primary human T-cells, hMSC, NHA, NDHF-Neo, HUVEC, DI TNC1, RPTEC, PC12, and K562 cells. To enable high-throughput electropermeabilization of primary cells, we developed a novel 96-well electroporation device that provides highly efficient and reproducible delivery of siRNAs. The combination of high-throughput chemical reverse transfection and electroporation makes it possible to deliver libraries of siRNAs to virtually any cell type, enabling gene function analysis and discovery on a genome scale.  相似文献   

In this present study, the efficacy of metabolomics as a tool for tumor cell energetics for in vitro cell cultures was demonstrated with full competence for the first time by elucidating the anabolic and energy-yielding segments of glycolysis and glutaminolysis, which constitute a part of energy metabolism in tumor cells. By synchronizing colon cancer cells SW480 and SW620 in culture, the metabolome specific to cell cycle phases was analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. At the G1/S transition of the cell cycle (i.e. transition from cell growth to duplication of genetic material), the majority of the energy production was realized by glycolysis through a high channeling of glucose carbons towards lactate. During the late S phase, the majority of energy was produced by glutaminolysis through a high channeling of glutamine carbons towards lactate, while the glucose carbons were channeled towards bio-synthetic pathways. These results indicate that the metabolism of proliferating cells is heterogeneous throughout the cell cycle and can be better interpreted on the basis of different cell cycle phases. These findings could be exploited for the development of a tool for tumor diagnosis as well as for targeting tumors.  相似文献   

Adaptive response is a term used to describe the ability of a low, priming dose of ionizing radiation to modify the effects of a subsequent higher, challenge dose, but it has been observed to be highly variable in both presence and magnitude. To examine this variability, 10 human lymphoblastoid cell lines were screened for adaptability to 137Cs radiation by determining the frequency of micronuclei in binucleated cells. Of these, six adapted, three did not adapt and one was synergistic. The assay was then repeated on each of the cell lines to test for reproducibility. Five cell lines showed the same result both times; four of these adapted and one did not.To determine whether fluctuations in the cell cycle distribution in the irradiated population of cells could alter the adaptive response, and therefore explain some of the observed variability, two of the cell lines were tested for adaptation after enriching the population, by synchronization, for a given cell cycle stage. In both cell lines, the direction of the response was altered when the distribution of cells within the cell cycle was changed, suggesting that the adaptive response can be affected by cell cycle stage at the time of irradiation.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method for the prediction of chemotherapeutic response in patients using only before-treatment baseline tumor gene expression data. First, we fitted models for whole-genome gene expression against drug sensitivity in a large panel of cell lines, using a method that allows every gene to influence the prediction. Following data homogenization and filtering, these models were applied to baseline expression levels from primary tumor biopsies, yielding an in vivo drug sensitivity prediction. We validated this approach in three independent clinical trial datasets, and obtained predictions equally good, or better than, gene signatures derived directly from clinical data.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO) and its receptor Mpl support all of the developmental step necessary for megakaryocytopoiesis. In the past few years, the signaling pathways utilized by this member of the cytokine receptor family have been extensively studied, especially JAK/STAT, Ras/MAP kinase, Shc, and other adapter molecules. Many if not most of the secondary signaling pathways activated by thrombopoietin have also been identified upon binding of other hematopoietic growth factors to their cognate receptors, making the study of Mpl signaling representative of the field in general. However, identifying unique molecules or combinations of signals that direct megakaryocyte development has been an elusive goal and has led some investigators to conclude that there is little specificity during Mpl signal transduction. In this article we review the data regarding Mpl signaling with particular attention to the methods employed and critical interpretation of the data generated. Future studies will have to focus on primary bone marrow cells and intact animal models rather than transformed cell lines. Furthermore, it is likely that a comprehensive, integrative analysis of the many pathways activated by ligand binding will be necessary to understand the physiology of cytokine signaling.  相似文献   

Breast cancer patients have different responses to chemotherapeutic treatments. Genes associated with drug response can provide insight to understand the mechanisms of drug resistance, identify promising therapeutic opportunities, and facilitate personalized treatment. Estrogen receptor (ER) positive and ER negative breast cancer have distinct clinical behavior and molecular properties. However, to date, few studies have rigorously assessed drug response genes in them. In this study, our goal was to systematically identify genes associated with multidrug response in ER positive and ER negative breast cancer cell lines. We tested 27 human breast cell lines for response to seven chemotherapeutic agents (cyclophosphamide, docetaxel, doxorubicin, epirubicin, fluorouracil, gemcitabine, and paclitaxel). We integrated publicly available gene expression profiles of these cell lines with their in vitro drug response patterns, then applied meta-analysis to identify genes related to multidrug response in ER positive and ER negative cells separately. One hundred eighty-eight genes were identified as related to multidrug response in ER positive and 32 genes in ER negative breast cell lines. Of these, only three genes (DBI, TOP2A, and PMVK) were common to both cell types. TOP2A was positively associated with drug response, and DBI was negatively associated with drug response. Interestingly, PMVK was positively associated with drug response in ER positive cells and negatively in ER negative cells. Functional analysis showed that while cell cycle affects drug response in both ER positive and negative cells, most biological processes that are involved in drug response are distinct. A number of signaling pathways that are uniquely enriched in ER positive cells have complex cross talk with ER signaling, while in ER negative cells, enriched pathways are related to metabolic functions. Taken together, our analysis indicates that distinct mechanisms are involved in multidrug response in ER positive and ER negative breast cells.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles comprise two main classes - exosomes and shed microvesicles (sMVs). Whilst much is known about exosome cargo content and functionality, sMVs are poorly understood. Here, we describe the large-scale purification of sMVs released from primary (SW480) and metastatic (SW620) human isogenic colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines using a combination of differential ultracentrifugation and isopycnic iodixanol density centrifugation. The yield of SW480-sMVs and SW620-sMVs was 0.75 mg and 0.80 mg, respectively. Both SW480-/SW620-sMVs are heterogeneous in size (100–600 nm diameter) and exhibit identical buoyant densities (1.10 g/mL). In contrast to exosomes, sMVs are ALIX, TSG101, CD63 and CD9. Quantitative mass spectrometry identified 1295 and 1300 proteins in SW480-sMVs and SW620-sMVs, respectively. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis identified ‘cell adhesion’ (CDH1, OCLN, CTN families), ‘signalling pathway’ (KRAS, NRAS, MAPK1, MAP2K1), and ‘translation/RNA related’ processes (EIF, RPL, HNRNP families) in both sMV types. Strikingly, SW480- and SW620-sMVs exhibit distinct protein signatures - SW480-sMVs being enriched in ITGA/B, ANXA1, CLDN7, CD44 and EGFR/NOTCH signalling networks, while SW620-sMVs are enriched in PRKCA, MACC1, FGFR4 and MTOR/MARCKS signalling networks. Both SW480- and SW620-sMVs are taken up by NIH3T3 fibroblasts resulting in similar cell invasion capability. This study provides, for the first time, molecular insights into sMVs and CRC biology.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) components in 8 cell lines of HeLa were examined. Line to line heterogeneity in ALP expression was observed using the criteria of electrophoretic mobility before and after neuraminidase treatment, heat stability, L-phenylanine inhibition, and reactivity against antiplacental ALP antiserum. Six lines contained a placentallike ALP isozyme and varying amounts of a liverlike ALP isozyme. One line contained a liverlike ALP isozyme only. One line contained a new ALP form which was clearly distinguished from the placental, liver, bone, and intestinal ALPs. Thus, derepression of the placental ALP structural locus appeared to have occurred in 6 of the 8 lines. However, where expressed, the placentallike ALP varied electrophoretically from line to line, and in only one case was the mobility identical to that of a common placental ALP phenotype. This phenotypic heterogeneity of the "derepressed' placentallike ALP contrasts markedly with the phenotypic stability of other enzymes expressed in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Two new human cell lines, RCM-1 and CoCM-1, have been established from primary colorectal adenocarcinomas. Both cell lines were unique in that the cultures secreted trypsin inhibitors in vitro. The activities of these inhibitors were accumulated in serum-free media of both cell lines over a period of several days. Two inhibitors (PI-1 and PI-2) were isolated from serum-free conditioned medium in which RCM-1 was grown by anion-exchange and gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography. PI-1 inhibited trypsin and chymotrypsin strongly, and pancreatic elastase weakly. Its molecular weight was about 57 kilodaltons (Kd) as determined by gel filtration chromatography. It cross-reacted with the antiserum elicited against human alpha 1-antitrypsin in double immunodiffusion. PI-1 corresponding to alpha 1-antitrypsin was also demonstrated immunohistochemically in both cell lines. PI-2 inhibited trypsin strongly, and chymotrypsin, kallikrein and plasmin weakly. It had higher molecular weight (200-300 Kd) than that of PI-1, and did not cross-react with antisera against human alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor and urinary trypsin inhibitor. RCM-1 and CoCM-1 are the first colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines that secrete functionally active trypsin inhibitors, including alpha 1-antitrypsin in vitro, and are useful for the study of tumor-cell derived proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Two new human cell lines, RCM-1 and CoCM-1, have been established from primary colorectal adenocarcinomas. Both cell lines were unique in that the cultures secreted trypsin inhibitors in vitro. The activities of these inhibitors were accumulated in serum-free media of both cell lines over a period of several days. Two inhibitors (PI-1 and PI-2) were isolated from serum-free conditioned medium in which RCM-1 was grown by anion-exchange and gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography. PI-1 inhibited trypsin and chymotrypsin strongly, and pancreatic elastase weakly. Its molecular weight was about 57 kilodaltons (Kd) as determined by gel filtration chromatography. It cross-reacted with the antiserum elicited against human α1-antitrypsin in double immunodiffusion. PI-1 corresponding to α1 - antitrypsin was also demonstrated immunohistochemically in both cell lines. PI-2 inhibited trypsin strongly, and chymotrypsin, kallikrein and plasmin weakly. It had higher molecular weight (200–300 Kd) than that of PI-1, and did not crossreact with antisera against human α1-antitrypsin, α2-macroglobulin, α1-antichymotrypsin, α2-plasmin inhibitor, inter-α-trypsin inhibitor and urinary trypsin inhibitor. RCM-1 and CoCM-1 are the first colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines that secrete functionally active trypsin inhibitors, including α1-antitrypsin in vitro, and are useful for the study of tumor-cell derived proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The structure and motility of isolated rat primary (I) Schwann cells (SC) have been compared to that of subcultured (II) SC during and after mitotic stimulation. I SC contain myelin components which persist for 2 weeks in serum-free medium while they rapidly disappear in medium containing serum and high glucose concentration. These components were never detected in II SC. Both I SC and II SC after their mitotic phase are spindle-shaped, contain many intermediate and actin filaments, have no basement membrane but show intense migratory and undulatory activities. Rare fibroblasts in I cultures are recognized by their extremely variable shape, the presence of Thy 1.1 antigen in their membrane and their intense edge ruffling alternating with abrupt translocation. In contrast, I SC movements consist of intracellular translocation of nuclei along SC processes, which retract and extend constantly, and in slow rhythmic undulation episodes (2.3 ± 0.2/min) alternating with migration at 135 ± 50 μ/h. The total number of these episodes per day in serum-free medium is rigorously identical for different cells (166.3 ± 0.2) and this uniformity of frequency suggests a genotypic basis. Cycles, consisting of an undulation episode followed by a resting interval, have mean durations of 8.6 ± 4.1 min and a sharp peak of occurrence at 6 min, with exponential distribution of the longer periods. Motility of II SC is considerably inhibited during mitotic stimulation by cholera toxin and a pituitary extract while SC phenotype has changed to a flat multipolar cell with prominent Golgi and ribosomes. Migration is reduced to 24 ± 2 μ/h and only 2% of the SC show pulsations of the same periodicity as the I SC undulations. A dramatic increase in pulsation frequency occurs 6–12 h after removal of mitogenic factors when 80% of II SC start pulsating twice as fast for 2–3 days. When mitoses cease, SC quickly recover their SC phenotype with rhythmic undulations while migration speed increased to 92 ± 20 μ/h. Thus, in spite of dramatic modification of shape, structure and behavior during mitotic stimulation, SC subsequently recover their unique motility pattern which might be essential for their myelinating function.  相似文献   

The DiFi and HT-29 human colorectal cancer cell lines were characterized and compared with respect to binding properties of alpha adrenoceptors present on the cell surface. Both cell lines possessed alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors of high affinity; however, DiFi cells were rich in alpha-1 adrenoceptors, whereas HT-29 cells were rich in alpha-2 adrenoceptors. In each cell line, specificity of radioligand binding to alpha-1 or alpha-2 adrenoceptors was proved via competition studies using non-tritiated drugs. We believe this to be the first characterization of alpha-1 adrenoceptors in cell line HT-29 and of alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors in DiFi cells. Differences between these cell lines in alpha adrenoceptor expression are discussed in relation to colon carcinogenesis. The high level of alpha-1 adrenoceptors seen in DiFi cells should make this cell line useful in studies of the function and regulation of this adrenoceptor subtype.  相似文献   

In a panel of 18 colon cancer cell lines we found that the thymidylate synthase (TS) genotype was related to TS enzyme activity, but not to TS protein and mRNA levels. In addition, no relation with drug sensitivity was observed. TS genotyping of different tissues from 78 colorectal cancer patients revealed a high level of homology in polymorphic status between normal and malignant tissues and the heterozygous genotype to be the most frequent.  相似文献   

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