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In a bioassay, leachate from composted household waste was found to decrease both cress germination and the germination of barley and six arable weeds, especially in the light. The effect of compost depth upon the emergence of these species was examined in a glasshouse experiment. Compost had no significant effect on barley emergence. However, weed emergence, particularly of those with small seeds, was reduced greatly by the physical effect of compost and, to a lesser extent, by its chemical effect. The emergence of the large-seeded species was relatively unaffected by increasing depths of compost, whereas that of the smaller-seeded weeds steadily decreased, being almost completely prevented by a 3 cm layer. The use of compost to control arable weeds in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

Lepidium vesicarium is a weed species with a wide distribution in the rangelands and dry‐land farming in East Azarbaijan, Iran. The experiments were undertaken to assay the effects of light, temperature, pH, osmotic potential, NaCl concentration and burial depth on seed germination and emergence of L. vesicarium. Germination was maintained at high levels (> 80%) over a wide day/night temperature range (10/5 to 30/20°C), but a severe reduction in the germination rate of L. vesicarium was found below 20/10°C. Germination of L. vesicarium was influenced by different light/dark regimes, as the germination rate was highest at 16 h light for the all treatments (0, 8, 12, 16 and 24 h light). Germination was 92–95% over a wide range of pH (2‐10). Germination was >50% at a water potential of ?0.7 MPa and salinity of 21 dS/m, indicating that drought and salt conditions have a minimal impact on seed germination. With increasing burial depth from 0 to 2 cm, the number of days required for 50% emergence increased and no germination was observed at burial depths deeper than 3 cm. This suggests that L. vesicarium would become troublesome in the rangelands and for growers in reduced‐tillage cropping systems. The ability to emerge from shallow depths, coupled with tolerance of a wide pH range, drought and salinity at germination, should be taken into account when managing this weed species.  相似文献   

沙埋对六种沙生植物种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
研究了沙埋对科尔沁沙地6种优势植物的种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响.进行0.2、4、6、8、10和12cm等7个深度沙埋处理.结果表明,在不同沙埋处理时,沙蓬萌发差异显著。而差不嘎蒿2锄埋深与其他埋深的发芽差异显著,其他4种植物0cm埋深与其他埋深的发芽差异显著;沙埋对所有植物幼苗出土均有显著影响,埋深增加,出苗率减小;繁殖体大的物种与繁殖体小的物种相比,能从更深沙层中出苗,幼苗出土最大深度排序为苦参>东北木蓼≥沙蓬>山竹子>雾冰藜>差不嘎蒿.  相似文献   

Portulaca oleracea , a C4 species, is reported to be a serious weed in 45 crops in 81 countries. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory, the screenhouse and the field to determine the influence of environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of P. oleracea . In the laboratory, germination in the dark was low and was not influenced by the tested temperatures (35/25°C, 30/20°C and 25/15°C alternating day/night temperatures). In the light/dark regime, however, germination was lower at 25/15°C and 35/25°C than at 30/20°C (70%, 75% and 81% germination, respectively). In conditions of 106 mM sodium chloride or −0.34 MPa osmotic potential, seeds germinated to only 50% of maximum germination of the control. Germination was not influenced by buffered pH solutions ranging from 5 to 9. In the screenhouse, germination was greatest for seeds placed on the soil surface, but emergence declined with increasing seed burial depth in soil; no seedlings emerged from the depth of 2 cm. Seedling emergence and seedling dry matter were markedly reduced by the addition of rice residue to the soil surface at rates equivalent to 4 to 6 t ha−1. In the field, seedling emergence of P. oleracea was greater under zero till (ZT) (17–20%) than under minimum tillage (6–10%), a likely reflection of low seed burial and exposure of seeds to light with a ZT system. This study identifies some of the factors enabling P. oleracea to be a widespread weed in the humid tropics, and the information could contribute to improved control strategies.  相似文献   

Cyperus difformis , Cyperus iria and Fimbristylis miliacea are troublesome annual sedges of rice grown in many countries. Laboratory and screenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of temperature, light, salt and water stress, seed burial depth, and flooding time, duration and depth on germination, emergence and growth of these three species. Germination of all the three species was stimulated by light and warm fluctuating temperatures. Germination of C. difformis was influenced to a greater degree by increasing salt and water stress than C. iria and F. miliacea . In all three species, seeds sown on the soil surface gave the greatest percentage of seedling emergence, and no seedlings emerged from seeds buried in soil at depths of ≥1 cm. Flooding, although not continuous or deep, had a suppressive effect on emergence and growth of C. iria and F. miliacea . Intermittent flooding to shallow depths, however, was less effective in controlling C. difformis ; deep flooding was needed to suppress growth of C. difformis seedlings. When the flooding was delayed to 21 days after sowing, there was little growth reduction in all three species.  相似文献   

Soil moisture and temperature, sowing depth and penetration resistance affect the time and percentage of seedling emergence, which are crucial for the simulation of drought‐limited crop production. The aim of this research was to measure the effect of soil water potential on germination and emergence, shoot and root elongation rates (SER and RER) of two different seed/crop types. Sugar beet and durum wheat seeds were sown into two soils (clay and loam), submitted to five matric potentials (?0.01, ?0.1, ?0.2, ?0.4 and ?0.8 MPa) and incubated at constant temperature (25°C) and humidity. Cumulative count analysis was used to estimate parameters of the distribution of germination or emergence times for each box of beet or wheat seeds and to derive estimates for base potentials (ψb), hydrothermal times (H) and numbers of viable units. In a second experiment, NaCl solution was used to mimic the soil matric potentials to estimate potential RER and SER. Germination of sugar beet was slightly more sensitive to matric potential than durum wheat (ψb of ?1.13 and ?1.23 MPa, respectively). H(g) was longer for sugar beet than for durum wheat (67 vs 47 MPa °Cd). For emergence ψb was similar for both seed types and soils but hydrothermal times (H(e)) were 40 MPa °Cd higher for sugar beet than for wheat. Emergence was about 20 MPa °Cd earlier in loam than in clay. SER measured in soils were similar for both crops and for durum wheat it agreed with those determined in NaCl solution. RER and SER fell with decreasing osmotic potential to approximately 20% of their maximum values (1.03 mm h?1 and 0.57 mm h?1, respectively). Seedling viability decreased with decreasing matric potential and more in clay than in loam soil and more for sugar beet than durum wheat. Seed and soil aggregate size are discussed with respect to the effects of water diffusion and soil–seed contact on germination and emergence modelling.  相似文献   

郑明清  郑元润  姜联合 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2474-2484
飞播固沙作为一项快速而有效的现代化治沙措施,已成为毛乌素沙地植被恢复与重建的重要手段。但此项技术仍存在一些问题,如飞播后成苗率较低等。以毛乌素沙地优势植物柠条(Caragana korshinskii)、羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)、油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)与籽蒿(Artemisia sphaerocephala)为研究对象,人工控制7个沙埋深度和9个水分梯度,研究4种植物种子萌发和幼苗出土对沙埋和单次供水的响应,阐明多大的单次降雨才能保证种子萌发与幼苗出土及出土幼苗的维持时间。结果表明,对于柠条和羊柴质量相对较大的种子而言.种子主要在供水量10.20mm,埋藏深度为0.5.2cm的条件下出苗,但在埋藏深度为5cm时这两个物种仍有少量种子能够出苗;而对于油蒿和籽蒿质量相对较小的种子而言,种子主要在供水量10.20mm,埋藏深度为0.5cm时出苗,当埋藏深度为1.5cm和2cm时不能顺利出苗。沙埋深度0.5cm条件下,4个物种具有最高的出苗率和出苗速率。在试验期内(30d),柠条、羊柴和油蒿出土幼苗分别在单次供水量为5、7.5mm和7.5mm时全部死亡,在单次供水量高于15mm时4个种的出土幼苗死亡率大多低于50%,且随供水量的增加出土幼苗死亡率降低。结合毛乌素沙地降雨特点与本次实验结果,0.5cm的沙埋及7.5mm以上的单次降雨是上述4种植物自然条件下出苗较好的重要条件。  相似文献   

Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. is a deciduous shrub with intricately branched stems in the Rhamnaceae family. It's a dominant and economically important species widely distributed in active sand dunes in the southern desert of Tunisia. To provide basic information for its conservation and reintroduction, we studied the influence of environmental factors on seed germination patterns. The germination responses of seeds were determined over a wide range of constant temperatures (10–50 °C), polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 solutions of different osmotic potentials (0 to − 1 MPa) and burial depths (1–10 cm). Temperatures between 15 and 45 °C seem to be favorable for the germination of this species. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the most suitable temperature found (35 °C). The highest germination percentages (100%) were obtained under control conditions without PEG, and increasing moisture stress progressively inhibited seed germination, which was less than 5% at − 1 MPa. When tested for germination in distilled water, after PEG treatments, seeds germinated to the same extent as when fresh. When seeds buried deeply, there was a significant decrease in seedling emergence percentage and rate. Seedlings of Z. lotus emerged well at depths of 1–2 cm and could not emerge when sand burial depth was > 4 cm.  相似文献   

光照对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yan XF  Wang JL  Zhou LB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1682-1688
研究了不同光照梯度[55.4%自然全光照(natural sunlight,NS)、18.9%NS、5.5%NS、2.2%NS、0.5%NS和0.3%NS]对辽东栎种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:辽东栎种子的萌发率和萌发指数在55.4%NS处理达到最大,分别为72.5%和0.22,然后随着光照减弱而逐渐减小,在0.3%NS处理下最小,分别为42.5%和0.11;强光照对种子萌发进程有一定的延迟作用,萌发活力指数随着光照的减弱而增大(0.5%NS处理最大);强光下种子萌发的延迟可能是其对多种命运的权衡性选择.强光照有利于辽东栎幼苗基径和根系生长,以及幼苗干物质的积累,但株高最小(6.06 cm);不同光强处理的辽东栎幼苗具有较大的形态学可塑性,其幼苗阶段对光环境的适应性较强,0.5%NS处理的幼苗比叶面积、比枝长、比根长、叶片叶绿素b含量及叶绿素总量均最大,分别为142.57 cm2.g-1、156.86 cm.g-1、271.87 cm.g-1、0.07 g.cm-2和0.24 g.cm-2,55.4%NS处理下最小,分别为44.89 cm2.g-1、52.84 cm.g-1、101.98 cm.g-1、...  相似文献   

Massanori Takaki  V. M. Zaia 《Planta》1984,160(2):190-192
A short period (15–30 min) at 30° C promotes germination of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Repolhuda in darkness. Far-red light reverses this stimulation, and the escape curves for phytochrome and high-temperature action are quite similar, indicating that the two factors act at a common point in the chain of events leading to germination. It is suggested that high temperature acts by decreasing the threshold of the active, far-red absorbing, form of phytochrome (Pfr) needed to promote germination.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

王宁  刘俊娥  周正朝 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7464-7474
生物土壤结皮(BSC)在陆地生态系统中具有重要的生态地位,尤其是旱地生态系统中,BSC占据了种子植物之间的广阔地面。因此,BSC的发展必然影响种子植物更新过程与植被空间格局;但其作用方式、影响程度等因相关研究涉及多气候要素、土壤类型、BSC组成物种和种子植物物种的差异及其不同组合,导致目前的研究结论存在广泛争议。研究综合论述了BSC改变地表微形态对种子传播过程的影响;BSC改变土壤特性(物理、化学、生物学)对种子萌发和幼苗存活与建植等关键环节的影响;并结合种子形态特征及种子萌发、幼苗建植的性状等,综合分析了BSC对种子传播、种子萌发与幼苗建植等更新过程的潜在影响机理;探讨了目前研究矛盾性结论产生的原因。总体来说,深入研究并全面揭示BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,应加强学科交叉,将分子生物学、植物生理学、生物化学等微观研究,与遥感、野外生态因子过程监测、控制实验等宏观、中观研究结合,从机理到过程方面动态研究BSC对种子植物更新过程的影响,并引入水文模型、气候模型、种群动态模型等模型预测方法,研究气候变化、各类干扰频发的情景下,BSC对种子传播、萌发及幼苗建植过程的潜在影响,以期促进对BSC与种子植物间相互关系的研究,加深对干旱脆弱生态系统植被发展规律的认识。  相似文献   

近年来由于灭绝性采挖和生态环境的恶化,沼兰(Malaxis monophyllos)的自然资源遭到严重破坏,加上沼兰种子具有萌发缓慢和萌发率低的特性,已处于近危乃至易危的状态。为了繁殖和保护沼兰种质资源,利用添加2%蔗糖、3%活性炭和0.8%琼脂的Knudson C(KC)培养基,研究了萘乙酸(NAA)、6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、椰乳、香蕉泥、土豆泥和光照条件6种因素对沼兰种子非共生萌发的影响;同时通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了种子的外部形态。结果显示,沼兰种皮细胞的平周壁方向结构平坦、没有纹络,但是沿着细胞垂周壁方向细胞壁较厚。通过正交试验设计和冗余分析,建立了沼兰种子非共生萌发的最佳方案,即在含有4.5mg·L–1NAA、10mg·L–16-BA、8%香蕉泥和3%土豆泥的KC培养基上光照条件(光照强度为20μmol·m–2·s–1,光周期为12h/12h)下萌发。该方案的种子萌发率在90%以上。  相似文献   

莫莫格国家级自然保护区位于松嫩平原西部, 以保护白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)等珍稀水禽及其栖息地为主要目的。扁秆藨草(Scirpus planiculmis)是莫莫格湿地的重要植物, 也是白鹤在该区停栖的主要食源植物。莫莫格湿地水文恢复后, 芦苇(Phragmites australis)等高大挺水植物大量出现, 阻碍了扁秆藨草的恢复。种子萌发是植物生活史的重要阶段, 对于认识野外植物群落动态和植被管理十分重要。该研究在人工气候箱模拟野外环境条件, 分析了光照(全光、遮阴、黑暗)、水深(0、5、15和30 cm)及其交互作用对芦苇种子萌发的影响。结果表明: 光照和水深变化明显影响芦苇种子的萌发; 最终萌发比例在遮阴和黑暗条件下明显比在全光下高, 在3种光照处理下较深水位(5-30 cm)均抑制了芦苇种子的萌发。芦苇种子萌发也明显受光照和水深交互作用的影响; 在全光条件下, 萌发比例在0 cm水深(86.67% ± 2.36%)显著高于其他较深水位; 在遮阴和黑暗环境下, 0 cm水深与其他水深处理间的差异明显缩小, 这应是在遮阴和黑暗条件下(不考虑水深)萌发比例较高的重要原因。因此, 在芦苇建群初期, 及时进行清除处理并保持一定地表水位可以限制芦苇通过有性繁殖更新, 同时改善地表光辐射等生境条件, 促进扁秆藨草恢复。  相似文献   

光照、盐分和埋深对无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)和条叶车前(Plantago lessingii)种子萌发的影响研究结果显示,无芒隐子草和条叶车前种子为萌发需光性种子。随着盐(NaCl)浓度的增加,2种植物种子的发芽率呈直线下降趋势(P<0.01),但以条叶车前下降较为缓慢。当盐分浓度为0.4 mol.L-1时,2种植物种子皆不能萌发。低浓度的盐分促进胚根的生长,高浓度则表现为抑制作用;盐分对胚芽的生长则一直起抑制作用。2种植物种子发芽率随埋深的增加而减小,当埋深>2 cm时不能萌发。  相似文献   

光照和温度对百合属6种植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
对不同光照和温度条件对条叶百合(Lilium callosum Sieb.et Zucc.)、大花卷丹[L. leichtlinii Hook.f var.maximowicaii(Regel)Baker]、有斑百合[L.concolor Salisb.var.pulchellum(Fisch.)Regel]、川百合[L.davidii Duchartre)、毛百合(L. dauricum Ker-Gawl.)和东北百合(L.distichum Nakai)种子萌发的影响进行了研究。结果表明:光照对有斑百合、川百合和毛百合种子萌发有明显促进作用,可缩短种子萌发时间,提高种子萌发率。24h光照下种子萌发完全所需天数比12h光照少,种子萌发率以24h光照最佳。避光条件下温度对大花卷丹、有斑百合、毛百合、川百合及东北百合种子萌发率和萌发速度有影响,对条叶百合种子影响最大,其种子萌发最适温度为20℃,5~6d开始萌动,2~3周萌发完全,随着温度的升高或降低其种子萌发率下降。光照条件下,变温对种子萌发影响不明显。子叶留土类型的毛百合种子有二次休眼现象,9000lx光照能代替低温解除二次休眼。经不同前处理的百合种子萌发率和萌发速度不同。  相似文献   

沙埋与水分对科尔沁沙地主要固沙植物出苗的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒿属半灌木乌丹蒿(Artemisia wudanica)、白沙蒿(A. sphaerocephala)、差不嘎蒿(A. halodendron)是科尔沁沙地的主要固沙植物。其中乌丹蒿和差不嘎蒿是科尔沁沙地的本土植物,白沙蒿为来自于库布齐沙漠、毛乌素沙地的飞播植物。设置了 5个沙埋深度(0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0和3.0 cm)和 4个水分梯度(86、171、257和 342 mL,分别模拟每月25、50、75和100 mm的降雨量),以探讨3种植物幼苗出土对沙埋和水分的响应。结果表明,沙埋与水分均显著影响着3种蒿属植物的幼苗出土(P < 0.001)。3种植物最适沙埋深度在0.5-1.5 cm范围内,萌发出土时适宜水量要高于当地种子萌发期的平均降水量(50 mm/月)。两种固沙先锋植物乌丹蒿和白沙蒿的种子出苗率均显著高于差不嘎蒿,乌丹蒿较白沙蒿也明显为高,尤其在水分缺乏时,表现出两种先锋植物种子出苗对干旱有更好的适应性。协方差分析表明,乌丹蒿幼苗死亡率显著高于白沙蒿和差不嘎蒿(P < 0.05),在达到75 mm/月降水量时,3种植物的出苗较好,但不能满足乌丹蒿幼苗生长对水分的需求,而实际种子萌发期的降水量平均只有50 mm/月。因而降水的缺乏导致乌丹蒿种群更新出现问题,加之飞播植物的竞争,使得近几年科尔沁沙地较多乌丹蒿种群出现衰退。  相似文献   

  • The impact of global warming on seed dormancy loss and germination was investigated in Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard), a common woodland/hedgerow plant in Eurasia, considered invasive in North America. Increased temperature may have serious implications, since seeds of this species germinate and emerge at low temperatures early in spring to establish and grow before canopy development of competing species.
  • Dormancy was evaluated in seeds buried in field soils. Seedling emergence was also investigated in the field, and in a thermogradient tunnel under global warming scenarios representing predicted UK air temperatures through to 2080.
  • Dormancy was simple, and its relief required the accumulation of low temperature chilling time. Under a global warming scenario, dormancy relief and seedling emergence declined and seed mortality increased as soil temperature increased along a thermal gradient. Seedling emergence advanced with soil temperature, peaking 8 days earlier under 2080 conditions.
  • The results indicate that as mean temperature increases due to global warming, the chilling requirement for dormancy relief may not be fully satisfied, but seedling emergence will continue from low dormancy seeds in the population. Adaptation resulting from selection of this low dormancy proportion is likely to reduce the overall population chilling requirement. Seedling emergence is also likely to keep pace with the advancement of biological spring, enabling A. petiolata to maintain its strategy of establishment before the woodland canopy closes. However, this potential for adaptation may be countered by increased seed mortality in the seed bank as soils warm.

Understanding the regeneration niche of species may allow us to gain insight into how communities are structured. In deserts, the regeneration niche is usually related to spaces beneath shrubs where shade cast by shrubs creates microenvironments that benefit seedlings and where even small amounts of rain may favour germination and establishment. Shade and water may also interact with different types of soils. However, species may have different requirements for germination and seedling survival. We could expect that shrub species with different drought tolerances exhibit different responses to the combination of these factors. We ask if responses of dominant species of the Atacama Desert to abiotic factors (shade, water and soil type) are related to their drought tolerance, a topic not exhaustively explored in shrubs growing in true deserts. We conducted two factorial experiments. The first one was designed to evaluate how shade (microhabitat) in combination with water may affect germination (emergence) and early survival. In the second experiment, we assessed the influence of shade in relation to soil type. Each species responded distinctively to the three variables under study, but in general, their emergence responses were more influenced by water (more water, greater emergence) than by microhabitat or soil type. Survival was influenced both by microhabitat and by water and was higher under shade and abundant water. Soil type affected only one of our species in terms of emergence. Species responses in general depended on their tolerance to stress. In one species, there was indication of a seed–seedling conflict. Our results show similar species responses to environmental constraints but also more or less unique responses that are related to their tolerance to drought and which may ultimately permit species coexistence. We found that shade may not be important for germination but may be crucial for survival in dry years.  相似文献   

Aims Light requirements for cactus seed germination have been considered to be associated with their adult plant height and seed mass, but this has not been thoroughly studied for other succulent species. In order to understand seed photosensitivity from desert species belonging to Asparagaceae (subfamily Agavoideae) and Cactaceae, we performed a germination experiment with and without light for 12 species and 2 varieties from 1 species from the Southern Chihuahuan Desert. We also determined if adult growth is totally determined by seedling 'growth form' in cacti.Methods We performed a germination experiment using light and darkness for 13 species from Southern Chihuahuan Desert: 10 rosette species (Asparagaceae), as well as 1 globose, 1 columnar and 2 varieties from 1 depressed-globose species (Cactaceae). The response variables were seed germination percentage and relative light germination (RLG). In addition, in order to determine if adult-globose cacti could have cylindrical seedlings, we calculated the shape index (height/width ratio) for Coryphanta clavata and Mammillaria compressa .Important findings All species were considered neutral photoblastic. Eleven species had similar seed germination in both light and dark conditions, and three taxa (M. compressa and the two varieties of Ferocactus latispinus) showed higher germination with light than without it. Agave salmiana, M. compressa and the two varieties of F. latispinus had higher RLG than the other species. Seed mass was an important factor because with higher seed mass there was lower dependence to light. These findings support the hypothesis that small seed mass and light requirements have coevolved as an adaptation to ensure germination. One adult-globose cactus species, M. compressa, and one adult-columnar species, C. clavata, had small seeds and neutral fotoblasticism. Seedlings from these two species exposed to light were cylindrical and those under darkness conditions were columnar. Perhaps seeds from this species are able to germinate in the dark because they produce columnar seedlings with the ability to emerge from greater soil depths where sunlight cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

  • Seed germination of Citrullus colocynthis, as in many other species of Cucurbitaceae, is inhibited by light, particularly at low temperatures. Germination response to light and temperature has been attributed to day length and temperature during seed maturation. This study assessed the effects of these factors on the germination response of C. colocynthis to temperature and light quality.
  • Ripe fruits were collected from natural habitats during December and February and germinated at three temperatures (15/25, 20/30 and 25/35 °C) in five light treatments (dark, white light and Red:Far Red (R:FR) ratios of 0.30, 0.87 and 1.19). Additionally, unripe fruits were also collected from natural habitats and completed their maturation in growth chambers under different day lengths (6, 16 and 24 h of darkness) at 10/20 °C, and in darkness at both 10/20 °C and 25/35 °C. Mature seeds of the different treatments were germinated in the same five light treatments at 15/25 °C.
  • Germination was significantly higher in the dark than that in any light treatment. Seeds matured at higher temperatures (i.e. seeds from the December collection and those matured at 25/35 °C) had significantly higher germination than those matured at lower temperatures (i.e. seeds from the February collection and those matured at 10/20 °C). Dark germination was significantly higher for the December collection than for the February collection. Seeds of the two collections germinated in the dark only at 15/25 °C. However, seeds matured in a growth chamber at 10/20 °C in darkness germinated at 15/25 °C in all light treatments, except for the R:FR ratio 0.30. Seeds of the different treatments failed to germinate in FR‐rich light.
  • This study demonstrates that both temperature and day length during seed maturation play significant roles in the germination response of C. colocynthis. Additionally, the dark requirement for germination is likely beneficial for species with the larger seeds, such as C. colocynthis, which produce bigger seedlings that are able to emerge from deep soils and are competitively superior under dense vegetation and resource‐limited conditions.

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