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There is a sexual dimorphism in the frequency of the quasi-sinusoidal electric organ discharge (EOD) of Sternopygus macrurus, with males, on average, an octave lower. EODs are detected by tuberous electroreceptor organs, which exhibit V-shaped frequency tuning with maximal sensitivity near the fish's own EOD frequency. This would seem to limit the ability of a fish to detect the EODs of opposite-sex conspecifics. However, electroreceptor tuning has always been based on single-frequency stimulation, while actual EOD detection involves the addition of a conspecific EOD to the fish's own. In the present study, recordings were made from single electroreceptive units while the fish were stimulated with pairs of sine waves: one (S1) representing the fish's own EOD added to a second (S2) representing a conspecific EOD. T unit response was easily predicted by assuming that the electroreceptor acts as a linear filter in series with a threshold-sensitive spike initiator. P unit response was more complex, and unexpectedly high sensitivity was found for frequencies of S2 well displaced from the fish's EOD frequency. For both P and T units, detection thresholds for S2 were much lower when added to S1, than when presented alone.  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ of a fish represents an internal current source, and the largely isopotential nature of the body interior warrants that the current associated with the fish's electric organ discharges (EODs) recruits all electroreceptors on the fish's body surface evenly. Currents associated with the EODs of a neighbor, however, will not penetrate all portions of the fish's body surface equally and will barely affect regions where the neighbor's current flows tangentially to the skin surface. The computational mechanisms of the jamming avoidance response (JAR) in Eigenmannia exploit the uneven effects of a neighbor's EOD current to calculate the correct frequency difference between the two interfering EOD signals even if the amplitude of a neighbor's signal surpasses that of the fish's own signal by orders of magnitude. The particular geometry of the fish's own EOD current thus yields some immunity against the potentially confusing effects of unusually strong interfering EOD currents of neighbors.Abbreviations DF frequency difference - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response  相似文献   

The electric organ discharge (EOD) of the South American knifefish Eigenmannia sp. is a permanently present wave signal of usually constant amplitude and frequency (similar to a sine wave). A fish perceives discharges of other fish as a modulation of its own. At frequency identity (F = 0 Hz) the phase difference between a fish's own electric discharge and that of another fish affects the superimposed waveform. It was unclear whether or not the electrosensory stimulus-intensity threshold as behaviourally determined depends on the phase difference between a fish's own EOD and a sine-wave stimulus (at F = 0 Hz). Also the strength of the jamming avoidance response (JAR), a discharge frequency shift away from a stimulus that is sufficiently close to the EOD frequency, as a function of phase difference was studied. Sine-wave stimuli were both frequency-clamped and phase-locked to a fish's discharge frequency (F = 0 Hz). In food-rewarded fish, the electrosensory stimulus-intensity threshold depended significantly on the phase difference between a fish's discharge and the stimulus. Stimulus-intensity thresholds were low (down to 3 V/cm, peak-to-peak) when the superimposed complex wave changed such that the shift in zero-crossings times relative to the original EOD was large but amplitude change minimal; stimulus-intensity thresholds were high (up to 16.9 V/cm, peak-to-peak) when the shift in zero-crossings times was small but amplitude change maximal. Similar results were obtained for the non-conditioned JAR: at constant supra-threshold stimulus intensities and F = 0 Hz, the phase difference significantly affected the strength of the JAR, although variability between individuals was higher than that observed in the conditioned experiments.Abbreviations ACP active phase coupling - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response - F frequency (fish) — frequency (stimulus) [Hz] - p-p peak-to-peak  相似文献   

The sensory cues for a less known form of frequency shifting behavior, gradual frequency falls, of electric organ discharges (EODs) in a pulse-type gymnotiform electric fish, Rhamphichthys rostratus, were identified. We found that the gradual frequency fall occurs independently of more commonly observed momentary phase shifting behavior, and is due to perturbation of sensory feedback of the fish's own EODs by EODs of neighboring fish. The following components were identified as essential features in the signal mixture of the fish's own and the neighbor's EOD pulses: (1) the neighbor's pulses must be placed within a few millisecond of the fish's own pulses, (2) the neighbor's pulses, presented singly at low frequencies (0.2–4 Hz), were sufficient, (3) the frequency of individual pulse presentation must be below 4 Hz, (4) amplitude modulation of the sensory feedback of the fish's own pulses induced by such insertions of the neighbor's pulses must contain a high frequency component: sinusoidal amplitude modulation of the fish's own EOD feedback at these low frequencies does not induce gradual frequency falls. Differential stimulation across body surfaces, which is required for the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of wave-type gymnotiform electric fish, was not necessary for this behavior. We propose a cascade of high-pass and low-pass frequency filters within the amplitude processing pathway in the central nervous system as the mechanism of the gradual frequency fall response.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f frequency of EOD or pacemaker command signal - JAR jamming avoidance response - S 1 stimulus mimicking fish's own EOD - f 1 frequency of S1 - S 2 stimulus mimicking neighbor's EOD - f 2 frequency of S2  相似文献   

Summary A classical conditioning paradigm was used to test the ability of Sternopygus macrurus to detect EOD-like stimuli (sine waves) of different frequencies. The behavioral tuning curves were quite close in shape to tuning curves based on single-unit recordings of T units, although the sensitivity at all frequencies was much greater. The behavioral curves showed notches of greatly reduced sensitivity when the test frequency was equal to, or twice the EOD frequency. The EOD of each of the fish was eliminated by lesioning the medullary pacemaker nucleus, and the fish were retested. The resulting tuning curves were nearly the same in shape as those of the EOD-intact individuals, but the PMN-lesioned fish showed an overall reduction of sensitivity of 30 dB. The EOD appears to enhance sensitivity by placing the summed stimulus (test stimulus + fish's EOD) at an amplitude where T units are maximally sensitive to small temporal modulations in the fish's own EOD. Peripheral tuning appears to limit the ability of males to detect the EOD of females, since these are, on average, an octave higher in frequency than the male EOD, while the peak sensitivity of the male occurs 5–10 Hz above its own EOD frequency.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - PMN pacemaker nucleus - BF best frequency - DF difference frequency  相似文献   

Mormryid electric fish (Gnathonemus petersii) respond to novel stimuli with an increase in the rate of the electric organ discharge (EOD). These novelty responses were used to measure the fish's ability to detect small changes in the amplitude and latency of an electrosensory stimulus. Responses were evoked in curarized fish in which the EOD was blocked but in which the EOD motor command continued to be emitted. An artificial EOD was provided to the fish at latencies of 2.4 to 14.4 ms following the EOD motor command.Novelty responses were evoked in response to transient changes in artificial EOD amplitude as small as 1% of baseline amplitude, and in latency as small as 0.1 ms. Changes in latency were effective only at baseline delays of less than 12.4 ms.The sensitivity to small changes in latency supports the hypothesis that latency is used as a code for stimulus intensity in the active electrolocation system of mormyrid fish. The results also indicate that a corollary discharge signal associated with the EOD motor command is used to measure latency.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - epsp excitatory post synaptic potential  相似文献   

Summary Neuronal reliability and sensitivity to behaviorally relevant stimulus patterns were investigated in a higher-order nucleus of the diencephalon believed to participate in the jamming avoidance response (JAR) of the weakly electric fish,Eigenmannia. The fish raises or lowers its frequency of electric organ discharge (EOD) to minimize interference from a neighboring fish's EOD. Proper JARs require determination of the sign of the difference frequency (Df) between the neighboring fish's EOD and the fish's own EOD. Bastian and Yuthas (1984) recently described diencephalic neurons within the nucleus electrosensorius that are able to make this determination. In the present study, response properties of such neurons were compared with those of lower-level sign-selective cells found in the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum (Heiligenberg and Rose 1985) as well as with properties of the intact behavior.Most sign-selective cells within the nucleus electrosensorius show a high degree of selectivity for one sign of the difference frequency; cells with either sign preference were found in approximately equal numbers. The sign preference and the degree of sign selectivity is most often independent of the spatial orientation of the jamming stimulus. In contrast, the responses of toral and tectal cells are less robust and consistent and are often highly dependent on the geometry of the jamming stimulus.Determination of the sign of the difference frequency requires the analysis of amplitude modulations coupled with modulations in phase (timing) differences between pairs of areas of the body surface. The most sensitive cells recorded in the nucleus electrosensorius can determine the sign of the difference frequency with timing differences of 1 s or less, roughly comparable to the behavioral threshold of 400 ns (Carr et al. 1986). The best toral/tectal response required at least a 16 s modulation.Cells within the nucleus electrosensorius thus code the sign of Df with a high degree of reliability and sensitivity. Ambiguities persist, however, which suggest that single cells at this level cannot completely account for the behavioral discrimination. Additional processing may be necessary to transform a still primarily sensory code into a motor program for control of the JAR (Rose et al. 1988).Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jammning avoidance response - Df difference frequency between jamming signal and fish's own EOD - S 1 sinusoidal EOD mimic of subject fish - S 2 sinusoidal EOD mimic of neighbor  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ discharge (EOD) potential was mapped on the skin and midplane of several Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The frequency components of the EOD on the surface of the fish have extremely stable amplitude and phase. However, the waveform varies considerably with different positions on the body surface. Peaks and zero crossings of the potential propagate along the fish's body, and there is no point where the potential is always zero. The EOD differs significantly from a sinusoid over at least one third of the body and tail. A qualitative comparison between fish showed that each individual had a unique spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential on its body.The potential waveforms have been assembled into high temporal and spatial resolution maps which show the dynamics of the EOD. Animation sequences and Macintosh software are available by anonymous ftp (mordor.cns.caltech.edu; cd/pub/ElectricFish).We interpret the EOD maps in terms of ramifications on electric organ control and electroreception. The electrocytes comprising the electric organ do not all fire in unison, indicating that the command pathway is not synchronized overall. The maps suggest that electroreceptors in different regions fulfill different computational roles in electroreception. Receptor mechanisms may exist to make use of the phase information or harmonic content of the EOD, so that both spatial and temporal patterns could contribute information useful for electrolocation and communication.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - CV coefficient of variance  相似文献   

Action potentials evoked in a phase-locked 1 : 1 relationship by natural electric organ discharges (EOD) were recorded extracellularly and intracellularly from single mesencephalic magnocellular nucleus units in the high frequency electric fish Sternarchus albifrons (Gymnotidae). This activity has been shown to be the result of an extrinsic feedback of the electrosensory system and is probably important for the socalled jamming avoidance response triggered artificial electric pulses when delivered into the water in a 1 : 1 relationship at intensities higher than the EOD. In the same way, artificial pulses of frequency near EOD could either drive or, due to beats, greatly disturb the regular firing of the units. More insight into the neural mechanism was yielded by single EOD-triggered shocks provoking a failure in firing of certain action potentials of the series and causing long-lasting (10-20 ms) accelerations and decelerations of the regular EOD-evoked firing (transient disturbance). Intracellular stimulations show similar effects. The biological significance of this neural mechanism for the fish's electroperception and JAR is discussed.  相似文献   



In adult male Marcusenius pongolensis the duration of their Electric Organ Discharge (EOD) pulses increases with body size over lifetime (267 to 818 μs, field-measured). Spawning males have been observed to exhibit an additional, temporary pulse duration increase which probably betters their mating success but increases predation risk by electroreceptive catfish. We here study the question of how the additional pulse duration increase is triggered and for how long it persists, in an attempt to understand the compromise between opposing selective forces.


Here, we demonstrate short-term plasticity in male EOD waveform in 10 captive M. pongolensis. An increase in EOD duration was experimentally evoked in two different ways: by exchanging the familiar neighbours of experimental subjects for stranger males that were separated by plastic mesh partitions, or by separating familiar fish by plastic mesh partitions introduced into their common tank. Both treatments evoked an increase of male EOD duration. Values exceeded those found in the non-reproductive season in nature. In one male the increase of EOD duration was 5.7 fold, from 356 μs to 2029 μs. An increase in EOD duration was accompanied by a high level of aggression directed against the neighbours through the plastic mesh. With conditions remaining constant, EOD duration receded to 38 – 50% of the maximum EOD duration after 10 weeks, or, more rapidly, when sensory contact between the fish was severely restricted by the introduction of a solid plastic wall.


The short-term increase of EOD duration evoked by experimental manipulation of sensory contact with conspecifics through the plastic mesh, as reported here, resembled the changes in EOD waveform that accompanied reproduction in two captive males. Plasticity of the male EOD in pulse duration seems to be an adaptation for (1) securing a higher fitness by a sexually "attractive" long-duration EOD, while (2) limiting the risk of detection by electroreceptive predators, such as the sharptooth catfish, by receding to a shorter EOD as soon as reproduction is over.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials (EPs) and single unit recordings from various electrosensory-processing regions of several pulse-type gymnotiform species were made to investigate neural activity patterns that could be associated with novelty detection. Whereas the electrosensory afferents and cells in the ELL exhibited only minor changes in response size as stimuli were presented less frequently (novel stimuli), most units studied in the torus semicircularis (TS) showed very strong, increased responsiveness to stimuli presented less frequently relative to stimuli presented persistently (at every EOD event. The responses of the TS were graded with respect to stimulus frequency. The discrimination between novel and persistent stimuli by the TS occurred with stimuli presented transversely or longitudinally with respect to the fish's long axis, and regardless of the timing of the stimulus with respect to the fish's pacemaker-related signal (PS). When electrosensory novelties were presented persistently the responses of the TS rapidly habituated. This may indicate that activity in this region of the TS is novelty related. This novelty-related activity in the TS can be correlated with certain aspects of the fish's behavior, i.e., EOD interval length during a behavioral novelty response. However, TS activity may continue to indicate the occurrence of electrosensory novelties after the behavior has habituated. It is suggested that the novelty-related activity of the TS of these fish is necessary, but not sufficient, for the production of electrosensory novelty-induced behavioral responses. Lesions of the region of the TS containing the rapidly-habituating neurons abolished the electrosensory novelty response, but not that resulting from visual and auditory stimulation.  相似文献   

We investigated the electric organ discharge (EOD) activity of the mormyrid fish Brienomyrus niger during social encounters. The fish were contained in porous ceramic shelters and tested alone and in pairs in an experimental tank designed to restrict communication to the electrosensory modality. We moved one fish toward and away from a stationary conspecific, beginning at a distance known to be outside the range of communication (250 cm). Baseline EOD activity was recorded prior to interaction and categorized as ‘variable’, ‘regular’, and ‘scallop’. When moved closer together, the fish modulated this baseline activity in four ways: (1) At 100–130 cm apart, the stationary fish emitted a maximum of sudden EOD rate increases which defined the outer limit of its communication range. (The associated Electric Field Gradient was 1 μV/cm). (2) Long EOD cessations, which we called social silence, lasted from 5–130 s and occurred most frequently when the fish were 36 to 55 cm apart (EFG: 100 μV/cm). The duration of social silence was negatively correlated (r = ? 0.862) with the responding fish's size, and was independent of the partner's sex and size. Fish whose EOD baseline pattern was ‘scallop’ were least likely to fall electrically silent, and those that were categorized as ‘regular’ or ‘variable’ were most likely to cease discharging. (3) Within electrolocation range, fish ‘regularized’ their EOD activity while the partner was ‘silent’ (EFG: 1 mV/cm). (4) Following long EOD cessations the fish resumed discharging with characteristic EOD rebound patterns. The possible ethological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Eigenmannia is able to discriminate the sign of the difference, Df, between the frequency of a neighbor's electric organ discharge (EOD) and that of its own EOD. This discrimination can be demonstrated at the level of individual neurons of the midbrain. Intracellular and extracellular recordings of such sign-selective cells revealed the following: Units preferring positive Dfs and units preferring negative Dfs were found with equal frequency. The degree of selectivity was also similar for these two classes of neurons. All sign-selective units were sensitive to the magnitude of the frequency difference, i.e. the beat rate. Most units responded best to beat rates in the 4-8 Hz range. Sign-selectivity was observed only when the jamming signal (S2) was presented through electrodes other than those used to deliver the mimic (S1) of the fish's EOD, i.e. only when amplitude modulations were accompanied by modulations of differential phase. Intracellular studies suggest that most sign-selective neurons of the tectum are large, multipolar cells in the stratum album centrale. These cells send projections to the reticular formation, to lamina 9 of the torus semicircularis and to the N. electrosensorius.  相似文献   

Understanding how electrosensory images are generated and perceived in actively electrolocating fish requires the study of the characteristics of fish bodies as electric sources. This paper presents a model ofGymnotus carapo based on measurements of the electromotive force generated by the electric organ and the impedance of the passive tissues. A good agreement between simulated and experimentally recorded transcutaneous currents was obtained. Passive structures participate in the transformation of the electromotive force pattern into transcutaneous current profiles. These spatial filtering properties of the fish's body were investigated using the model. The shape of the transcutaneous current profiles depends on tissue resistance and on the geometry and size of the fish. Skin impedance was mainly resistive. The effect of skin resistance on the spatial filtering properties of the fish's body was theoretically analyzed.The model results show that generators in the abdominal and central regions produce most of the currents through the head. This suggests that the electric organ discharge (EOD), generated in the abdominal and central regions is critical for active electrolocation. In addition, the well-synchronized EOD components generated all along the fish produce large potentials in the far field. These components are probably involved in long-distance electrocommunication.Preliminary results of this work were published as a symposium abstract.  相似文献   

We present high temporal and spatial resolution maps in 3-dimensions of the electric field vector generated by the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The waveforms and harmonic composition of the electric organ discharge (EOD) are variable around the fish but highly stable over long times at any position. We examine the role of harmonics on the temporal and spatial characteristics of the EOD, such as the slew rate and rostral-to-caudal propagation. We also explore the radial symmetry of the fish's field. There are major differences in the direction of the electric field vector at the head and caudal body. In the caudal part of the fish, the electric field vector rotates during the EOD cycle. However, rostral of the pectoral fin, the field magnitude and sign oscillate while maintaining relatively constant orientation. We discuss possible functional ramifications of these electric field patterns to electrolocation, communication, and electrogenesis.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - RMS root mean square - ADC analog-to-digital converter  相似文献   

Evidence for a direct effect of androgens upon electroreceptor tuning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tuberous electroreceptors of individual wave type weakly electric fish are tuned to the fundamental frequency of that fish's electric organ discharge (EOD). EOD frequency and receptor best frequency (BF) are both lowered following systemic injection of 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A previous study (Meyer et al. 1984) showed that the effect of DHT on the EOD generating circuitry was independent of an ongoing EOD and suggested that its effect on electroreceptor tuning was indirect, possibly mediated by the electric field. We have continued these studies to determine the factors which influence electroreceptor tuning. Baseline recordings of EOD frequency, receptor oscillations, and single afferent tuning curves were taken. After fish were electrically silenced by spinal cord transection they were injected daily with either DHT or saline or were implanted with either DHT-filled or empty silastic capsules. As previously reported, the EOD frequency (determined from pacemaker nucleus recordings) was lowered in DHT-treated, transected fish and increased in control fish. Similarly, receptor tuning was lowered in the DHT-treated, silenced fish. Oscillation frequencies decreased in both treated and control groups, but significantly more in the hormone group. Single afferent best frequencies were lowered in both DHT groups and raised in their respective control groups. In another series of experiments exogenous electric fields capable of driving receptors in a 1-to-1 phase-locked manner were placed around silenced fish. We were unable to elicit any shift in pacemaker frequency or electroreceptor tuning regardless of stimulus field geometry. Four transected fish were injected with DHT and placed in exogenous electric fields of higher frequency than their original EOD. Even in the presence of a higher frequency electric field, DHT lowered EOD frequency and afferent BF. We conclude that androgens produce effects both on the EOD generating circuitry, probably at the level of the pacemaker nucleus, and on electroreceptors, probably, ultimately, on receptor cell membrane conductances. These effects occur in parallel allowing the two parameters to remain well matched. In contrast to former predictions, exogenous electric fields alone appear unable to shift receptor tuning.  相似文献   

The electric organ discharges (EODs) of pairs of weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, were simultaneously recorded to study the significance of the EODs as communication signals. In a 400-litre tank a larger fish (12 to 15 cm) was passively moved within a shelter tube toward a smaller specimen (6 to 9 cm), either in steps or a continuous move. The movement was stopped at that distance when at least one fish significantly lowered or ceased its EOD activity. From this ‘threshold interfish distance’ the spatial range of a ‘communication field’ was found to extend about 30 cm from the fish. At threshold distances an EOD frequency increase caused a temporary EOD activity cessation in the second fish. The spontaneous irregular EOD pattern of the fish displaying the increased EOD rate changed into a regular one with almost equal time intervals between fish pulses.  相似文献   

The dwarf stonebasher sibling species Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne use differences in the electric organ discharges (EODs) for species recognition. As EOD waveforms are affected by water conductivity changes, the reliability of species recognition might be impeded due to natural variability in the environment. EODs of P. castelnaui (N = 8) and P. marianne (N = 8) under high (250 muS/cm) and low (25 muS/cm) conductivity were recorded and compared. Local peaks of the EODs of both species were significantly and predictably modified due to the conductivity change but species-specific differences were always recognizable. The duration of the EODs was not influenced by the conductivity change. Temperature alterations modified the duration in a linear relationship, allowing the determination of Q (10) values (1.6 for P. castelnaui's and 1.7 for P. marianne's EODs). As the species-specific differences are not masked by conductivity effects, EOD discrimination seems to be a reliable species recognition mechanism under natural circumstances.  相似文献   

1. Hypopomus occidentalis, a weakly electric gymnotiform fish with a pulse-type discharge, has a sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (Hagedorn 1983). The electric organ discharges (EODs) of males in the breeding season are longer in duration and have a lower peak-power frequency than the EODs of females. We tested reproductively mature fish in the field by presenting electronically generated stimuli in which the only cue for sex recognition was the waveshape of individual EOD-like pulses in a train. We found that gravid females could readily discriminate male-like from female-like EOD waveshapes, and we conclude that this feature of the electric signal is sufficient for sex recognition. 2. To understand the possible neural bases for discrimination of male and female EODs by H . occidentalis, we conducted a neurophysiological examination of both peripheral and central neurons. Our studies show that there are sets of neurons in this species which can discriminate male or female EODs by coding either temporal or spectral features of the EOD. 3. Temporal encoding of stimulus duration was observed in evoked field potential recordings from the magnocellular nucleus of the midbrain torus semicircularis. This nucleus indirectly receives pulse marker electroreceptor information. The field potentials suggest that comparison is possible between pulse marker activity on opposite sides of the body. 4. From standard frequency-threshold curves, spectral encoding of stimulus peak-power frequency was measured in burst duration coder electroreceptor afferents. In both male and female fish, the best frequencies of the narrow-band population of electroreceptors were lower than the peak-power frequency of the EOD. Based on this observation, and the presence of a population of wide-band receptors which can serve as a frequency-independent amplitude reference, a slope-detection model of frequency discrimination is advanced. 5. Spectral discrimination of EOD peak-power frequency was also shown to be possible in a more natural situation similar to that present during behavioral discrimination. As the fish's EOD mimic slowly scanned through and temporally coincided with the neighbor's EOD mimic, peak spike rate in burst duration coder afferents was measured. Spike rate at the moment of coincidence changed predictably as a function of the neighbor's EOD peak-power frequency. 6. Single-unit threshold measurements were made on afferents from peripheral burst duration coder receptors in the amplitude-coding pathway, and midbrain giant cells in the time-coding pathway.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several species of weakly electric fish reflexively change their frequency of electric organ discharge (EOD) in response to sensing signals of similar frequency from conspecifics; that is, they exhibit jamming avoidance responses (JAR).Eigenmannia increases its EOD frequency if jammed by a signal of lower frequency and decreases its EOD frequency if jammed by a signal of higher frequency. This discrimination is based on an analysis of the patterns of amplitude modulations and phase differences resulting from signal interference. Fish of the closely related genus,Sternopygus, however, do not exhibit a JAR. Here we show that despite lacking this behavior,Sternopygus shares many sensory processing capacities withEigenmannia:
1.  Fish could be conditioned to discriminate the sign of the frequency difference (Df) between an exogenous sinusoidal signal and its own EODs with as few as 300 training trials.
2.  Fish can discriminate the sign of Df for jamming signals with an amplitude as low as 2 V/cm (p-p); which is approximately 40 dB below the amplitude of the fish's EOD, as measured lateral to the operculum.
3.  Fish appear to discriminate the sign of Df by evaluating modulations in signal amplitude and differences in the timing of signals received by different areas of the body surface.
4.  Sternopygus processes electrosensory information through band-pass modulation filters. Tuning to modulation rates over at least 4–16 Hz exists.

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