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Male Sprague-Dawley rats were used to compare six time-place training procedures that differed with respect to housing or training conditions. All procedures involved training food-deprived rats to enter one choice arm of a T-maze during a morning test session and to enter the other choice arm during an afternoon session to obtain Cocoa Puffs(R). The task proved to be difficult. Only 39 of 49 rats attained a criterion of nine correct choices on ten consecutive trials within a total of 120 trials. Making one choice arm distinct, limiting consecutive same correct choices to two, giving one session during the light and one during the dark portion of the light cycle, extinguishing perseveration of the same choice responses, and housing the rats with a natural light cycle all failed to significantly decrease the errors or trials to a 90% correct choice criterion. In contrast, all responding rats (n=7) showed significantly better than chance performance within 48 trials when the task was a go no-go discrimination based on time of day. Learning to make a response during a session when a choice to either choice arm is reinforced and to withhold responding during a session when a choice to neither choice arm is reinforced was relatively easy for the rats to acquire. Continued high level performance after the light cycle was eliminated, a random feeding schedule was initiated, and other time-related cues were masked suggests that the rats used internal cues or an internal clock to make the correct go or no-go response. It was concluded that rats are prepared to use time of day as an occasion-setting stimulus, but have difficulty using time of day as a signal for a specific response.  相似文献   

Many different conclusions concerning what type of mechanism rats use to solve a daily time-place task have emerged in the literature. The purpose of this study was to test three competing explanations of time-place discrimination. Rats (n = 10) were tested twice daily in a T-maze, separated by approximately 7 h. Food was available at one location in the morning and another location in the afternoon. After the rats learned to visit each location at the appropriate time, tests were omitted to evaluate whether the rats were utilizing time-of-day (i.e., a circadian oscillator) or an alternation strategy (i.e., visiting a correct location is a cue to visit the next location). Performance on this test was significantly lower than chance, ruling out the use of time-of-day. A phase advance of the light cycle was conducted to test the alternation strategy and timing with respect to the light cycle (i.e., an interval timer). There was no difference between probe and baseline performance. These results suggest that the rats used an alternation strategy to meet the temporal and spatial contingencies in the time-place task.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(2):104-111
This study assessed visual discrimination abilities in bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium griseum). In a visual discrimination task using two-dimensional (2D) geometric stimuli, sharks learned to distinguish between a square, being the positive (rewarded) stimulus, and several negative stimuli, such as two differently sized triangles, a circle, a rhomboid and a cross. Although the amount of sessions to reach the learning criterion and the average trial time needed to solve each new task did not vary significantly, the number of correct choices per session increased significantly with on-going experiments. The results indicate that the sharks did not simply remember the positive stimulus throughout the different training phases. Instead, individuals also seemed to learn each negative symbol and possibly had to “relearn” at least some aspects of the positive stimulus during each training phase. The sharks were able to distinguish between the 2D stimulus pairs at a learning rate corresponding to that found in teleosts. As expected, it took the sharks longer to learn a reversal task (with the positive stimulus now being the negative one) than to discriminate between the other stimulus pairs. Nevertheless, the present results suggest that bamboo sharks can learn visual discrimination tasks, succeed in a reversal task and probably retain (some) information about a previously learned task when progressing to a new one.  相似文献   

Operant and maze tasks in mice are limited by the small number of trials possible in a session before mice lose motivation. We hypothesized that by manipulating reward size and session length, motivation, and hence performance, would be maintained in an automated T-maze. We predicted that larger rewards and shorter sessions would improve acquisition; and smaller rewards and shorter sessions would maintain higher and less variable performance. Eighteen C57BL/6J mice (9 per sex) acquired (criterion 8/10 correct) and performed a spatial discrimination, with one of 3 reward sizes (.02, .04, or .08 g) and one of 3 session schedules (15, 30, or 45 min sessions). Each mouse had a total of 360 min of access to the maze per night, for two nights, and averaged 190 trials. Analysis used split-plot GLM with contrasts testing for linear effects. Acquisition of the discrimination was unaffected by reward size or session length/interval. After-criterion average performance improved as reward size decreased. After-criterion variability in performance was also affected. Variability increased as reward size increased. Session length/interval did not affect any outcome. We conclude that an automated maze, with suitable reward sizes, can sustain performance with low variability, at 5-10 times faster than traditional methods.  相似文献   

Cognitive performance fluctuates during the day due to diurnal variations in alertness level. This study examined: (1) whether cognitive performance in school-aged children is affected by time-of-day; (2) which functional domains are particularly vulnerable to time-of-day effects; and (3) whether the effects are more pronounced for cognitively more demanding tasks or task conditions. Children, aged 10-12 yrs, were randomly assigned to a test session starting either at 08:30 (n?=?802), 10:00 (n?=?713), or 13:00?h (n?=?652). Speed and accuracy of information processing were evaluated by tasks that assess input-related cognitive processes (e.g., stimulus encoding), central cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, sustained attention), and output-related processes (e.g., response organization) using the Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks program. Time-of-day effects in children were identified in specific neurocognitive domains, such as visuospatial processing and working memory, but only under cognitively more demanding task conditions. Sustained attention showed a speed-accuracy tradeoff with increased slowness and lapses in the early morning, but with better feedback responsiveness and perceptual sensitivity than in the early afternoon. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction of time-on-task with time-of-day for tempo, with the afternoon group increasing in tempo with time-on-task, and the early-morning group first showing a slowing of tempo with time-on-task, followed at the end of the task by a speed increase towards the initial levels. To conclude, the authors found time-of-day effects in preadolescents, which were confined to cognitively more demanding tasks tapping input-related and central cognitive processes.  相似文献   

A new analysis of previously published studies of delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) water-escape and the results of a new food-reinforced discrimination study are presented. In both cases, male Sprague-Dawley rats demonstrated short-term incidental memory for irrelevant cues in the context of two-alternative forced-choice problems that required learning about relevant cues. In the DMTS experiments, relevant and irrelevant cues were place or brightness. In the discrimination experiment, the relevant cues were place, brightness or a visual-tactile maze insert. In all experiments, after the rats attained high-level performance, consistently making choices with respect to the relevant stimuli, response latencies to the correct relevant cue were shorter when the irrelevant cue value(s) was the same as on the immediately preceding trial. These latency differences are interpreted as indicating that the rats demonstrated short-term incidental memory for the irrelevant cues. This mnemonic phenomenon resembles priming, an implicit form of memory.  相似文献   

We examined the local field potential of the hippocampus to monitor brain states during a conditional discrimination task, in order to elucidate the relationship between ongoing brain states and a conditioned motor reflex. Five 10-week-old Wistar/ST male rats underwent a serial feature positive conditional discrimination task in eyeblink conditioning using a preceding light stimulus as a conditional cue for reinforced trials. In this task, a 2-s light stimulus signaled that the following 350-ms tone (conditioned stimulus) was reinforced with a co-terminating 100-ms periorbital electrical shock. The interval between the end of conditional cue and the onset of the conditioned stimulus was 4±1 s. The conditioned stimulus was not reinforced when the light was not presented. Animals successfully utilized the light stimulus as a conditional cue to drive differential responses to the identical conditioned stimulus. We found that presentation of the conditional cue elicited hippocampal theta oscillations, which persisted during the interval of conditional cue and the conditioned stimulus. Moreover, expression of the conditioned response to the tone (conditioned stimulus) was correlated with the appearance of theta oscillations immediately before the conditioned stimulus. These data support hippocampal involvement in the network underlying a conditional discrimination task in eyeblink conditioning. They also suggest that the preceding hippocampal activity can determine information processing of the tone stimulus in the cerebellum and its associated circuits.  相似文献   

Mice were trained on a variety of odor detection and discrimination tasks in 100- or 200-trial sessions using a go, no-go discrete trials operant conditioning procedure. Odors, presented for 1 s on each trial, were generated by an air dilution olfactometer (for threshold tests) and an easily constructed eight-channel liquid dilution unit (for two- and multiple-odor discrimination tasks). Mice rapidly acquired the operant task and demonstrated excellent stimulus control by odor vapors. Their absolute detection threshold for ethyl acetate was similar to that obtained with rats using similar methods. They readily acquired four separate two-odor discrimination tasks and continued to perform well when all eight odors were presented in random order in the same session and when reinforcement probability for correct responding was decreased from 1 to 0.5. Memory for these eight odors, assessed under extinction after a 32 day rest period, was essentially perfect. Time spent sampling the odor on S+ and S- trials was highly correlated with response accuracy. When accuracy was at chance levels (e.g. initial trials on a novel task), stimulus sampling time on both S+ and S- trials was approximately 0.5-0.7 s. As response accuracy increased, sampling time on S+ trials tended to increase and remain higher than sampling time on S- trials.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1987,15(1):37-45
The present experiment examined spontaneous visual choice behaviour and acquisition of a positively reinforced visual discrimination task in Swiss albino mice. In experiment I animals were given 4 consecutive trials in which they could freely enter either a dimly illuminated or a darkened arm of a Y-maze; the position of the light stimulus was randomized across trials. D groups and L groups were tested during the dark and the light period of the day respectively. Results revealed a significant spontaneous preference for the illuminated arm of the maze, independent of the testing period. It is suggested that the dim light has a reinforcing value because it provides additional information about a novel environment. In a second experiment an appetitive visual discrimination task was carried out in the same Y-maze. After a pretraining period, half the animals were reinforced in the illuminated arm and half were reinforced in the darkened one, on five consecutive days. On the first test session all groups of animals chose the illuminated arm significantly more frequently, whereas light/dark choices reached chance level on the last test session. Discrimination learning was not acquired and a behavioural analysis revealed an increasing tendency to a side preference across testing.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1870-1894
Cognitive performance fluctuates during the day due to diurnal variations in alertness level. This study examined: (1) whether cognitive performance in school-aged children is affected by time-of-day; (2) which functional domains are particularly vulnerable to time-of-day effects; and (3) whether the effects are more pronounced for cognitively more demanding tasks or task conditions. Children, aged 10–12 yrs, were randomly assigned to a test session starting either at 08:30 (n?=?802), 10:00 (n?=?713), or 13:00?h (n?=?652). Speed and accuracy of information processing were evaluated by tasks that assess input-related cognitive processes (e.g., stimulus encoding), central cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, sustained attention), and output-related processes (e.g., response organization) using the Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks program. Time-of-day effects in children were identified in specific neurocognitive domains, such as visuospatial processing and working memory, but only under cognitively more demanding task conditions. Sustained attention showed a speed-accuracy tradeoff with increased slowness and lapses in the early morning, but with better feedback responsiveness and perceptual sensitivity than in the early afternoon. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction of time-on-task with time-of-day for tempo, with the afternoon group increasing in tempo with time-on-task, and the early-morning group first showing a slowing of tempo with time-on-task, followed at the end of the task by a speed increase towards the initial levels. To conclude, the authors found time-of-day effects in preadolescents, which were confined to cognitively more demanding tasks tapping input-related and central cognitive processes. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The ability of animals to associate an event with predictable time and place information confers a major biological advantage. The current research uses a variety of procedures and paradigms (e.g. place preference, radial arm maze, Morris water maze, T-maze, go no-go) to show that rats, unlike pigeons [e.g. Anim Learn Behav 22 (1994) 143] do not readily make an event-time-place association. They do make associations between event-time and event-place information, however. These findings are in disagreement with Gallistel's (The Organization of Learning, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA ) theory that claims that animals automatically store a memory code that has these three pieces of information. The present research is in line with the work of others who also find that rats do not readily make daily time-place associations [Behav Processes 23 (1997) 232; Behav Processes 52 (2000) 11; Behav Processes 49 (2000) 21; Anim Learn Behav 28 (2000) 298]. An interesting finding that did emerge from the present research was that at least some rats can use a circadian timer to solve a time-of-day discrimination if the task is a go no-go discrimination.  相似文献   

During adolescence and early adulthood, most humans are predisposed developmentally, both biologically and socially, toward evening/night activity. The morningness-eveningness (M-E) tendency to be an evening-preferring (E-type) rather than a morning-preferring (M-type) or intermediate/neither (N-type) "chronotype" may affect athletic performance at various times of day. This study evaluated M-E effects on rowing performance of an intact, experienced, university club crew with near-daily early morning (0500-0700 hours) and late afternoon (1630-1800 hours) training schedules. The hypothesis tested was that chronotype would modify circadian effects during morning and afternoon performances. Eight men and eight women (mean age 19.6 +/- 1.5 years) were tested in a randomized, counterbalanced design. A standard qualifying 2000-m ergometer rowing sprint and a nonroutine standing broad jump task were measured during early morning and late afternoon, separated by 3 days of rest. Each subject's chronotype was determined using two standard self-rating M-E scales, resulting in eight E-type (three women/five men), four M-type (two women/two men), and four N-type (three women/one man) subjects. The rowing results show that E-type and N-type subjects did not differ between morning and afternoon rowing performances, whereas M-type subjects rowed significantly faster in the morning. In contrast, the standing broad jump showed no consistent time-of-day or chronotype effect. These findings suggest that basic performance timing in young athletes is determined to some extent by naturally occurring M-E predispositions. Further, modification of time-of-day influences may be possible by routine practice at the same time each day, as was suggested here by the absence of evening superiority in performances. Understanding their personal M-E tendencies could allow young athletes to arrange training schedules at specific times of day to help counteract any natural circadian influences that might work against their performance.  相似文献   

In an elevated maze consisting of three reconvergent radial arms, golden hamsters were tested with the same experimental rule: to choose each path without repeating any choice. However, variations of procedure concerning (a) the location of the reward in the maze, and (b) reinforcement contingencies, were introduced in order to define several problems involving variable levels of difficulty. The relationship between response strategies and difficulty of the task was then studied. The common learning criterion was the achievement of three consecutive correct daily sessions, each session corresponding to a particular sequence (pattern) of choices of paths. Response strategies were studied by analyzing the patterns obtained over the three final sessions in which an animal reached the learning criterion. Such a set of patterns (triplet) could be heterogeneous (patterns all different), mixed (two identical patterns, one different) or stereotyped (identical patterns). No relationship was found between the mean level of difficulty presented by each learning problem and the occurrence of a particular type of triplet. However, in each situation, mixed triplets were the most frequently recorded and corresponded to the medium individual speeds of learning whereas heterogeneous triplets corresponded to rapid successes and stereotyped triplets to delayed successes. These findings indicate that, whatever the problem designed to be tested in a three-arm maze, the various forms of solutions reflect different individual adaptative mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nu?oa is a high altitude rural Peruvian community characterized by socioeconomic stratification and differential access to the market economy. Nursing practices and the effects of nursing are also stratified; this translates into a risk of menses at 12 months post-partum nearly seven times greater in wealthier than in poorer women. Most nursing occurs in the morning, among those who practice on-demand breast-feeding. Nursing episodes are clustered into sessions; the amount of breast-feeding is regulated by varying the number of episodes per session rather than by changing the duration of suckling episodes or the frequency of sessions per hour. Thus, resumption of ovulation is not dependent on the variable spacing of nursing episodes or sessions. The components of nursing activity most likely to be responsible for variation in the duration of post-partum amenorrhoea in these nursing women are mean session duration and mean number of episodes per session. The mean duration of morning nursing sessions is negatively associated with infant's age, reflecting the greater reliance of younger children on breast-milk. The mean duration of afternoon nursing sessions is positively associated with mother's age, independent of infant's age, possibly reflecting maternal age-related variation in milk production capabilities. Baby minding by older daughters may also help to explain variation in afternoon nursing.  相似文献   

Secondary data analysis was used to compare responding early on a transfer test from rats previously trained simultaneously or successively on multiple temporal discriminations for the same number of trials [Guilhardi, P., Church, R.M., 2005 a. Dynamics of temporal discrimination. Learn. Behav., 33, 399-416]. Three fixed intervals (30, 60, and 120 s) were signaled by three stimuli (light, noise, and clicker). Twelve rats were trained with the three stimulus-interval pairs intermixed on each experimental session (simultaneous condition); 12 other rats were trained in successive blocks of 10 sessions on each pair (blocked condition). Then, all rats had a transfer test in which all three stimulus-interval pairs were presented intermixed on each session. Rats in the simultaneous and blocked condition responded similarly during training, but differently during early stages of the transfer test. One possibility is that rats in the blocked condition were controlled by the previous interval, not by the current stimulus. These results challenge the usual assumptions from models of timing and conditioning that both simultaneous and blocked training produce learning of the associations between stimulus and interval in a multiple interval training task.  相似文献   

Fourteen Göttingen minipigs were trained on two different visually guided conditional associative tasks. In a spatial conditional task, a black stimulus signalled that a response to the left was correct, and a white stimulus signalled that a response to the right was correct. In a conditional go/no-go task, a blue stimulus signalled go, and a red stimulus signalled no-go. The pigs were trained until a behavioural criterion of 90% correct for each of two consecutive sessions. For the spatial conditional task, all pigs reached this criterion in 520 trials or less. For the conditional go/no-go task, all pigs, except three, reached this criterion in 1600 trials or less. Sows and boars learned equally fast. The tasks can be useful for the testing of cognitive function in pig models of human brain disorders.  相似文献   

The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is widely used to assess real life decision-making impairment in a wide variety of clinical populations. Our study evaluated how IGT learning occurs across two sessions, and whether a period of intervening sleep between sessions can enhance learning. Furthermore, we investigate whether pre-sleep learning is necessary for this improvement. A 200-trial version of the IGT was administered at two sessions separated by wake, sleep or sleep and wake (time-of-day control). Participants were categorized as learners and non-learners based on initial performance in session one. In session one, participants initially preferred the high-frequency reward decks B and D, however, a subset of learners decreased choice from negative expected value ‘bad’ deck B and increased choices towards with a positive expected value ‘good’ decks (decks C and D). The learners who had a period of sleep (sleep and sleep/wake control conditions) between sessions showed significantly larger reduction in choices from deck B and increase in choices from good decks compared to learners that had intervening wake. Our results are the first to show that post-learning sleep can improve performance on a complex decision-making task such as the IGT. These results provide new insights into IGT learning and have important implications for understanding the neural mechanisms of “sleeping on” a decision.  相似文献   

The beneficial effect of sleep on memory has been well-established by extensive research on humans, but the neurophysiological mechanisms remain a matter of speculation. This study addresses the hypothesis that the fast oscillations known as ripples recorded in the CA1 region of the hippocampus during slow wave sleep (SWS) may provide a physiological substrate for long term memory consolidation. We trained rats in a spatial discrimination task to retrieve palatable reward in three fixed locations. Hippocampal local field potentials and cortical EEG were recorded for 2 h after each daily training session. There was an increase in ripple density during SWS after early training sessions, in both trained rats and in rats randomly rewarded for exploring the maze. In rats learning the place -reward association, there was a striking further significant increase in ripple density correlated with subsequent improvements in behavioral performance as the rat learned the spatial discrimination aspect of the task. The results corroborate others showing an experience-dependent increase in ripple activity and associated ensemble replay after exploratory activity, but in addition, for the first time, reveal a clear further increase in ripple activity related to associative learning based on spatial discrimination.  相似文献   

Eight pregnant female rats were chronically treated via an osmotic pump with arginine vasopressin or placebo during days 13 to 19 gestation. All offspring were tested as adults in either a discrimination task or a 25 day retention of a passive avoidance response. The results revealed that rats whose mother had been treated with vasopressin did not differ from controls on the acquisition or reversal of a brightness discrimination; however, they did require more trials to reach criterion during the ten day memory test of discrimination reversal. Further, treatment resulted in impaired memory retrieval in male rats on the 25 day memory test, while female rats were not affected. Treatment did not influence body weight. The results indicated that vasopressin administered during the prenatal period of development may have had a teratogenic effect on memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Pigeons were studied in an extension of a study by Aum et al. [Aum, S., Brown, B.L., Hemmes, N.S. 2004. The effects of concurrent task and gap events on peak time in the peak procedure. Behav. Process. 65, 43-56] on timing behavior under a discrete-trial fixed-interval (FI) procedure during which 6-s intruded events were superimposed on peak-interval (PI) test trials. In Aum et al., one event consisted in termination of the timing cue (gap trial); the other was a stimulus in the presence of which subjects had been trained to respond under an independent random-interval (RI) schedule of reinforcement (concurrent task trial). Aum et al. found a disruption of timing on concurrent task trials that was greater than that on gap trials. The present study investigated history of reinforcement associated with intruded events as a possible explanation of this earlier finding. After training to peck a side key on a 30-s PI procedure, discrimination training was conducted on the center key in separate sessions; red or green 6-s stimuli were associated with RI 24s or EXT (extinction) schedules. During testing under the PI procedure, three types of intruded events were presented during probe trials--the stimulus associated with the RI (S+) or EXT (S-) schedule during discrimination training, or a gap (termination of the side-keylight). Intruded events occurred 3, 9, or 15s after PI trial onset. Effects of reinforcement history were revealed as substantial disruption of timing during the S+ event and relatively little disruption during the S- event. Intermediate effects were found for the gap event. Results indicate that postcue effects are at least partially responsible for the disruptive effects of the S+ event.  相似文献   

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