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焦德志  王昱深  杨允菲 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5616-5626
克隆植物根茎具有营养繁殖和扩展种群的功能,也是芽和分株生理整合的通道。根茎构件具有出生、死亡及年龄等种群统计特征,不同龄级根茎的季节动态可以反映根茎的存活和衰老过程。采用单位土体挖掘取样,对扎龙湿地4个生境芦苇种群根茎构件进行野外调查,比较不同龄级根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量的季节动态。结果表明:7—10月份,1a根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量均呈指数函数增加,在生长季中后期有一个持续时间较长的生长和物质积累时期。6—10月份,2a、3a根茎长度呈线性函数增加,4—6a根茎长度呈线性函数减少;2—4a根茎生物量和2—5a根茎干物质贮量呈二次函数先减少后增加,5a、6a根茎生物量和6a根茎干物质贮量呈幂函数减少。整个生长期内,根茎长度和根茎生物量均以3a最大,根茎长度以最高的6a最小,根茎生物量以最低的1a最小;根茎干物质储量以5a最大,以最低的1a最小。4个生境芦苇种群根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量在龄级间的差异及差异序位稳定,在新根茎的产生、老根茎的存活以及根茎寿命与养分消耗和储藏上均具有稳定的生物学特性,不同龄级根茎在种群中的地位和作用以及对种群的贡献不同。  相似文献   

王建成  施翔  张道远  尹林克 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3641-3648
以多年生克隆植物准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum(Litv.)Vass.)为材料,选择河边(A种群)和沙漠腹地(B种群)两个沙丘,研究从沙丘底部至顶部,沿着水分条件连续变化的梯度,准噶尔无叶豆在分株种群和克隆片段水平的形态变化特征,以期能揭示其在异质性小生境内利用水分资源的对策,并为准噶尔无叶豆的资源保护、培育和利用提供有意义的参考.研究发现:①在分株种群水平,A种群分株高度及地上部生物量显著高于B种群,而B种群地下部(根)的生物量则显著高于A种群;②在克隆片段水平,随着沙丘底部至顶部,A种群与B种群克隆片段高度和地上生物量都减小,而分株密度都增加,但升高或降低的强度不同;A种群根的生物量和长度增加,主要是水平的位于地下0~10 cm层面的直径10mm以下的根长度增加,而B种群根的生物量减小,但长度却在增加,主要是水平的位于地下0~10 cm层面的直径6mm以下的细根长度增加.水平细根的长度增加,更利于无性系进行广泛觅食,同时促进无性系尽快越过不利生境斑块和提高分株在有利生境中的生长概率.结果表明,准噶尔无叶豆对沙丘坡面水分条件连续变化的异质性小生境存在分株种群及克隆片段两个等级的可塑性响应,并通过可塑性变化适应了沙丘坡面水分条件的分异.  相似文献   

Growth of axillary buds on the rhizomes of Elytrigia repens (L) Nevski is strongly dominated by the rhizome apex, by mechanisms which may involve endogenous hormones. We determined the distribution of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) in rhizomes and measured (by gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry) their content in axillary buds after rhizomes were decapitated. The same measurements were also made in buds induced to sprout by removing their subtending scale leaves. The ABA content tended to be higher in the apical bud and in the axillary buds than in the adjacent internodes, and tended to decline basipetally in the internodes and scale leaves. IAA was similary distributed, except that there was less difference between the buds and other rhizome parts. After rhizomes were decapitated, the ABA content of the first axillary bud declined to 20% of that of control values within 24 h, while the IAA content showed no marked tendency to change. The ABA content also declined within 12 h in the first axillary bud after rhizomes were denuded, while the content of IAA tended to increase after 6 h. These changes occurred before the length of the first axillary bud increased 24–48 h after rhizomes were decapitated or denuded. We conclude that the release of axillary buds from apical dominance in E. repens does not require IAA content to be reduced, but is associated with reduced ABA content.  相似文献   

The rhizome age structure for populations ofPhragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. exSteud. was determined at three sites of the T?eboň Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic). These sites were classified according to plant species composition and phosphorus availability as oligotrophic (Branná), mesotrophic (Ro?mberk East) and hypertrophic (Ro?mberk West).P.australis stands at these sites were expanding, stabilized and retreating, respectively. Rhizomes were sampled within the terrestrial parts of the reed stands (at a water depth of about 10 cm). The rhizomes were dated according to the position in the branching hierarchy and to supplementary morphological criteria. The analysis of the branching pattern revealed that at the sites studied, the rhizomes typically branch only once a year. The longest life span of rhizomes (six years) was found for the stable reed population at Ro?mberk East. The reduced rhizome life span at Ro?mberk West (four to five years), accompanied by a reduced branching frequency of horizontal rhizomes, was ascribed to a greater incidence of anaerobic conditions associated with the permanent flooding of the hypertrophic organic soil. The maximum life span of the Branná population (four years) probably corresponds to the total age of the reed population. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the tissue decreased with rhizome age while those of calcium and magnesium increased. The effect of rhizome age on mineral-nutrient concentrations was more pronounced than the effect of site on these concentrations. The mineral nutrient concentrations were not closely associated with reed performance.  相似文献   

The wetland sedge Carex brevicuspis reproduces vegetatively by producing short rhizomes to form clumping ramets phalanx) and long rhizomes to form spreading ramets (guerrilla), resulting in a combined growth form. As an initial step towards understanding the adaptation of Carex growth strategies to seasonal fluctuations in wetland habitats, we investigated the density and composition of C. brevicuspis rhizome populations immediately after flooding (November), in winter (January), in spring (March), and before flooding (May) in the Dongting Lake wetlands, China. The total rhizome density peaked in winter and was lowest before flooding. A large rhizome population in winter may enable C. brevicuspis to survive the seasonal cold weather and recruit a shoot population in the spring. A small rhizome population before flooding may optimize reproductive allocations and be a strategy for enduring the long flooding season. Regardless of date, short rhizomes comprised the majority of the rhizome population (73.0% in March to 98.2% in May). This indicates that C. brevicuspis primarily uses a phalanx growth strategy to utilize locally abundant resources in wetlands. The percentage of long rhizomes in the rhizome population varies significantly between seasons (1.8% in May to 27.0% in March), indicating that growth form also changes with seasonal fluctuation of wetland habitats. The results show that C. brevicuspis may adapt to seasonal changes in wetland habitats through changes in demography of rhizome populations.  相似文献   

大花红景天[Rhodiola crenulata(Hook.f.et Thoms)H.Ohba]为药材红景天的基原植物,是珍稀的药食兼用天然植物资源之一[1-2]。红景天具有益气活血、通脉平喘、扶正固本的作用[1],主要含黄酮类、有机酸类、多糖类、苷类、香豆素类和挥发性成分等,其中包含的重要生物活性成分有红景天苷、红景天素、酪醇、二苯甲基六氢吡啶和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)等,还含有维生素及人体必需的多种大量和微量元素,营养价值极高[3-5]。红景天具有抗疲劳、抗缺氧、强壮机体、抗心肌缺血、抗肿瘤和保护神经细胞等作用,红景天药材或其提取物已成为多种中成药、食品、饮料和化妆品的重要原料旧[6]。  相似文献   

江苏引种黄连副产物的生物碱含量测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用薄层扫描法和高效液相色谱法测定了江苏引种黄连根茎以外的副产物(须极、连渣、叶片、叶柄)中生物碱的含量,其中4年生黄连叶片生物碱含量达2.43%,叶柄达3.75%,6年一黄连须根生物碱含理达5.67%,连渣达6.32%,建议充分利用须根、连渣、叶片、叶柄等副产物。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地不同生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  姜秋旭  曹瑞  闫秋月  杨允菲 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3432-3440
采用单位土体取样,计测长度和生物量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,芦苇5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,根茎长度6—8月份缓慢增加,8—10月份显著增加,后期是前期的3.5—10.3倍,生长季中后期是种群新根茎补充和生长的主要时期,不仅实现了种群空间扩展,并为营养繁殖储备更多繁殖芽;根茎生物量和干物质贮量6—8月份逐渐减少,8—10月份又逐渐增加,均以生长季末期的10月份最大,并均显著地(P0.05)高于其他月份,种群根茎养分的消耗主要供给根茎芽的萌发和幼株生长,根茎养分的储藏又为翌年种群的更新及扩展提供物质保障,种群对地下根茎存在明显的养分"超补偿性"贮藏现象。种群根茎长度和生物量均以湿生生境最大,依次为旱生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小,根茎干物质贮量以旱生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小。种群根茎长度与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合直线函数关系,种群根茎生物量和干物质贮量与生长时间之间较好地符合二次曲线函数关系,R2在0.804—0.997之间,拟合方程均达到了显著或极显著(P0.01)水平。4个生境芦苇种群在根茎长度、生物量、干物质贮量等数量特征均表现出由遗传因素控制的比较稳定的季节动态规律,在生境间的差异及其差异序位又均基本稳定,均表现出明显的土壤因子环境效应,其中土壤含水量、有机质、速效氮为正向驱动,p H、速效磷为负向驱动,土壤含水量、p H对根茎数量特征的驱动作用更突出。  相似文献   

通过对分布于我国的结缕草属(ZoysiaWilld.)54份种质地下部分特点的研究,发现其地下茎分布都在15cm土层内,其中大部分在5cm深度的土层范围内(97.23%),很少达到15cm(0.29%);不定根一般可分布到40cm左右,但表层15cm内分布了不定根总量的81.62%,其下的25cm土层中分布的不定根只占不定根总量的18.38%。地下茎在10~15cm、不定根在30~40cm土层中各性状的变异都比较显著。相关分析表明,随着纬度的升高,地下茎在较深的土层(5~15cm)中分布密度有增加的趋势,而伴随着纬度升高不定根分布密度趋小。根据地下茎和不定根分布的特点,可将我国结缕草属植物地下部分划分为3大类型,即浅茎密根型、中茎密根型和深茎浅根型。  相似文献   

盾叶薯蓣营养器官薯蓣皂甙元含量的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法对盾叶薯蓣营养器官特别是根状茎中薯蓣皂甙元含量的动态变化、品种之间的差异以及雌雄株之间的差异进行了研究。结果表明:实生苗根状茎中薯蓣皂甙元的含量,2年生高于1年生;根茎营养繁殖的2年生根状茎中皂甙元的含量高于1年生的含量;花叶品种的含量高于绿叶品种的含量;雄株的含量比雌株的含量高。在地上的缠绕茎和叶中没有检测到薯蓣皂甙元。由根茎繁殖的1年生根状茎前期皂甙元含量增加缓慢,后期增加较快;2年生根状茎盛花期含量最高,开花后期含量最低,随后含量逐渐增加。为此应在花叶品种中选择产量高、抗性强的品种作为栽培品种。合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎枯萎期为宜。  相似文献   

Rhizome meristem populations were sampled in tallgrass prairie to quantify the size, grass?:?forb composition, and temporal and spatial variability of the soil bud bank and to compare fire effects on bud bank and seed bank composition. Soil cores (10.5 cm diameter, 15 cm deep) were collected from replicate annually and infrequently burned tallgrass prairie sites, and intact rhizomes and rhizome buds were censused. Bud bank densities ranged from approximately 600 to 1800 meristems/m(2) among sites and had high spatial and seasonal variability. In annually burned prairie, the total bud bank density was two-fold greater and the grass?:?forb meristem ratio was more than 30-fold greater than that of infrequently burned prairie. These patterns are opposite those observed in soil seed banks at this site. The rhizome population in annually burned prairie was 34% larger than the established aboveground tiller population. By contrast, the bud bank density in unburned prairie was significantly lower than aboveground stem densities, indicating possible belowground meristem limitation of stem density and net primary production on infrequently burned prairie. The patterns observed in this study suggest that the densities and dynamics of tallgrass prairie plant populations, as well as their response to disturbance (e.g., fire and grazing) and climatic variability, may be mediated principally through effects on the demography of belowground bud populations. Patterns of seed reproduction and seed bank populations have little influence on short-term aboveground population dynamics of tallgrass prairie perennials.  相似文献   

研究了莲的非可食用部分荷叶、莲子心、莲房、藕节、莲子壳和藕皮中生物碱的组分及含量。采用乙醇水溶液从非可食用部分提取生物碱,然后用高效液相色谱法进行测定。结果表明莲子心提取物中含有5种主要的生物碱,其中4种为莲心碱、异莲心碱、荷叶碱和甲基莲心碱。除莲子心外的其他部分的提取物组分较相似,都含有6~8种主要的生物碱。荷叶碱在荷叶中的含量最高,可达149.64μg/g;莲心碱、异莲心碱和甲基莲心碱在莲子心中的含量最高,分别为457.76、6155.85、1420.90μg/g。莲的六个非可食用部分中都含有5~8种主要的生物碱,有很好的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

The methanolic extract and its alkaloid fraction from the rhizomes of Nuphar pumilum showed cytotoxic effects on human leukemia cell (U937), mouse melanoma cell (B16F10), and human fibroblast (HT1080). Dimeric sesquiterpene thioalkaloids with the 6-hydroxyl group (6-hydroxythiobinupharidine, 6,6'-dihydroxythiobinupharidine, 6-hydroxythionuphlutine B) showed substantial cytotoxic activity at a concentration of 10 microM, but dimeric sesquiterpene thioalkaloids lacking the 6-hydroxyl group (thiobinupharidine, thionuphlutine B, 6'-hydroxythionuphlutine B, neothiobinupharidine, thionuphlutine B beta-sulfoxide, and neothiobinupharidine beta-sulfoxide) and monomeric sesquiterpene alkaloids (nupharidine, 7-epideoxynupharidine, and nupharolutine) showed weak activity. Next, apoptosis-inducing activity of a principal active constituent, 6-hydroxythiobinupharidine, on U937 was examined using morphological observation and DNA fragmentation assay (TUNEL method). Apoptosis of U937 was immediately observed within 1 h after treatment of 6-hydroxythiobinupharidine at 2.5-10 microM.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1996,55(2):139-144
Indications of physiological integration in the clonal plant Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König from the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean, were deduced from synchronisation in the formation of ‘inactive shoots’, lateral rhizomes and inflorescences. ‘Inactive shoots’ (i.e. bare, pointed shoots with live roots attached) on a rhizome section often had similar numbers of leaf scars. Lateral rhizome sections were generally found in similar positions when a rhizome had more than one shoot bearing a lateral rhizome. Additionally, the position of lateral rhizomes and the number of leaf scars on inactive shoots were often similar when encountered on the same rhizome section. Synchronisation of flowering events was suggested by the similar position of inflorescence scars on different shoots on the same rhizome section. It is suggested that inactive shoots can play a role in density regulation of the clonal population, and that they possibly constitute a ‘dormant meristem bank’ analogous to ‘seed banks’, or ‘dormant bud banks’.  相似文献   

Decomposition of aboveground and belowground organs of the emergent macrophyte Z.latifolia was investigated using a litterbag technique for a period of 359 days in a freshwater marsh in Japan. Aboveground parts were classified into: leaves, sheaths and stems. Belowground parts were classified into: horizontal rhizomes (new rhizome, hard rhizome, soft rhizome) and vertical rhizome (stembase). The decay rate (k) was 0.0036 day−1, 0.0033 day−1 and 0.0021 day−1 for leaves, sheaths and stems, respectively. For belowground parts, the decay rate varied considerably from 0.0018 day−1 to 0.0079 day−1, according to differences in the initial chemical compositions of rhizomes. After 359 days of decay, new rhizomes lost 94% of their original dry mass, compared with a loss of 48–84% for the other rhizomes. There was a significant positive relationship between litter quality and decay rate for horizontal rhizomes. For the new rhizomes, which had an internal nitrogen content of 24.2 mg N g−1 dry mass, the mass loss was 40% higher than that of soft rhizomes, which had an internal N content of 9.8 mg N g−1 dry mass. Over the period of 359 days, the nitrogen concentration in all rhizome types decreased to levels lower than initial values, but the phosphorus concentration remained constant after an initial leaching loss. Most nitrogen and phosphorus were lost during the first 45 days of decay. Changes in carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and carbon to phosphorus (C:P) ratios basically followed inversed trends of the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.  相似文献   

为了研究高原亚寒带沙化生境中切断根茎对克隆植物基株扩展能力和分株定居能力的影响,在川西北若尔盖高原沙化区内,对根茎禾草赖草和沙生苔草进行了以切断根茎为处理的野外实验。结果表明,赖草和沙生苔草基株的幼小部分(观测单元)地上枝总长度增量、主根茎长度增量和根茎总长度增量显著减少,而对根茎数增量、主根茎节增量和根茎节总数增量影响不显著;赖草观测单元地上枝数增量显著减少,而对沙生苔草地上枝数增量无影响;赖草地上枝与根茎的相关性质发生逆转。这表明.在高原亚寒带半湿润沙化生境中.克隆整合效应显著促进基株幼小部分地上枝和根茎的伸长生长,但对新生根茎的产生和根茎节分化没有影响;切断根茎处理导致赖草、沙生苔草生殖生长与营养生长间竞争加剧,同时使赖草地上部分与地下部分间竞争加剧;观测单元在缺少与基株(或上级株系)的克隆整合作用时,赖草受到的影响大于沙生苔草。  相似文献   

Schlag EM  McIntosh MS 《Phytochemistry》2006,67(14):1510-1519
The contents of five ginsenosides (Rg1, Re, Rb1, Rc and Rd) were measured in American ginseng roots collected from 10 populations grown in Maryland. Ginsenoside contents and compositions varied significantly among populations and protopanaxatriol (Rg1 and Re) ginsenosides were inversely correlated within root samples and among populations. The most abundant ginsenoside within a root and by population was either Rg1 or Re, followed by Rb1. Ginseng populations surveyed grouped into two chemotypes based on the relative compositions of Rg1 and Re. Four populations, including the control population in which plants were grown from TN and WI seed sources, contained roots with the recognized chemotype for American ginseng of low Rg1 composition relative to Re. The remaining 6 populations possessed roots with a distinctive chemotype of high relative Rg1 to Re compositions. Chemotype did not vary by production type (wild versus cultivated) and roots within a population rarely exhibited chemotypes different from the overall population chemotype. These results provide support for recent evidence that relative Rg1 to Re ginsenoside contents in American ginseng roots vary by region and that these differences are likely influenced more by genotype than environmental factors. Because the physiological and medicinal effects of different ginsenosides differ and can even be oppositional, our findings indicate the need for fingerprinting ginseng samples for regulation and recommended usage. Also, the High Rg1/Low Re chemotype discovered in MD could potentially be used therapeutically for coronary health based on recent evidence of the positive effects of Rg1 on vascular growth.  相似文献   

盾叶薯蓣营养器官薯蓣皂甙元含量的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法对盾叶薯蓣营养器官特别造根状茎中薯蓣皂甙元含量的动态变化、品种之间的差异以及雌雄株之间的差异进行了研究。结果表明:实生苗根状茎中薯蓣皂甙元的含量,2年生高于1年生;根茎营养繁殖的2年生根状茎中皂甙元的含量高于1年生的含量;花叶品种的含量高于绿叶品种的含量;雄株的含量比雌株的含量高。在地上的缠绕茎和叶中没有检测到薯蓣皂甙元。由根茎繁殖的1年生根状茎前期皂甙元含量增加缓慢,后期增加较快;2年生根状茎盛花期含量最高,开花后期含量最低,随后含量逐渐增加。为此应在花叶品种中选择产量高、抗性强的品种作为栽培品种。合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎枯萎期为宜。  相似文献   

The alkaloid pattern of Glaucium flavum Crantz. from four natural populations in Bulgaria were investigated and six aporphine, two protopine and one morphinane alkaloids were determined. In accordance with the particular content and composition of alkaloids and the different localities of the species three alkaloid chemotypes were suggested. The first one contains aporphines and protopines with a main alkaloid glaucine. The second chemotype contains again aporphine and protopine alkaloids but the main alkaloid is isocorydine and the third chemotype contains besides these two types of alkaloids and the morphinane alkaloid salutaridine.  相似文献   

李海燕  杨允菲 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2339-2343
在松嫩平原羊草草甸,对水淹恢复演替过程中半径为0.5、1、3、和10 m的羊草无性系种群斑块分蘖株的物质生产和根茎的物质贮藏进行了研究.结果表明,0.5、1、3、 m斑块各圈和10 m中间及边缘根茎的物质贮藏以1龄级、不同斑块各圈分蘖株的物质生产以1、2龄级对种群的贡献最大,其物质贮藏和生产所占比例均逐圈增加.整体上,年轻龄级分蘖株和根茎具有旺盛的物质生产力和贮藏力.无性系斑块由中心至外围的物质生产和贮藏规律与斑块扩展趋势具有一致性.0.5~10 m斑块分蘖株物质生产力和根茎贮藏力的变异以最外圈最大.在水淹羊草草甸的恢复过程中,不同大小羊草无性系斑块种群构件的物质生产和贮藏策略为种群不断扩展和群落进展演替奠定了物质基础.  相似文献   

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