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Post-translational processing of host defense cathelicidin peptide LL-37 in human sweat and skin generates new antimicrobial peptides. To understand structure and mechanism of action of these LL-37 derivatives, this article presents the cloning and expression of SK-29, KR-20, LL-29, and LL-23. We also provide a two-step chromatographic purification protocol of general use. First, resin-bound fusion proteins were directly subject to efficient upstream thrombin cleavage to release peptide-containing fragments. The resin, resin-bound carrier, and residual uncut fusion proteins were subsequently removed by centrifugation. Second, the peptide-containing fragments were digested with formic acid to release the required peptides followed by reverse-phase HPLC purification. We obtained 1.7 mg of recombinant SK-29, 0.7 mg KR-20, 2.1mg LL-29, and 5.4 mg LL-23, each from one liter of rich medium culture. Analytical HPLC, MS, and NMR indicated high quality of all the purified peptides. Antibacterial assays revealed the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for SK-29, KR-20, LL-29, and LL-23 are 80, 60, 40, and >150 microM, respectively. The poorest toxicity of LL-23 to Escherichia coli K12 correlates with its higher level of bacterial expression, reduced aggregation tendency, and loss of binding to a yet-to-be-characterized molecular target. Thus, on-resin protein cleavage facilitates the evaluation of peptide aggregation ability and may allow the identification of potential new bacterial targets of antimicrobial peptides. On-resin cleavage may be applied to the release of membrane proteins expressed as fusions.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides and their precursor molecules form a central part of human and mammalian innate immunity. The underlying genes have been thoroughly investigated and compared for a considerable number of species, allowing for phylogenetic characterization. On the phenotypical side, an ever-increasing number of very varied and distinctive influences of antimicrobial peptides on the innate immune system are reported. The basic biophysical understanding of mammalian antimicrobial peptides, however, is still very limited. This is especially unsatisfactory since knowledge of structural properties will greatly help in the understanding of their immunomodulatory functions. The focus of this review article will be on LL-37, the only cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptide found in humans. LL-37 is a 37-residue, amphipathic, helical peptide found throughout the body and has been shown to exhibit a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It is expressed in epithelial cells of the testis, skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and the respiratory tract, and in leukocytes such as monocytes, neutrophils, T cells, NK cells, and B cells. It has been found to have additional defensive roles such as regulating the inflammatory response and chemo-attracting cells of the adaptive immune system to wound or infection sites, binding and neutralizing LPS, and promoting re-epthelialization and wound closure. The article aims to report the known biophysical facts, with an emphasis on structural evidence, and to set them into relation with insights gained on phylogenetically related antimicrobial peptides in other species. The multitude of immuno-functional roles is only outlined. We believe that this review will aid the future work on the biophysical, biochemical and immunological investigations of this highly intriguing molecule.  相似文献   

Adenoregulin is a 33 amino acid antimicrobial peptide isolated from the skin of the arboreal frog Phyllomedusa bicolor. Natural adenoregulin is synthesized with an amidated valine residue at C-terminus and shows lethal effects against filamentous fungi, as well as a broad spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms. A synthetic gene for adenoregulin (ADR) with an additional amino acid glutamine at C-terminus was cloned into pET32a vector to allow expression of ADR as a Trx fusion protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The resulting expression level of the fusion protein could reach up to 20% of the total cell proteins. The fusion protein could be purified effectively by Ni2+-chelating chromatography. Released from the fusion protein by enterokinase cleavage and purified to homogeneity, the recombinant ADR displayed antimicrobial activity similar to that of the synthetic ADR reported earlier. Comparing the antimicrobial activities of the recombinant adenoregulin with C-amidated terminus to that without an amidated C-terminus, we found that the amide of glutamine at C-terminus of ADR improved its potency on certain microorganisms such as Tritirachium album and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial peptide, piscidin, was overexpressed as a fused form with the ubiquitin molecule in Escherichia coli, and the fusion protein was purified using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). The peptide was released from its fusion partner by using yeast ubiquitin hydrolase (YUH), and subsequently purified by reverse phase chromatography. The expression and purification process of piscidin encountered several problems such as the lysis of the bacterial cell upon induction of the peptide production, the unwanted cleavage of the fusion protein inside the bacterial cell, and high tendency to aggregate in the aqueous environment. Such problems were alleviated by employing ubiquitin as a fusion partner for piscidin, growing the cells at a lower temperature, and changing the order of the purification steps. The yields of the fusion protein and the peptide were around 15 and 1.5 mg per liter of LB or minimal medium, respectively. The recombinant expression and purification of piscidin will enable its structural and dynamic studies using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The tandem repeats of LFB15(W4,10)-HP(4-16) (LH) gene were cloned into vector pET32a(+) for recombinant expression in Escherichia coli. The E. coli C43(DE3) was successfully used as the expression host to avoid the cell death during induction in E. coli BL21(DE3). Fusion LH dimer was expressed as inclusion body at a portion of 35% of total cell protein and could be well purified by Ni2+-chelating chromatography. The recombinant LH was released by the cleavage of 50% formic acid, and its yield reached 11.3 mg/l with purity of 95%. The MIC50 of 3.6 and 1.9 μM of recombinant LH against E. coli CMCC 44102 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 were determined, respectively. The results demonstrated that expression of tandem LH gene in E. coli C43(DE3) and formic acid cleavage would provide a potent efficient platform for the production of interested peptides. Zi-gang Tian and Tian-tang Dong contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel heterozygous antimicrobial peptide MLH was synthesized, expressed, purified, and characterized. The peptide Md-cec-LL-37_Hp (MLH) was selected through bioinformatic analysis using musca domestica antimicrobial peptide (Cec-Med), human antimicrobial peptide LL-37, and helicobacter pylori antimicrobial peptide (Hp) as parent peptides. The target gene was synthesized by overlap extension PCR (SOE-PCR) and connected to the expression vector pET-32a (+), and the recombinant plasmid pET-32a-MLH was transformed to Escherichia coli for constructing pET-32a-MLH/BL21 (DE3). Isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) was used to induce protein expression, and SDS-PAGE and western blot were adopted to test the target protein. And fermentation condition was optimized to get the mass expression of the fusion protein. The Ni2+ affinity chromatographic column was used to purify. Active heterozygous peptide was obtained after renaturation. Finally, the activity of the heterozygous antimicrobial peptide was identified. The fusion peptide showed significant antimicrobial effect on both E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 is known to have a potent LPS-neutralizing activity in monocytes and macrophages. Recently, LL-37 in gingival crevicular fluids is suggested to be the major protective factor preventing infection of periodontogenic pathogens. In this study, we tried to address the effect of LL-37 on proinflammatory responses of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) stimulated with Toll-like receptor (TLR)-stimulant microbial compounds. LL-37 potently suppressed LPS-induced gene expression of IL6, IL8 and CXCL10 and intracellular signaling events, degradation of IRAK-1 and IκBα and phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and IRF3, indicating that the LPS-neutralizing activity is also exerted in HGFs. LL-37 also suppressed the expression of IL6, IL8 and CXCL10 induced by the TLR3 ligand poly(I:C). LL-37 modestly attenuated the expression of IL6 and IL8 induced by the TLR2/TLR1 ligand Pam3CSK4, but did not affect the expression induced by the TLR2/TLR6 ligand MALP-2. Interestingly, LL-37 rather upregulated the expression of IL6, IL8 and CXCL10 induced by another TLR2/TLR6 ligand FSL-1. Thus, the regulatory effect of LL-37 is differently exerted towards proinflammatory responses of HGFs induced by different microbial stimuli, which may lead to unbalanced proinflammatory responses of the gingival tissue to infection of oral microbes.  相似文献   

O-Acetylserine sulfhydrylase-B (OASS-B, EC is one of the two isozymes produced by Escherichia coli that catalyze the synthesis of L-cysteine from O-acetyl-L-serine and sulfide. The cysM gene encoding OASS-B was cloned and the enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli using pUC19 with a lacUV5 promoter. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity, as evidenced by SDS-PAGE. Approximately 300 mg of purified OASS-B was obtained from 1600 mL of culture broth with a purification yield of 60% or higher. The purified OASS-B was characterized and its properties compared with OASS-A. OASS-B did not form a complex with E. coli serine acetyltransferase (SAT, EC and showed a wide range of substrate specificity in nonproteinaceous amino acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Oligopeptidase B (OpdB) of Escherichia coli, previously called protease II, has a trypsin-like specificity, cleaving peptides at lysine and arginine residues and belongs to the prolyl oligopeptidase family of new serine peptidases. In this study, we report the fusion expression of E. coli oligopeptidase B with an N-terminal histidine tag using pET28a as the expression vector. Although most of the recombinant OpdB was produced as inclusion bodies, the solubility of the recombinant protease increased significantly when the expression temperature shifted from 37 to 30 degrees C. Recombinant OpdB (approximately 10 mg) could be purified from the soluble fraction of the crude extract of 1L log-phase E. coli culture containing 1.5 g wet bacterial cells. The purified OpdB has a molecular weight of approximately 80 kDa and a specific activity of 4.8 x 10(4) U/mg. OpdB could also be purified from the inclusion bodies with a lower yield. The recombinant enzyme was very stable under 40 degrees C. By comparison of the substrate specificity of the purified OpdB with that of OpdA, another trypsin-like protease in E. coli, we found that Boc-Glu-Lys-Lys-MCA is a specific substrate for E. coli OpdB. We also found that compared to OpdA, OpdB is much more sensitive to GMCHA-OPh(t)Bu, a synthetic trypsin inhibitor that can retard the growth of E. coli.  相似文献   

Rotavirus VP8* subunit is the minor trypsin cleavage product of the spike protein VP4, which is the major determinant of the viral infectivity and neutralization. To study the structure-function relationship of this fragment and to obtain type-specific reagents, substantial amounts of this protein are needed. Thus, full-length VP8* cDNA, including the entire trypsin cleavage-encoding region in gene 4, was synthesized and amplified by RT-PCR from total RNA purified from bovine rotavirus strain C486 propagated in MA104 cell culture. The extended VP8* cDNA (VP8ext) was cloned into the pGEM-T Easy plasmid and subcloned into the Escherichia coli expression plasmid pET28a(+). The correspondent 30 kDa protein was overexpressed in E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS cells under the control of the T7 promoter. The identity and the antigenicity of VP8ext were confirmed on Western blots using anti-His and anti-rotavirus antibodies. Immobilized Ni-ion affinity chromatography was used to purify the expressed protein resulting in a yield of 4 mg of VP8ext per liter of induced E. coli culture. Our results indicate that VP8ext maintained its native antigenicity and specificity, providing a good source of antigen for the production of P type-specific immune reagents. Detailed structural analysis of pure recombinant VP8 subunit should allow a better understanding of its role in cell attachment and rotavirus tropism. Application of similar procedure to distinct rotavirus P serotypes should provide valuable P serotype-specific immune reagents for rotavirus diagnostics and epidemiologic surveys.  相似文献   

Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein oxidoreductase central to thiol metabolism in all the trypanosomatids including Leishmania. The unique presence of this enzyme in trypanosomatids and absence in mammalian host make this enzyme an attractive target for the development of the antileishmanials. Complete open reading frame encoding trypanothione reductase from Leishmania donovani (Dd8 strain, causative agent of Indian visceral leishmaniasis) was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) as glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. The conditions were developed for overexpression of fusion protein in soluble form and purification of the recombinant protein to homogeneity. The recombinant LdTR was 54.68 kDa in size, dimeric in nature, and reduces oxidized trypanothione to reduced form. The kinetic parameters for trypanothione disulfide are K(m), 50 microM; k(cat), 18,181 min(-1); and k(cat)/K(m), 6.06x10(6) M(-1) s(-1). The yield of recombinant LdTR was approximately 16 mg/L bacterial culture and accounted for 6% of the total soluble proteins. The expressed protein was inhibited by known TR inhibitors as well as by SbIII, the known antileishmanial compound. This is the first report of large-scale production of any leishmanial TR in E. coli.  相似文献   

A widely applicable strategy is presented for efficient and rapid production of small water soluble peptides expressed as fusion proteins with the immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G. A simple extraction and purification scheme that includes a protease cleavage step to release the target peptide is described. The yield of authentic target peptide exceeds 10 mg per liter of culture. Production of U-13C, 15N and highly deuterated U-13C, 15N isotope labeled peptide is demonstrated for the 11 residue S2 peptide, corresponding to the C-terminus of the -subunit of transducin, and the coiled coil trimerization domain from cartilage matrix protein (CMPcc), respectively. Heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR spectra are used for initial peptide characterization.  相似文献   

Most human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) neutralizing antibodies in infected individuals and in immunized animals are directed against the third variable loop (V3) of the envelope glycoprotein (gp120) of the virus. This loop plays a crucial role in phenotypic determination, cytopathicity (syncytium induction), and coreceptor usage of HIV-1. The human monoclonal antibody 447-52D was found to neutralize a broad spectrum of HIV-1 strains. In order to solve the solution structure of the V3MN peptide bound to the 447-52D Fab fragment by NMR, large quantities of labeled peptide and a protocol for the purification of the Fab fragment were needed. An expression plasmid coding for the 23-residue V3 peptide of the HIV-1MN strain (V3MN peptide, YNKRKRIHIGPGRAFYTTKNIIG) linked to a derivative of the RNA-binding domain of hnRNCP1 was constructed. The fusion protein attached to the V3 peptide prevents its degradation. Using this system, U-15N, U-13C,15N, and U-13C,15N, 50% 2H labeled fusion protein molecules were expressed in Escherichia coli grown on rich Celtone medium with yields of about 240 mg/liter. The V3MN peptide was released by CNBr cleavage and purified by RP-HPLC, giving final yields of 6-13 mg/liter. This expression system is generally applicable for biosynthesis of V3-related peptides and was also used to prepare the V3JR-FL. The 447-52D Fab fragment was obtained by a short enzymatic papain cleavage of the whole antibody. Preliminary NMR spectra demonstrate that full structural analysis of the V3MN complexed to the 447-52D Fab is feasible. This system enables studies of the same epitope bound to different HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) heat-stable enterotoxin 1 (EAST1) is a 4.1k Da protein originally discovered in EAEC but known to be scattered in other diarrheagenic E. coli as well, possibly causing diarrhea in humans and animals. We report for the first time a method to express and purify EAST1 using the Glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion system. The gst and astA genes were fused together on a pGEX-2T plasmid vector to produce a GST-EAST1 fusion protein. Using Glutathione Sepharose affinity chromatography and C(8) reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography, EAST1 was purified to homogeneity with a yield of 0.29 mg/L of culture. The protein purified by this method was confirmed to be EAST1 by NH(2)-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry. The molecular weight of EAST1 is 4104.0 Da, confirming a 38 amino acid peptide as predicted by the astA gene sequence. Mass spectrometry analysis of EAST1 and of two generated peptides established the presence and suggested the position of two disulfide bridges of EAST1 in the conformations C1-C2 and C3-C4. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against EAST1 in New Zealand white rabbits to a titer of 1:8000 using affinity-purified GST-EAST1 fusion protein and to a titer of 1:100 using HPLC-purified EAST1. The biological activity of various EAST1 preparations was tested using the suckling mouse assay with CD-1 and CFW mice strains, but failed to produce fluid accumulation in the intestine.  相似文献   

Tumstatin is a M(r) 28,000 C-terminal NC1 fragment of type alpha3 (IV) collagen that inhibits pathological angiogenesis and suppresses proliferation of endothelial cells and growth of tumors. We report here high cytoplasmic expression of recombinant human tumstatin in Escherichia coli and its purification, in vitro refolding, and inhibitory activity analysis. Human tumstatin was expressed in the bacterial cytoplasm as an insoluble N-terminal polyhistidine tagged protein, which accounted for more than 30% of total bacterial protein in BL21 (DE3) cells. After extraction and solubilization in guanidine-HCl, recombinant protein was purified to homogeneity using a simple one-step Ni(2+)-chelate affinity chromatography and then refolded by dialysis against acidic pH buffers with gradually decreasing concentrations of denaturant. The renatured recombinant tumstatin could specifically inhibit endothelial cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, and suppress bFGF-induced angiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane and tumor growth in mouse B16 melanoma xenograft models.  相似文献   

The structure of the O-antigen polysaccharide (PS) from Escherichia coli O177 has been determined. Component analysis together with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy experiments was used to determine the structure. Inter-residue correlations were determined by 1H,13C-heteronuclear multiple-bond correlation and 1H,1H-NOESY experiments. PS is composed of tetrasaccharide repeating units with the following structure:→2)-α-l-Rhap-(1→3)-α-l-FucpNAc-(1→3)-α-l-FucpNAc-(1→3)-β-d-GlcpNAc-(1→An α-l-Rhap residue is suggested to be present at the terminal part of the polysaccharide, which on average is composed of ∼20 repeating units, since the 1H and 13C chemical shifts of an α-linked rhamnopyranosyl group could be assigned by a combination of 2D NMR spectra. Consequently, the biological repeating unit has a 3-substituted N-acetyl-d-glucosamine residue at its reducing end. The repeating unit of the E. coli O177 O-antigen shares the →3)-α-l-FucpNAc-(1→3)-β-d-GlcpNAc-(1→ structural element with the O-antigen from E. coli O15 and this identity may then explain the reported cross-reactivity between the strains.  相似文献   

Penaeidins, members of a new family of antimicrobial peptides constitutively produced and stored in the haemocytes of penaeid shrimp, display antimicrobial activity against bacteria, and fungi. Here, a DNA sequence encoding the mature Ch-penaeidin peptide was cloned into the pPIC9K vector and transformed into Pichia pastoris. The transformed cells were screened for multi-copy plasmids using increasing concentrations of G418. Positive colonies carrying chromosomal integrations of the Chp gene were identified by phenotype and PCR. When transformed cells were induced with methanol, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting revealed the production of a approximately 6100 Da recombinant CHP (rCHP) expression product. Large scale expression revealed that rCHP was produced at 108 mg/L under optimal conditions in the highest Chp-producing P. pastoris clone. The antimicrobial activities of rCHP were studied by liquid phase analysis, which revealed that rCHP exhibited activities against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but had a relatively low activity against some fungi. Purification of rCHP by cation exchange chromatography and subsequent automated amino acid sequencing revealed the presence of four additional amino acids (YVEF) at the N-terminus that belonged to the cleaved fusion signal peptide; these residues may account for the observed decrease in antifungal activity. Together, these observations indicate that rCHP is an effective antimicrobial peptide that can be successfully produced at high levels in the yeast, and therefore may be a potential antimicrobial candidate for practical use.  相似文献   

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