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Where maternal condition affects condition and reproductive potential of offspring differentially with respect to sex, mothers in relatively good condition should produce more of the sex whose fitness is more dependent on condition. We experimentally manipulated body-condition in unmated zebra finches by feeding them for three months on high- or low-quality diets. Birds were then allowed to breed, while keeping the same diets. Females on the lower quality diet were in better condition and hatched significantly more males than females. Poorer condition females hatched an equal sex ratio. Chicks fed on the low-quality diet, but not on the high-quality diet, showed female-biased mortality. These results show that facultative sex ratio manipulation and sex-biased mortality can act together to produce extreme sex ratios in this vertebrate.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of the hypothalamo-gonadal response of the zebra finch (Poephila guttata castanotis) to environmental factors were conducted by the use of adult birds captured in arid regions of South Australia. In these birds breeding activity is not photoperiodically induced but follows rainfall. The hypothalamo-hypophysial system participating in this response involves centres of the rostral and mediobasal (tuberal) hypothalamus. Parvocellular neurones in both hypothalamic portions are arranged in clusters. In the rostral hypothalamus magnocellular neurosecretory perikarya are spatially closely associated with the clusters which contain different types of parvocellular peptidergic neurones. Extended, complex neuropile formations, rich in synapses, encompass the neuronal clusters and provide important loci of neural-neuroendocrine interaction.Experiments were undertaken to correlate indicators of breeding activity, such as increased size and mass of testes, spermatogenesis, and plasma levels of androgens and luteinizing hormone, with a greater availability of drinking water, increased air humidity, and green vegetation, all of which follow rainfall. Birds maintained in male/female pairs in controlled-environment rooms at 27° C on 14L10D received a diet of seeds (containing 10% water). Thirty-two birds were given drinking water at a basal level of 1 ml/week and one of eight different treatments, consisting of different combinations of drinking water, relative air humidity, and green grass, for two weeks (4 males/treatment). The size of the left testis was estimated at laparotomy and blood samples were taken from a wing vein before and after treatment. The observations suggest that, in moisture-deprived (1 ml water/week) adult zebra finches, an increase in testicular size is associated with a free supply of water; synergistic effects of supplying both water and green grass, or water and high humidity, were also observed. However, in six other groups (8–16 males/treatment), receiving a higher basal level of water (access for 3 min/day), an increase in testicular mass was associated with high humidity, while smaller non-significant increases followed the provision of free water or green grass. Spermatogenic activity was not significantly correlated with testicular size or mass. Leydig cells were sparse in all groups. Plasma androgen levels and luteinizing hormone levels were not obviously correlated with the treatments and were lower than values in zebra finches breeding in outdoor aviaries.According to K.C. Parkes; see Note on Taxonomy, p. XVII, Avian Biology, Vol. IV (D.S. Farner, J.R. King, eds.), Academic Press, New York/London, 1974. Taeniopygia guttata castanotis is widely used for this subspecies in non-taxonomic literature.  相似文献   

Birds are important granivores in the Australian arid zone, and this paper reviews their role by assembling available data on diet and habitat selection of the granivorous species occurring in the region. Paucity of dietary information is alleviated by a study of the food of the zebra finch (Poephila guttata) at two sites in the eastern arid zone. Zebra finches subsisted entirely on grass seeds of a relatively narrow specific range; 17 classes of seeds (at least 19 species) were eaten, but one class dominated the diet at each study site and only five classes (probably six species) were significant overall. Comparative information concerning granivorous species- suggested that the seeds of grasses and shrubs are of most importance in diets, that larger species tended to eat larger seeds from a wider variety of plants because of the addition of shrub species to the diet, and that Acacia shrublands contained most species. Characteristics of the arid zone that are of particular importance to granivorous birds appear to be the abundance of grasses and the patchy and erratic nature of the rainfall.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of parvalbumin (PV) within neurons of the vocal motor nucleus hyperstriatum ventralepars caudalis (HVc) was investigated in the forebrain of adult male zebra finches by means of light and electron microscopy using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. Parvalbumin-reaction product was located in the amorphous material of perikarya, dendrites and nuclei, and associated to microtubuli, postsynaptic densities and intracellular membranes; it was found in some axons and Gray type-2 boutons, but rarely in type-1 boutons and never in the Golgi apparatus. These observations suggest that parvalbumin may regulate calcium-dependent processes at the postsynaptic membrane and in the cytosol. Furthermore, the partial association of parvalbumin to microtubuli points to an involvement in calcium-dependent tubular functions. Calcium currents and microtubular assembly or transport may be relevant for the known functions of HVc in song learning.  相似文献   

As is the case for human speech, birdsong is transmitted across generations by imitative learning. Although transfer of song patterns from adults to juveniles typically occurs via vertical or oblique transmission, there is also evidence of horizontal transmission between juveniles of the same generation. Here, we show that a young male zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) that has been exposed to its father during the sensitive period for song learning can lead a brother, that has never heard the paternal song, to imitate some sounds of the father. Moreover, song similarity between the two brothers was higher than the similarity measured between the paternal song and the song of the brother that had a week-long exposure to the father. We speculate that the phenomenon of within-generation song learning among juveniles may be more widespread than previously thought and that when a juvenile evaluates potential models for imitative learning, a sibling may be as salient as an adult.  相似文献   

To study the population genetics as well as the mating system of captive zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) populations, we developed primers for 12 microsatellite loci and screened them in 529 individuals from two successive generations of a single captive population. All markers were polymorphic with five to 14 alleles per locus. We checked all markers for Mendelian inheritance in 307 offspring whose parents were known for sure. Four markers showed evidence for the presence of null alleles. Once allowing for null alleles, we found no mismatches between offspring and parents, suggesting a very low rate of mutation. Average observed and expected heterozygosities across the eight loci showing no evidence for null‐alleles was 0.819 and 0.812, respectively.  相似文献   

Here we describe the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome (16 583/4 bp) of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Primers were designed based on highly conserved regions of an alignment of three passerine complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. A combination of overlapping long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) purification, followed by fully nested PCR and sequencing was used to determine the complete mtDNA genome. Six birds, from distinct maternal lineages of a pedigreed population were sequenced. Five novel haplotypes were identified. These sequences provide the first data for sequence variation across the whole mitochondrial genome of a passerine bird species.  相似文献   

Summary Efferent projections of the optic tectum of zebra finches were investigated by injection of the radioactive anterograde tracer 3H-proline. In addition to a variety of ipsilateral projections, some contralateral connections were found. Quantitative evaluation of the recrossing tecto-rotundal and nucleus subpraetectalis/nucleus interstitio-praetecto-subpraetectalis projection revealed that these connections are much stronger than previously believed. In contrast, the tecto-tectal projection is very weak, as has been shown previously. Further support for this comes from results obtained using injections of retrograde tracers. The role of the different projections in conveying information from the ipsilateral eye to the ectostriatum, the telencephalic end-station of the tectofugal pathway, is discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium ATPase (Ca2+-ATPase) is a key enzyme that participates in the translocation of calcium in the uterus of oviparous amniotes during eggshell formation. We used Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to determine expression and localisation of uterine Ca2+-ATPase during the reproductive cycle of king quail and zebra finch. The pattern of Ca2+-ATPase expression and localisation during the reproductive cycle was similar for both species. Immunoblots of uterine extracts from quail and finch indicated that Ca2+-ATPase expression is reduced in non-reproductive compared to reproductive females. Similarly, in non-reproductive females, weak apical immunofluorescent staining of Ca2+-ATPase is localised to epithelial cells in a small number of uterine tubular glands. A large increase in apical immunofluorescent staining of tubular gland epithelia occurs in both vitellogenic and reproductive females. The presence of Ca2+-ATPase on the apical surface of tubular gland epithelial cells suggests that the enzyme is involved in the translocation of calcium out of the tubular gland epithelia and into the concentrated fluid of the uterine lumen. Presence of Ca2+-ATPase in vitellogenic females indicates that the enzyme is expressed prior to the time of ovulation and eggshell calcification.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Total body water volume (TBWV) and daily water turnover rates (WTR) were measured in nestling and adult zebra finches using tritiated water (TOH).
  • 2.2. TBWV and daily WTR increased with age up to 13 days post hatching.
  • 3.3. TBWV and WTR approached adult levels after 13 days of age. WTR varied among ages and nest mates. All nestlings turned over at least 50% of their body water pool per day.
  • 4.4. The WTR data for adult birds are consistent with natural history data suggesting zebra finches are dependent on water for breeding and survival.

Upregulation of aromatase (estrogen synthase) in glia around the site of neural injury may limit neural degeneration. Systemic administration of estrogen limits neural damage, but the specific role of local estrogen provision in this effect is unclear. In male zebra finches, we tested the effect of local aromatase inhibition and estrogen replacement on type of cellular degeneration and the distance of this degeneration from the source of insult. Subjects received injections of the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole into one telencephalic lobe and fadrozole and estradiol into the contralateral lobe. Seventy-two hours later, we used Fluoro-Jade B and TUNEL to label dying and apoptotic cells, respectively. Since each subject was its own control, we were able to assess the influence of local estrogen replacement in relative distinction from circulating steroids and constitutive aromatization. Cellular degeneration around the lesion was measured with Fluoro-Jade B, TUNEL, and indirectly with aromatase expression. Additionally, the glial nature of aromatase-positive cells around the injury was queried by co-localization with vimentin. The estrogen replaced injury had fewer apoptotic cells clustered more closely around the injury compared to the hemisphere injected with fadrozole alone. Since Fluoro-Jade B and TUNEL labeled similar numbers of cells, and the distance of these cells from the injection was identical, we suggest that estrogen replacement functions primarily to restrict apoptosis in the current paradigm. Lastly, aromatase-positive cells around injuries co-localize vimentin, establishing their glial nature. Thus, glial estrogen provision at sites of neural insult may be critical in limiting the cellular degeneration caused by injury via an inhibition of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Passerine birds have an extensive repertoire of olfactory receptor genes. However, the circumstances in which passerine birds use olfactory signals are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to investigate whether olfactory cues play a role in natal nest recognition in fledged juvenile passerines. The natal nest provides fledglings with a safe place for sleeping and parental food provisioning. There is a particular demand in colony-breeding birds for fledglings to be able to identify their nests because many pairs breed close to each other. Olfactory orientation might thus be of special importance for the fledglings, because they do not have a visual representation of the nest site and its position in the colony when leaving the nest for the first time. We investigated the role of olfaction in nest recognition in zebra finches, which breed in dense colonies of up to 50 pairs. We performed odour preference tests, in which we offered zebra finch fledglings their own natal nest odour versus foreign nest odour. Zebra finch fledglings significantly preferred their own natal nest odour, indicating that fledglings of a colony breeding songbird may use olfactory cues for nest recognition.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the accurate determination of the maintenance nitrogen requirement (MNR) of small granivorous birds. When used with the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), it yielded a MNR of 403 mg kgW(-0.75) d(-1). This is lower than most other passerines so far measured and more similar to some nonpasserine species. Similarly, the value for endogenous nitrogen loss estimated for the zebra finch (153 mg kgW(-0.75) d(-1)) is less than that for passerines in general but higher than the nonpasserine value. We suggest that the low MNR of the strictly granivorous zebra finch is primarily an adaptation to seed diets in which high-quality protein is a limiting factor. Comparison with a wider range of species reported in the literature was restricted because inappropriate methods have been used to estimate MNR in many cases, including the use of growing or reproducing birds and the assumption that maintenance of body mass necessarily coincides with maintenance of zero nitrogen balance.  相似文献   

Calcium ATPase (Ca2+-ATPase) is a key enzyme that participates in the translocation of calcium in the uterus of oviparous amniotes during eggshell formation. We used Western blot and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to determine expression and localisation of uterine Ca2+-ATPase during the reproductive cycle of king quail and zebra finch. The pattern of Ca2+-ATPase expression and localisation during the reproductive cycle was similar for both species. Immunoblots of uterine extracts from quail and finch indicated that Ca2+-ATPase expression is reduced in non-reproductive compared to reproductive females. Similarly, in non-reproductive females, weak apical immunofluorescent staining of Ca2+-ATPase is localised to epithelial cells in a small number of uterine tubular glands. A large increase in apical immunofluorescent staining of tubular gland epithelia occurs in both vitellogenic and reproductive females. The presence of Ca2+-ATPase on the apical surface of tubular gland epithelial cells suggests that the enzyme is involved in the translocation of calcium out of the tubular gland epithelia and into the concentrated fluid of the uterine lumen. Presence of Ca2+-ATPase in vitellogenic females indicates that the enzyme is expressed prior to the time of ovulation and eggshell calcification.  相似文献   

In a wide range of bird species, females have been shown to express active preferences for males that sing more complex songs. Current sexual selection theory predicts that for this signal to remain an honest indicator of male quality, it must be associated with an underlying cost of development or maintenance. There has been considerable debate questioning the costs associated with song production and learning. Recently, the nutritional stress hypothesis proposed that song complexity could act as an indicator of early developmental history, since the song control nuclei in the brain are laid down early in life. Here we test the nutritional stress hypothesis, by investigating the effects of dietary stress on the quality of adult song produced. In addition, we tested the effects of elevated corticosterone during development on song production to test its possible involvement in mediating the effects of developmental stress. The results demonstrate that both dietary restriction and elevated corticosterone levels significantly reduced nestling growth rates. In addition, we found that experimentally stressed birds developed songs with significantly shorter song motif duration and reduced complexity. These results provide novel experimental evidence that complex song repertoires may have evolved as honest signals of male quality, by indicating early developmental rearing conditions.  相似文献   

Early developmental conditions can significantly influence the growth and survival of many animal species. We studied the consequences of exposure to corticosterone (CORT), a stress hormone, during the nestling stage on two behavioral traits (neophobia, social dominance) measured when the birds had reached independence. Nestling zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) were exposed twice daily to exogenous CORT via oral administration for a 12-day period up until fledging. Experimental CORT administration depressed nestling growth rates, confirming results previously obtained in this species. Our data on neophobic behavior revealed a significant interaction between sex and treatment, with CORT-dosed males showing reduced latencies to approach a novel object, while there was little effect of corticosterone treatment on female neophobia. There was no significant effect of age (30 or 50 days), however, there was a non-significant trend towards an interaction between treatment and age, with neophobia increasing with age in the CORT-dosed birds, but decreasing in controls. At 50 days of age previous exposure to corticosterone resulted in reduced success in competitions for a non-food-based resource (a perch) in both sexes. There were no effects of brood size on any behavioral traits measured here, but this may be due to the small range in brood size used. Our results show that elevated levels of stress hormones during postnatal development can have significant effects on important behavioral traits, i.e., neophobia and dominance. Moreover, they confirm the importance of rearing conditions in shaping adult phenotypes.  相似文献   

D. C. Houston    D. Donnan    P. J. Jones 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(3):469-483
The source of nutrients used for egg formation are poorly known for most bird species. This study of the zebra finch Poephila guttata showed that food intake did not increase during egg production, but the decline in female body reserves of protein and fat were sufficient to account for most of the nutrients in a clutch of four eggs. Female birds significantly reduced their activity levels during ova enlargement, which may play a role in diverting resources to egg production. Birds increased their intake of calcium-rich food items when eggs were being laid, and this intake accounted for all the calcium needed for eggshell formation. The zebra finch depends heavily on stored body reserves for egg formation, which is probably unusual in small passerines.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, or the reduction in fitness due to mating between close relatives, is a key issue in biology today. Inbreeding negatively affects many fitness‐related traits, including survival and reproductive success. Despite this, very few studies have quantified the effects of inbreeding on vertebrate gamete traits under controlled breeding conditions using a full‐sib mating approach. Here, we provide comprehensive evidence for the negative effect of inbreeding on sperm traits in a bird, the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata. We compared sperm characteristics of both inbred (pedigree F = 0.25) and outbred (pedigree F = 0) individuals from two captive populations, one domesticated and one recently wild‐derived, raised under standardized conditions. As normal spermatozoa morphology did not differ consistently between inbred and outbred individuals, our study confirms the hypothesis that sperm morphology is not particularly susceptible to inbreeding depression. Inbreeding did, however, lead to significantly lower sperm motility and a substantially higher percentage of abnormal spermatozoa in ejaculate. These results were consistent across both study populations, confirming the generality and reliability of our findings.  相似文献   

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