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Neo-darwinian and population genetics theory assumes that the necessary and sufficient set of conditions for all genetic, therefore evolutionary, change has been identified. Punctuationalists have assumed the opposite and cite the fossil record as evidence for change too rapid to be explained in neo-darwinian theory. Data is given here to provide estimates of the rate of evolution in hominid fossils, in living populations, and of that rate which would qualify as punctuational in the hominid fossil record. Evolution in living populations is orders of magnitude greater than that found in the fossil record and far greater than necessary to create apparently instantaneous saltations in the fossil record. It is suggested that such saltations may not represent more rapid rates of evolution but, rather, the persistence of evolutionary change in a given direction for a longer than normal period.  相似文献   

Chromosomal arrangement was a historically important character used for defining taxonomic boundaries. The Drosophila virilis species group exhibits a series of chromosomal rearrangements, and the resulting differences among karyotypes were primary characters originally used to define taxa within the group. However, some chromosomally divergent forms have not been sufficiently resolved in phylogenetic reconstructions of DNA sequences from several nuclear genes. Sequences of mitochondrial regions have the potential for finer-scale resolution of closely related taxa; therefore, sequences of two mitochondrial genes were used to examine phylogenetic relationships within the chromosomally variable virilis subgroup. Sequences were obtained from multiple strains of the Palearctic species, D. virilis and D. lummei, and the Nearctic species, D. novamexicana and two chromosomal forms of D. americana. Analyses support the recent emergence of the different chromosomal forms in North America. However, none of these chromosomally divergent forms exhibit reciprocal monophyly of their mtDNA sequences, which is the requirement for attaining genealogical species status.  相似文献   

Although most insects reproduce in the adult stage, facultative larval or pupal reproduction (paedogenesis) has evolved at least six times indepently in insects, twice in gall midges of the family Cecidomyiidae (Diptera). Paedogenesis in gall midges involves the precocious growth and differentiation of the ovary in an otherwise larval form. We have previously shown that the timing of expression of the Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) and Ultraspiracle (USP), the two proteins that constitute the functional receptor for the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone, regulates the timing and progression of ovarian differentiation in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Here we test the hypothesis that precocious activation of EcR and USP in the ovaries of paedogenetic gall midges allows for precocious ovarian differentiation. Using monoclonal antibodies directed against insect EcR and USP proteins, we first show that when these gall midges are reared under conditions that promote typical, metamorphic development, up- regulation of EcR and USP occurs in the final larval stage. By contrast, in the paedogenetic life cycle, EcR and USP are up-regulated early in the first larval stage. A similar pattern is seen for two independently-evolved paedogenetic gall midges, Heteropeza pygmaea and Mycophila speyeri. We discuss our results in the context of developmental constraints on the evolution of paedogenesis in dipteran insects. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 23 Feburary 2000  相似文献   

The bird pollination systems of the New and Old Worlds evolved independently, and differ in many aspects. New World plants are often presented as those adapted to hovering birds while Old World plants to perching birds. Most Neotropical studies also demonstrate that in hummingbird species rich assemblages, only a small number of highly specialized birds exploits the most specialized plants with long corollas. Nevertheless, recent research on bird–plant pollination interactions suggest that sunbird pollination systems in the Old World have converged more with the highly specialized hummingbird pollination systems than previously thought. In this study we focus on the pollination systems of the bird pollination syndrome Impatiens species on Mt. Cameroon, West Africa. We show that despite the high diversity of sunbirds on Mt. Cameroon, only Cyanomitra oritis appear to be important pollinator of all Impatiens species. This asymmetry indicates the absence of pair wise co‐evolution and points to a diffuse co‐evolutionary process resulting in guilds of highly specialized plants and birds; a situation well known from hummingbirds and specialized plant communities of the New World. Additionally, the herbaceous habits of Impatiens species, the frequent adaptations to pollination by hovering birds, and the habitat preference for understory in tropical forests or epiphytic growth, resemble the highly specialized Neotropical plants. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 127–133.  相似文献   

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