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The purpose of our study was to identify a trait that changes quickly during Trichogramma mass rearing, and that could therefore be used to monitor stock deterioration. Quality deterioration in mass reared Trichogramma wasps was evaluated by examining host acceptance behaviour of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on the target host Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). We compared three replicate lines (designated ‘E’) reared in the laboratory on the factitious host Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for 27 generations, a line ‘O’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for 24 generations, and a line ‘F’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for only two generations. All lines were initiated from field collections of O. nubilalis egg masses. We also evaluated natal host effects by rearing each line on E. kuehniella as well as on O. nubilalis for the last generation prior to testing. The percentage of wasps accepting the O. nubilalis egg mass was significantly higher for the E lines (69.6%) than for the F line (46.5%), while wasps of the O line showed intermediate (57.4%) acceptance. Thus, wasps laboratory reared on E. kuehniella performed better than wasps which had recently been collected in the field. Wasps of the O line showed extended probing behaviour compared to the other lines. Lines did not differ in the duration from the first host contact to the beginning of the drilling, probing or trembling behaviour. Natal host (E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis) did not affect acceptance of the target host O. nubilalis. Even though there is some evidence of adaptation to laboratory rearing conditions, we found no indication for quality deterioration in terms of acceptance behaviour of the target host O. nubilalis when T. brassicae was mass reared on the factitious host E. kuehniella.  相似文献   

Abstract. To test the relative importance of genetic and environmental factors in host preferences of Trichogramma maidis Pint. & Voeg., a polyphagous parasitoid, the oviposition behaviour was analysed on two host species: Anagasta kuehniella used for mass rearing) and Ostrinia nubilalis a target pest). Females were compared according to the species on which they had been reared, and to that on which they had an oviposition experience. To quantify an oviposition sequence, the most frequent behavioural succession was established for each experimental situation, individual sequences were then compared with this standard one to count the number of additional behaviours. An affinity coefficient positively related to host acceptance was then calculated from these additional behaviours. A preference for O.nubilalis versus A kuehniella appeared, but rearing on A. kuehniella enhanced the level of spontaneous affinity for this unnatural host. These initial preferences were modified by an oviposition experience: the affinity for a given host was higher after an oviposition on the same species, which suggests a female's ability to learn. This learning ability was higher on the non-preferred host, which led to an equivalent final parasitic performance on both hosts. Moreover, the learning ability was specific to a given host, since the oviposition on a given species did not provide any improvement in the level of affinity for the other species.  相似文献   

We investigated the acceptance of different sized host models by Trichogramma australicum in the laboratory. We used isoline cultures of T. australicum reared in hosts of different sizes. Helicoverpa armigera represent relatively large hosts, and those of Sitotroga cerealella are small, termed the Ha and Sc biotypes, respectively. Five sizes of glass beads were tested for acceptance: diameter 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm. The acceptance of a host model was determined by persistent attempted drilling of a glass bead by a female. The relationship between host egg size and number of eggs laid by a female was also investigated. We used three sizes of artificial egg (diameter 0.75, 1.00, and 1.50 mm of hemispherical cupules) each containing artificial diet. Ha biotype wasps accepted host models in the range 0.75--1.50 mm dia. (vol. 0.166--1.325 l), whereas those of the Sc biotype accepted host models in the range 0.50--1.00 mm dia. (vol. 0.05--0.393 l). This evidence suggests a lineal (possibly genetic) influence to host size acceptance for T. australicum, dependent on the size of the host in which the wasp has been reared. Also T. australicum lay fewer eggs in smaller artificial eggs than in larger ones. The role of host size in host acceptance and number of eggs delivered, and its implications, is discussed.  相似文献   

Insemination potential of male Trichogramma evanescens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reproduction strategies of male parasitoids have received less attention than those of the females. In hymenopteran parasitoids that reproduce by arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, virgin females are able to reproduce, but they are constrained to produce only males. In such species, the number of sperm transferred to females is of prime importance for female reproductive success. In this study, we measured the insemination potential of male Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Independent of their age and their sperm‐depletion status, males continued to mate with females until the end of their life. They quickly depleted their sperm supply by fertilizing 18 females during their lifetime, among which 80% were inseminated during the first 24 h. They fathered around 400 daughters over their lifetime. Our results suggest an absence of imaginal spermatogenesis in T. evanescens males that can be designated as prospermatogenic. Sperm is thus a limited resource in this species and females might encounter males with varying amounts of sperm.  相似文献   

Oviposition preference and offspring survival relative to the location of the host embryo was tested in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma nubilale on European corn borer host eggs. Females preferentially oviposited near to the embryo on hosts about 24 h old. Survival of Trichogramma was lower when females oviposited far from the embryo, and a higher proportion of host embryos hatched. Females did not show preferences for drilling or oviposition within very young hosts relative to where the embryo would develop, and these eggs did not produce wasps or host larvae. Female behavior was apparently adaptive in day-old hosts, not to very young hosts.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran parasitoids change their sex ratio following different factors. One of these factors is the exploitation of a host patch by several females. The Local Mate Competition (LMC) model ( Hamilton, 1967 ) states that when there are many foundresses on a patch, they should lay a higher sex ratio. The impact of both intra‐ and interspecific competition on sex allocation was measured in two egg parasitoids, Trichogramma minutum Riley and T. pintoi Voegele (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), by comparing the sex ratio deposited by females exploiting host patches alone and in groups. Results showed that the sex ratio deposited by both species was higher when in groups, as predicted by the LMC model. When the sex ratio produced was compared between females either alone or in interspecific groups, T. minutum females deposited the same sex ratio, while T. pintoi produced more sons when in interspecific groups than when alone. These results are discussed following their natural habitat and their discrimination abilities.  相似文献   

报道了标记信息素和雌蜂经历对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae产卵行为的影响。研究结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂的寄主标记信息素是在其产卵过程中的收场阶段由产卵器产生的,并且标记在寄主卵表的化学物质;玉米螟赤眼蜂对标记信息素的识别不具有先天性,其必须先用产卵器插入寄生卵来检测是否被寄生,然后其触角不停地敲击,通过学习获得对标记信息素的识别能力,从而放弃了对寄生卵的选择,学习对初始放弃时间有着重要影响,改善了其对寄主搜索效率,这种学习行为是与寄主联系在一起学习的,它能根据寄主被寄生与否而对标记信息素作出反应与不反应。该研究丰富了生态学理论,为其在生防中更好的应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Host acceptance and suitability of Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. for Trichogramma maidis Pint. et Voeg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were studied, after rearing the parasitoids on O. nubilalis or Ephestia kuehniella Oliv. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for various numbers of generations. In cages, containing two maize plants with in total 30 egg masses of the natural host (O. nubilalis), wasps continuously reared on either E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis found egg masses in equal proportions. The former however, did not parasitize the eggs successfully, due to either low degree of host acceptance or insufficient host suitability or both. Subsequently, host acceptance behaviour of individual females from different strains was studied by means of direct observations after releasing them into a small arena containing eggs of O. nubilalis or E. kuehniella. Wasps continuously reared on O. nubilalis or 1–3 generations on E. kuehniella accepted egg masses of the natural host better than wasps continuously reared on E. kuehniella. Acceptance of O. nubilalis by the wasps gradually decreased with increasing numbers of generations reared on E. kuehniella. By rearing T. maidis, previously cultured on E. kuehniella, for five generations on O. nubilalis, acceptance of egg masses of this host species did not change. Host suitability of O. nubilalis appears to correspond with host acceptance of the strains. Contrary to the observations on O. nubilalis, acceptance and suitability of E. kuehniella were not influenced by the host on which T. maidis was reared. Results of this study show that host acceptance and suitability of the natural host are important quality factors for T. maidis when mass produced on a factitious host.
Zusammenfassung Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung von Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. für den Eiparasitoiden, Trichogramma maidis Pint. et. Voeg., wurden untersucht nach der Zucht auf dem natürlichen Wirt, O. nubilalis, oder auf dem Ersatzwirt, der Mehlmotte, Ephestia kühniella Zell.. Versuche mit Käfigen, in denen je zwei Maispflanzen mit insgesamt 30 Eigelegen von O. nubilalis und 40 Weibchen von T. maidis eingesperrt waren, zeigten, dass Weibchen, die seit über 150 Generationen auf O. nubilalis bzw. E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege gleich gut fanden. Während die auf O. nubilalis gezüchteten Parasitoide die Eigelege zu 80% parasitierten, war die Parasitierungsrate der auf E. kühniella gezüchteten Parasitoide gleich Null. Die Ursachen dieses Phänomens wurden in weiteren Versuchen durch direkte Beobachtungen über Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung untersucht. Einzelne Weibchen von Stämmen, die nur auf O. nubilalis oder während einer zunehmenden Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, untersuchte man während 15 Minuten unter der Stereoskoplupe in einer kleinen Arena, die ein Eigelege des Maiszünslers oder Eier der Mehlmotte enthielt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Wespen, die ausschliesslich auf Maiszünslereiern oder nur 1–3 Generationen auf Mehlmotteneiern gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege von O. nubilalis besser akzeptierten als solche, die seit vielen Generationen auf E. kühniella vermehrt worden waren. Die Wirtsakzeptanz verschlechterte sich mit zunehmender Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella. Wenn T. maidis nach 23 Generationen auf E. kühniella wieder während 5 Generationen auf O. nubilalis gezüchtet wurde, verbesserte sich die Akzeptanz der Eigelege von O. nubilalis nicht. Die Wirtseignung der Eigelege von O. nubilalis, stimmt überein mit der Wirtsakzeptanz der verschiedenen Stämme. Dies ergaben Versuche mit 15 Minuten Direktbeobachtung und bei 24 Stunden Expositionszeit. Im Gegensatz zu den Beobachtungen auf Eigelegen von O. nubilalis wurde die Akzeptanz und Eignung der Eier von E. kühniella durch die Zucht auf verschiedenen Wirten nicht beeinflusst. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigt, dass Akzeptanz und Eignung des natürlichen Wirtes wichtige Qualitätsfaktoren für T. maidis in der Massenzucht auf Ersatzwirten sind.

Several hymenopteran parasitoids are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing (PI) Wolbachia. Infected wasps produce daughters instead of sons from unfertilized eggs. Thus far, little is known about the direct effects of PI Wolbachia on their host's fitness. Here, we report reduced competitive ability due to Wolbachia infection in a minute parasitoid wasp, Trichogramma kaykai Pinto and Stouthamer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Immature survival of infected individuals in a host parasitized by a single infected female, laying a normal clutch of eggs, was lower than those parasitized by a single uninfected individual. When the offspring of infected and uninfected females shared the same host, the infected immatures had significantly lower survival rates than their uninfected counterparts. The survival rate of infected immatures was higher when they competed with other infected immatures from a different infected parent than in competition with uninfected immatures of conspecific wasps. Thus, the host Trichogramma can suffer a substantial reduction in fitness when it is infected with the PI Wolbachia. We discuss why such a reduction is to be expected when populations of infected and uninfected individuals co‐occur, and how the reduced competitive ability of PI Wolbachia influences the spread of the bacteria in the field.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were made to determine the capacity of Trichogramma dendrolimi to parasitize eggs of Ostrinia furnacalis, as affected by the rearing host species, substrate of host eggs, host age, original locality of host populations, and cold storage of host eggs. Wasps reared from eggs of Antheraea pernyi showed parasitic capacity on eggs of O. furnacalis on average twice as high as that of the wasps reared from eggs of Corcyra cephalonica. When the age of O. furnacalis eggs at 26 °C increased from 0–6 h to 18–24 h, the proportion of wasps that successfully parasitized host eggs, the number of host eggs parasitized, and the rate of parasitization all decreased by >50%. The number of O. furnacalis eggs parasitized per female T. dendrolimi increased with the number of host eggs available, and reached 22.9 in a 24 h period. However, the parasitic capacity of female T. dendrolimi on eggs of O. furnacalis laid on plant leaves was similar to that of O. furnacalis eggs laid on wax paper. Levels of parasitism of O. furnacalis eggs from two widely separated localities, i.e. Changchun (43.50° N, 125.20° E) and Hangzhou (30.18° N, 120.07° E), were similar. Cold storage of O. furnacalis eggs at 4 °C for 5 days did not affect parasitization. Results obtained in this study indicate that although O. furnacalis is a less preferred and less suitable host than many other hosts, such as Dendrolimus punctatus, Actias selene ningpoane, Philosamia cynthia, A. pernyi, C. cephalonica, within the host-species range of T. dendrolimi, the parasitoid has the potential to achieve 50–60% or even higher rates of parasitization of O. furnacalis eggs in corn fields under suitable conditions, and could be used in the biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

Females of the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma turkestanica Meyer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) generally host feed after ovipositing on the first egg of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) they encounter. We measured the impact of host feeding on the fecundity and longevity of females, in absence of host or food, and on the fitness of their progeny. We also determined if the frequency of host feeding is influenced by the humidity level at which T. turkestanica females developed. Host feeding increased egg production by 70% but decreased female longevity. This impact of host feeding on the longevity of females is probably due to the allocation of carbohydrates to egg production at the expense of somatic maintenance. Humidity did not influence the occurrence or duration of host feeding. The size of individuals developing in eggs on which females host fed was smaller, indicating that their fitness was affected.  相似文献   

The paternal sex ratio (PSR) chromosome is a supernumerary chromosome that causes the destruction of the paternal chromosome set in the first mitosis in a fertilized egg. It is known from parasitoid wasps in the genera Nasonia and Trichogramma (Hymenoptera). In these haplodiploids, the egg fertilized by sperm carrying PSR matures as a haploid male that again carries, and is capable of transmitting, the PSR chromosome. Because of its unique transmission behavior, the PSR chromosome may be easily transmitted between species. This study tests whether the interspecific transmission of PSR between Trichogramma kaykai Pinto and Stouthamer and Trichogramma deion Pinto and Oatman (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is affected by two types of postzygotic reproductive isolation, i.e., hybrid inviability and hybrid sterility. The results show that PSR can rescue fertilized eggs that would normally be inviable in the interspecific cross and the rescued eggs develop into male offspring that carry PSR. The results suggest that the two types of postzygotic reproductive isolation have no effect on the transmission of PSR between the two Trichogramma species.  相似文献   

The acceptance behaviour of the parasitic wasp, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), was studied on two types of egg masses of eastern spruce budworm (SBW), Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens. Host eggs were obtained from moths that had been fed balsam fir or artificial diet during their larval stages. Parasitoids were reared from both types of hosts. Host acceptance assays were conducted where females were provided with a single egg mass and with a choice between egg masses. Regardless of the parasitoid's rearing host, females parasitised hosts reared from artificial diet more often than those from balsam fir. Response was consistent in both no-choice and choice assays. Rejection of hosts tended to occur during the examining stage of behaviour, suggesting that acceptability is judged externally. If a host was accepted, the same number of eggs were laid per egg mass regardless of treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effect of experience of plant cues at emergence on searching behaviour and parasitism was investigated in two strains of Trichogramma nr. brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
2. Wasps reared on Sitotroga cereallela were allowed to emerge on a tomato plant or in a vial, with or without food. For one of the strains, females emerging on tomato searched significantly longer on a tomato seedling than females emerging in a vial.
3. The experience effect lasted between 1 and 2 days. It involves associating plant stimuli with the remains of the host, because females emerging from their host on a tomato plant had an increased searching response to tomato, but females transferred to the plant immediately after emergence did not.
4. The effect of emergence environment on parasitism of the host Helicoverpa punctigera on tomato and lettuce seedlings was tested. Wasps were allowed to emerge on seedlings of tomato or lettuce, or in an empty vial. For one strain, females experienced with tomato at emergence parasitized significantly more hosts on tomato than did females emerging on lettuce or in a vial. Parasitism on lettuce was not influenced by the treatments.  相似文献   

挥发性信息化合物对玉米螟赤眼蜂寄主选择行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下,利用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定了源于寄主亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) 鳞片、卵表以及不同生理阶段的雌蛾附腺的不同浓度的提取物对玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen寄主选择行为的影响,并对其引诱作用大小进行了比较。结果表明: 亚洲玉米螟鳞片的正己烷提取物在0.5 mg/mL和 1 mg/mL浓度时对玉米螟赤眼蜂有明显的引诱作用; 寄主卵的正己烷提取物在5块卵/mL和10块卵/mL浓度时对玉米螟赤眼蜂有显著的引诱作用,而在40块卵/mL浓度时对玉米螟赤眼蜂有极显著的驱避作用; 玉米螟赤眼蜂对亚洲玉米螟交配未产卵和产卵后前期的雌蛾附腺提取液有反应,而对处女蛾和产卵后期的附腺提取液没反应。卵表提取物和附腺提取物比鳞片提取液对赤眼蜂引诱作用强,两者对赤眼蜂的引诱作用没有明显差异。  相似文献   

Females of the larval parasitoidCotesia glomerata (L.) use plant-associated cues to locate their lepidopteran host,Pieris rapae L. In this study we investigated the influence of four host plant species,Brassica oleracea var.acephala (‘Vates’ kale),Tropaeolum majus (nasturtium),Lunaria annua (honesty), andCleome spinosa (spider flower), on two components of the host selection process inC. glomerata, namely, attraction and host acceptance. Choice tests in a flight tunnel showed that parasitoids were attracted to some host plant species more than to others in the absence of host larvae.B. oleracea was the most attractive plant species, followed byL. annua, T. majus, andC. spinosa. In previous studies it was shown thatB. oleracea carries highly suitable hosts forC. glomerata and that, in the field, parasitization rates on this plant were the highest. When host larvae were reared on the four host plant species and then transferred to a common substrate (B. oleracea var.capitata, cabbage), plant species that had served as diet for the hosts did not have a significant effect on acceptance for parasitization. Thus, parasitoids were attracted to host plant species differentially, but they did not discriminate among host larvae based on the dietary history of their hosts. ForC. glomerata, it appears that phytochemistry mediates host selection more by influencing parasitoid attraction than it does by affecting host acceptance.  相似文献   

Optimal strategies for utilizing a resource require the ability to assess the quantity available. To allocate its progeny appropriately, the parasitic wasp Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae) must respond not only to the size but also to the number of its insect egg hosts which are locally available.By allowing the wasps to oviposit into different clustered arrangements of hosts, it is shown that progeny allocation per host depends on the host number and position of contacting neighbours. In particular, hosts with more neighbours, and thus reduced exposed surface area, are allocated fewer progeny. It is argued that exposed surface area may be the cue used by the wasp to adjust its progeny allocation to the number of local hosts. This discrimination occurs in the absence of superparasitism. A simple model is described which accounts for previously reported counting responses.Observation of examination paths on glass bead models arranged in clusters showed that the frequency and number of edge turns change significantly with the number of neighbours. Changes in these parameters could be used to mediate the wasp's response to the number of local neighbours.The significance of host clustering effects in the use and rearing of Trichogramma for biological control is discussed briefly.
Der mechanismus, mit dem Trichogramma minutum auf gruppen des wirtes reagiert
Zusammenfassung Optimale Strategien zur Nützung einer Reserve erfordern die Fähigkeit, die verfügbare Menge zu messen. Um die Nachkommen angemessen zu verteilen, muss die parasitische Wespe Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae) sowohl zur Größe, als auch zur Anzahl von Insekten Wirtseiern reagieren können.Die Wespen legten ihre Eier in verschiedene Gruppierungen von Wirtseiern. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Anzahl der zugewiesenen Nachkommen von der Menge angrenzender Nachbarn und deren räumlicher Verteilung abhängt. Insbesondere werden Wirten mit mehreren Nachbarn, und demzufolge kleinerer freier Oberfläche, weniger Nachkommen zugewiesen. Auf Grund dieser Beobachtung wird die freie Oberfläche als Schlüssel für die Bestimmung der Menge von vorhandenen Wirten vorgeschlagen. Ein einfaches Modell zur Erklärung des vorher beschriebenen Zählverhaltens wird beschrieben. Es wurden Experimente mit Glaskugeln gemacht, die in unterschiedlichen Gruppen angeordnet waren. Es wurde gezeigt, dass einige Parameter des Weges bei der Wirtsuntersuchung (u.a. Häufigkeit und Anzahl der Richtungsänderungen) direkt von der Anzahl der Nachbarn abhängen. Änderungen in diesen Parametern könnten der Reaktion auf die Anzahl angrenzenden Nachbarn zugrunde liegen.Die Bedeutung des Einflusses von Wirtsgruppierung auf die Zucht und die Anwendung der Trichogramma bei der Schädlingsbekämpfung wird kurz diskutiert.

寄主利它素对稻螟赤眼蜂寄生行为的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邹卫辉  雷朝亮  张帆 《昆虫知识》2002,39(5):370-373
对稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogrammajaponicum(Ashmead)在寄主定位过程中所利用的寄主利它素的存在部位、作用方式及其应用效果作了初步研究。生测结果表明 :寄主利它素存在于三化螟Tryporyzaincertu las(Walker)卵块盖毛和成虫鳞片中 ,其中以盖毛中利它素含量最高 ,雌蛾鳞片次之 ,雄蛾鳞片含量最少。结果还表明盖毛在卵块上的完整性对稻螟赤眼蜂的寄主搜索行为有明显影响。室内应用效果表明利它素可以使稻螟赤眼蜂对寄主卵寄生率提高 1 0 %以上。  相似文献   

Host population density influence on host acceptance inTrichogramma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 7Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) the percentage of females, parasitizing at least one host, directly depends on the number of host eggs.Trichogramma females that refusedSitotroga eggs will still oviposit in natural hosts. These refusing females were yet active, moved in test tubes and sometimes contacted the host. It seems that the sequence of behavioural reactions resulting in parasitization is interrupted at the stage of arrestment and host recognition. Host density within a habitat proved to be an important factor in host acceptance. Possible mechanisms that formed the basis of the observed effect (behavioural response to host kairomones, the learning ability, endocrine processes) are discussed.
Résumé En utilisant l'hôte de laboratoire (Sitotroga cerealella Oliv.) nous avons démontré qu'une partie des femelles refuse la parasitation. L'analyse de la succession des actes constitutifs de la parasitation montre que celle-ci est interrompue au moment de l'acceptation. Le pourcentage des femelles parasitante est en dépendance directe du nombre des ufs de l'hôte. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l'acceptation de l'hôte par le parasitoid est finction de la densité de population de celui-là. Les mécanismes possibles de cette dépendance (la réaction aux kairomones, l'apprentissage, les modification endocrines) sont discutés.

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