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AIM: To investigate the genes regulated in mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) and diffuse-type gastric cancer(GC),gene expression was analyzed. METHODS: Gene expression of MSCs and diffuse-type GC cells were analyzed by microarray. Genes related to stem cells, cancer and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition(EMT) were extracted from human gene lists using Gene Ontology and reference information. Gene panels were generated, and messenger RNA gene expression in MSCs and diffuse-type GC cells was analyzed. Cluster analysis was performed using the NCSS software.RESULTS: The gene expression of regulator of G-protein signaling 1(RGS1) was up-regulated in diffuse-type GC cells compared with MSCs. A panel of stem-cell related genes and genes involved in cancer or the EMT were examined. Stem-cell related genes, such as growth arrest-specific 6, musashi RNA-binding protein 2 and hairy and enhancer of split 1(Drosophila), NOTCH family genes and Notch ligands, such as delta-like 1(Drosophila) and Jagged 2, were regulated.CONCLUSION: Expression of RGS1 is up-regulated, and genes related to stem cells and NOTCH signaling are altered in diffuse-type GC compared with MSCs.  相似文献   

The high mortality rate of breast cancer is mainly caused by the metastatic ability of cancer cells, resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and tumor regression capacity. In recent years, it has been shown that the presence of breast cancer stem cells is closely associated with the migration and metastatic ability of cancer cells, as well as with their resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The tumor microenvironment is one of the main molecular factors involved in cancer and metastatic processes development, in this sense it is interesting to study the role of platelets, one of the main communicator cells in the human body which are activated by the signals they receive from the microenvironment and can generate more than one response. Platelets can ingest and release RNA, proteins, cytokines and growth factors. After the platelets interact with the tumor microenvironment, they are called tumor-educated platelets. Tumor-educated platelets transport material from the tumor microenvironment to sites adjacent to the tumor, thus helping to create microenvironments conducive for the development of primary and metastatic tumors. It has been observed that the clone capable of carrying out the metastatic process is a cancer cell with stem cell characteristics. Cancer stem cells go through a series of processes, including epithelial-mesenchymal transition, intravasation into blood vessels, movement through blood vessels, extravasation at the site of the establishment of a metastatic focus, and site colonization. Tumor-educated platelets support all these processes.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer accounts for only 3% of all cancers in women, but it causes more deaths than any other gynecologic cancer. Treatment with chemotherapy and cytoreductive surgery shows a good response to the therapy. However, in a large proportion of the patients the tumor grows back within a few years. Cancer stem cells, that are less responsive to these treatments, are blamed for this recurrence of disease. Immune therapy either cellular or humoral is a novel concept to treat cancer. It is based on the notice that immune cells invade the tumor. However, the tumor invest heavily to escape from immune elimination by recruiting several immune suppressive mechanisms. These processes are normally in place to limit excessive immune activation and prevent autoimmune phenomena. Here, we discuss current knowledge about the immune (suppressive) status in ovarian cancer. Moreover, we discuss the immunological targets of ovarian cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor-initiating cells are thought to play critical roles in tumorigenesis, metastasis, drug resistance, and tumor recurrence. For the diagnosis and targeted therapy of CSCs, the molecular identity of biomarkers or therapeutic targets for CSCs needs to be clarified. In this study, we identified CD166 as a novel marker expressed in the sphere-forming CSC population of A2780 epithelial ovarian cancer cells and primary ovarian cancer cells. The CD166+ cells isolated from A2780 cells and primary ovarian cancer cells highly expressed CSC markers, including ALDH1a1, OCT4, and SOX2, and ABC transporters, which are implicated in the drug resistance of CSCs. The CD166+ cells exhibited enhanced CSC-like properties, such as increased sphere-forming ability, cell migration and adhesion abilities, resistance to conventional anti-cancer drugs, and high tumorigenic potential in a xenograft mouse model. Knockdown of CD166 expression in the sphere-forming ovarian CSCs abrogated their CSC-like properties. Moreover, silencing of CD166 expression in the sphere-forming CSCs suppressed the phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase, paxillin, and SRC. These results suggest that CD166 plays a key role in the regulation of CSC-like properties and focal adhesion kinase signaling in ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

DDX4 (DEAD box polypeptide 4), characterized by the conserved motif Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD), is an RNA helicase which is implicated in various cellular processes involving the alteration of RNA secondary structure, such as translation initiation, nuclear and mitochondrial splicing, and ribosome and spliceosome assembly. DDX4 is known to be a germ cell-specific protein and is used as a sorting marker of germline stem cells for the production of oocytes. A recent report about DDX4 in ovarian cancer showed that DDX4 is overexpressed in epithelial ovarian cancer and disrupts a DNA damage-induced G2 checkpoint.  相似文献   

再生医学的目的是为了减轻组织损伤所致的不可逆性功能损害,多种类型的干细胞可促进神经再生,发挥治疗作用。近来,在骨髓和其他组织中发现了一种数量极少的极小胚胎样干细胞(VSELs),其分子标志为Oct-4+CXCR4+SSEA-1+Sca-1+lin-CD45-,它们可动员到外周血中。在给予动员剂或组织损伤等应激情况下可向损伤区迁移,现在认为它是高度迁移的外胚层/生殖系源性的干细胞群,具有多能干细胞特征,能分化为三个胚层细胞,综上所述,极小胚胎样干细胞可能通过促进神经再生修复中枢神经系统损伤。  相似文献   

Zhang SL  Wang YS  Zhou T  Yu XW  Wei ZT  Li YL 《Cytotechnology》2012,64(4):477-484
Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies and poses a serious health problem worldwide. Identification and characterization of cervical cancer stem cells may facilitate the development of novel strategies for the treatment of advanced and metastatic cervical cancer. Breast cancer-resistance protein (Bcrp1)-positive cells were selected from a population of parent HeLa cells using flow cytometry. The invasion capacity of Bcrp1-positive and -negative cells was analyzed with a Boyden chamber invasion test. The tumorigenicity of these cells was determined by in vivo transplantation in non-obesity diabetes/severe combined immunodeficiency (NOD/SCID) mice. The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation accounted for about 7% of the parent HeLa cell population. The proliferative capacity of the Bcrp1-positive cells was greater than that of the Bcrp1-negative cells (P < 0.05). In the invasion assay, the Bcrp1-positive cells demonstrated a greater invasive capacity through the artificial basement membrane than their Bcrp1-negative counterparts. Following transplantation of 104 cells, only the Bcrp1-positive cells formed tumors in NOD/SCID mice. When 105 or 106 cells were transplanted, the tumor incidence and the tumor mass were greater in the Bcrp1-positive groups than those in the Bcrp1-negative groups (P < 0.05). The Bcrp1-positive subpopulation cervical cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

An area of research that has been recently gaining attention is the relationship between cancer stem cell (CSC) biology and chemo-resistance in colon cancer patients. It is well recognized that tumor initiation, growth, invasion and metastasis are promoted by CSCs. An important reason for the widespread interest in the CSC model is that it can comprehensibly explain essential and poorly understood clinical events, such as therapy resistance, minimal residual disease, and tumor recurrence. This review discusses the recent advances in colon cancer stem cell research, the genes responsible for CSC chemoresistance, and new therapies against CSCs.  相似文献   

Breast cancer(BC) is the most common cancer among women, and current available therapies often have high success rates. Nevertheless, BC might acquire drug resistance and sometimes relapse. Current knowledge about the most aggressive forms of BC points to the role of specific cells with stem properties located within BC, the so-called "BC stem cells"(BCSCs). The role of BCSCs in cancer formation, growth, invasiveness, therapy resistance and tumor recurrence is becoming increasingly clear. The growth and metastatic properties of BCSCs are regulated by different pathways, which are only partially known. Sex steroid receptors(SSRs), which are involved in BC etiology and progression, promote BCSC proliferation, dedifferentiation and migration. However, in the literature,there is incomplete information about their roles. Particularly, there are contrasting conclusions about the expression and role of the classical BC hormonal biomarkers, such as estrogen receptor alpha(ERα), together with scant,albeit promising information concerning ER beta(ERβ) and androgen receptor(AR) properties that control different transduction pathways in BCSCs. In this review, we will discuss the role that SRs expressed in BCSCs play to BC progression and recurrence and how these findings have opened new therapeutic possibilities.  相似文献   

Under the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis, sustained metastatic growth requires the dissemination of a CSC from the primary tumour followed by its re-establishment in a secondary site. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a differentiation process crucial to normal development, has been implicated in conferring metastatic ability on carcinomas. Balancing these two concepts has led researchers to investigate a possible link between EMT and the CSC phenotype—indeed, recent evidence indicates that, following induction of EMT in human breast cancer and related cell lines, stem cell activity increased, as judged by the presence of cells displaying the CD44high/CD24low phenotype and an increase in the ability of cells to form mammospheres. We mathematically investigate the nature of this increase in stem cell activity. A stochastic model is used when small number of cells are under consideration, namely in simulating the mammosphere assay, while a related continuous model is used to probe the dynamics of larger cell populations. Two scenarios of EMT-mediated CSC enrichment are considered. In the first, differentiated cells re-acquire a CSC phenotype—this model implicates fully mature cells as key subjects of de-differentiation and entails a delay period of several days before de-differentiation occurs. In the second, pre-existing CSCs experience accelerated division and increased proportion of self-renewing divisions; a lack of perfect CSC biomarkers and cell sorting techniques requires that this model be considered, further emphasizing the need for better characterization of the mammary (cancer) stem cell hierarchy. Additionally, we suggest the utility of comparing mammosphere data to computational mammosphere simulations in elucidating the growth characteristics of mammary (cancer) stem cells.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can control cancer and cancer stem cells (CSCs), and this topic has drawn immense attention recently. Stem cells are a tiny population of a bulk of tumor cells that have enormous potential in expansion and metastasis of the tumor. miRNA have a crucial role in the management of the function of stem cells. This role is to either promote or suppress the tumor. In this review, we investigated the function and different characteristics of CSCs and function of the miRNAs that are related to them. We also demonstrated the role and efficacy of these miRNAs in breast cancer and breast cancer stem cells (BCSC). Eventually, we revealed the metastasis, tumor formation, and their role in the apoptosis process. Also, the therapeutic potential of miRNA as an effective method for the treatment of BCSC was described. Extensive research is required to investigate the employment or suppression of these miRNAs for therapeutics approached in different cancers in the future.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence supports that CSCs (cancer stem cells) play a vital role in cancer recurrence. Therefore elimination of CSCs is currently considered to be an important therapeutic strategy for complete remission. A major obstacle in CSC research is the obtainment of sufficient numbers of functional CSC populations. Here, we established a method to induce bulk pancreatic cancer cells to CSCs via heterochromatin modulation. Two pancreatic cancer cell lines Panc1 and Bxpc3 were cultured for 4 days in inducing medium (mTeSR containing FBS, B27, MEK inhibitor, GSK3 inhibitor, and VPA), and another 2 days in sphere culture medium (mTeSR supplemented with B27). Then the induced cells were dissociated into single cells and cultured in suspension in sphere culture medium. It was found that the majority of induced cells formed spheres which could grow larger and be passaged serially. Characterization of Panc1 sphere cells demonstrated that the sphere cells expressed increased pancreatic cancer stem cell surface markers and stem cell genes, were more resistant to chemotherapy, and were more tumorigenic in vivo, indicating that the induced sphere cells acquired CSC properties. Thus, the inducing method we developed may be used to obtain a sufficient number of CSCs from cancer cells, and contribute to the research for CSC-targeting therapy.  相似文献   

Research on the discovery and implementation of valid cancer biomarkers is one of the most challenging fields in oncology and oncoproteomics in particular. Moreover, it is generally accepted that an evaluation of cancer biomarkers from the blood could significantly enable biomarker assessments by providing a relatively non-invasive source of representative tumour material. In this regard, circulating tumour cells (CTCs) isolated from the blood of metastatic cancer patients have significant promise. It has been demonstrated that localised and metastatic cancers may give rise to CTCs, which are detectable in the bloodstream. Despite technical difficulties, recent studies have highlighted the prognostic significance of the presence and number of CTCs in the blood. Future studies are necessary not only to detect CTCs but also to characterise them. Furthermore, another pathogenically significant type of cancer cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs) or more recently termed circulating tumour stem cells (CTSCs), appears to have a significant role as a subpopulation of CTCs.  相似文献   

Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are a type of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from adipose tissue and have the ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic, and chondrogenic lineages. Despite their great therapeutic potentials, previous studies showed that ADSCs could enhance the proliferation and metastatic potential of breast cancer cells (BCCs). In this study, we found that ADSCs fused with BCCs spontaneously, while breast cancer stem cell (CSC) markers CD44+CD24-/lowEpCAM+ were enriched in this fusion population. We further assessed the fusion hybrid by multicolor DNA FISH and mouse xenograft assays. Only single nucleus was observed in the fusion hybrid, confirming that it was a synkaryon. In vivo mouse xenograft assay indicated that the tumorigenic potential of the fusion hybrid was significantly higher than that of the parent tumorigenic triple-negative BCC line MDA-MB-231. We had compared the fusion efficiency between two BCC lines, the CD44-rich MDA-MB-231 and the CD44-poor MCF-7, with ADSCs. Interestingly, we found that the fusion efficiency was much higher between MDA-MB-231 and ADSCs, suggesting that a potential mechanism of cell fusion may lie in the dissimilarity between these two cell lines. The cell fusion efficiency was hampered by knocking down the CD44. Altogether, our findings suggest that CD44-mediated cell fusion could be a potential mechanism for generating CSCs.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades there has been remarkable progress in cancer diagnosis, treatment and screening. The basic mechanisms leading to pathogenesis of various types of cancers are also understood better and some patients, if diagnosed at a particular stage go on to lead a normal pre-diagnosis life. Despite these achievements, racial disparity in some cancers remains a mystery. The higher incidence, aggressiveness and mortality of breast, prostate and colorectal cancers(CRCs) in AfricanAmericans as compared to Caucasian-Americans are now well documented. The polyp-carcinoma sequence in CRC and easy access to colonic epithelia or colonic epithelial cells through colonoscopy/colonic effluent provides the opportunity to study colonic stem cells early in course of natural history of the disease. With the advent of metagenomic sequencing, uncultivable organisms can now be identified in stool and their numbers correlated with the effects on colonic epithelia. It would be expected that these techniques would revolutionize our understanding of the racial disparity in CRC and pave a way for the same in other cancers as well. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Our understanding of the underlying factors responsible in African-Americans for higher incidence and mortality from colorectal carcinoma remains minimal. In this review, we aim to summarize the available data on role of microbiome and cancer stem cells in racial disparity in CRC. This will provide a platform for further research on this topic.  相似文献   

There are emerging data to suggest that microRNAs (miRNAs) have significant roles in regulating the function of normal cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs). This review aims to analyse the roles of miRNAs in the regulation of colon CSCs through their interaction with various signalling pathways. Studies showed a large number of miRNAs that are reported to be deregulated in colon CSCs. However, few of the studies available were able to outline the function of miRNAs in colon CSCs and uncover their signalling pathways. From those miRNAs, which are better described, miR‐21 followed by miR‐34, miR‐200 and miR‐215 are the most reported miRNAs to have roles in colon CSC regulation. In particular, miRNAs have been reported to regulate the stemness features of colon CSCs mainly via Wnt/B‐catenin and Notch signalling pathways. Additionally, miRNAs have been reported to act on processes involving CSCs through cell cycle regulation genes and epithelial–mesenchymal transition. The relative paucity of data available on the significance of miRNAs in CSCs means that new studies will be of great importance to determine their roles and to identify the signalling pathways through which they operate. Such studies may in future guide further research to target these genes for more effective cancer treatment. miRNAs were shown to regulate the function of cancer stem cells in large bowel cancer by targeting a few key signalling pathways in cells.  相似文献   

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