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The zonation of non-breeding waterbirds along the Schelde estuary (The Netherlands–Belgium), one of the longest estuaries in NW-Europe with still a complete salinity gradient, including a large freshwater tidal area, was described. Numbers of birds were counted monthly over the period October 1991 to June 1997. Highest numbers of waterbirds were observed in late autumn and winter, with annual peak numbers ranging between 150,000 and 235,000 individuals for the whole estuary. Based on a multivariate analysis different waterbird communities were observed along the salinity gradient. The polyhaline areas of the estuary were numerically dominated by the waders Oystercatcher and Dunlin. Due to the presence of a large brackish marsh in the mesohaline zone, the waterbird community in this area was dominated by the herbivores Wigeon and Greylag Goose. In the oligohaline and freshwater tidal areas, the waterbird community was dominated by duck species, with Teal and Mallard being the most important. The international importance of the Schelde estuary for waterbirds was evidenced by the fact that for 21 waterbird species the 1% level criterion, according to the Ramsar convention, was exceeded. The relation of the observed diversity and community patterns with the functional and habitat diversity of the Schelde estuary as well as the effect of recent conservation measures to preserve this habitat were discussed.  相似文献   

珠海鹤洲水道沿岸红树林湿地大型底栖动物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王卉  钟山  方展强 《生态学报》2013,33(21):6913-6924
对珠海鹤洲水道沿岸的4个红树人工林(包括老鼠簕Acanthus ilicifolius、木榄Bruguiera gymnorrhiza、秋茄Kandelia candel和无瓣海桑Sonneratia apetala)样地和2个挺水植被(短叶茳芏Cyperus malaccensis和芦苇Phragmites australis)样地的大型底栖动物群落进行为期一年(2010年12月、2011年3、6、9月共4次野外采样)的生物调查。研究与分析了大型底栖动物的种类、生活型及功能群、栖息密度、平均生物量、多样性指数等群落特征,并结合等级聚类和非参数多变量标序(MDS)方法对大型底栖动物的群落结构进行深入探讨。本调查共采集大型底栖动物35种,包括环节动物(7种)、软体动物(10种)、甲壳动物(10种)、鱼类(1种)和其他无脊椎动物(7种)。优势种包括谭氏泥蟹(Ilyrplax deschampsi)(占总个体数的34%)、麦克碟尾虫(Discapseudes mackiei)(占总个体数的25%)、羽须鳃沙蚕(Dendronereis prinnaticirris)(占总个体数的12%)。在6种生境类型中,老鼠簕站位大型底栖动物物种数量最多,为19种,均匀度和多样性指数均较高;短叶茳芏样地大型底栖动物栖息密度最高,为254.7 ind/m2,但是多样性指数(H"=1.25)最低;无瓣海桑站位平均生物量最高,为32.0613 g/m2。研究结果表明:(1)不同生境下大型底栖动物群落结构存在显著差异,尤其是无瓣海桑站位,无论群落结构、优势种还是生活型等都与其它站位有明显不同;(2)围垦区人工湿地与自然滩涂大型底栖动物群落结构差异显著;(3)潮汐作用对大型底栖动物群落结构影响显著。  相似文献   

天津湿地蛾类丰富度和多样性及其环境评价   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
尤平  李后魂 《生态学报》2006,26(3):629-637
天津海拔较低,在华北属湿地资源比较丰富的地区之一,是亚太地区鸟类迁徙路线的一个重要环节,也是白枕鹤、丹顶鹤等濒危鸟类迁徙过程中的一个重要的停歇地.为了研究清楚天津湿地昆虫的种类及其动态规律,为湿地的研究和保护利用服务,选取了鸭淀、团泊洼、北大港水库、七里海和独流减河大港段为样地以诱集夜间活动的昆虫为主,对天津湿地蛾类的群落生态学进行了研究,取得如下进展:(1)首次全面系统地研究了天津湿地蛾类的多样性,确定天津湿地有蛾类22科186属259种.其中以夜蛾科最多(58属85种),草螟科次之(39属60种),卷蛾科(16属28种)、螟蛾科(20属23种)、尺蛾科(14属15种)的种类也较多,生物多样性丰富.(2)所诱集的蛾类种类及个体数,以微软的Excel列表、计算及作图,进行蛾类群落的种-多度曲线、多样性指数、均匀度与多样性指数的关系以及蛾类群落的聚类(群落系数、欧氏距离)和排序(极点排序、主分量分析)等研究分析,结果表明:鸭淀和七里海的种-多度曲线表现为对数正态分布模型,而团泊洼、北大港水库和独流减河大港段的种-多度曲线多变,但总的趋势比较接近于对数级数模型,即生态位优先占领假说.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、种间相遇机率(PIE)、物种丰富度(lnS)均为七里海>团泊洼>鸭淀>北大港水库>独流减河大港段,而均匀度(E)则为七里海>鸭淀>团泊洼>北大港水库>独流减河大港段.群落的聚类和排序表明蛾类群落的相似性依次为"七里海-团泊洼-鸭淀-北大港水库-独流减河大港段".通过研究分析得出七里海与鸭淀的湿地环境质量较好,但有退化的趋势.团泊洼、北大港水库、独流减河大港段的湿地环境不稳定,退化严重.并分析了造成这些结果的原因,提出了合理的保护和利用的建议.  相似文献   

Shallow, still-water wetlands on the New England Tablelands, an upland region of eastern Australia, have changed in the past 160 years in their types, abundance and in the diversity of their water regimes. These changes have been natural, intentional or the unintentional consequences of management actions. Changing attitudes and land-use and management practices have led to a large proportion of natural wetlands being drained or dammed, but with a relatively high proportion of those remaining being conserved in some way. The water regimes of those that remain have been greatly altered, usually increasing their stability (more continuously either inundated or dry). Farm dams and domestic water-storage dams are two new and distinct wetland types that are far more numerous than the wetland types in the original landscape. We discuss how changes in water regime have modified wetland attributes. Two case studies: Mother of Ducks Lagoon and the Llangothlin group of lagoons, are used as examples of how attitudes towards wetlands and reasons for water regime alteration have interacted with the tenure and management of wetlands on local, regional, national and international scales.  相似文献   

The effect of a prolonged closed-mouth state on the condition of mangrove habitats was studied in May 2010 at St Lucia Estuary, KwaZulu-Natal. The mouth had been closed to the sea since 2002 as a result of artificial mouth closure and drought, which had resulted in non-tidal, dry and hypersaline aquatic conditions. Sediment characteristics, mangrove population structure, and snail and crab abundance, were measured at four sites of differing salinity and water level to determine if there was a relationship between environmental characteristics and biotic response. A site fringing the main channel had the lowest elevation and the highest density of mangrove seedlings and saplings at the water's edge, whereas a dry site at the highest elevation had the lowest density of mangroves with mostly tall adult trees and few saplings. At these two sites the salinity (>34.5) was significantly higher and the surface sediment water content (<30%) was significantly lower than at other sites. Highest tree density was found at a freshwater seepage site, where all size classes were represented, while the permanently flooded site between the Mfolozi River and St Lucia Estuary had the tallest trees but no seedlings or saplings. At the freshwater seepage and permanently flooded sites, porewater and sediment salinity (<10) were significantly lower, while sediment moisture (>55.5%) was significantly higher, than at the fringing and dry sites. Low sediment moisture was unfavourable for mangrove growth and recruitment. Long-term monitoring is needed to document the response of the mangroves to closed-mouth, non-tidal conditions.  相似文献   

Little is known on the influence of invasive aquatic weeds on afro‐tropical waterbird communities. We used bird counts in sites of varying floating pennywort Hydrocotyle ranunculoides cover to explore the relationship between the weed and the waterbird community dynamics at Ngamo dam, Antelope Park, Zimbabwe. Waterbird communities in low‐to‐medium weed cover sites were more diverse and abundant compared to sites of high weed cover. In addition to supporting birds such as African Jacana which are able to forage within dense aquatic plants, high weed cover sites were associated with birds whose diets include invertebrates and fish which are likely more abundant and diverse in these sites. In contrast, low‐to‐medium weed cover sites were associated with bird species such as Common Moorhen, Great Egret, Pied Kingfisher and African Fish Eagle which require accessible open water and forage for diving, swimming or wading. The increased bird abundance in low‐to‐medium weed cover sites also likely increases prey for predatory birds. Thus, the negative changes in the waterbird community composition, abundance and diversity in response to increasing floating pennywort cover reflects species‐specific tolerances to floating pennywort and its influence on accessible open water, foraging sites and prey availability.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic alterations of natural hydrology are common in wetlands and often increase water permanence, converting ephemeral habitats into permanent ones. Since aquatic organisms segregate strongly along hydroperiod gradients, added water permanence caused by canals can dramatically change the structure of aquatic communities. We examined the impact of canals on the abundance and structure of wetland communities in South Florida, USA. We sampled fishes and macroinvertebrates from marsh transects originating at canals in the central and southern Everglades. Density of all aquatic organisms sampled increased in the immediate proximity of canals, but was accompanied by few compositional changes based on analysis of relative abundance. Large fish ( >8 cm), small fish ( <8 cm) and macroinvertebrates ( >5 mm) increased in density within 5 m of canals. This pattern was most pronounced in the dry season, suggesting that canals may serve as dry-down refugia. Increases in aquatic animal density closely matched gradients of phosphorus enrichment that decreased with distance from canals. Thus, the most apparent impact of canals on adjacent marsh communities was as conduits for nutrients that stimulated local productivity; any impact of their role as sources of increased sources of predators was not apparent. The effect of predation close to canals was overcompensated by increased secondary productivity and/or immigration toward areas adjacent to canals in the dry season. Alternatively, the consumptive effect of predatory fishes using canals as dry-season refuges is very small or spread over the expanse of marshes with open access to canals. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Diatom communities were analyzed in 39 streams located in drainages with varied land-use practices throughout Victoria, Australia. Thirteen water quality parameters were also measured in each stream. Most streams had low HCO3 1- concentrations (low buffering capacity) with >90% of the waters dominated by Na1+ and Cl1-. Phosphate concentrations ranged from 0.003 to 2.0 mg/L. Diatom communities (245 taxa) were strongly correlated with land-use practices, i.e. historic clear cutting, and secondary salinization. Streams influenced by heavy irrigation practices and dryland farming had reduced species diversity and richness compared to systems with low to moderate land use. A nonmetric multidimensional ordination of diatom communities in the 39 streams was conducted. An ANOSIM on the ordination showed that diatom communities in upland watersheds with native forest canopies and low salinization, lowland streams in watersheds with cleared forest canopies, moderate agricultural utilization and salinization, and lowland streams in areas with high irrigation and salinization were all significantly different (p<0.001) from one another. Community ordination techniques showed that both specific conductance (salinity) and phosphorus interacted to determine stream diatom community structure in drainages with high secondary salinization. Drainages with low to moderate agricultural activity and low nutrients, but with a wide range of salinities showed strong associations with the diatom taxa Amphora coffeaeformis, Cymbella pusilla and Entomoneis paludosa, whereas, streams in regions with heavy agricultural practices and high phosphorus had Bacillaria paradoxa, Nitzschia hungarica, N. frustulum and Aulacoseira granulata as numerically important diatoms. In contrast, Rhizosolenia eriensis, Frustulia rhomboides, Eunotia pectinatus and Tabellaria flocculosa were strongly associated with upland streams with fast current, relatively low O-PO4 3- concentrations, low pH, low salinity, and low temperature. In general, the diatom communities in saline streams (3 mS) were similar to those previously reported in saline lakes in Victoria.  相似文献   

In wetlands the effects of fire on vegetation dynamics are somewhat uncertain. A change detection analysis in the herbaceous wetlands of KwaMbonambi, South Africa, which were subject to frequent fires, revealed that in 1937 the study area comprised grassland (69%), herbaceous wetland (25%), indigenous swamp forest (4%) and tree plantations (1%). However, by 1970, tree plantations occupied 78% of the landscape and grasslands and herbaceous wetlands had declined to 9% and 6%, respectively, whereas indigenous swamp forest had increased to 6%. By 2009 tree plantations had been removed from the wetland areas. Despite this opportunity for herbaceous wetlands to recover their historical extent, they decreased to only 2%, mostly changing to indigenous swamp forest or to an herbaceous/fern (Stenochlaena tenuifolia)/woodland mosaic. Fire records showed suppression of fire to be an important contributing factor, particularly in wetlands that had been disturbed by tree plantations, although subsequently removed. A pilot burning experiment revealed that S. tenuifolia did not inhibit fire. It is therefore practicable to increase fire frequency to prevent the mosaic developing into forest. A conceptual model of the influence of fire regime on wetland vegetation type is presented and priorities for further research on wetlands and fire are recommended.  相似文献   

The structure of harpacticoid copepod communities of floating detached intertidal algae was studied by surveys and experiments. Seaweed clumps were sampled from Faxaflói, western Iceland, at various distances from the shore (0.2–14 km). Altogether 20 species of harpacticoids were found in these clumps, most of them typical phytal species. Multidimensional scaling ordination (MDS) separated the samples into three distinct clusters in which the communities were significantly different from each other. The distance from shore did not seem to affect the community structure. However, diversity and abundance of harpacticoids increased with size and complexity of the clumps. Experimental Ascophyllum nodosum fronds placed 300–600 m offshore were rapidly colonised by harpacticoids. Density and species diversity were, after 20 days afloat, higher than in the free-floating clumps. Species of the genus Harpacticus were successful colonisers, in particular Harpacticus chelifer and Harpacticus uniremis. In a survey of macrofauna (0.5-mm sieve) on floating algae clumps from various locations around Iceland, H. chelifer was present in all clumps studied, up to 117 km offshore. Its sex ratio was skewed towards females, often with a high ratio of ovigerous females. There was, however, no evidence that this species is using the algal clumps as a platform for reproduction.  相似文献   

The changes in caddisfly community structure and composition in the Sil River basin (NW Spain), associated with a gradient in natural conditions and a succession of alterations induced by human activity (mainly urban wastes and coal mining), were studied. Twenty-nine Trichoptera taxa belonging to 11 families were collected. The community diversity analysis showed important spatial differences from source to mouth. Towns and, above all, coal mines produced an increase in sulphate and chloride concentrations and conductivity, which adversely affected the trichopteran assemblages. A stepwise regression model, which introduced sulphate and chloride as variables, explained the changes in diversity produced in the basin (r=0.837, p< 0.01). The lowest diversity and richness values were recorded in the rivers suffering the greatest impact from coal mining or urban wastes. The heterogeneity values of the communities for the main rivers were clearly different. The greatest community heterogeneity corresponded to the main axis of the basin and was explained by spatial variability in water chemical composition. No relation was detected between structural changes at spatial level and geographical distance, such that pollution processes basically controlled the dynamics of the Trichoptera communities. Partial-CCA using distance from the source as a covariable revealed alkalinity and urban and mining-derived pollution as the main factors influencing caddisfly distribution. However, an ordination of sites in relation to the corresponding vectors did not fully agree with the chemical characteristics of the water. The species composition of the Trichoptera communities, therefore, did not seem to be good indicators of the chemical features of the rivers. The structure of the community (as expressed by richness and the Shannon index) appeared to be the better indicator of pollution.  相似文献   

1. Within a few decades of European disturbance in the mid-nineteenth century, river character and behaviour were transformed in Bega catchment on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia. Ecological impacts of geomorphic changes to river structure and function throughout the catchment are assessed. 2. At the time of European settlement, many water courses in Bega catchment were discontinuous, with extensive swamps along middle and upper courses. Following a series of direct and indirect human impacts, channels became continuous in the middle and upper parts of the catchment, as extensive valley fills at the base of the escarpment were incised. Along the lowland plain, the channel widened by over 300%, fundamentally altering the relationship between the channel and its adjacent floodplain. 3. Geomorphic changes to river structure have modified habitat availability throughout Bega catchment. The impacts have been least pronounced in headwater streams, but have been dramatic along virtually all river courses beyond the base of the escarpment. 4. Changes in river structure have been directly related to altered riparian vegetation cover, and vice versa. As a consequence of changes to river structure, bed substrate calibre (and supply volume/rate) has been modified along most streams. 5. A series of indirect, secondary impacts have modified habitat viability along river courses. Lateral, longitudinal and vertical linkages within the river system have been altered, affecting the transfer of water, sediment, organic matter, nutrients and other biotic interactions. 6. These direct and indirect consequences of geomorphic changes in river structure suggest that ecologists need to adopt a longer-term, catchment-framed view of human disturbance to river ecosystems. 7. Effective, sustainable ecological rehabilitation of river courses is dependent on an understanding of geomorphic processes and determination of appropriate river structure at differing positions in catchments.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate communities were studied from 1994 to 2001/2002 (except 1997) in six streams in Denali National Park, interior Alaska. All six streams were potential reference streams with no known impairment. 2. Abundance of individual taxa varied markedly from year to year. Overall, abundance decreased over the study period, particularly with respect to mayflies. Stonefly taxa showed lower persistence and were sometimes absent from a stream in any particular year. 3. Mean community persistence for the six streams, as measured by Jaccard's similarity coefficients between years, varied from 0.48 in the year pair 1999–2000 to 0.78 in 1998–99. Tattler Creek (a small stable stream) supported the most persistent macroinvertebrate community and Highway Pass Creek (a small, unstable creek) the least. Mean community persistence showed a significant relationship with mean winter snowfall (November to March) for the six streams. 4. The highest community compositional stability was found in Tattler Creek and the lowest in Highway Pass Creek, but stability varied markedly over time for the six streams, peaking in 1994–95 and reaching a minimum in 2000–01. Compositional stability was significantly related to the Pfankuch Index of channel stability. 5. The composition metrics % Chironomidae, % dominant taxa, %EPT, % Ephemeroptera and % Plecoptera, employed as part of the Alaska Stream Condition Index, varied over almost their entire range in these pristine streams across the 9 years of the study. 6. This study demonstrates the wide range of natural variation that occurs in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in these pristine central Alaskan streams, potentially limiting the applicability of composition metrics for the biological monitoring of water quality in these systems.  相似文献   

Fish predation is one of the driving forces of freshwater invertebrate community structures, with alien predators having a pronounced effect. A quantitative assessment of aquatic invertebrates in the Wit River, Sundays River catchment, Eastern Cape, South Africa, was undertaken to assess the impact of the alien fish Micropterus salmoides on their relative abundance and community structure. Communities in the stones-in-current and marginal vegetation biotopes were sampled in the presence and absence of M. salmoides in late summer (February–April) 2008. Results suggest that the presence of M. salmoides does have an impact on indigenous macroinvertebrate fauna and communities. Community structure in the stones-in-current biotopes did not differ significantly between sections of the river with or without fish. However, there was a significant difference in community structure in marginal vegetation between sections of river. In sections with M. salmoides several large or conspicuous taxa (Odonata, Hemiptera and Coleoptera) were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) or even absent, while cryptic/inconspicuous taxa (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae and Mollusca, Physidae) were significantly more abundant (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Massive mortality of planktivorous fish had a dramatic impact on plankton community dynamics of Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA. After fish mortality, the largerDaphnia pulicaria replaced the smallerDaphnia galeata mendotae, resulting in greater grazing pressure on phytoplankton. This was accompanied by a much longer spring clear-water period and lower summer phytoplankton biomass compared to years before the fish mortality. Analysis of historical data (from the mid-1970's) showed that previous fluctuations in planktivorous abundance had similar effects onDaphnia abundance and species composition, and on spring phytoplankton biomass. However, the mid-1970's fish fluctuations had no detectable effect on summer phytoplankton. Concentrations of phosphorus were much higher in the 1970's (spring P 80–135 μg 1−1) than in the 1980's (spring P 19–36 μg 1−1) and it is possible that high P concentrations may reduce trophic cascade effects on summer phytoplankton communities. This suggests that the success of biomanipulation programs may be dependent on lake nutrient status.  相似文献   

Abstract  Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera: non-biting midges) were surveyed at five shallow riffle stations along the estuarine gradient of the Clyde River, southern New South Wales (35°45'S, 150°15'E). Benthic populations were sampled seasonally between April 2001 and January 2002, between an uppermost fully fresh station and 7 km south of the tidal limit at Shallow Crossing, encompassing a 23 km stretch. Biological structure and integrity of chironomid assemblages, which are essentially unknown in eastern Australia's estuarine environments, were elucidated. Assemblages were diverse: from 5732 chironomid larvae, 45 species belonging to four subfamilies were identified from riffles. All chironomid assemblages were strongly structured and non-random with respect to spatial position along the salinity gradient although relatively random with respect to temporal shifts between the five seasonal samples. Generally, the salinity gradient had strong effects on assemblage composition but no discrete brackish fauna was identifiable, and the abundance of many species declined gradually with distance from the freshest station. Dominant taxa in the brackish zone were Parakiefferiella ' variegatus ' and two species of Cladotanytarsus . Notably, the little-known Semiocladius crassipennis Skuse (Orthocladiinae) was abundant at the most marine-influenced station. Taxa present exclusively in freshwaters included several Tanypodinae notably absent from sites below Shallow Crossing at salinities normally tolerated in athalassic waters. Other species restricted to freshwaters included Nanocladius sp., Demicryptochironomus (Irmakia) sp., Polypedilum vespertinus (Skuse), Zavrelliella fuscoguttata (Kieffer), Riethia stictoptera (Kieffer) and Podonomopsis sp.  相似文献   

陈凯  肖能文  王备新  李俊生 《生态学报》2012,32(6):1970-1978
为了解石油开采对湿地生态系统的影响,2009年10月调查了黄河三角洲东营湿地34个样点的水体物理化学属性和大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构。共获得3门6纲12目41科70属84个大型底栖无脊椎动物分类单元。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(r=-0.446,P=0.02)和TN显著负相关,BI指数与理化指标无显著相关性;软体动物分类单元数与盐度(r=-0.422,P=0.028)显著负相关,与pH值(r=0.435,P=0.023)显著正相关;软体动物个体百分数同样与盐度(r=-0.395,P=0.041)呈显著负相关,与pH值(r=0.565,P=0.002)呈极显著正相关;寡毛类分类单元数与TN(r=0.524,P=0.005)极显著正相关。水体石油含量与生物指数无显著相关性。典范对应分析(CCA)显示,TN、pH、盐度是影响东营湿地底栖动物群落结构的主要环境变量,水体石油污染并不是主要的胁迫因子。寡毛类和软体动物是该地区对环境变化的主要指示生物类群。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数水质生物评价结果显示,溢洪河支流、广利河上游、挑河上游、东张水库属于清洁;轻污点位有9个,其余点位为中污或重污。  相似文献   

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