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The effect of methylglyoxal on the plasminogen-plasmin system is studied. Treatment of plasminogen with methylglyoxal at a 20-fold molar excess results in covalent modification of the molecule as evidenced by the decreased number of NH(2) side chains, arginine side chain residues and the new band in the non-tryptophan dependent fluorescent spectrum. This structural modification is associated with profound functional alterations: the rate of activation by streptokinase, tissue-type plasminogen activator, urokinase-type plasminogen activator and trypsin decreases and the amidolytic activity of the generated plasmin is impaired. Plasmin treatment with methylglyoxal on the other hand does not alter its steady-state kinetic parameters on a peptidyl-anilide synthetic substrate, indicating that modification susceptible side chains are sensitive to methylglyoxal only in the zymogen. Our data suggest that in vivo fibrinolysis could be impaired under pathological conditions, e.g. increased methylglyoxal formation in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

The cardiac serine protease corin is the pro-atrial natriuretic peptide convertase. Corin is made as a zymogen, which is activated by proteolytic cleavage. Previous studies showed that recombinant human corin expressed in HEK 293 cells was biologically active, but activated corin fragments were not detectable, making it difficult to study corin activation. In this study, we showed that recombinant rat corin was activated in HEK 293 cells, murine HL-1 cardiomyocytes, and rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. In these cells, activated corin represented a small fraction of the total corin molecules. The activation of recombinant rat corin was inhibited by small molecule trypsin inhibitors but not inhibitors for matrix metalloproteinases or cysteine proteases, suggesting that a trypsin-like protease activated corin in these cells. Glycosidase digestion showed that rat and human corin proteins contained substantial N-glycans but little O-glycans. Treatment of HEK 293 cells expressing rat corin with tunicamycin prevented corin activation and inhibited its pro-atrial natriuretic peptide processing activity. Similar effects of tunicamycin on endogenous corin activity were found in HL-1 cells. Mutations altering the two N-glycosylation sites in the protease domain of rat corin prevented its activation in HEK 293 and HL-1 cells. Our results indicate that N-linked oligosaccharides play an important role in corin activation.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes are usually biosynthesized as somewhat larger inactive precursors known as zymogens. These zymogens must undergo an activation process, usually a limited proteolysis, to attain their catalytic activity. When the activating enzyme and the activated enzyme coincide, the process is an autocatalytic zymogen activation. In the present study, a kinetic analysis of the entire progress curve for the autocatalytic zymogen activation reactions is presented. On the basis of the kinetic equations, a novel procedure is developed to evaluate the kinetic parameters of the reactions. This procedure is particularly useful for the fast zymogen autoactivation reactions. As two examples, the novel procedure is used to analyse the autocatalytic activation of bovine trypsinogen and human blood coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor).  相似文献   

Cleavage of Arg(561)-Val(562) in plasminogen (Pg) generates plasmin (Pm) through a classical activation mechanism triggered by an insertion of the new amino terminus into a binding pocket in the Pg catalytic domain. Streptokinase (SK) circumvents this process and activates Pg through a unique nonproteolytic mechanism postulated to be initiated by the intrusion of Ile(1) of SK in place of Val(562). This hypothesis was evaluated in equilibrium binding and kinetic studies of Pg activation with an SK mutant lacking Ile(1) (SK(2--414)). SK(2--414) retained the affinity of native SK for fluorescein-labeled [Lys]Pg and [Lys]Pm but induced no detectable conformational activation of Pg. The activity of SK(2--414) was partially restored by the peptides SK(1--2), SK(1--5), SK(1--10), and SK(1--15), whereas Pg(562--569) peptides were much less effective. Active site-specific fluorescence labeling demonstrated directly that the active catalytic site was formed on the Pg zymogen by the combination of SK(1--10) and SK(2--414), whereas sequence-scrambled SK(1-10) was inactive. The characterization of SK(1--10) containing single Ala substitutions demonstrated the sequence specificity of the interaction. SK(1--10) did not restore activity to the further truncated mutant SK(55-414), which was correlated with the loss of binding affinity of SK(55--414) for labeled [Lys]Pm but not for [Lys]Pg. The studies support a mechanism for conformational activation in which the insertion of Ile(1) of SK into the Pg amino-terminal binding cleft occurs through sequence-specific interactions of the first 10 SK residues. This event and the preferentially higher affinity of SK(2--414) for the activated proteinase domain of Pm are thought to function cooperatively to trigger the conformational change and stabilize the active zymogen conformation.  相似文献   

cDNA and gene nucleotide sequence of porcine plasminogen activator.   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Vacuolar ATPase regulates zymogen activation in pancreatic acini   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Supramaximal concentrations of cholecystokinin or its analogue caerulein have been shown to stimulate the proteolytic activation of zymogens within the pancreatic acinar cell and initiate acute pancreatitis. Previous studies suggest that a low pH compartment might be required for activation. To test this hypothesis, the effects of agents that modulate intracellular pH on caerulein-induced trypsin and chymotrypsin activation were studied. Pretreatment of pancreatic acini with the proto-ionophore monensin (10 microM) and the weak base chloroquine (40 microM) inhibited activation. Pre-incubation with the vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) inhibitors bafilomycin A(1) and concanamycin A also decreased activation in a concentration-dependent manner with 50% inhibition at approximately 50 and 25 nM, respectively. Caerulein stimulation caused a time- and concentration-dependent translocation of soluble V-ATPase V(1) subunits to a membrane fraction, a marker of V-ATPase activation. Carbachol also stimulated translocation at supramaximal concentrations. Elevation of cytosolic Ca(2+) by thapsigargin was sufficient to induce translocation. Thus, stimulation of V-ATPase activity appears to be required for agonist-induced zymogen activation in the pancreatic acinar cell.  相似文献   

Matriptase, a type 2 transmembrane serine protease, and its inhibitor hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor (HAI)-1 are required for normal epidermal barrier function, and matriptase activity is tightly regulated during this process. We therefore hypothesized that this protease system might be deregulated in skin disease. To test this, we examined the level and activation state of matriptase in examples of 23 human skin disorders. We first examined matriptase and HAI-1 protein distribution in normal epidermis. Matriptase was detected at high levels at cell-cell junctions in the basal layer and spinous layers but was present at minimal levels in the granular layer. HAI-1 was distributed in a similar pattern, except that high-level expression was retained in the granular layer. This pattern of expression was retained in most skin disorders. We next examined the distribution of activated matriptase. Although activated matriptase is not detected in normal epidermis, a dramatic increase is seen in keratinocytes at the site of inflammation in 16 different skin diseases. To gain further evidence that activation is associated with inflammatory stimuli, we challenged HaCaT cells with acidic pH or H(2)O(2) and observed matriptase activation. These findings suggest that inflammation-associated reactive oxygen species and tissue acidity may enhance matriptase activation in some skin diseases.  相似文献   

The amidolytic activities of plasma generated by means of thromboplastin and Ca++, on the one hand, and by means of partial thromboplastin, a contact activator and Ca++, on the other hand, were determined using synthetic, chromogenic factor Xa substrates with low affinity for thrombin (CH3SO2-D-Leu-Gly-Arg-pNA and CH3SO2-D-Nleu-Gly-Arg-pNA). In this way, the activation process by splitting off the p-nitroaniline was followed. Besides the summary detection of factor Xa was obtained after addition of hirudin. During preincubation with partial thromboplastin and contact acti (Actin) in Ca++-free medium, an amidolytic activity so far unidentified was generated that renders evaluation of the activation process difficult. In the test system with partial thromboplastin, factor Xa could not be determined and the thrombin-like activity that can be inhibited by hirudin did not correspond to the amount of prothrombin present in plasma. In contrast, activation of factor X and prothrombin by thromboplastin and Ca++ could be followed and the content of the two zymogenes could be detected simultaneously. In general, under optimized reaction conditions, automated systems might be developed that would provide additional diagnostic information about determination of clotting time, on the one hand, and about quantitative determination of zymogen, on the other hand.  相似文献   

The kinetics of activation of Lys-plasminogen (Lys-77-Asn-790) and miniplasminogen (Val-442-Asn-790) catalysed by low-molecular-weight urokinase (LMW-urokinase) was investigated in the presence and absence of ligands that bind to the AH-site of the plasminogens. 6-Aminohexanoic acid and alpha-N-acetyl-L-lysine methyl ester (AcLysMe) were used. Saturation of the AH-sites of the plasminogens result in similar, but rather small positive effects on the kinetics of activation of the two plasminogens. Michaelis constants decrease approx. 2-fold and second-order rate constants (kc/Km)Pg increase approx. 1.2-fold. Michaelis constants (KPg values) were obtained using a new approach; the values were determined from the competing effects of the plasminogens on urokinase-catalysed hydrolysis of a synthetic substrate. In the pH range 7.4-8.0, only minor alterations of the values of the kinetic parameters are observed. At 25 degrees C, values of (kc/Km)Pg are approx. 3-fold less than the value at 37 degrees C, whereas KPg is not changed. We conclude that kc/Km values are approx. 10(5) M-1.s-1 and that KPg values are approx. 40 microM of urokinase-catalysed conversions of Lys- and miniplasminogen to their respective plasmins.  相似文献   

The activation by staphylokinase of human plasminogen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activation of human plasminogen by a highly purified staphylokinase was investigated using casein or an active site titrant (p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate, NPGB) as a substrate. The reaction rate was time dependent, showing a pronounced lag period with either substrate. Saturation curve estimated from the caseinolytic assay was sigmoid, but changed to quasi-hyperbolic in the presence of pre-formed human plasmin. With NPGB, the extent of plasminogen conversion into esterolytic plasmin was directly proportional to staphylokinase concentration, and the saturation point was reached when the molar concentration of staphylokinase equaled that of plasminogen. It is concluded that staphylokinase acts stoichiometrically, forms an equimolar complex with plasminogen, and thus is not an enzyme but a modifier. Staphylokinase-activated plasminogen exhibits properties of a hysteretic enzyme.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of plasminogen activation by mammalian plasminogen activators   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
H R Lijnen  D Collen 《Enzyme》1988,40(2-3):90-96
Plasminogen activators convert the proenzyme plasminogen to the active serine protease plasmin by hydrolysis of the Arg560-Val561 peptide bond. Physiological plasminogen activation is however regulated by several additional molecular interactions resulting in fibrin-specific clot lysis. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) binds to fibrin and thereby acquires a high affinity for plasminogen, resulting in efficient plasmin generation at the fibrin surface. Single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) activates plasminogen directly but with a catalytic efficiency which is about 20 times lower than that of urokinase. In plasma, however, it is inactive in the absence of fibrin. Chimeric plasminogen activators consisting of the NH2-terminal region of t-PA (containing the fibrin-binding domains) and the COOH-terminal region of scu-PA (containing the active site), combine the mechanisms of fibrin specificity of both plasminogen activators. Combination of t-PA and scu-PA infusion in animal models of thrombosis and in patients with coronary artery thrombosis results in a synergic effect on thrombolysis, allowing a reduction of the therapeutic dose and elimination of side effects on the hemostatic system.  相似文献   

Interaction of plasminogen and fibrin in plasminogen activation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glu1-, Lys77-, miniplasminogens, kringle 1-3, kringle 1-5A, and kringle 1-5R were able to bind with fibrin, while microplasminogen and kringle 4 did not bind significantly. Kringle 1-5A, but not kringle 1-3, effectively inhibited the binding of Glu1-, Lys77-, and miniplasminogens with fibrin. Miniplasminogen also inhibited the binding of Glu1-plasminogen with fibrin. The binding of kringle 1-3 with fibrin was blocked by mini- or Glu1-plasminogen. It is therefore evident that there are two fibrin-binding domains in plasminogen and that the one in kringle 5 is of higher affinity than that in kringle 1-3. CNBr cleavage products of fibrinogen effectively enhanced the activation of Glu1-, Lys77-, or miniplasminogens, but not microplasminogen, by tissue-type plasminogen activator. Kringle 1-5, but not kringle 1-3, dose-dependently inhibited the enhancement by fibrinogen degradation products of Glu1-plasminogen activation by the activator. Lysine and epsilon-aminocaproic acid could inhibit the binding of plasminogens and plasminogen derivatives with fibrin and block the enhancement effect of fibrinogen degradation products on plasminogen activation. The data clearly illustrate that the binding of plasminogen with fibrin, mainly determined by kringle 5, is essential for effective activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator. However, the presence of kringle 1-4 in the plasminogen molecule is required for the full enhancing effect since the kcat/Km of miniplasminogen activation in the presence of fibrinogen degradation products was 8.2 microM-1 min-1 which is significantly less than 52.0 microM-1 min-1 of Glu1-plasminogen.  相似文献   

Requirement for ERK activation in cisplatin-induced apoptosis   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Cisplatin activates multiple signal transduction pathways involved in coordinating cellular responses to stress. Here we demonstrate a requirement for extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK), a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase family in mediating cisplatin-induced apoptosis of human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Cisplatin treatment resulted in dose- and time- dependent activation of ERK. That elevated ERK activity contributed to cell death by cisplatin was supported by several observations: 1) PD98059 and U0126, chemical inhibitors of the MEK/ERK signaling pathway, prevented apoptosis; 2) pretreatment of cells with TPA, an activator of the ERK pathway, enhanced their sensitivity to cisplatin; 3) suramin, a growth factor receptor antagonist that greatly suppressed ERK activation, likewise inhibited cisplatin-induced apoptosis; and, finally, 4) HeLa cell variants selected for cisplatin resistance showed reduced activation of ERK following cisplatin treatment. Cisplatin-induced apoptosis was associated with cytochrome c release and subsequent caspase-3 activation, both of which could be prevented by treatment with the MEK inhibitors. However, the caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone protected HeLa cells against apoptosis without affecting ERK activation. Taken together, our findings suggest that ERK activation plays an active role in mediating cisplatin-induced apoptosis of HeLa cells and functions upstream of caspase activation to initiate the apoptotic signal.  相似文献   

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