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Knowledge of the structure, dynamics and interactions of polypeptides when associated with phospholipid bilayers is key to understanding the functional mechanisms of channels, antibiotics, signal- or translocation peptides. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy on samples uniaxially aligned relative to the magnetic field direction offers means to determine the alignment of polypeptide bonds and domains relative to the bilayer normal. Using this approach the 15N chemical shift of amide bonds provides a direct indicator of the approximate helical tilt, whereas the 2H solid-state NMR spectra acquired from peptides labelled with 3,3,3-2H3-alanines contain valuable complimentary information for a more accurate analysis of tilt and rotation pitch angles. The deuterium NMR line shapes are highly sensitive to small variations in the alignment of the Cα–Cβ bond relative to the magnetic field direction and, therefore, also the orientational distribution of helices relative to the membrane normal. When the oriented membrane samples are investigated with their normal perpendicular to the magnetic field direction, the rate of rotational diffusion can be determined in a semi-quantitative manner and thereby the aggregation state of the peptides can be analysed. Here the deuterium NMR approach is first introduced showing results from model amphipathic helices. Thereafter investigations of the viral channel peptides Vpu1–27 and Influenza A M222–46 are shown. Whereas the 15N chemical shift data confirm the transmembrane helix alignments of these hydrophobic sequences, the deuterium spectra indicate considerable mosaic spread in the helix orientations. At least two peptide populations with differing rotational correlation times are apparent in the deuterium spectra of the viral channels suggesting an equilibrium between monomeric peptides and oligomeric channel configurations under conditions where solid-state NMR structural studies of these peptides have previously been performed. Dedicated to Prof. K. Arnold on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

The surface dynamics of bacteriorhodopsin was examined by measurements of site-specific 13C–1H dipolar couplings in [3-13C]Ala-labeled bacteriorhodopsin. Motions of slow or intermediate frequency (correlation time <50 µs) scale down 13C–1H dipolar couplings according to the motional amplitude. The two-dimensional dipolar and chemical shift (DIPSHIFT) correlation technique was utilized to obtain the dipolar coupling strength for each resolved peak in the 13C MAS solid-state NMR spectrum, providing the molecular order parameter of the respective site. In addition to the rotation of the Ala methyl group, which scales the dipolar coupling to 1/3 of the rigid limit value, fluctuations of the C–C vector result in additional motional averaging. Typical order parameters measured for mobile sites in bacteriorhodopsin are between 0.25 and 0.29. These can be assigned to Ala103 of the C–D loop and Ala235 at the C-terminal -helix protruded from the membrane surface, and Ala196 of the F–G loop, as well as to Ala228 and Ala233 of the C-terminal -helix and Ala51 from the transmembrane -helix. Such order parameters departing significantly from the value of 0.33 for rotating methyl groups are obviously direct evidence for the presence of fluctuation motions of the Ala C–C vectors of intact preparations of fully hydrated, wild-type bacteriorhodopsin at ambient temperature. The order parameter for Ala160 from the expectantly more flexible E–F loop, however, is unavailable under highest-field NMR conditions, probably because increased chemical shift anisotropy together with intrinsic fluctuation motions result in an unresolved 13C NMR signal.  相似文献   

This study reports the sequence specific chemical shifts assignments for 76 residues of the 94 residues containing monomeric unit of the photosynthetic light-harvesting 2 transmembrane protein complex from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila strain 10050, using Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR in combination with extensive and selective biosynthetic isotope labeling methods. The sequence specific chemical shifts assignment is an essential step for structure determination by MAS NMR. Assignments have been performed on the basis of 2-dimensional proton-driven spin diffusion 13C–13C correlation experiments with mixing times of 20 and 500 ms and band selective 13C–15N correlation spectroscopy on a series of site-specific biosynthetically labeled samples. The decreased line width and the reduced number of correlation signals of the selectively labeled samples with respect to the uniformly labeled samples enable to resolve the narrowly distributed correlation signals of the backbone carbons and nitrogens involved in the long -helical transmembrane segments. Inter-space correlations between nearby residues and between residues and the labeled BChl a cofactors, provided by the 13C–13C correlation experiments using a 500 ms spin diffusion period, are used to arrive at sequence specific chemical shift assignments for many residues in the protein complex. In this way it is demonstrated that MAS NMR methods combined with site-specific biosynthetic isotope labeling can be used for sequence specific assignment of the NMR response of transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

ASCAN is a new algorithm for automatic sequence-specific NMR assignment of amino acid side-chains in proteins, which uses as input the primary structure of the protein, chemical shift lists of (1)H(N), (15)N, (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta) and possibly (1)H(alpha) from the previous polypeptide backbone assignment, and one or several 3D (13)C- or (15)N-resolved [(1)H,(1)H]-NOESY spectra. ASCAN has also been laid out for the use of TOCSY-type data sets as supplementary input. The program assigns new resonances based on comparison of the NMR signals expected from the chemical structure with the experimentally observed NOESY peak patterns. The core parts of the algorithm are a procedure for generating expected peak positions, which is based on variable combinations of assigned and unassigned resonances that arise for the different amino acid types during the assignment procedure, and a corresponding set of acceptance criteria for assignments based on the NMR experiments used. Expected patterns of NOESY cross peaks involving unassigned resonances are generated using the list of previously assigned resonances, and tentative chemical shift values for the unassigned signals taken from the BMRB statistics for globular proteins. Use of this approach with the 101-amino acid residue protein FimD(25-125) resulted in 84% of the hydrogen atoms and their covalently bound heavy atoms being assigned with a correctness rate of 90%. Use of these side-chain assignments as input for automated NOE assignment and structure calculation with the ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA program suite yielded structure bundles of comparable quality, in terms of precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates, as those of a reference structure determined with interactive assignment procedures. A rationale for the high quality of the ASCAN-based structure determination results from an analysis of the distribution of the assigned side chains, which revealed near-complete assignments in the core of the protein, with most of the incompletely assigned residues located at or near the protein surface.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play many critical roles in cells, mediating flow of material and information across cell membranes. They have evolved to perform these functions in the environment of a cell membrane, whose physicochemical properties are often different from those of common cell membrane mimetics used for structure determination. As a result, membrane proteins are difficult to study by traditional methods of structural biology, and they are significantly underrepresented in the protein structure databank. Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SSNMR) has long been considered as an attractive alternative because it allows for studies of membrane proteins in both native-like membranes composed of synthetic lipids and in cell membranes. Over the past decade, SSNMR has been rapidly developing into a major structural method, and a growing number of membrane protein structures obtained by this technique highlights its potential. Here we discuss membrane protein sample requirements, review recent progress in SSNMR methodologies, and describe recent advances in characterizing membrane proteins in the environment of a cellular membrane.  相似文献   

Glutamine-free culture of Vero cells has previously been shown to cause higher cell yield and lower ammonia accumulation than that in glutamine-containing culture. Nitrogen metabolism of asparagine and glutamate as glutamine replacer was studied here using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. 15N-labelled glutamate or asparagine was added and their incorporation into nitrogenous metabolites was monitored by heteronuclear multiple bond coherence (HMBC) NMR spectroscopy. In cells incubated with l-[15N]glutamate, the 15N label was subsequently found in a number of metabolites including alanine, aspartate, proline, and an unidentified compound. No detectable signal occurred, indicating that glutamate was utilized by transamination rather than by oxidative deamination. In cells incubated with l-[2-15N]asparagine, the 15N label was subsequently found in aspartate, the amine group of glutamate/glutamine, and in two unidentified compounds. Incubation of cells with l-[4-15N]asparagine showed that the amide nitrogen of asparagine was predominantly transferred to glutamine amide. There was no detectable production of , showing that most of the asparagine amide was transaminated by asparagine synthetase rather than deaminated by asparaginase. Comparing with a glutamine-containing culture, the activities of phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) decreased significantly and the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) decreased slightly.  相似文献   

Cancer associated gene (CAGE) regulates expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related proteins through extracellular regulated kinase (ERK), Akt and nuclear factor κB (NF-kB) in mouse B16F10 melanoma cells. Snail, a EMT-related protein, mediates the effect of CAGE on the induction of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and cancer cell motility. C-Flice inhibitory protein mediates the effect of CAGE on the induction of MMP-2 and cell motility by the induction of Snail. CAGE was shown to protect cells against celastrol, an anti-cancer agent. Celastrol-resistant B16F10 melanoma cells had a higher expression level of c-FLIPL and Snail as compared with a sensitive cell line. Youngmi Kim and Hyunmi Park contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The human formyl peptide receptor like 1 (FPRL-1) is a variant of the Gi-coupled formyl-peptide receptor. Functional FPRL-1 is endogenously expressed in the U87 astrocytoma cell line and there is accumulating evidence to suggest that FPRL-1 may be involved in neuroinflammation associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, we examined the ability of FPRL-1 to mobilize intracellular Ca2+ in U87 astrocytoma cells, as well as in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing FPRL-1. We showed that Trp–Lys–Tyr–Met–Val–Met–NH2 (WKYMVM), a specific agonist for FPRL-1, stimulated Ca2+ influx in both U87 and FPRL-1/CHO cells. These effects can be inhibited by the FPRL-1 selective antagonist, WRW4. Involvement of Gi proteins was demonstrated with the use of pertussis toxin, while inhibitors of store-operated channels (SOC) including 1-[2-(4-methoxyphenyl)]-2-[3-(4-methpxyphenyl)propoxy]ethyl-1H-imidazole hydrochloride (SKF96365) and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) were found to abolish the WKYMVM-induced Ca2+ increase. However, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in both cell lines were unaffected by the phospholipase Cβ inhibitor U73122 or selective ryanodine receptor inhibitors. Our data demonstrated that activation of Gi-coupled FPRL-1 can lead to Ca2+ influx possibly via SOCs in U87 and FPRL-1/CHO cells.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins (Trx) are ubiquitous proteins that regulate several biochemical processes inside the cell. Trx is an important player, displaying oxidoreductase activity and helping to keep and regulate the oxidative state of the cellular environment. Trx also participates in the regulation of many cellular functions, such as DNA synthesis, protection against oxidative stress, cell cycle and signal transduction. The oxidized Trx is the target for another set of proteins, such as thioredoxin reductase (TrR), which used the reductive potential of NADPH. The oxidized state of Trx also plays important role in regulation of redox state in the cells. In this regard, the oxidized form of Trx is a putative conformer that contributes to the cellular redox environment. Here we report the chemical shift assignments (1H, 13C and 15N) in solution at 15 °C. We also showed the secondary structure analysis of the oxidized form of yeast thioredoxin (yTrx1) as basis for future NMR studies of protein–target interactions and dynamics. The assignment was done at low concentration (200 µM) because it is important to keep intact the water cavity.  相似文献   

The paper presents a set of two-dimensional experiments that utilize direct 13C detection to provide proton–carbon, carbon–carbon and carbon–nitrogen correlations in the bases of nucleic acids. The set includes a 13C-detected proton–carbon correlation experiment for the measurement of 13C–13C couplings, the CaCb experiment for correlating two quaternary carbons, the HCaCb experiment for the 13C–13C correlations in cases where one of the carbons has a proton attached, the HCC-TOCSY experiment for correlating a proton with a network of coupled carbons, and a 13C-detected 13C–15N correlation experiment for detecting the nitrogen nuclei that cannot be detected via protons. The IPAP procedure is used for extracting the carbon–carbon couplings and/or carbon decoupling in the direct dimension, while the S3E procedure is preferred in the indirect dimension of the carbon–nitrogen experiment to obtain the value of the coupling constant. The experiments supply accurate values of 13C and 15N chemical shifts and carbon–carbon and carbon–nitrogen coupling constants. These values can help to reveal structural features of nucleic acids either directly or via induced changes when the sample is dissolved in oriented media. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Genome annotation of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac), identified flagellar genes in a 15.7 kb gene cluster. However, FlgN, a secretion chaperone for hook-associated proteins FlgK and FlgL, was not identified. We performed extensive screening of the X. axonopodis pv. citri genome with the yeast two-hybrid system to identify a protein with the characteristics of the flagellar chaperone FlgN. We found a candidate (XAC1990) encoded by an operon for components of the flagellum apparatus that interacted with FlgK. In order to further support this finding, Xac FlgK and XAC1990 were cloned, expressed, and purified. The recombinant proteins were characterized by spectroscopic methods and their interaction in vitro confirmed by pull-down assays. We, therefore, conclude that XAC1990 and its homologs in other Xanthomonas species are, in fact, FlgN proteins. These observations extend the sequence diversity covered by this family of proteins.  相似文献   

In recent years, solid-state magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MAS NMR) has been growing into an important technique to study the structure of membrane proteins, amyloid fibrils and other protein preparations which do not form crystals or are insoluble. Currently, a key bottleneck is the assignment process due to the absence of the resolving power of proton chemical shifts. Particularly for large proteins (approximately >150 residues) it is difficult to obtain a full set of resonance assignments. In order to address this problem, we present an assignment method based upon samples prepared using [1,3-13C]- and [2-13C]-glycerol as the sole carbon source in the bacterial growth medium (so-called selectively and extensively labelled protein). Such samples give rise to higher quality spectra than uniformly [13C]-labelled protein samples, and have previously been used to obtain long-range restraints for use in structure calculations. Our method exploits the characteristic cross-peak patterns observed for the different amino acid types in 13C-13C correlation and 3D NCACX and NCOCX spectra. An in-depth analysis of the patterns and how they can be used to aid assignment is presented, using spectra of the chicken α-spectrin SH3 domain (62 residues), αB-crystallin (175 residues) and outer membrane protein G (OmpG, 281 residues) as examples. Using this procedure, over 90% of the Cα, Cβ, C′ and N resonances in the core domain of αB-crystallin and around 73% in the flanking domains could be assigned (excluding 24 residues at the extreme termini of the protein). Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The NADH dehydrogenase I from Escherichia coli is a bacterial homolog of the mitochondrial complex I which translocates Na+ rather than H+. To elucidate the mechanism of Na+ transport, the C-terminally truncated NuoL subunit (NuoLN) which is related to Na+/H+ antiporters was expressed as a protein A fusion protein (ProtA–NuoLN) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae which lacks an endogenous complex I. The fusion protein inserted into membranes from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), as confirmed by differential centrifugation and Western analysis. Membrane vesicles containing ProtA–NuoLN catalyzed the uptake of Na+ and K+ at rates which were significantly higher than uptake by the control vesicles under identical conditions, demonstrating that ProtA–NuoLN translocated Na+ and K+ independently from other complex I subunits. Na+ transport by ProtA–NuoLN was inhibited by EIPA (5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride) which specifically reacts with Na+/H+ antiporters. The cation selectivity and function of the NuoL subunit as a transporter module of the NADH dehydrogenase complex is discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana encodes four Dicer-like (DCL) proteins and five dsRNA-binding (DRB) proteins. We have previously demonstrated that DCL4 specifically interacts with DRB4 in vitro. Here we describe the interaction between DCL4 and DRB4 in vivo. The phenotype of a mutant with a defect in DCL4 (dcl4-2) was similar to that of a mutant with a defect in DRB4 (drb4-1): both mutant plants had elongated and downwardly curled rosette leaves and over-accumulated anthocyanin. In immunoprecipitation experiments with either anti-DCL4 or anti-DRB4 antibody and crude extracts of wild-type Arabidopsis plants, co-immunoprecipitation of DCL4 and DRB4 was detected, indicating that DCL4 interacts with DRB4 in vivo. This interaction was confirmed by immunoprecipitation experiments using extracts from dcl4-2, drb4-1, or transgenic plants expressing the hemagglutinin-tagged version of DCL4 or DRB4. The results of immunoprecipitation experiments also suggest that most DCL4 is associated with DRB4, but that some DRB4 is free or associated with other proteins. Reduced accumulation of the TAS1 and TAS3 trans-acting siRNA (ta-siRNA) and over accumulation of their target mRNAs (At5g18040 and auxin response factors ARF3 and ARF4) were detected in both drb4-1 and dcl4-2 mutants. These results indicate that DRB4, together with DCL4, functions in the ta-siRNA biogenesis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Yukihiro Nakazawa and Akihiro Hiraguri contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of CO2, equivalent to those projected to occur under global climate change scenarios, increase the susceptibility of soybean foliage to herbivores by down-regulating the expression of genes related to the defense hormones jasmonic acid and ethylene; these in turn decrease the gene expression and activity of cysteine proteinase inhibitors (CystPIs), the principal antiherbivore defenses in foliage. To examine the effects of elevated CO2 on the preference of Japanese beetle (JB; Popillia japonica) for leaves of different ages within the plant, soybeans were grown at the SoyFACE facility at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. When given a choice, JB consistently inflicted greater levels of damage on older leaves than on younger leaves, and there was a trend for a greater preference for young leaves grown under elevated CO2 compared to those grown under ambient CO2. More heavily damaged older leaves and those grown under elevated CO2 had reduced CystPI activity, and JB that consumed leaves with lower CystPI activity had correspondingly greater gut proteinase activity. Younger leaves with higher CystPI activity and photosynthetic rates may contribute disproportionately to plant fitness and are more protected against herbivore attack than older foliage. Cysteine proteinase inhibitors are potent defenses against JB, and the effectiveness of this defense is modulated by growth under elevated CO2 as well as leaf position.  相似文献   

A HAP complex, which consists of three subunits, namely HAP2 (also called NF-YA or CBF-B), HAP3 (NF-YB/CBF-A) and HAP5 (NF-YC/CBF-C), binds to CCAAT sequences in a promoter to control the expression of target genes. We identified 10 HAP2 genes, 11 HAP3 genes and 7 HAP5 genes in the rice genome. All the three HAP family genes encode a protein with a conserved domain in each family and various non-conserved regions in both length and amino acid sequence. These genes showed various expression patterns depending on genes, and various combinations of overlapped expression of the HAP2, HAP3 and HAP5 genes were observed. Furthermore, protein interaction analyses showed interaction of OsHAP3A, a ubiquitously expressed HAP3 subunit of rice, with specific members of HAP5. These results indicate that the formation of specific complex with various HAP subunits combinations can be achieved by both tissue specific expression of three subunit genes and specific interaction of three subunit proteins. This may suggest that the HAP complexes may control various aspects of rice growth and development through tissue specific expression and complex formation of three subunit members. Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers AB288027 to AB288048 and BR000373 to BR000375.  相似文献   

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