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曹汛 《生物信息学》2018,25(11):14-16
寄畅园是张南垣一派造园叠山的重要作品,是张南垣及其传人作品中时间最早的一例,传承了张南垣造园理念的精华,营造出真实山林的境界。寄畅园由张鉽主持改筑,他与秦氏后人秦松龄合作,将其打造为一座一流的名园。如今政府部门应与秦家共同研究和保护寄畅园,秦氏的家族精神是寄畅园的核心之一,是值得复兴的中华文化。寄畅园在保护管理方面还可以进一步提升,恢复明清造园盛期的艺术风貌。  相似文献   

晚明江南造园兴盛,呈现出日益专业化的倾向,涌现出一批造园名家,周廷策即其中之一,其代表作为止园飞云峰。首先梳理周秉忠、周廷策父子的相关史料,总结其作品的艺术特征;继而结合诗文绘画对止园飞云峰进行复原分析,并从可望、可行、可游、可居4个角度探讨飞云峰的营筑意匠。指出以飞云峰为代表的周氏叠山,既继承了魏晋以来“小中见大”的叠山传统,又体现了晚明画意影响造园的时代新风,具有重要的艺术价值和历史地位。  相似文献   

基于中国宋代山水画对日本造园产生深刻影响的普遍认识,以具有代表性的京都大德寺大仙院中山水画式枯山水庭院为研究重点,挖掘山水画在日本的传播融合与造园者的生平经历。通过文献考证、现场调研,结合流传画作与绘画理论,在总结前人研究的基础上,推测分析宋代山水画对日本大仙院枯山水营造的影响,以期探索一种从“画意造园”视角研究日本传统园林的新模式。  相似文献   

研究在圆明园修造过程中传教士们的参与方式,包括将西方绘画、建筑工程与造园技艺引入中国,及其在东西方文化交流中起到桥梁的作用;同时,考察传教士们如何将中国园林的相关特质、建筑式样、造园手法与园艺植物传播至西方。探讨圆明园修造中传教士群体在沟通东西方文化交流中的作用。  相似文献   

宋霖  周宏俊 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):111-115
以白居易园林山石相关诗文为研究对象,分析白居易于园林中筑台、堆岛、置石等山石造景的内容与方法,归纳其爱石、赏石、以石为景的审美理论,明确白居易在中国园林史上,特别是在引领山石造园与品赏立论及实践方面的重要地位。同时论证白居易在其癖爱自然思想的支配下,其山石造园与品赏受到园林是否存在于自然风景之中的影响,揭示其在自然山居中筑台借景,再在城市园林中置石造景,进而赏石为景的异同和变化过程。  相似文献   

<正>非物质文化遗产,是指各族人民世代相传并视为其文化遗产组成部分的各种传统文化表现形式,以及与传统文化表现形式相关的实物和场所。包括:传统口头文学以及作为其载体的语言;传统美术、书法、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、曲艺和杂技;传统技艺、医药和历法;传统礼仪,节庆等民俗;传统体育和游艺;其他非物质文化遗产。摘编自《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》非物质文化遗产保护的核心是"保护"与"传承"。但随着近些年社会的发展,尤其是生态文明理念的普及,非物质文化遗产的"发展"(或者说"传承")问题开  相似文献   

<正>在当前中国的非物质文化遗产保护中,传承主体和保护责任主体是两个不同的概念。非物质文化遗产的传承主体是传承人,但传承主体是不是就是责任主体?显然不是。中国当前的特殊情况,传承人大多生活困难,单靠他们传承的技艺很难生存。有些人为了保持他们传承的技艺不失传,已经付出了很多。强大的经济压力,使民间艺人们不得不外出打工,或从事各种各样的工作,他们没有时间、没有精力再来进行他们原来所从事的艺术训练和表演。面对如此恶劣  相似文献   

重新研究了甘肃玉门含大山口动物群的地层,讨论了北祁连区二叠和三叠系划分,指出西大沟组存在误用,建议将上三叠统的西大沟组更名,将中二叠统产大山口动物群的西大沟组更名为青头山组,并将青头山剖面指定为青头山组命名剖面.  相似文献   

中医作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在历经数千年的发展中形成了自己独特的传承模式。最典型的有师传、家传、自学还有目前的学校教育。从哲学层次上来说,凡是存在的都是合理的。但是随着历史的变迁和社会的发展,这些传承模式都显露了或多或少的弊端,限制了它对时代的顺应和其自身的扩展,并以不可逆转的趋势逐渐走向没落。另一方面,中医在当代的教育时常被人诟病,于此可以和古代的传承模式相结合,取其精华去其糟粕,发挥传统文化的优势,将当代中医教育提升到一个新的层次,为社会培养更多的实用型中医方面的人才。  相似文献   

针对当前乡村景观设计“千村一面”的现象进行剖析,反思美丽乡村建设的困惑。提出传统造园中的相地和借景理论是乡村景观设计的核心基础,乡村天然地具有山林、江湖等自然资源,同时又因村民世代居住而流传下宗族起源和文化认同,这给予设计师难得的机会去挖掘、思考和创作。在此基础上,设计师也应该以新的语言和技术去创新和探索表达场地特征,当代而又本土的乡村景观。此外,还以皂溪村、龙坞茶村、下杨村3个案例来具体探讨实践过程中的相地之理解和借景之应用。  相似文献   

Summary The critical theory of evolution was developed by a group of scientists working together with Wolfgang F. Gutmann at the Senckenberg-Research-Institute in Frankfurt am Main. Gutmann worked at Senckenberg for 37 years. In this time he presented 247 contributions which are distributed over 47 periodicals and books. The ideas that were developed by Gutmann and his colleagues were innovative and pathbreaking for morphology and evolutionary biology. The large number of his morphological publications is indicative of the wide field that was opened up by the concepts of constructional morphology. As some of his colleagues have suggested, constructional morphology as an engineering approach to the study of organisms (i. e., engineering morphology) may replace the traditional concepts of morphology and anatomy and provides the observational base for the historical reconstruction of evolutionary pathways. Constructional morphology as a quasi-engineering approach can be the morphological pendant to the contemporary molecular approaches to biology, as it can provide the necessary morphological basis for the interpretation of the results of molecular studies in the light of evolution.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships betweenGoethe's morphology and his ideas on aestheticappraisal. Goethe's science of morphology was toprovide the method for making evident purephenomena [Urphänomene], for makingintuitable the necessary laws behind theperceptible forms and formation of livingnature, through a disciplined perception. Thisemphasis contrasted with contemporary studiesof generation, which focused upon hiddenformative processes. It was his views onaesthetic appraisal that informed theseepistemological precepts of his science. Hisstudy of antique artefacts convinced Goethethat these should be prototypes for all art,since they made perceptible the ideal of art,its archetypes or objective forms. His ambitionwas to eliminate the subjective elements hecontended were leading contemporary art astray.He argued that the techniques he developed forcultivating the perception of the idealexemplars of art could become a model forscience, enabling the intuition of theobjective forms of nature through a similardisciplined and cultivated perception. Thispaper also examines some of the widermotivations for the particular emphases Goethegave to his science and aesthetics, noting asimilar impulse to discipline unruly forces inhis life – in his work as an administrator forthe Weimar court and Jena University, in hisvision of an ideal German culture centred onthe aristocracy, and in his literaryproductions and biographical writings. Finallyit discusses the extent to which those unrulyelements nevertheless remained a potent anddisturbing presence in his understanding ofnature, his art and his life.  相似文献   

In contemporary texts in biology and genetics, Mendel is frequently portrayed as a theorist who was the father of classical genetics. According to some authors, he created his theory of inheritance to explain the results of his experimental hybridizations of peas. Others have proposed that he designed and carried out his experiments to demonstrate the correctness of a theory of inheritance he had already developed. We disagree strongly with these views of Mendel. Instead, we have come to regard him as an empirical investigator trying to discover the empirical natural laws describing the formation of hybrid peas and the development of their offspring over several generations. We have supported our view with an analysis of portions of Mendel's paper and his letters to Carl N ageli.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(4):301-309
The analysis of key sites in Mediterranean France allows us to perceive important transformations within the last Neanderthalian societies, with a gradual rearticulation of the Mousterian technical systems around the production of blades and points, and with the upcoming of deep changes in the relationship of the craftsman with his tools. These industries have a chronological, territorial and cultural characterization that can be distinguished by an own appellation, the ‘Neronian’. Stratigraphically speaking, this MP/UP transitional group closes some main regional sequences. However, this ‘Neronian’ does not represent the end of the Middle Palaeolithic period in the Rhone valley. These very last Mousterian periods are marked by deep breakdowns of the traditional balances in the human groups, before the arrival of the first groups of Protoaurignacians such as we know them. This frame enlightens the parallelism between two historical paths, the Castelperronian in western and northern France and the Neronian in the Rhone valley. It also allows us to conceive the cultural and historical mosaic of human groups distinctive of the profound change at the end of the Middle Palaeolithic.  相似文献   

Idealistic morphology as articulated by the botanist Wilhelm Troll, the main target of the critique voiced by the early phylogeneticists, was firmly embedded in its contemporary scientific, cultural, and political context. Troll appealed to theoretical developments in contemporary physics in support of his research program. He understood burgeoning quantum mechanics not only to threaten the unity of physics, but also the validity of the principle of causality. Troll used this insight in support of his claim of a dualism in biology, relegating the causal-analytical approach to physiology, while rejuvenating the Goethean paradigm in comparative morphology. This embedded idealistic morphology in the v?lkisch tradition that characterized German culture during the Weimar Republic and its aftermath. In contrast, the contemporary phylogeneticists anchored their research program in the rise of logical positivism and in Darwin's principle of natural selection. This, in turn, brought phylogenetic systematists of the late 1930s and early 1940s into the orbit of national-socialist racial theory and eugenics. In conclusion, the early debate between idealistic morphologists and phylogenetic systematists was not only ideologically tainted, but also implied a philosophical impasse that is best characterized as a conflict between the Goethean and Newtonian paradigm of natural science.  相似文献   

This paper uses the friendship and collaboration of Edwin Ray Lankester (1847-1929), zoologist, and Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), novelist and journalist, to challenge the current interpretation of late Victorian concern over degeneration as essentially an intellectual movement with little influence in contemporary debates over social and political problems. Degeneration theory provided for Lankester and Wells the basis both for a personal bond and for an active programme of social and educational reform. I trace the construction of Lankester's account of degeneration, initially as empirical 'fact' and later as ideologically inflected theory, and the reciprocal relationship between this theory and his critique of the British university system. I use Wells's Outline of history (1920) to illustrate the profound influence of Lankester's degenerationist worldview on Wells's scientific and socio-political thought. Lankester's synthesis of his theory and his critique led the two men to reject eugenics as an unscientific and ideologically incompatible solution to the problem of national deterioration. Instead, they campaigned for the reform of scientific education as a means of keeping mankind from physical, intellectual and cultural degeneration.  相似文献   

Health approaches to ecology have a strong basis in Aldo Leopold’s thinking, and contemporary ecohealth in turn has a strong philosophical basis in Leopold. To commemorate the 125th anniversary of Leopold’s birth (1887–1948), we revisit his ideas, specifically the notions of stewardship (land ethic), productive use of ecosystems (land), and ecosystem renewal. We focus on Leopold’s perspective on the self-renewal capacity of the land, as understood in terms of integrity and land health, from the contemporary perspective of resilience theory and ecological theory more generally. Using a broad range of literature, we explore insights and implications of Leopold’s work for today’s human–environment relationships (integrated social–ecological systems), concerns for biodiversity, the development of agency with respect to stewardship, and key challenges of his time and of ours. Leopold’s seminal concept of land health can be seen as a triangulation of productive use, self-renewal, and stewardship, and it can be reinterpreted through the resilience lens as the health of social–ecological systems. In contemporary language, this involves the maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the ability to exercise agency both for conservation and for environmental justice.  相似文献   

In this article, I seek to identify a limitation in the analysis James Scott offers in Seeing Like a State (1998) by asking to what extent his account of the follies of schemes for planned improvement by states provides critical leverage on the present world of neoliberal global capitalism. Scott has claimed that a dynamic of standardization, homogenization, and grid making applies not only to developmentalist states but also equally to the contemporary world of downsized states and unconstrained global corporations. I contest that claim by tracing how recent capital investment in Africa has been territorialized, and some of the new forms of order and disorder that have accompanied that selectively territorialized investment. Because such investment has been overwhelmingly in mineral resource extraction—particularly in oil—a contrast will become visible between the homogenizing, standardizing state optic Scott analyzed and a rather different way of seeing, proper to the contemporary global oil company.  相似文献   

In the early eighteenth century, chemistry became the main academic locus where, in Francis Bacon’s words, Experimenta lucifera were performed alongside Experimenta fructifera and where natural philosophy was coupled with natural history and ‘experimental history’ in the Baconian and Boyleian sense of an inventory and exploration of the extant operations of the arts and crafts. The Dutch social and political system and the institutional setting of the university of Leiden endorsed this empiricist, utilitarian orientation toward the sciences, which was forcefully propagated by one of the university’s most famous representatives in the first half of the eighteenth century, the professor of medicine, botany and chemistry Herman Boerhaave. Recent historical investigations on Boerhaave’s chemistry have provided important insights into Boerhaave’s religious background, his theoretical and philosophical goals, and his pedagogical agenda. But comparatively little attention has been paid to the chemical experiments presented in Boerhaave’s famous chemical textbook, the Elementa chemiae, and to the question of how these experiments relate not only to experimental philosophy but also to experimental history and natural history, and to contemporary utilitarianism. I argue in this essay that Boerhaave shared a strong commitment to Baconian utilitarianism and empiricism with many other European chemists around the middle of the eighteenth century, in particular to what Bacon designated ‘experimental history’ and I will provide evidence for this claim through a careful analysis of Boerhaave’s plant-chemical experiments presented in the Elementa chemiae.  相似文献   

American psychologists are informed on Pavlov's work on conditional reflexes but not on the full development of his theory of higher nervous activity. This article shows that Pavlov's theory of higher nervous activity dealt with concepts that concerned contemporary psychologists. Pavlov used the conditioning of the salivary reflex for methodological purposes. Pavlov's theory of higher nervous activity encompassed overt behavior, neural processes, and the conscious experience. The strong Darwinian element of Pavlov's theory, with its stress on the higher organisms' adaptation, is described. With regard to learning, Pavlov, at the end of his scholarly career, proposed that although all learning involves the formation of associations, the organism's adaptation to the environment is established through conditioning, but the accumulation of knowledge is established by trial and error.  相似文献   

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