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近日,圆明园水体全面铺设防渗膜的事件引起广泛社会关注。除却独特的历史、文化背景,作为一个湿地园林,圆明园的生态价值第一次与公众的视线不期而遇。水对圆明园意味着什么?防渗工程将如何影响圆明园的生态系统以及周边的环境,直至深远?  相似文献   

芦笛 《菌物研究》2014,(4):233-244
冬虫夏草在中国是一种著名的药材。最早记录它的文献是15世纪的藏医籍《千万舍利》。随着法国传教士巴多明(Parennin)于1723年将冬虫夏草标本从北京寄往法兰西科学院,西方学术界开始了对这种中国药材的认识和研究历程。在1841年英国昆虫学家韦斯特伍德(Westwood)开始鉴定这种真菌以前,西方学者认为冬虫夏草的真菌子实体是植物的根。此后,英国真菌学家贝克莱(Berkeley)分别在1843和1856年将其定名为"Sphaeria Sinensis"和"Cordyceps sinensis"。但是为学界广泛使用并沿用至今的,却是意大利植物学家萨卡多(Saccardo)在其1883年的专著中为冬虫夏草的定名"Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc."。在20世纪初以前,西方人对中国冬虫夏草的记录和描述具有多重价值,对于了解中国冬虫夏草的使用历史而言是重要的补充资料。  相似文献   

基于中国宋代山水画对日本造园产生深刻影响的普遍认识,以具有代表性的京都大德寺大仙院中山水画式枯山水庭院为研究重点,挖掘山水画在日本的传播融合与造园者的生平经历。通过文献考证、现场调研,结合流传画作与绘画理论,在总结前人研究的基础上,推测分析宋代山水画对日本大仙院枯山水营造的影响,以期探索一种从“画意造园”视角研究日本传统园林的新模式。  相似文献   

曹汛 《生物信息学》2018,25(11):14-16
寄畅园是张南垣一派造园叠山的重要作品,是张南垣及其传人作品中时间最早的一例,传承了张南垣造园理念的精华,营造出真实山林的境界。寄畅园由张鉽主持改筑,他与秦氏后人秦松龄合作,将其打造为一座一流的名园。如今政府部门应与秦家共同研究和保护寄畅园,秦氏的家族精神是寄畅园的核心之一,是值得复兴的中华文化。寄畅园在保护管理方面还可以进一步提升,恢复明清造园盛期的艺术风貌。  相似文献   

李善兰和我国第一部《植物学》译著   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是研究和利用植物的最早国家之一。但作为一门自然科学的近代植物学在我国的传播和兴起,则是在19世纪50年代后期自西方引入的。在我国出现的第一部介绍西方近代植物学知识的书籍,就是由李善兰与来华的英国传教士威廉森(AlexanderWiliamson,...  相似文献   

宋霖  周宏俊 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):111-115
以白居易园林山石相关诗文为研究对象,分析白居易于园林中筑台、堆岛、置石等山石造景的内容与方法,归纳其爱石、赏石、以石为景的审美理论,明确白居易在中国园林史上,特别是在引领山石造园与品赏立论及实践方面的重要地位。同时论证白居易在其癖爱自然思想的支配下,其山石造园与品赏受到园林是否存在于自然风景之中的影响,揭示其在自然山居中筑台借景,再在城市园林中置石造景,进而赏石为景的异同和变化过程。  相似文献   

小口子史前地点发现的石制品研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
张森水 《人类学学报》1999,18(2):81-101
本文记述了小口子史前地点发现的石制品,可分为两组:非细石器工业制品和细石器工业制品,前者中的大多数石器,加工精致,形制规整,清楚可见用指垫法(莫斯特技术)修理,其中有些可与水洞沟文化层出土者对比,至少是中、西方旧石器文化交流的证迹。细石器工业制品中的石叶脊背具多种形式和端刃刮削器中锐刃较多,未见于以往记述的发现于中国境内细石器工业制品的文献中。  相似文献   

在欧洲汉学发展的历程中,意大利作为早期汉学研究之重镇,开启了传教士汉学研究的时代。作为海外汉学的先驱者,意大利传教士精研并尊重中国传统文化,架起了中西文明之间的桥梁,对欧洲认识中国产生了积极的影响,是当之无愧的汉学家。通过梳理16—18世纪意大利汉学的代表性人物在汉学研究中取得的成就,展现意大利早期汉学研究的特点及所产生的影响。  相似文献   

圆明园遗址的概念,不仅仅是明清皇京园林的残骸,也不仅仅是列强焚毁的几座建筑魔墟,它是以记载这一历史事件的证据为核心,将周围山水植物等自然环境以及它们的演化变迁过程包括在内的全部景观。圆而入神,君子之时中也.明而普照.选人之睿智也.取意“圆通中庸、聪明眷智”的圆明园,生命始于何处.又将逝于何方……  相似文献   

本文报道了1994年在南水北调中线工程丹江口库区多处地点采集的624件石制品。石制品类型有石核、石片和石器;石器占44%以上, 类型丰富, 包括手斧、手镐、薄刃斧、砍砸器、石球、尖状器、刮削器和石锤; 石器素材主要为砾石, 大多数个体粗大。这一石器组合与中国南方的砾石石器工业有较多的相似之处; 手斧工具的出现表明,这些石制品在探讨东、西方的旧石器文化交流方面也是非常重要的材料。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to clarify the role of gardening and agriculture in the introduction of alien vascular plants to the western Mediterranean Basin during the last century. The main country in which this study is based is Spain. However, other countries in the Western Mediterranean Basin also form part of it. These are Portugal, France, Italy and Morocco. Three percentages were calculated. Firstly, the percentage of alien flora was calculated. Then, we calculated the percentages of species introduced as either a consequence of gardening or of agriculture. The figures were based on thirty-four floristic studies carried out in the western Mediterranean Basin between 1904 and 2006. A regression model, in which the explanatory variable is time and the dependent variables are the three percentages mentioned above, was drawn up with the data obtained. The results show the existence of positive correlation between time and the percentages of total exotic flora and the species introduced through gardening (R = 0.64 and 0.56, respectively) and the negative correlation between time and the percentage of alien species introduced through agriculture (R = −0.43). During the last century, the roles of agriculture and gardening as sources of the introduction of exotic flora to the western Mediterranean Basin were reversed. However, in the areas where the socio-economic scene is more predominantly agrarian, the role of gardening is still limited.  相似文献   

陈汪丹 《生物信息学》2019,26(6):114-118
苏堤于北宋时期由苏轼兴造,风景形成的历史已长达900余年。自南宋发展为西湖十景之一以来,苏堤奠定了杭州西湖的基本山水结构,堤桥线性划分水面的特征影响了中日等地的造园理水格局。关于苏轼兴造苏堤始末以及苏堤在南宋如何风景园林化值得仔细研究。在梳理宋代文献的基础上,初步分析北宋苏轼兴造苏堤始末、宋代苏堤的基本风景园林特征,丰富苏堤建造前后的历史进程,以及提出宋代苏堤的交通性、纪念性等特征。苏堤自宋代以后风景园林化的发展,乃至在整个园林史发展中的独特价值,仍有进一步深入研究的价值。  相似文献   

This paper takes a critical look at the discursive construction of the identity of ‘the Mentaiwaians’ who are purported to inhabit the Mentawai islands in Western Indonesia. Out of a range of possible indigenous representations of identity ‘Mentawaian’ is the one that travellers and scholars universally use. I trace the formation of this representation in the very early literature on the islands authored by traders, travellers, scholars and missionaries. I then go on to examine the (hegemonic) effects of this on the way in which anthropologists have subsequently come to construct discursively the ‘culture’ of the ‘Mentawaians’. As an alternative, I propose that anthropological scholarship needs to take greater heed of the ways in which the local inhabitants construct their own identities. I briefly illustrate this through the example of my own work which describes a shifting and contextual construction of local identity in a particular locale on Siberut, the largest of the Mentawai islands.  相似文献   

Aim Estimates of endemic and non‐endemic native vascular plant species in each of the three Western Australian Botanical Provinces were made by East in 1912 and Beard in 1969. The present paper contains an updated assessment of species endemism in the State. Location Western Australia comprises one third of the continental Australian land mass. It extends from 13° to 35° S and 113° to 129° W. Methods Western Australia is recognized as having three Botanical Provinces (Northern, Eremaean and South‐West) each divided into a number of Botanical Districts. Updated statistics for number of species and species endemism in each Province are based on the Census of Western Australian Plants data base at the Western Australian Herbarium ( Western Australian Herbarium, 1998 onwards). Results The number of known species in Western Australia has risen steadily over the years but reputed endemism has declined in the Northern and Eremaean Provinces where cross‐continental floras are common. Only the isolated South‐West Province retains high rates of endemism (79%). Main conclusions With 5710 native species, the South‐West Province contains about the same number as the California Floristic Province which has a similar area. The Italian mediterranean zone also contains about this number but in a smaller area, while the much smaller Cape Floristic Region has almost twice as many native species. The percentage of endemic species is highest at the Cape, somewhat less in south‐western Australia and less again in California. Italy, at 12.5%, has the lowest value. Apart from Italy, it is usual for endemism to reach high values in the largest plant families. In Western Australia, these mainly include woody sclerophyll shrubs and herbaceous perennials with special adaptations to environmental conditions. While those life forms are prominent in the Cape, that region differs in the great importance of herbaceous families and succulents, both of which are virtually absent from Western Australia. In California and Italy, most endemics are in families of annual, herbaceous perennial and soft shrub plants. It is suggested that the dominant factor shaping the South‐West Province flora is the extreme poverty of the area’s soils, a feature that emphasizes sclerophylly, favours habitat specialization and ensures relatively many local endemic species.  相似文献   

This article considers a range of Western Arrernte terms employed by missionaries at Hermannsburg to translate the Bible and the Lutheran liturgy and hymns. My argument is that initially words were employed as metaphors in order to convey a Christian transcendental and ritual order quite different from the Arrernte one the terms had named previously. I examine the events and the Western Arrernte response that, over time, redefined some terms and shaped an Arrernte Christian vernacular.  相似文献   

This study explores the relation between household socioeconomic status (SES) and participation in urban and periurban agriculture (UPA) in three West African cities. We used a structured questionnaire to survey 700 randomly selected households: 250 in Kano, Nigeria, 250 in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, and 200 in Sikasso, Mali. Multiple correspondence analysis was applied on household asset variables to create an index of assets which was used as a proxy for household SES. The results showed no significant differences in households’ rate of participation in UPA across socioeconomic groups. Participation in UPA was rather significantly (P < 0.001) and positively related to household size. Interestingly, the analysis revealed that field crop cultivation and gardening were more common among households in the low and medium SES groups while those in the high SES group were more likely to keep livestock.  相似文献   

The evolution and development of the three-dimensional (3D) architectural landscape is the basis of proper urban planning, eco-environment construction and the improvement of environmental quality. This paper presents the spatiotemporal characteristics of the 3D architectural landscape of the Shinan and Shibei districts in Qingdao, China, based on buildings’ 3D information extracted from Quickbird images from 2003 to 2012, supported by Barista, landscape metrics and GIS. The results demonstrated that: (1) Shinan and Shibei districts expanded vertically and urban land use intensity increased noticeably from year to year. (2) Significant differences in the 3D architectural landscape existed among the western, central and eastern regions, and among the 26 sub-districts over the study period. The differentiation was consistent with the diverse development history, function and planning of the two districts. Finally, we found that population correlates positively with the variation in the 3D architectural landscape. This research provides an important reference for related studies, urban planning and eco-city construction.  相似文献   

Two consequences of the continued urbanisation of the human population are that a growing proportion of the landscape is less hospitable to, and that a growing proportion of people are disconnected from, native biodiversity. One response of the UK government has been to establish a goal, and an associated baseline indicator, of increasing the extent and range of public participation in gardening for wildlife. The formulation of policy to attain this end requires, however, insight into the factors that are associated with the level of participation. Here we examine the relationships, across 15 areas in five UK cities, between the proportion of households providing various garden features for wildlife or participating in various wildlife gardening activities, and housing densities and characteristics of the garden resource. We show that significant numbers of households participate in some form of wildlife gardening, but that the predominant form this participation takes is feeding wild birds. Key variables associated with spatial variation in wildlife gardening activities are the proportion of households with access to a garden and, more importantly, average garden size and the proportion of land cover by gardens. There was no evidence for strong effects of household density or the socio-economic status of householders on the prevalence of wildlife friendly features in gardens or on the participation by householders in activities to encourage wildlife. Our results suggest important considerations in attempts to increase awareness and participation in wildlife gardening.  相似文献   

Only a few studies focus on comparisons to reveal differences in sleep and circadian preferences in adolescents. This study used the same instrument to compare adolescents in Eastern and Western Germany. In all, 674 pupils between 11 and 16 yrs participated. The questionnaire asked questions about wake times and bed times (on weekend and weekdays), and the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) was completed to assess diurnal preferences. Locality (East/West Germany) had no effect on rise and bed times during the week and on sleep length on the weekend. Western pupils rose later on weekends and went to bed later on weekends. While sleep length on weekdays was shorter in West Germany, weekend oversleep was longer and misalignment was higher. Diurnal preferences (CSM scores) suggested a higher eveningness in West Germany. As interaction effects were insignificant, changes throughout adolescence seem similar in East and West Germany. These data suggest that given similar school start times, Western German pupils are at higher risk because they are later chronotypes. The finding of earlier rise and bed times of the East German pupils is consistent with the hypothesis that sunlight acts as the entrainment for the biological clock of adolescents, as sunrise is earlier in Eastern Germany.  相似文献   

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