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Abstract: Concern over the decline of grassland birds has spurred efforts to increase understanding of grassland bird-habitat relationships. Previous studies have suggested that black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) provide important habitat for shortgrass prairie avifauna, such as mountain plover (Charadrius montanus) and western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea), although such studies are lacking in Colorado (USA). We used methods to estimate occupancy (ψ) of mountain plover and burrowing owl on prairie dog colonies and other shortgrass prairie habitats in eastern Colorado. Mountain plover occupancy was higher on prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.36–0.64) than on grassland (ψ = 0.07, 95% CI = 0.03–0.15) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.07–0.23). Burrowing owl occupancy was higher on active prairie dog colonies (ψ = 0.80, 95% CI = 0.66–0.89) compared with inactive colonies (ψ = 0.23, 95% CI = 0.07–0.53), which in turn was much higher than on grassland (ψ = 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00–0.07) and dryland agriculture (ψ = 0.00, 95% CI ψ 0.00–0.00). Mountain plover occupancy also was positively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the landscape. Burrowing owl occupancy was negatively correlated with increasing amounts of prairie dog colony in the surrounding landscape. Our results suggest that actions to conserve mountain plovers and burrowing owls should incorporate land management to benefit prairie dogs. Because managing for specific colony attributes is difficult, alternative management that promotes heterogeneity may ensure that suitable habitat is available for the guild of grassland inhabitants.  相似文献   

To study quantitatively the relationship between immigration rate and gene flow we used 9-year data from a willow tit Parus montanus population in a continuous forest habitat. We compared components of lifetime reproductive success, and parental survival rate between immigrant and resident (‘status’) birds by taking individual age into consideration also. Of the fitness components, survival was independent of status and sex, averaging 0.60 annually. Of the male and female breeders, on average 63.1% and 75.6%, respectively, originated from unknown natal areas, implying extensive immigration. Pair formation was nonassortative with respect to the origin of partners. The effect of status on reproductive success was significant only for females: immigrants produced larger clutches and hatched more young in all age classes studied. However, the difference between the groups diminished until fledging and the offspring produced by the immigrant females showed lower local survival rate (4.6% of the young) than did those by the residents (5.9%). Therefore, the contribution of immigrant females to the local gene pool was lower than expected on the basis of immigration rate. However, we propose that the result implies differential propensities to long-distance dispersal rather than overall survival prospects, since we detected no quality differences suggesting reduced survival chances among descendants of immigrant females. Therefore, gene flow into the population was slightly lower than immigration rate. It is possible that immigrant females are more prone to invest in progeny that effectively disperse further to search for new vacancies. The conditions prevailing during nestling growth may be crucial in determining whether an individual will later become a resident or leave the natal area, but the genetic component of this trait should also be considered. We suggest that widespread propagules is a better strategy than philopatry for a short-lived species to minimize the risk of losing all descendants in temporally and spatially varying conditions.  相似文献   

闫章美  周德成  张良侠 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8870-8881
以大中小城市协同发展为特征的城市群已成为我国城市化发展的主要形式,城市化和农业作为城市群地区最主要的土地利用活动,其气候效应是国际研究的热点。然而过去研究多关注大城市的热岛效应,对更为普遍的农业活动以及中小城市城市化的气候效应认识十分薄弱。基于MODIS地表温度数据,以自然林地为参照,提出了一种可逐像元估算土地利用地表热环境效应的新方法,进而对比分析了我国三大城市群地区(京津冀、长三角和珠三角)城市和农业用地地表热环境效应及其驱动因子差异。结果表明各城市群白天城市热岛效应明显,地级以上城市年平均热岛强度达3.2℃以上,但最强热岛均未发生在核心城市。夜晚热岛效应明显减弱,京津冀和长三角部分城市甚至出现冷岛效应。农业用地在白天亦表现出明显的增温效应,特别是在京津冀地区,而在夜晚除珠三角城市群外,降温效应明显,京津冀和长三角地区平均降温2.3℃和0.7℃。虽然城市用地平均增温强度大于农业用地,但农业用地因面积优势对区域温度变化起控制作用。白天城市和农业用地整体导致各城市群温度明显增加,京津冀增温最高(4.0℃),夜晚二者导致长三角和京津冀地区平均温度降低。研究还发现各城市群城市和农业用地地表热环境效应时空异质性极大,主要受植被、地表反照率、气候背景和人口密度控制。本文对制定缓解气候变化的土地利用策略具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

There are serious concerns about the environmental and ecological degradation caused by modern agriculture and its impact on animal populations. There is therefore a need to assess the reproductive performance of free‐living animals in agricultural landscapes. We undertook a 4‐year study on the reproductive biology of Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus in the Parma district of Italy. Kestrels breeding in areas of intensive agriculture delayed egg‐laying and their offspring were in poorer condition compared with those breeding in areas of temporary or permanent grasslands. However, egg volume and fledging success were similar among sites. The availability of temporary and permanent grasslands may limit the negative impacts of intensive agriculture on the breeding activity of Kestrels.  相似文献   

Urbanization and agricultural intensification of landscapes are important drivers of global change, which in turn have direct impacts on local ecological communities leading to shifts in species distributions and interactions. Here, we illustrate how human‐altered landscapes, with novel ornamental and crop plant communities, result not only in changes to local community diversity of floral‐dependent species, but also in shifts in seasonal abundance of bee pollinators. Three years of data on the spatio‐temporal distributions of 91 bee species show that seasonal patterns of abundance and species richness in human‐altered landscapes varied significantly less compared to natural habitats in which floral resources are relatively scarce in the dry summer months. These findings demonstrate that anthropogenic environmental changes in urban and agricultural systems, here mediated through changes in plant resources and water inputs, can alter the temporal dynamics of pollinators that depend on them. Changes in phenology of interactions can be an important, though frequently overlooked, mechanism of global change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban landscapes vary greatly across North America and long-term data on the nesting biology of Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) from a variety of urban environments will improve our understanding of these poorly studied populations. We studied Cooper's hawks nesting in the metropolitan Milwaukee area, Wisconsin, USA, over a 12-year period, 1993–2004. Nesting success for 254 first nesting attempts averaged 64.6% with means of 2.27 young per laying pair and 3.53 young per successful pair. For 8 second nesting attempts (i.e., re-nests), nesting success averaged 87.5% with means of 2.57 young per laying pair and 3.00 young per successful pair. Productivity for first nesting attempts did not vary over the 12-year period, and productivity for re-nests did not differ from first nesting attempts. We documented evidence of nest predation by raccoons (Procyon lotor) and red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). On average, second year (SY [i.e., 1-yr-old]) Cooper's hawks comprised 14.6% (43 of 295 breeding birds; 21.5% [37 of 172] of F and 4.9% [6 of 123] of M) of the known breeding population. The percentage of SY breeders within this population declined over the 12-year period, suggesting a relatively young population. Cooper's hawks consistently reoccupied nest sites annually after initial discovery over an estimated 2 generations of breeding adults, suggesting that population density for our study was at least stable. We trapped 105 breeding adults, including 5 natal dispersal birds. Based on long-term, relatively high reproduction, repeated re-occupancy of nest sites, and confirmed recruitment from within this population, we suggest that these nesting areas were not marginal or inferior habitats and that urban Cooper's hawks in this study area were not a sink population. We recommend no active management of this population at this time; however, additional information for nesting Cooper's hawks from other urban environs will expand our knowledge base for these populations.  相似文献   

Birds of prey are becoming increasingly common occupants of urbanized settings, but the comparative benefits or detriments they experience in urban environs compared to exurban areas are poorly understood. We examined the reproductive success and phenology of Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) nesting concurrently in urban and exurban areas in west Texas during the 2010–2012 and 2014 breeding seasons. Our objective was to better understand the reproductive advantages or disadvantages that kites may experience by nesting in urban areas rather than exurban areas. We calculated annual productivity, estimated daily survival rates of nests, and estimated hatch dates. Kites produced 0.52 fledglings per urban nesting attempt and 0.33 fledglings per exurban nesting attempt. We found no difference in the mean number of young that fledged from successful urban (1.06) and exurban (1.07) nests, but kites in urban areas had greater nesting success within years than those in exurban areas. Both heat and drought were associated with low productivity and success in both areas, but the urban landscape appears to have provided some buffer to their effects. These factors may have had direct (e.g., exposure) or indirect (e.g., negative influences on prey availability) influences on reproductive success. Counter to previous studies of urban raptors, we found that exurban kites nested significantly earlier than urban kites. This may be linked to differences in environmental conditions and prey availability between the areas. Our results suggest that urban areas provide a reproductive advantage for Mississippi Kites in terms of facilitating an overall higher nesting success, but this does not translate into increased productivity for successful pairs. Further, our data suggest that, although urban areas may buffer species from drought or heat, that buffer can be breached during severe conditions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic landscapes are associated with biodiversity loss and large shifts in species composition and traits. These changes predict the identities of winners and losers of future global change, and also reveal which environmental variables drive a taxon's response to land use change. We explored how the biodiversity of native bee species changes across forested, agricultural, and urban landscapes. We collected bee community data from 36 sites across a 75,000 km2 region, and analyzed bee abundance, species richness, composition, and life‐history traits. Season‐long bee abundance and richness were not detectably different between natural and anthropogenic landscapes, but community phenologies differed strongly, with an early spring peak followed by decline in forests, and a more extended summer season in agricultural and urban habitats. Bee community composition differed significantly between all three land use types, as did phylogenetic composition. Anthropogenic land use had negative effects on the persistence of several life‐history strategies, including early spring flight season and brood parasitism, which may indicate adaptation to conditions in forest habitat. Overall, anthropogenic communities are not diminished subsets of contemporary natural communities. Rather, forest species do not persist in anthropogenic habitats, but are replaced by different native species and phylogenetic lineages preadapted to open habitats. Characterizing compositional and functional differences is crucial for understanding land use as a global change driver across large regional scales.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in population and evolutionary ecology. Individual decisions are affected by fitness consequences of dispersal, but these are difficult to measure in wild populations. A long‐term dataset on a geographically closed bird population, the Mauritius kestrel, offers a rare opportunity to explore fitness consequences. Females dispersed further when the availability of local breeding sites was limited, whereas male dispersal correlated with phenotypic traits. Female but not male fitness was lower when they dispersed longer distances compared to settling close to home. These results suggest a cost of dispersal in females. We found evidence of both short‐ and long‐term fitness consequences of natal dispersal in females, including reduced fecundity in early life and more rapid aging in later life. Taken together, our results indicate that dispersal in early life might shape life history strategies in wild populations.  相似文献   

The mechanism of senescence is an important subject of current research, but our knowledge of the factors influencing the rate of ageing in naturally occurring populations remains rudimentary. Evolutionary theories of senescence predict that investment in reproduction in early life should come at the cost of reduced somatic maintenance and thus result in earlier or more rapid senescence. We use data on the complete reproductive histories of 431 Common Blackbirds (222 males and 209 females) collected during a 19‐year study of the ecology of an urban population of this species to test the main hypotheses addressing the issue of senescence. On average, the birds in this population survived for 3.7 (± 1.9 sd) years. Reproductive success in females peaked at the age of 4, but in males remained stable until the 5th year of life. We observed declines in reproductive success, indicative of senescence, after the peak years in both sexes. The mechanism of age‐related changes in the reproduction of females confirms the individual improvement and selective disappearance hypotheses. In the case of males, the increase in reproductive performance comes as a consequence of the disappearance of poor reproducers. The parental investment associated with early life fecundity (the first two breeding seasons in males and females) impairs the breeding success of females later on. Contrary to expectations, there was no negative impact of high early life fecundity on either mortality or lifespan. Individuals of both sexes with a high early life fecundity had a higher lifetime reproductive success than those in which early life fecundity was low. Hence, the most profitable strategy is to maximize reproductive effort in the early stages of life. This yields the highest lifetime reproductive success, despite the increased impact of senescence, especially in females. These results are consistent with the disposable soma hypothesis.  相似文献   

Studies of phenotypic selection in natural populations often concentrate only on short time periods and do not quantify selection intensities. We quantified temporal and microspatial variation in the intensities of natural and sexual selection for body size in the yellow dung fly over 2 years. Female fecundity selection intensity remained approximately constant over the season with an overall mean ± SE of 0.187 ± 0.014. Selection intensity for male reproductive success, defined as eggs obtained by mating males, did not differ from zero, indicating there was no assortative mating by size. Sexual selection intensity for male mating success favouring large males was variable but overall strong in the two years (0.499 ± 0.053 and 0.510 ± 0.051). As theoretically expected for male–male competition, sexual selection intensity increased with competitor density and reached an asymptote at about 250 males per pat; it also decreased with time in spring and increased again in autumn as a function of density. Small males had the best chance of obtaining a female at very low male densities. Greater selection intensity for large size in males than females is consistent with, and might be responsible for, the observed sexual size dimorphism in this species, as males are larger. The seasonal pattern of mean male body size (smallest at the beginning and end of the season) most likely reflects mere environmental (primarily temperature) influences on phenotypic size.  相似文献   

Ken  Inoue 《Plant Species Biology》1986,1(2):207-215
Abstract Field experiments on an orchid, Platanthera mandarinorum ssp. hachijoensis , were carried out to investigate the effects of variations in spur (nectary) length and pollinator activity on reproductive success (RS) of individual plants. Experiments comprised two kinds of treatments: spur shortening and bagging to restrict pollinator activity. Plants with a natural spur lengths range show nearly equal RS, whereas plants with shortened spurs had decreased RS proportional to spur length reduction. Pollinaria attachment (a measure of male RS) to the pollinators seems to demand stricter morphological correspondence than pollen receipt (female RS). Decrease of male and female RSs in spur-treatments was smaller in the case of high pollinator activity than low pollinator activity. Results of the bagging experiments indicated that female RS was greater than male RS in cases of high pollen carryover. These facts suggest that (1) fecundity selection operates more intensely on both male and female functions in the case of low pollinator activity and more intensely on the male function in the case of high pollen carryover, and (2) individuals with different spur lengths in natural populations have nearly equal probabilities of RS after excluding the extreme variants through the reduction of male RS.  相似文献   

1.  Spatial variation in breeding performance is of critical importance in understanding the large-scale distribution and abundance of living species, and in understanding species conservation. We studied the large-scale spatial variation in reproductive output of two species of declining British bird, the song thrush Turdus philomelos and the blackbird Turdus merula .
2.  We developed a method to predict spatial variation in reproductive output. Brood size and nest failure rates during the incubation and nestling periods were related to environmental factors using generalized linear models. Predicted values obtained from these models were combined to give values of number of fledglings produced per nesting attempt for 10-km squares throughout Britain.
3.  We observed substantial spatial variation in reproductive output for both species; the component that varied most was nest failure rate during incubation. We were more successful in relating environmental factors to spatial variation in reproductive output for song thrush than for blackbird.
4.  Reproductive output in both species was affected mainly by factors that vary on a small spatial scale. Nest failure rate during incubation increased significantly where corvids were more abundant, suggesting a role for avian nest predators in determining spatial variation in reproductive output.
5.  Our approach can be extended readily to other species of birds, to other taxonomic groups and to finer spatial scales. Such models could be used to evaluate the implications of current and proposed wider countryside management for spatial variation in breeding performance. Evaluations based on breeding success as well as numbers are likely to be more robust than those based solely on abundance.  相似文献   

Question: Which are the plant functional groups responding most clearly to agricultural disturbances? Which are the relative roles of habitat availability, landscape configuration and agricultural land use intensity in affecting the functional composition and diversity of vascular plants in agricultural landscapes? Location: 25 agricultural landscape areas in seven European countries. Methods: We examined the plant species richness and abundance in 4 km × 4 km landscape study sites. The plant functional group classification was derived from the BIOLFLOR database. Factorial decomposition of functional groups was applied. Results: Natural habitat availability and low land use intensity supported the abundance and richness of perennials, sedges, pteridophytes and high nature quality indicator species. The abundance of clonal species, C and S strategists was also correlated with habitat area. An increasing density of field edges explained a decrease in richness of high nature quality species and an increase in richness of annual graminoids. Intensive agriculture enhanced the richness of annuals and low nature quality species. Conclusions: Habitat patch availability and habitat quality are the main drivers of functional group composition and plant species richness in European agricultural landscapes. Linear elements do not compensate for the loss of habitats, as they mostly support disturbance tolerant generalist species. In order to conserve vascular plant species diversity in agricultural landscapes, the protection and enlargement of existing patches of (semi‐) natural habitats appears to be more effective than relying on the rescue effect of linear elements. This should be done in combination with appropriate agricultural management techniques to limit the effect of agrochemicals to the fields.  相似文献   

农业生态系统具有碳源和碳汇的双重特征,其在减缓气候变化中的重要性已得到国际社会的广泛认可。相较于技术手段的创新,碳税、补贴等经济手段被认为是较为简单、可行、易出台的碳排放减缓政策。采用气候变化综合评估模型-GOPer-GC模型,构建国际碳税情景,模拟分析了2008年至2050年碳税政策的实施对全球各区域农业土地覆被及土地利用变化碳排放的影响。模拟结果表明,情景2和情景3中全球农业土地利用变化累计碳排放分别达到49.6 GtC和23.1 GtC,明显低于基准情景的累计排放量51.9 GtC。这说明,实施碳税政策后,相较于将碳税收入用作一般性财政收入,将碳税收入补贴至农业部门在一定程度上减缓农业碳排放。此外,林业部门获取更多的碳税补贴时,多数区域农业土地利用变化碳排放规模大幅减少,主因是耕地变为林地、草地变为林地面积的增加。情景3中,中国的碳汇量较其他情景显著增加,主要来自耕地变为林地、草地变为林地,累计碳汇量分别达到1.7和3.7 GtC。因此,对于中国、美国、印度等大部分区域来说,碳税收入更多地补贴至林业部门有利于在整体上减缓农业碳排放,而欧盟、日本、东亚、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、东欧地区,碳税收入平均补贴至种植业、畜牧业和林业反而具有相对更好的减排效果。  相似文献   

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