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We describe the design and characterization of a set of fusion proteins of the Escherichia coli lactose (lac) permease in which a set of five different soluble “carrier” proteins (cytochromeb562, flavodoxin, T4 lysozyme, β-lactamase and 70 kDa heat shock ATPase domain) were systematically inserted into selected loop positions of the transporter. The design goal was to increase the exposed hydrophilic surface area of the permease, while minimizing the internal flexibility of the resulting fusion proteins in order to improve the crystallization properties of the membrane protein. Fusion proteins with insertions into the central hydrophilic loop of the lac permease were active in transport lactose, although only the fusion proteins with E. coli cytochromeb562, E. coli flavodoxin or T4 lysozyme were expressed at near wild-type lac permease levels. Eight other loop positions were tested with these three carriers, leading to the identification of additional fusion proteins that were active and well-expressed. By combining the results from the single carrier insertions, we have expressed functional “double fusion” proteins containing cytochromeb562 domains inserted in two different loop positions.  相似文献   

HAMP domains play key signaling roles in many bacterial receptor proteins. The four-helix HAMP bundle of the homodimeric Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptor (Tsr) interacts with an adjoining four-helix sensory adaptation bundle to regulate the histidine autokinase CheA bound to the cytoplasmic tip of the Tsr molecule. The adaptation helices undergo reversible covalent modifications that tune the stimulus-responsive range of the receptor: unmodified E residues promote kinase-off output, and methylated E residues or Q replacements at modification sites promote kinase-on output. We used mutationally imposed adaptational modification states and cells with various combinations of the sensory adaptation enzymes, CheR and CheB, to characterize the signaling properties of mutant Tsr receptors that had amino acid replacements in packing layer 3 of the HAMP bundle and followed in vivo CheA activity with an assay based on Förster resonance energy transfer. We found that an alanine or a serine replacement at HAMP residue I229 effectively locked Tsr output in a kinase-on state, abrogating chemotactic responses. A second amino acid replacement in the same HAMP packing layer alleviated the I229A and I229S signaling defects. Receptors with the suppressor changes alone mediated chemotaxis in adaptation-proficient cells but exhibited altered sensitivity to serine stimuli. Two of the suppressors (S255E and S255A) shifted Tsr output toward the kinase-off state, but two others (S255G and L256F) shifted output toward a kinase-on state. The alleviation of locked-on defects by on-shifted suppressors implies that Tsr-HAMP has several conformationally distinct kinase-active output states and that HAMP signaling might involve dynamic shifts over a range of bundle conformations.  相似文献   

When the two main energy yielding pathways, respiration and the membrane ATPase of Escherichia coli are poisoned, the lactose permease is unable to accomplish accumulative transport of thiogalactosides, but the efflux of pre-loaded substrate can be coupled to a transiently uphill transport of exogenous substrate. This transient uphill transport, called overshoot has been reexamined with the possibility of an obligate H+ cotransport in mind. Overshoot can be diminished but not suppressed by a proton-conducting uncoupler, carbonyl cyanide m chlorophenylhydrazone, (CCCP) and by a liposoluble cation, triphenyl-methyl phosphonium (TPMP+). The effect of other factors, such as temperature, amount of permease and pH were also explored. The overshoot was found to decrease with increasing pH, until at pH 8 it became negligible. This is in sharp contrast with the relatively flat pH dependence of uphill and downhill transport in unpoisoned cells. CCCP and TPMP+ had no inhibitory effect on the overshoot at pH 6 and below.  相似文献   

The wild type lactose repressor of Escherichia coli is a tetrameric protein formed by two identical dimers. They are associated via a C-terminal 4-helix bundle (called tetramerization domain) whose stability is ensured by the interaction of leucine zipper motifs. Upon in vitro γ-irradiation the repressor losses its ability to bind the operator DNA sequence due to damage of its DNA-binding domains. Using an engineered dimeric repressor for comparison, we show here that irradiation induces also the change of repressor oligomerisation state from tetramer to dimer. The splitting of the tetramer into dimers can result from the oxidation of the leucine residues of the tetramerization domain.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a comparative study of supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) and proteolipid sheets (PLSs) obtained from deposition of lactose permease (LacY) of Escherichia coli proteoliposomes in plane. Lipid matrices of two components, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), at a 3:1, mol/mol ratio, were selected to mimic the inner membrane of the bacteria. The aim was to investigate how species of different compactness and stiffness affect the integration, distribution and nanomechanical properties of LacY in mixtures of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) or 1,2-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPPE) with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-[phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (POPG). Both compositions displayed phase separation and were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging and force-spectroscopy (FS) mode. PLSs displayed two separated, segregated domains with different features that were characterised by FS and force-volume mode. We correlated the nanomechanical characteristics of solid-like gel phase (Lβ) and fluid liquid-crystalline phase (Lα) with phases emerging in presence of LacY. We observed that for both compositions, the extended PLSs showed a Lβ apparently formed only by lipids, whilst the second domain was enriched in LacY. The influence of the lipid environment on LacY organisation was studied by performing protein unfolding experiments using the AFM tip. Although the pulling experiments were unspecific, positive events were obtained, indicating the influence of the lipid environment when pulling the protein. A possible influence of the lateral surface pressure on this behaviour is suggested by the higher force required to pull LacY from DPPE:POPG than from POPE:POPG matrices. This is related to higher forces governing protein–lipid interaction in presence of DPPE.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL assists protein folding by undergoing ATP-induced conformational changes that are concerted within each of its two back-to-back stacked rings. Here we examined whether concerted allosteric switching gives rise to all-or-none release and folding of domains in a chimeric fluorescent protein substrate, CyPet-YPet. Using this substrate, it was possible to determine the folding yield of each domain from its intrinsic fluorescence and that of the entire chimera by measuring Förster resonance energy transfer between the two domains. Hence, it was possible to determine whether release of one domain is accompanied by release of the other domain (concerted mechanism), or whether their release is not coupled. Our results show that the chimera's release tends to be concerted when folding is assisted by a wild-type GroEL variant, but not when assisted by the F44W/D155A mutant that undergoes a sequential allosteric switch. A connection between the allosteric mechanism of this molecular machine and its biological function in assisting folding is thus established.  相似文献   

A method was devised to measure the number of specific substrate binding sites of lactose permease in membrane preparations derived from mechanically disrupted Escherichia coli.The method consists of incubation with radioactive thiodigalactoside (galactosyl β-d-thiogalactoside, TDG) followed by precipitation with 80% saturated (NH4)2SO4 and washing with the same solution.The measurement gave reproducible results, easy to correct for a moderate nonspecific binding, but active transport, when it occurred, resulted in excess counts.The radioactivity bound to the pellet was shown to depend on the presence of intact lac y gene product.Addition of ascorbate and phenazine methosulfate (PMS) stimulated active transport into the membrane vesicles. This could be inhibited by cyanide and by uncoupling agents and under these conditions the number of available binding sites was strongly diminished, while the inhibitors alone did not bring about a similar decrease.The decrease of available substrate binding sites was reversed by removal of oxygen or by washing out the respiratory substrates.The decrease in available binding sites is interpreted as reflecting one of the energy coupling steps which during in vivo active transport prevents the mobile carrier from being available for outflux, but the detailed interpretation of the reported results raises a number of problems connected with the energy cycle of active transport  相似文献   

We report an analysis in vivo of the RNA degradosome assembly of Escherichia coli. Employing fluorescence microscopy imaging and fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) measurements, we present evidence for in vivo pairwise interactions between RNase E–PNPase (polynucleotide phosphorylase), and RNase E–Enolase. These interactions are absent in a mutant strain with genomically encoded RNase E that lacks the C-terminal half, supporting the role of the carboxy-end domain as the scaffold for the degradosome. We also present evidence for in vivo proximity of Enolase–PNPase and Enolase–RhlB. The data support a model for the RNA degradosome (RNAD), in which the RNase E carboxy-end is proximal to PNPase, more distant to Enolase, and more than 10 nm from RhlB helicase. Our measurements were made in strains with mono-copy chromosomal fusions of the RNAD enzymes with fluorescent proteins, allowing measurement of the expression of the different proteins under different growth and stress conditions.  相似文献   

Ensemble Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) results can be analyzed in a variety of ways. Due to experimental artifacts, the results obtained from different analysis approaches are not always the same. To determine the optimal analysis approach to use for Nanodrop fluorometry, we have performed both ensemble and single-molecule FRET studies on oligomers of double-stranded DNA. We compared the single-molecule FRET results with those obtained using various ensemble FRET analysis approaches. This comparison shows that for Nanodrop fluorometry, analyzing the increase of the acceptor fluorescence is less likely to introduce errors in estimates of FRET efficiencies compared with analyzing the fluorescence intensity of the donor in the absence and presence of the acceptor.  相似文献   

The linkage of unsymmetrically monosubstituted 4-aminophenoxy zinc phthalocyanine (ZnAPPc, 5) to CdTe quantum dots capped with mercaptopropionic acid (MPA), l-cysteine (l-cys) or thioglycolic acid (TGA) has been achieved using the coupling agents ethyl-N(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxy succinimide, which facilitate formation of an amide bond to form the QD-ZnAPPc-linked conjugate. The formation of the amide bond was confirmed using Raman and IR spectroscopies. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used further to characterise the conjugate. Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) resulted in stimulated emission of ZnAPPc in both the linked (QD-ZnAPPc-linked) and mixed (QD:ZnAPPc-mixed) conjugates. The linked l-cys and TGA QDs conjugates (QD-ZnAPPc-linked) gave the largest FRET efficiencies hence showing the advantages of covalent linking. Fluorescence quantum yields of QDs were decreased in QD:ZnAPPc-mixed and QD:ZnAPPc-linked.  相似文献   

The exceptional versatility of calmodulin (CaM) three-dimensional arrangement is reflected in the growing number of structural models of CaM/protein complexes currently available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) database, revealing a great diversity of conformations, domain organization, and structural responses to Ca2 +. Understanding CaM binding is complicated by the diversity of target proteins sequences. Data mining of the structures shows that one face of each of the eight CaM helices can contribute to binding, with little overall difference between the Ca2 + loaded N- and C-lobes and a clear prevalence of the C-lobe low Ca2 + conditions. The structures reveal a remarkable variety of configurations where CaM binds its targets in a preferred orientation that can be reversed and where CaM rotates upon Ca2 + binding, suggesting a highly dynamic metastable relation between CaM and its targets. Recent advances in structure–function studies and the discovery of CaM mutations being responsible for human diseases, besides expanding the role of CaM in human pathophysiology, are opening new exciting avenues for the understanding of the how CaM decodes Ca2 +-dependent and Ca2 +-independent signals.  相似文献   

Dror Noy 《BBA》2006,1757(2):90-105
Decades of research on the physical processes and chemical reaction-pathways in photosynthetic enzymes have resulted in an extensive database of kinetic information. Recently, this database has been augmented by a variety of high and medium resolution crystal structures of key photosynthetic enzymes that now include the two photosystems (PSI and PSII) of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms. Here, we examine the currently available structural and functional information from an engineer's point of view with the long-term goal of reproducing the key features of natural photosystems in de novo designed and custom-built molecular solar energy conversion devices. We find that the basic physics of the transfer processes, namely, the time constraints imposed by the rates of incoming photon flux and the various decay processes allow for a large degree of tolerance in the engineering parameters. Moreover, we find that the requirements to guarantee energy and electron transfer rates that yield high efficiency in natural photosystems are largely met by control of distance between chromophores and redox cofactors. Thus, for projected de novo designed constructions, the control of spatial organization of cofactor molecules within a dense array is initially given priority. Nevertheless, constructions accommodating dense arrays of different cofactors, some well within 1 nm from each other, still presents a significant challenge for protein design.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the inhibition of growth caused by the addition of lactose or other galactosides to lac constitutive Escherichia coli growing in glycerol minimal medium. The effect was greater at pH 5.9 and pH 7.9 than at pH 7.0. Inhibition of growth by lactose was observed also in the case of a β-galactosidase negative mutant. However, a lacY mutant, which has a defect in the entry of protons normally coupled with galactoside transport, showed only slight inhibition of growth on the addition of galactosides. In the case of the parental strain the addition of lactose resulted in a sharp fall in ΔpH across the cell membrane and a reduction in intracellular ATP, and the recovery was slow. Under the same conditions the lacY mutant showed a smaller and only transient effect. It is postulated that the sudden entry of protons associated with lactose uptake lowers the protonmotive force, reducing the ATP levels and inhibiting growth of the cells. This hypothesis would account also for the selection of lacY mutants found when E. coli is grown in the presence of isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that DNA polymerases have been investigated for many years and are commonly used as tools in a number of molecular biology assays, many details of the kinetic mechanism they use to catalyze DNA synthesis remain unclear. Structural and kinetic studies have characterized a rapid, pre-catalytic open-to-close conformational change of the Finger domain during nucleotide binding for many DNA polymerases including Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I (Taq Pol), a thermostable enzyme commonly used for DNA amplification in PCR. However, little has been performed to characterize the motions of other structural domains of Taq Pol or any other DNA polymerase during catalysis. Here, we used stopped-flow Förster resonance energy transfer to investigate the conformational dynamics of all five structural domains of the full-length Taq Pol relative to the DNA substrate during nucleotide binding and incorporation. Our study provides evidence for a rapid conformational change step induced by dNTP binding and a subsequent global conformational transition involving all domains of Taq Pol during catalysis. Additionally, our study shows that the rate of the global transition was greatly increased with the truncated form of Taq Pol lacking the N-terminal domain. Finally, we utilized a mutant of Taq Pol containing a de novo disulfide bond to demonstrate that limiting protein conformational flexibility greatly reduced the polymerization activity of Taq Pol.  相似文献   

Accumulation by the lactose transport system of Escherichia coli has been measured in cells induced so as to contain increasing numbers of membrane carriers. Carrier activity was assayed both by the rate of o-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside entry and the initial rate of accumulation of methyl-1-thio-gb-d-galactopyranoside. At the steady-state cells with a low number of carriers accumulated considerable amounts of substrate when compared to the fully induced control. This is consistent with the hypothesis that there are two distinct routes of both entry and of exit: a carrier mediated pathway and a diffusion component. When these two factors are evaluated quantitatively they account for the observed relationship between the number of carriers and the steady-state accumulation achieved.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to aid biologists understand the complex physical problems of intramolecular energy transfer, in particular, between antenna (bacterio) chlorophyll molecules in vivo.The author has attempted, in the first part of the paper, to explain complicated processes of excitation transfer in a language understandable to readers with knowledge in fundamentals of general physics, but not in molecular optics.The second part of this paper is a critical review relevant to the specifics of physical theories and their applicability to the problem of energy transfer in antenna (bacterio) chlorophylls ((B) Chls) to reaction centers (RCs) in the photosynthetic organisms.Abbreviations PSU photosynthetic unit - RC reaction center - Chl chlorophyll - BChl bacteriochlorophyll - r intrinsic radiactive lifetime - fl fluorescence lifetime - fl fluorescence quantum yield - S* singlet excited state of a molecule  相似文献   

This paper presents domain complementation studies in the mannitol transporter, EIImtl, from Escherichia coli. EIImtl is responsible for the transport and concomitant phosphorylation of mannitol over the cytoplasmic membrane. By using tryptophan-less EIImtl as a basis, each of the four phenylalanines located in the cytoplasmic loop between putative transmembrane helices II and III in the membrane-embedded C domain were replaced by tryptophan, yielding the mutants W97, W114, W126, and W133. Except for W97, these single-tryptophan mutants exhibited a high, wild-type-like, binding affinity for mannitol. Of the four mutants, only W114 showed a high mannitol phosphorylation activity. EIImtl is functional as a dimer and the effect of these mutations on the oligomeric activity was investigated via heterodimer formation (C/C domain complementation studies). The low phosphorylation activities of W126 and W133 could be increased 7-28 fold by forming heterodimers with either the C domain of W97 (IICmtlW97) or the inactive EIImtl mutant G196D. W126 and W133, on the other hand, did not complement each other. This study points towards a role of positions 97, 126 and 133 in the oligomeric activation of EIImtl. The involvement of specific residue positions in the oligomeric functioning of a sugar-translocating EII protein has not been presented before.  相似文献   

The removal of damaged or unneeded proteins by ATP-dependent proteases is crucial for cell survival in all organisms. Integral components of ATP-dependent proteases are motor proteins that unfold stably folded proteins that have been targeted for removal. These protein unfoldases/polypeptide translocases use ATP to unfold the target proteins and translocate them into a proteolytic component. Despite the central role of these motor proteins in cell homeostasis, a number of important questions regarding the molecular mechanisms of enzyme catalyzed protein unfolding and translocation remain unanswered. Here, we demonstrate that Escherichia coli ClpA, in the absence of the proteolytic component ClpP, processively and directionally steps along the polypeptide backbone with a kinetic step size of ∼ 14 amino acids, independent of the concentration of ATP with a rate of ∼ 19 amino acids s−1 at saturating concentrations of ATP. In contrast to earlier studies by others, we have developed single-turnover fluorescence stopped-flow methods that allow us to quantitatively examine the molecular mechanism of the motor component ClpA decoupled from the proteolytic component ClpP. For the first time, we reveal that in the absence of ClpP ClpA translocates polypeptides directionally, processively and in discrete steps similar to other motor proteins that translocate vectorially on a linear lattice, such as nucleic acid helicases and kinesin. We believe that the methods employed here will be generally applicable to the examination of other AAA?+ protein translocases involved in a variety of important biological functions where the substrate is not covalently modified; for example, membrane fusion, membrane transport, protein disaggregation, and protein refolding.  相似文献   

Synthetic assembly of sugar moieties and amino acids in order to create “sugar-amino acid hybrid polymers” was accomplished by means of simple radical polymerization of carbohydrate monomers having an amino acid-modified polymerizable aglycon. Amines derived from globotriaoside and lactoside as glycoepitopes were condensed with known carbobenzyloxy derivatives, including Z-Gly, Z-l-Ala and Z-β-Ala, which had appropriate spacer ability and a chiral center to afford fully protected sugar-amino acid hybrid compounds in good yields. After deprotection followed by acryloylation, the water-soluble glycomonomers were polymerized with or without acrylamide in the presence of a radical initiator in water to give corresponding copolymers and homopolymers, which were shown by SEC analysis to have high molecular weights. Evaluation of the biological activities of the glycopolymers against Shiga toxins (Stxs) was carried out, and the results suggested that glycopolymers having highly clustered globotriaosyl residues had high affinity against Stx2 (KD?=?2.7~4.0?µM) even though other glycopolymers did not show any affinity or showed very weak binding affinity. When Stx1 was used for the same assay, all of the glycopolymers having globotriaosyl residues showed high affinity (KD?=?0.30~1.74?µM). Interestingly, couple of glycopolymers having lactosyl moieties had weaker binding affinity against Stx1. In addition, when cytotoxicity assays were carried out for both Stxs, glycopolymers having highly clustered globotriaosyl residues showed higher affinity than that of the copolymers, and only highly clustered-type glycopolymers displayed neutralization potency against Stx2.  相似文献   

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