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We review structure and dynamic measurements of biomembranes by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We focus mainly on studies involving supported lipid bilayers (SLBs), particularly formation by vesicle rupture on flat and corrugated surfaces, nucleation and growth of domains in phase-separated systems, anesthetic-lipid interactions, and protein/peptide interactions in multicomponent systems. We show that carefully designed experiments along with real-time AFM imaging with superior lateral and z resolution (0.1 nm) have revealed quantitative details of the mechanisms and factors controlling vesicle rupture, domain shape and size, phase transformations, and some model biological interactions. The AFM tip can also be used as a mechanical transducer and incorporated in electrochemical measurements of membrane components; therefore, we touch on these important applications in both model and cell membranes.  相似文献   

Cellular membranes change shape and composition in a controlled way in order for life to prosper. They are set apart from other cellular structures by their two-dimensional nature, which governs their properties and the processes happening in or on them. During the last decade, a boom of new techniques has allowed the study of the surface of biological membranes in unprecedented ways and has greatly advanced our understanding of its molecular organization. In this review, we first describe the principles of state-of-the-art microscopy methods and the suitable model membranes for the study of dynamic processes. Then, we explain how they can be used to investigate lipid dynamics, the lateral organization of membrane domains and the dynamic structure of cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Saposin C (Sap C) is a small glycoprotein required by glucosylceramidase (GCase) for hydrolysis of glucosylceramide to ceramide and glucose in lysosomes. The molecular mechanism underlying Sap C stimulation of the enzyme activation is not fully understood. Here, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study Sap C-membrane interactions under physiological conditions. First, to establish how Sap C-membrane interactions affect membrane structure, lipid bilayers containing zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids were used. It was observed that Sap C induced two types of membrane restructuring effects, i.e., the formation of patch-like domains and membrane destabilization. Bilayers underwent extensive structural reorganization. To validate the biological importance of the membrane restructuring effects, interaction of Sap C with lipid bilayers composed of cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids were studied. Although similar membrane restructuring effects were observed, Sap C-membrane interactions, in this case, were remarkably modulated and their effects were restricted to a limited area. As a result, nanometer-sized domains were formed. The establishment of a model membrane system will allow us to further study the dynamics, structure and mechanism of the Sap C-associated membrane domains and to examine the important role that these domains may play in enzyme activation.  相似文献   

A series of cholesterol (Chol) probes with NBD and Dansyl fluorophores attached to the 3-hydroxyl position via carbamate linkers has been designed and synthesized and their ability to mimic the behavior of natural cholesterol in bilayer membranes has been examined. Fluorescence spectroscopy data indicate that the NBD-labeled lipids are located in the polar headgroup region of the bilayer with their position varying with the method of fluorophore attachment and the linker length. The partitioning of the Chol probes between liquid-ordered (Lo) and liquid-disordered (Lo) phases in supported bilayers prepared from ternary lipid mixtures of DOPC, Chol and either egg sphingomyelin or DPPC was examined by fluorescence microscopy. The carbamate-linked NBD-Chols show a stronger preference for partitioning into Lo domains than does a structurally similar probe with an ester linkage, indicating the importance of careful optimization of probe and linker to provide the best Chol mimic. Comparison of the partitioning of NBD probes to literature data for native Chol indicates that the probes reproduce well the modest enrichment of Chol in Lo domains as well as the ceramide-induced displacement of Chol. One NBD probe was used to follow the dynamic redistribution of Chol in phase separated membranes in response to in situ ceramide generation. This provides the first direct optical visualization of Chol redistribution during enzymatic ceramide generation and allows the assignment of new bilayer regions that exclude dye and have high lateral adhesion to ceramide-rich regions.  相似文献   

Dystrophin (DYS) is a filamentous protein that connects the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix via the sarcolemma, conferring resistance to muscular cells. In this study, interactions between the DYS R16–21 fragment and lipids were examined using Langmuir films made of anionic and zwitterionic lipids. The film fluidity was modified by the addition of 15% cholesterol. Whatever the lipid mixture examined, at low surface pressure (20 mN/m) few differences appeared on the protein insertion and the presence of cholesterol did not affect the protein/lipid interactions. At high surface pressure (30 mN/m), the protein insertion was very low and occurred only in zwitterionic films in the liquid-expanded phase. In anionic films, electrostatic interactions prevented the protein insertion outright, and caused accumulation of the protein on the hydrophilic part of the monolayer. Addition of cholesterol to both lipid mixtures drastically modified the protein–lipid interactions: the DYS R16–21 insertion increased and its organization in the monolayer appeared to be more homogeneous. The presence of accessible cholesterol recognition amino-acid consensus sequences in this fragment may enhance the protein/membrane binding at physiological lateral pressure. These results suggest that the anchorage of dystrophin to the membrane in vivo may be stabilized by cholesterol-rich nano-domains in the inner leaflet of sarcolemma.  相似文献   

Cardiolipin (CL) is a phospholipid found in the energy-transducing membranes of bacteria and mitochondria and it is thought to be involved in relevant biological processes as apoptosis. In this work, the mixing properties of CL and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocoline (POPC) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) at the air-water interface, have been examined using the thermodynamic framework analysis of compression isotherms. Accordingly, the values of the Gibbs energy of mixing, the more stable monolayers assayed were: POPC:CL (0.6:0.4, mol:mol) and POPE:CL (0.8:0.2, mol:mol). The results reflect that attractive forces are the greatest contributors to the total interaction in these compositions. Supported planar bilayers (SPBs) with such compositions were examined using atomic force microscopy (AFM) at different temperatures. With the POPC:CL mixture, rounded and featureless SPBs were obtained at 4 °C and 24 °C. In contrast, the extension of the POPE:CL mixture revealed the existence of different lipid domains at 24 °C and 37 °C. Three lipid domains coexisted which can be distinguished by measuring the step height difference between the uncovered mica and the bilayer. While the low and intermediate domains were temperature dependent, the high domain was composition dependent. When cytochrome c (cyt c) was injected into the fluid cell, the protein showed a preferential adsorption onto the high domain of the POPC:CL. These results suggest that the high domain is mainly formed by CL.  相似文献   

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has become an invaluable tool for studying the micro- and nanoworlds. As a stand-alone, high-resolution imaging technique and force transducer, it defies most other surface instrumentation in ease of use, sensitivity and versatility. The main strength of AFM relies on the possibility to operate in an aqueous environment on a wide variety of biological samples, from single molecules – DNA or proteins – to macromolecular assemblies like biological membranes. Understanding the effect of mechanical stress on membranes is of primary importance in biophysics, since cells are known to perform their function under a complex combination of forces. In the later years, AFM-based Force-Spectroscopy (AFM-FS) has provided a new vista on membrane mechanics in a confined area within the nanometer realm, where most of the specific molecular interactions take place. Lipid membranes are electrostatically charged entities that physiologically coexist with electrolyte solutions. Thus, specific interactions with ions are a matter of considerable interest. The distribution of ions in the solution and their interaction with the membranes are factors that substantially modify the structure and dynamics of the cell membranes. Furthermore, signaling processes are modified by the membrane capability of retaining ions. Supported Lipid Bilayers (SLBs) are a versatile tool to investigate phospholipid membranes mimicking biological surfaces. In the present contribution, we review selected experiments on the mechanical stability of SLBs as models of lipid membranes by means of AFM-FS, with special focus on the effect of cations and ionic strength in the overall nanomechanical stability.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical properties of biological membranes are intimately linked to their bounding aqueous interfaces. Supported phospholipid bilayers, obtained by surface-assisted rupture, fusion, and spreading of vesicular microphases, offer a unique opportunity, because engineering the substrate allows manipulation of one of the two bilayer interfaces as well. Here, we review a collection of recent efforts, which illustrates deliberate substrate-membrane coupling using structured surfaces exhibiting chemical and topographic patterns. Vesicle fusion on chemically patterned substrates results in co-existing lipid phases, which reflect the underlying pattern of surface energy and wettability. These co-existing bilayer/monolayer morphologies are useful both for fundamental biophysical studies (e.g., studies of membrane asymmetry) as well as for applied work, such as synthesizing large-scale arrays of bilayers or living cells. The use of patterned, static surfaces provides new models to design complex membrane topographies and curvatures. Dynamic switchable-topography surfaces and sacrificial trehalose based-substrates reveal abilities to dynamically introduce membrane curvature and change the nature of the membrane-substrate interface. Taken together, these studies illustrate the importance of controlling interfaces in devising model membrane platforms for fundamental biophysical studies and bioanalytical devices.  相似文献   

Elucidating the role that charged membrane proteins play in determining cell membrane structure and dynamics is an area of active study. We have applied in situ correlated atomic force and confocal microscopies to characterize the interaction of the NAP-22 peptide with model membranes prepared as supported planar bilayers containing both liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered domains. Our results demonstrated that the NAP-22 peptide interacts with membranes in a concentration-dependent manner, preferentially inserting into DOPC (ld) domains. While at low peptide concentrations, the NAP-22 peptide formed aggregate-like structures within the ld domains, at high peptide concentrations, it appeared to sequester cholesterol into the ld domains and recruited phosphatidyl-myo-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate by inducing a blending effect that homogenizes the phase-segregated domains into one liquid-ordered domain. This study describes a possible mechanism by which the NAP-22 peptide can affect neuronal morphology.  相似文献   

During the past 15 years, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has opened new opportunities for imaging supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) on the nanoscale. AFM offers a means to visualize the nanoscale structure of SLBs in physiological conditions. A unique feature of AFM is its ability to monitor dynamic events, like bilayer alteration, remodelling or digestion, upon incubation with various external agents such as drugs, detergents, proteins, peptides, nanoparticles, and solvents. Here, we survey recent progress made in the area.  相似文献   

Formation of a trans-complex between the three SNARE proteins syntaxin, synaptobrevin and SNAP-25 drives membrane fusion. The structure of the core SNARE complex has been studied extensively. Here we have used atomic force microscopy to study the behavior of recombinant syntaxin 1A both in detergent extracts and in a lipid environment. Full-length syntaxin in detergent extracts had a marked tendency to aggregate, which was countered by addition of munc-18. In contrast, syntaxin lacking its transmembrane region was predominantly monomeric. Syntaxin could be integrated into liposomes, which formed lipid bilayers when deposited on a mica support. Supported bilayers were decorated with lipid vesicles in the presence, but not the absence, of full-length syntaxin, indicating that formation of syntaxin complexes in trans could mediate vesicle docking. Syntaxin complexes remained at the sites of docking following detergent solubilization of the lipids. Raised lipid domains could be seen in bilayers containing sphingomyelin, and these domains were devoid of syntaxin and docked vesicles in the presence, but not the absence, of cholesterol. Our results demonstrate that syntaxin is excluded from sphingomyelin-enriched domains in a cholesterol-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Inspired by natural cell–cell junctions, where membrane-residing proteins control the separation between two or more membranes without interfering with their integrity, we report a new self-assembly route for formation of multiple highly fluid tethered lipid bilayers with the inter-membrane volume geometrically confined by membrane-anchored DNA duplexes. The formation of multiple planar membrane–membrane junctions were accomplished using disk shaped bicelles, composed of a mixture of the long-chained dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and the short-chained dihexanoyl PC further stabilized with the positively charged detergent hexadecyl-trimethyl-ammonium bromide (CTAB). Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) monitoring and fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) were used to monitor the formation and to characterize the integrity of the self-assembled lipid–DNA architecture.  相似文献   

Direct imaging of the interaction of the apoptotic protein, Bax, with membrane bilayers shows the presence of toroidal-shaped pores using atomic force microscopy. These pores are sufficiently large to allow passage of proteins from the intermitochondrial space. Both the perturbation of the membrane and the amount of protein bound to the bilayer are increased in the presence of calcium. The results from the imaging are consistent with leakage studies from liposomes of the same composition. The work shows that Bax by itself can form pores in membrane bilayers.  相似文献   

Investigation of lipid lateral mobility in biological membranes and their artificial models provides information on membrane dynamics and structure; methods based on optical microscopy are very convenient for such investigations. We focus on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), explain its principles and review its state of the art versions such as 2-focus, Z-scan or scanning FCS, which overcome most artefacts of standard FCS (especially those resulting from the need for an external calibration) making it a reliable and versatile method. FCS is also compared to single particle tracking and fluorescence photobleaching recovery and the applicability and the limitations of the methods are briefly reviewed. We discuss several key questions of lateral mobility investigation in planar lipid membranes, namely the influence which membrane and aqueous phase composition (ionic strength and sugar content), choice of a fluorescent tracer molecule, frictional coupling between the two membrane leaflets and between membrane and solid support (in the case of supported membranes) or presence of membrane inhomogeneities has on the lateral mobility of lipids. The recent FCS studies addressing those questions are reviewed and possible explanations of eventual discrepancies are mentioned.  相似文献   

Progress in the analysis of membrane protein structure and function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Structural information on membrane proteins is sparse, yet they represent an important class of proteins that is encoded by about 30% of all genes. Progress has primarily been achieved with bacterial proteins, but efforts to solve the structure of eukaryotic membrane proteins are also increasing. Most of the structures currently available have been obtained by exploiting the power of X-ray crystallography. Recent results, however, have demonstrated the accuracy of electron crystallography and the imaging power of the atomic force microscope. These instruments allow membrane proteins to be studied while embedded in the bi-layer, and thus in a functional state. The low signal-to-noise ratio of cryo-electron microscopy is overcome by crystallizing membrane proteins in a two-dimensional protein-lipid membrane, allowing its atomic structure to be determined. In contrast, the high signal-to-noise ratio of atomic force microscopy allows individual protein surfaces to be imaged at sub-nanometer resolution, and their conformational states to be sampled. This review summarizes the steps in membrane protein structure determination and illuminates recent progress.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are heterogeneous assemblies of lipids, proteins, and cholesterol that are organized as asymmetric bimolecular leaflets of lipids with embedded proteins. Modulated by the concentration of cholesterol lipids and proteins may segregate into two or more liquid phases with different physical properties that can coexist in the same membrane. In this review, we summarize recent advances on how this situation can be recreated in a supported bilayer format and how this system has been used to demonstrate the induction of ordered lipid domains in lipid compositions that are typical for the inner leaflet by lipid compositions that are typical for the outer leaflet of mammalian plasma membranes. Proteins are shown to differentially target such induced inner leaflet domains.  相似文献   

Mixed monolayers of the surface-active lipopeptide surfactin-C15 and various lipids differing by their chain length (DMPC, DPPC, DSPC) and polar headgroup (DPPC, DPPE, DPPS) were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in combination with molecular modeling (Hypermatrix procedure) and surface pressure-area isotherms. In the presence of surfactin, AFM topographic images showed phase separation for each surfactin-phospholipid system except for surfactin-DMPC, which was in good agreement with compression isotherms. On the basis of domain shape and line tension theory, we conclude that the miscibility between surfactin and phospholipids is higher for shorter chain lengths (DMPC > DPPC > DSPC) and that the polar headgroup of phospholipids influences the miscibility of surfactin in the order DPPC > DPPE > DPPS. Molecular modeling data show that mixing surfactin and DPPC has a destabilizing effect on DPPC monolayer while it has a stabilizing effect towards DPPE and DPPS molecular interactions. Our results provide valuable information on the activity mechanism of surfactin and may be useful for the design of surfactin delivery systems.  相似文献   

Circulating membrane vesicles, which are shed from many cell types, have multiple functions and have been correlated with many diseases. Although circulating membrane vesicles have been extensively characterized, the status of cell-surface membrane vesicles prior to their release is less understood due to the lack of effective measurement methods. Recently, as a powerful, micro- or nano-scale imaging tool, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied in measuring circulating membrane vesicles. However, it seems very difficult for AFM to directly image/identify and measure cell-bound membrane vesicles due to the similarity of surface morphology between membrane vesicles and cell surfaces. Therefore, until now no AFM studies on cell-surface membrane vesicles have been reported. In this study, we found that air drying can induce the transformation of most cell-surface membrane vesicles into pits that are more readily detectable by AFM. Based on this, we developed an AFM-based pit-measuring method and, for the first time, used AFM to indirectly measure cell-surface membrane vesicles on cultured endothelial cells. Using this approach, we observed and quantitatively measured at least two populations of cell-surface membrane vesicles, a nanoscale population (<500 nm in diameter peaking at ∼250 nm) and a microscale population (from 500 nm to ∼2 μm peaking at ∼0.8 μm), whereas confocal microscopy only detected the microscale population. The AFM-based pit-measuring method is potentially useful for studying cell-surface membrane vesicles and for investigating the mechanisms of membrane vesicle formation/release.  相似文献   

Among an increasing number of lipid-binding domains, a group that not only binds to membrane lipids but also changes the shape of the membrane has been found. These domains are characterized by their strong ability to transform globular liposomes as well as flat plasma membranes into elongated membrane tubules both in vitro and in vivo. Biochemical studies on the structures of these proteins have revealed the importance of the amphipathic helix, which potentially intercalates into the lipid bilayer to induce and/or sense membrane curvature. Among such membrane-deforming domains, BAR and F-BAR/EFC domains form crescent-shaped dimers, suggesting a preference for a curved membrane, which is important for curvature sensing. Bioinformatics in combination with structural analyses has been identifying an increasing number of novel families of lipid-binding domains. This review attempts to summarize the evidence obtained by recent studies in order to gain general insights into the roles of membrane-deforming domains in a variety of biological events.  相似文献   

The higher-order structure of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in membranes may involve dimerization and formation of even larger oligomeric complexes. Here, we have investigated the organization of the prototypical GPCR rhodopsin in its native membrane by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Disc membranes from mice were isolated and observed by AFM at room temperature. In all experimental conditions, rhodopsin forms structural dimers organized in paracrystalline arrays. A semi-empirical molecular model for the rhodopsin paracrystal is presented validating our previously reported results. Finally, we compare our model with other currently available models describing the supramolecular structure of GPCRs in the membrane.  相似文献   

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