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The ability of three primary amphipathic Cell-Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) CH3-CO-GALFLGFLGAAGSTMGAWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH, CH3-CO-GALFLAFLAAALS LMGLWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH, and CH3-CO-KETWWETWWTEWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH called Pβ, Pα and Pep-1, respectively, to promote pore formation is examined both in Xenopus oocytes and artificial planar lipid bilayers. A good correlation between pore formation and their structural properties, especially their conformational versatility, was established. This work shows that the cell-penetrating peptides Pβ and Pep-1 are able to induce formation of transmembrane pores in artificial bilayers and that these pores are most likely at the basis of their ability to facilitate intracellular delivery of therapeutics. In addition, their behaviour provides some information concerning the positioning of the peptides with respect to the membrane and confirms the role of the membrane potential in the translocation process.  相似文献   

Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides are short cationic peptides capable of traversing the plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells. While successful intracellular delivery of many biologically active macromolecules has been accomplished using these peptides, their mechanisms of cell entry are still under investigation. Recent dialogue has centered on a debate over the roles that direct translocation and endocytotic pathways play in internalization of cell-penetrating peptides. In this paper, we review the evidence for the broad range of proposed mechanisms, and show that each distinct process requires negative Gaussian membrane curvature as a necessary condition. Generation of negative Gaussian curvature by cell-penetrating peptides is directly related to their arginine content. We illustrate these concepts using HIV TAT as an example.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) constitute a new class of delivery vectors with high pharmaceutical potential. However, the abilities of these peptides to translocate through cell membranes can be accompanied by toxic effects resulting from membrane perturbation at higher peptide concentrations. Therefore, we investigated membrane toxicity of five peptides with well-documented cell-penetrating properties, pAntp(43-58), pTAT(48-60), pVEC(615-632), model amphipathic peptide (MAP), and transportan 10, on two human cancer cell lines, K562 (erythroleukemia) and MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer), as well as on immortalized aortic endothelial cells. We studied the effects of these five peptides on the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase and on the fluorescence of plasma membrane potentiometric dye bis-oxonol. In all cell lines, pAntp(43-58), pTAT(48-60), and pVEC(615-632) induced either no leakage or low leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, accompanied by modest changes in bis-oxonol fluorescence. MAP and transportan 10 caused significant leakage; in K562 and MDA-MB-231 cells, 40% of total lactate dehydrogenase leaked out during 10 min exposure to 10 microM of transportan 10 and MAP, accompanied by a significant increase in bis-oxonol fluorescence. However, none of the CPPs tested had a hemolytic effect on bovine erythrocytes comparable to mastoparan 7. The toxicity profiles presented in the current study are of importance when selecting CPPs for different applications.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine proven efficiency against a wide range of solid tumors and undergoes deamination to its inactive uridine metabolite, which underlies its low bioavailability, and tumour resistance was also associated with nucleoside transporter alterations. Hence, we have conjugated gemcitabine to cell-penetrating peptides (CPP), in an effort to both mask its aniline moiety and facilitate its delivery into cancer cells. Two CPP-drug conjugates have been synthesized and studied regarding both the time-dependent kinetics of gemcitabine release and their anti-proliferative activity on three different human cancer cell lines. Results obtained reveal a dramatic increase in the anti-proliferative activity of gemcitabine in vitro, upon conjugation with the CPPs. As such, CPP-gemcitabine conjugates emerge as promising leads for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

An increasing number of peptides translocate the plasma membrane of mammalian cells promising new avenues for drug delivery. However, only a few examples are known to penetrate the fungal cell wall. We compared the capacity of different fluorophore-labelled peptides to translocate into fission yeast and human cells and determined their intracellular distribution. Most of the 20 peptides tested were able to enter human cells, but only one, transportan 10 (TP10), efficiently penetrated fission yeast and was distributed uniformly inside the cells. The results show that the fungal cell wall may reduce, but does not block peptide uptake.  相似文献   

Chaperone Hsp70 can cross the plasma membrane of living cells using mechanisms that so far have not received much research attention. Searching the part of the molecule that is responsible for transport ability of Hsp70, we found a cationic sequence composed of 20 amino acid residues on its surface, KST peptide, which was used in further experiments. We showed that KST peptide enters living cells of various origins with the same efficiency as the full-length chaperone. KST peptide is capable of carrying cargo with a molecular weight 30 times greater than its own into cells. When we compared the membrane-crossing activity of KST peptide in complex with Avidin (KST–Av complex) with that of similarly linked canonical TAT peptide, we found that TAT peptide penetrated SK-N-SH human neuroblastoma cells at a similar rate and efficiency as the KST peptide. Furthermore, KST peptide can carry protein complexes consisting of a specific antibody coupled to the peptide through the Avidin bridge. An antibody to Hsp70 delivered to SK-N-SH cells with high expression level of Hsp70 reduced the protective power of the chaperone and sensitized the cells to the pro-apoptotic effect of staurosporine. We studied the mechanisms of penetration of KST–Av and full-length Hsp70 inside human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH and human erythroleukemia K-562 cells and found that both used an active intracellular transport mechanism that included vesicular structures and negatively charged lipid membrane domains. Competition analysis of intracellular transport showed that the chaperone reduced intracellular penetration of KST peptide and conversely KST peptide prevented Hsp70 transport in a dose-dependent manner.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-014-0554-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Probing of molecular oxygen in mammalian cells is important for the analysis of mitochondrial function, metabolic responses, and energetic status of the cells. We describe a new panel of intracellular O2-sensitive probes based on phosphorescent porphyrin dyes conjugated to cell-penetrating peptides. The probes comprising the uncharged derivatives of Pt(II)-coproporphyrin I covalently linked to positively charged TAT-derived peptides are shown to effectively load live mammalian cells without any transfection reagents. The probes work well with all cell types tested, show similar subcellular localization, and produce characteristic responses to cell stimulation with mitochondrial uncouplers and inhibitors. They provide a simple and versatile tool for O2 monitoring in live cells and in tissue, and an alternative to the existing O2 probes which require facilitated transport into the cell.  相似文献   

The uptake of different cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) in two yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans, was studied using fluorescence HPLC-analyses of cell content. Comparison of the ability of penetratin, pVEC and (KFF)(3)K to traverse the yeast cell envelope shows that the cellular uptake of the peptides varies widely. Moreover, the intracellular degradation of the CPPs studied varies from complete stability to complete degradation. We show that intracellular degradation into membrane impermeable products can significantly contribute to the fluorescence signal. pVEC displayed highest internalizing capacity, and considering its stability in both yeast species, it is an attractive candidate for further studies.  相似文献   

Maurocalcine is the first demonstrated example of an animal toxin peptide with efficient cell penetration properties. Although it is a highly competitive cell-penetrating peptide (CPP), its relatively large size of 33 amino acids and the presence of three internal disulfide bridges may hamper its development for in vitro and in vivo applications. Here, we demonstrate that several efficient CPPs can be derived from maurocalcine by replacing Cys residues by isosteric 2-aminobutyric acid residues and sequence truncation down to peptides of up to 9 residues in length. A surprising finding is that all of the truncated maurocalcine analogues possessed cell penetration properties, indicating that the maurocalcine is a highly specialized CPP. Careful examination of the cell penetration properties of the truncated analogues indicates that several maurocalcine-derived peptides should be of great interest for cell delivery applications where peptide size matters.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides can translocate across the plasma membrane of living cells and thus are potentially useful agents in drug delivery applications. Disulfide-rich cyclic peptides also have promise in drug design because of their exceptional stability, but to date only one cyclic peptide has been reported to penetrate cells, the Momordica cochinchinensis trypsin inhibitor II (MCoTI-II). MCoTI-II belongs to the cyclotide family of plant-derived cyclic peptides that are characterized by a cyclic cystine knot motif. Previous studies in fixed cells showed that MCoTI-II could penetrate cells but kalata B1, a prototypic cyclotide from a separate subfamily of cyclotides, was bound to the plasma membrane and did not translocate into cells. Here, we show by live cell imaging that both MCoTI-II and kalata B1 can enter cells. Kalata B1 has the same cyclic cystine knot structural motif as MCoTI-II but differs significantly in sequence, and the mechanism by which these two peptides enter cells also differs. MCoTI-II appears to enter via macropinocytosis, presumably mediated by interaction of positively charged residues with phosphoinositides in the cell membrane, whereas kalata B1 interacts directly with the membrane by targeting phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipids, probably leading to membrane bending and vesicle formation. We also show that another plant-derived cyclic peptide, SFTI-1, can penetrate cells. SFTI-1 includes just 14 amino acids and, with the exception of its cyclic backbone, is structurally very different from the cyclotides, which are twice the size. Intriguingly, SFTI-1 does not interact with any of the phospholipids tested, and its mechanism of penetration appears to be distinct from MCoTI-II and kalata B1. The ability of diverse disulfide-rich cyclic peptides to penetrate cells enhances their potential in drug design, and we propose a new classification for them, i.e. cyclic cell-penetrating peptides.  相似文献   

Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) have been postulated to carry macromolecules across cell plasma membranes without the need of receptors, transporters, endocytosis or any energy-consuming mechanism.We developed an assay to study lipid bilayer permeation of CPPs. HIV-1 TAT peptides were conjugated to N-(4-carboxy-3-hydroxyphenyl)maleimide (SAM) and incubated with Tb3+-containing liposomes. Upon chelation of Tb3+ by an aromatic carboxylic acid, the fluorescence of Tb3+ increases many fold. The CPP TAT(44-57)-SAM and TAT(37-53)-SAM, as a negative control, were unable to enter liposomes consisting of phosphatidylcholine (PC) or a mix of PC, negatively charged lipids and cholesterol.In parallel, cell entry of fluorescein-labeled TAT peptides was studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). TAT(44-57)-fluorescein did not enter Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells with intact plasma membranes but accumulated at their basal side. Only cells with impaired plasma membranes, as identified by nuclear staining with ethidium homodimer-1 (EthD-1), showed accumulation of TAT(44-57).Our findings change the perspectives of the potential use of TAT peptides as carriers for intracellular targeting. SAM- and fluorescein-labeled TAT(44-57) cannot penetrate lipid bilayers and intact plasma membranes of MDCK cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Microspore culture is contributing significantly in the field of plant breeding for crop improvement in general and cereals, in particular. In the present study, we investigated the uptake of fluorescently labeled cell-penetrating peptides (CPP; Tat, Tat2, M-Tat, peptide vascular endothelial-cadherin, transportan) in the freshly isolated triticale microspores (mid-late uninucleate stage). We demonstrated that Tat (RKKRRQRRR) and Tat2 (RKKRRQRRRRKKRRQRRR) are able to efficiently transduce GUS enzyme (272 kDa) in its functional form in 5 and 14% of the microspores, respectively, in a noncovalent manner. Pep-1, a synthetic CPP, was able to transduce GUS enzyme in its active form in 31% of the microspores. The effect of various endocytic and macropinocytic inhibitors on Tat2-mediated GUS enzyme delivery was studied and revealed a preferred micropinocytosis entry. DNase I protection assay and confocal laser microscopy was carried out to recommend a ratio of 4:1 Tat2-linear plasmid DNA (pActGUS) in complex preparation for microspore transfection. We further show that Tat2 can successfully deliver GUS gene in near to 2% triticale microspores. The negative control mutated Tat (M-Tat: AKKRRQRRR) failed to transducer the GUS protein and transfect the GUS gene in microspore nucleus. The ability of CPPs to deliver macromolecules (protein as well as linear plasmid DNA) noncovalently has been demonstrated in triticale isolated microspores. It further confirms potential applications of CPPs in developing simple, time saving, cost effective plant genetic engineering technologies.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have shown great potency for cargo delivery both in vitro and in vivo. Different biologically relevant molecules need to be delivered into appropriate cellular compartments in order to be active, for instance certain drugs/molecules, e.g. antisense oligonucleotides, peptides, and cytotoxic agents require delivery into the cytoplasm. Assessing uptake mechanisms of CPPs can help to develop novel and more potent cellular delivery vectors, especially in cases when reaching a specific intracellular target requires involvement of a specific internalization pathway. Here we measure the overall uptake kinetics, with emphasis on cytoplasmic delivery, of three cell-penetrating peptides M918, TP10 and pVec using a quenched fluorescence assay. We show that both the uptake levels and kinetic constants depend on the endocytosis inhibitors used in the experiments. In addition, in some cases only the internalization rate is affected by the endocytosis inhibitors while the total uptake level is not and vice versa, which emphasizes importance of kinetic studies when assessing the uptake mechanisms of CPPs. Also, there seems to be a correlation between lower total cellular uptake and higher first-order rate constants. Furthermore, this may indicate simultaneous involvement of different endocytic pathways with different efficacies in the internalization process, as hypothesized but not shown earlier in an uptake kinetics assay.  相似文献   

Basic cell penetrating peptides are tools for molecular cellular internalization of nonmembrane permeable molecules. Their uptake mechanisms involve energy-dependent and energy-independent pathways such as endocytosis, direct translocation or physical endocytosis. These mechanisms are ruled by both, the peptides physicochemical properties and structure and by the membrane lipids characteristics and organization. Herein we used plasma membrane spheres and membrane models to study the membrane perturbations induced by three arginine-rich cell penetrating peptides. Nona-arginine (R9) and the amphipathic peptide RWRRWWRRW (RW9) induced positive membrane curvature in the form of buds and membrane tubes. Membranous tubes underwent rolling resulting in formation of multilamellar membrane particles at the surface of the plasma membrane spheres. The amphipathic peptides RW9 and RRWRRWWRRWWRRWRR (RW16) provoked lipid and membrane associated protein domain separation as well as changes in membrane fluidity and cholesterol redistribution. These data suggest that membrane domains separation and the formation of multilamellar membranous particles would be involved in arginine-rich cell penetrating peptides internalization.  相似文献   

The anticancer activity of the polycationic peptide (KLAKLAK)2, as a possible mitochondria-damaging agent, named KLA (l-form) or kla (d-form), has been increased by the fusion with hepta-arginine cell delivery vectors r7 and R7 (peptides r7-kla and R7-KLA, respectively), as shown in the literature. We demonstrated that 3.6 μM r7-kla or R7-KLA, but not kla, caused significant permeabilization of the inner and the outer membranes of energized rat liver mitochondria. In addition, r7-kla or R7-KLA induced mitochondrial aggregation, thus causing the inhibition of metabolic activity. Potential-dependent mechanism of permeabilization of the inner mitochondrial membrane by these peptides was also observed for the plasma membrane of red blood cells. The obtained results suggest that polyarginine cell delivery vectors of anticancer polycationic peptides not only increase their direct potential-dependent permeabilization of biological membranes, but also create the capacity to cause aggregation of mitochondria, as a new mechanism of cytotoxic action of these peptides.  相似文献   

Structural properties of signal peptides and their membrane insertion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Garnier J  Gaye P  Mercier JC  Robson B 《Biochimie》1980,62(4):231-239
Structural properties of the amino acid sequences from 22 signal peptides have been analyzed and compared with peptides known to interact with biological membranes and liposomes, melittin, a lytic peptide of bee venom, and the non-polar C-terminal segment of cytochrome b5. All these peptides evidence a double amphipatic structure with an hydrophobic core of 9 to 24 amino acid residues and two charged polar ends. They all exhibit a high potential for making alpha-helix and, to a lesser degree, extended or beta-sheet conformation with low or negative potentials for making reverse turns or aperiodic conformation. A model of spontaneous insertion of these peptides into the lipid bilayer without specific surface receptor protein is proposed, where the two polar ends interact with each polar face of the lipid bilayer and the hydrophobic core inserts into the non-hydrogen bonding environment of the fatty acid side chains. This insertion could be the molecular trigger for ribophorin assembly around the signal peptide and subsequent attachment to the ribosome prior to the transfer of the polypeptide chain through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Two simple lipid A analogues methyl 2,3-di-O-tetradecanoyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (GL1) and methyl 2,3-di-O-tetradecanoyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside 4-O-phosphate (GL2) were synthesized and used for preparing mixed phosphocholine vesicles as models of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. The interaction of these model membranes with magainin 2, a representative of the alpha-helical membrane active peptides, and apidaecin Ib and drosocin, two insect Pro-rich peptides which do not act at the level of the cellular membrane, were studied by CD and dye-releasing experiments. The CD spectra of apidaecin Ib and drosocin in the presence of GL1- or GL2-containing vesicles were consistent with largely unordered structures, whereas, according to the CD spectra, magainin 2 adopted an amphipathic alpha-helical conformation, particularly in the presence of negatively charged bilayers. The ability of the peptides to fold into amphipathic conformations was strictly correlated to their ability to bind and to permeabilize phospholipid as well as glycolipid membranes. Apidaecin Ib and drosocin, which are unable to adopt an amphipathic structure, showed negligible dye-leakage activity even in the presence of GL2-containing vesicles. It is reasonable to suppose that, as for the killing mechanism, the two classes of antimicrobial peptides follow different patterns to cross the bacterial outer membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Conformational preferences of secretin as a model peptide have been analyzed by CD and IR spectroscopy in reverse micelles of AOT/isooctane/water and compared to those in aqueous TFE, in SDS micelles and in DMPG vesicles. Among the systems examined, reverse micelles and phospholipid vesicles displayed almost identical conformational equilibria. Very high lipid-to-peptide ratios can be obtained in reverse micelles with full retention of optical transparency, even at millimolar peptide concentrations, thus indicating this system to be an interesting mimic of cell membrane environments for spectroscopic analysis of bioactive peptide conformations.Abbreviations TFE trifluoroethanol - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - DMPG dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol - AOT bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate - CMC critical micellar concentration - VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are able to translocate and carry cargo molecules across cell membranes. Using fluorescence techniques (polarization and quenching) and CD spectroscopy we studied the interaction, conformation and topology of two such peptides, transportan and 'penetratin' (pAntp), and two variants of differing translocating abilities, with small phospholipid vesicles of varying charge density. The induced structure of transportan is always helical independent of vesicle surface charge. pAntp and its two variants interact significantly only with negatively charged vesicles. The induced secondary structure depends on membrane charge and lipid/peptide ratio. The degree of membrane perturbation, evidenced by fluorescence polarization, of pAntp and its variants is related to their secondary structure. In the helical state, the peptides have little effect on the membrane. Under conditions where pAntp and its variants are converted into beta-structures, they cause membrane perturbation. Oriented CD suggests that the two CPPs (pAntp and transportan) in their helical state lie along the vesicle surface, while the two pAntp variants appear to penetrate deeper into the membrane.  相似文献   

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