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Respiratory complex I couples the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone and the translocation of protons across the mitochondrial membrane. A detailed understanding of the midpoint reduction potentials (Em) of each redox center and the factors which influence those potentials are critical in the elucidation of the mechanism of electron transfer in this enzyme. We present accurate electrostatic interaction energies for the iron-sulfur (FeS) clusters of complex I to facilitate the development of models and the interpretation of experiments in connection to electron transfer (ET) in this enzyme. To calculate redox titration curves for the FeS clusters it is necessary to include interactions between clusters, which in turn can be used to refine Em values and validate spectroscopic assignments of each cluster. Calculated titration curves for clusters N4, N5, and N6a are discussed. Furthermore, we present some initial findings on the electrostatics of the redox centers of complex I under the influence of externally applied membrane potentials. A means of determining the location of the FeS cofactors within the holo-complex based on electrostatic arguments is proposed. A simple electrostatic model of the protein/membrane system is examined to illustrate the viability of our hypothesis.  相似文献   

The proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, also called complex I, is the entry point for electrons into the respiratory chains of many bacteria and mitochondria of most eucaryotes. It couples electron transfer with the translocation of protons across the membrane, thus providing the proton motive force essential for energy-consuming processes. Electron microscopy revealed the ‘L’-shaped structure of the bacterial and mitochondrial complex with two arms arranged perpendicular to each other. Recently, we showed that the Escherichia coli complex I takes on another stable conformation with the two arms arranged side by side resulting in a horseshoe-shaped structure. This model reflects the evolution of complex I from pre-existing modules for electron transfer and proton translocation.  相似文献   

The respiratory complex I couples the electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone with a translocation of protons across the membrane. Its nucleotide-binding site is made up of a unique Rossmann fold to accommodate the binding of the substrate NADH and of the primary electron acceptor flavin mononucleotide. Binding of NADH includes interactions of the hydroxyl groups of the adenosine ribose with a conserved glutamic acid residue. Structural analysis revealed that due to steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsion, this residue most likely prevents the binding of NADPH, which is a poor substrate of the complex. We produced several variants with mutations at this position exhibiting up to 200-fold enhanced catalytic efficiency with NADPH. The reaction of the variants with NAD(P)H is coupled with proton translocation in an inhibitor-sensitive manner. Thus, we have created an energy-converting NADPH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, an activity so far not found in nature. Remarkably, the oxidation of NAD(P)H by the variants leads to an enhanced production of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Patricia Saura  Ville R.I. Kaila 《BBA》2019,1860(3):201-208
NDH-1 is a gigantic redox-driven proton pump linked with respiration and cyclic electron flow in cyanobacterial cells. Based on experimentally resolved X-ray and cryo-EM structures of the respiratory complex I, we derive here molecular models of two isoforms of the cyanobacterial NDH-1 complex involved in redox-driven proton pumping (NDH-1L) and CO2-fixation (NDH-1MS). Our models show distinct structural and dynamic similarities to the core architecture of the bacterial and mammalian respiratory complex I. We identify putative plastoquinone-binding sites that are coupled by an electrostatic wire to the proton pumping elements in the membrane domain of the enzyme. Molecular simulations suggest that the NDH-1L isoform undergoes large-scale hydration changes that support proton-pumping within antiporter-like subunits, whereas the terminal subunit of the NDH-1MS isoform lacks such structural motifs. Our work provides a putative molecular blueprint for the complex I-analogue in the photosynthetic energy transduction machinery and demonstrates that general mechanistic features of the long-range proton-pumping machinery are evolutionary conserved in the complex I-superfamily.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial respiratory chain plays a crucial role in energy metabolism and its dysfunction is implicated in a wide range of human diseases. In order to understand the global expression of local mutations in the rate of oxygen consumption or in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) it is useful to have a mathematical model in which the changes in a given respiratory complex are properly modeled. Our aim in this paper is to provide thermodynamics respecting and structurally simple equations to represent the kinetics of each isolated complexes which can, assembled in a dynamical system, also simulate the behavior of the respiratory chain, as a whole, under a large set of different physiological and pathological conditions. On the example of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)–ubiquinol–oxidoreductase (complex I) we analyze the suitability of different types of rate equations. Based on our kinetic experiments we show that very simple rate laws, as those often used in many respiratory chain models, fail to describe the kinetic behavior when applied to a wide concentration range. This led us to adapt rate equations containing the essential parameters of enzyme kinetic, maximal velocities and Henri–Michaelis–Menten like-constants (KM and KI) to satisfactorily simulate these data.  相似文献   

The rotenone sensitive NADH: menaquinone oxidoreductase (NDH-I or complex I) from the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus has been purified and characterized. Three of its subunits react with antibodies against 78, 51, and 21.3c kDa subunits of Neurospora crassa complex I. The optimum conditions for NADH dehydrogenase activity are 50°C and pH 8.1, and the enzyme presents a K M of 9 M for NADH. The enzyme also displays NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity with two menaquinone analogs, 1,4-naphtoquinone (NQ) and 2,3-dimethyl-1,4-naphtoquinone (DMN), being the last one rotenone sensitive, indicating the complex integrity as purified. When incorporated in liposomes, a stimulation of the NADH:DMN oxidoreductase activity is observed by dissipation of the membrane potential, upon addition of CCCP. The purified enzyme contains 13.5 ± 3.5 iron atoms and 3.7 menaquinone per FMN. At least five iron—sulfur centers are observed by EPR spectroscopy: two [2Fe–2S]2+/1+ and three [4Fe–4S]2+/1+ centers. By fluorescence spectroscopy a still unidentified chromophore was detected in R. marinus complex I.  相似文献   

After reduction with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) of the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica shows clear signals from five different paramagnetic iron-sulfur (FeS) clusters (N1-N5) which can be detected using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The ligand environment and the assignment of several FeS clusters to specific binding motifs found in several subunits of the complex are still under debate. In order to characterize the hyperfine interaction of the surrounding nuclei with FeS cluster N1, one- and two-dimensional electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments were performed at a temperature of 30 K. At this temperature only cluster N1 contributes to the overall signal in a pulsed EPR experiment. The hyperfine and quadrupole tensors of a nitrogen nucleus and the isotropic and dipolar hyperfine couplings of two sets of protons could be determined by numerical simulation of the one- and two-dimensional spectra. The values obtained are in perfect agreement with a ferredoxin-like binding structure by four cysteine amino acid residues and allow the assignment of the nitrogen couplings to a backbone nitrogen nucleus and the proton couplings to the beta-protons of the bound cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Respiratory chain complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) deficiency is one of the most frequent causes of mitochondrial disease in humans. The activity of this complex can be confidently measured in most tissue samples, but not in cultured skin fibroblasts or circulating lymphocytes. Highly contaminating non-mitochondrial NADH-quinone oxidoreductase activity in fibroblasts and the limited access of substrates to complex I in lymphocytes hinder its measurement in permeabilized cells. Complex I assay in these cells requires the isolation of mitochondria, which in turn necessitates large quantities of cells and is not feasible when studying circulating lymphocytes. Here we report a simple method to measure complex I activity in a minute amount of either cell type. The procedure strongly reduces contaminating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase activity and permits measuring high rates of rotenone-sensitive complex I activity thanks to effective cell permeabilization.  相似文献   

The functional stability of the ‘external’ NADH dehydrogenase and complexes I–IV of the respiratory chain of maize mitochondria was studied during mitochondria incubation in vitro at elevated temperatures. The increase in the incubation temperature from 0°C to 37°C significantly changed the stability of the respiratory chain. At 27°C and higher, the rate of oxidation of NAD-depended substrates decreased drastically, which is related to inactivation of complex I. Complexes II, III and IV of the respiratory chain and the ‘external’ NADH dehydrogenase were functionally stable at elevated temperatures. Moreover, the possibility of electron transport during oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates, in particular malate, bypasses complex I using rotenon insensitive NADH dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

With more than 40 subunits, one FMN co-factor and eight FeS clusters, complex I or NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase is the largest multimeric respiratory enzyme in the mitochondria. In this review, we focus on the diversity of eukaryotic complex I. We describe the additional activities that have been reported to be associated with mitochondrial complex I and discuss their physiological significance. The recent identification of complex I-like enzymes in the hydrogenosome, a mitochondria-derived organelle is also discussed here. Complex I assembly in the mitochondrial inner membrane is an intricate process that requires the cooperation of the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. The most prevalent forms of mitochondrial dysfunction in humans are deficiencies in complex I and remarkably, the molecular basis for 60% of complex I-linked defects is currently unknown. This suggests that mutations in yet-to-be-discovered assembly genes should exist. We review the different experimental systems for the study of complex I assembly. To our knowledge, in none of them, large screenings of complex I mutants have been performed. We propose that the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a promising system for such a study. Complex I mutants can be easily scored on a phenotypical basis and a large number of transformants generated by insertional mutagenesis can be screened, which opens the possibility to find new genes involved in the assembly of the enzyme. Moreover, mitochondrial transformation, a recent technological advance, is now available, allowing the manipulation of all five complex I mitochondrial genes in this organism.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (complex I/NDH-1) is a multisubunit enzymatic complex. It has a characteristic L-shaped form with two domains, a hydrophilic peripheral domain and a hydrophobic membrane domain. The membrane domain contains three antiporter-like subunits (NuoL, NuoM, and NuoN, Escherichia coli naming) that are considered to be involved in the proton translocation. Deletion of either NuoL or NuoM resulted in an incomplete assembly of NDH-1 and a total loss of the NADH-quinone oxidoreductase activity. We have truncated the C terminus segments of NuoM and NuoL by introducing STOP codons at different locations using site-directed mutagenesis of chromosomal DNA. Our results suggest an important structural role for the C-terminal segments of both subunits. The data further advocate that the elimination of the last transmembrane helix (TM14) of NuoM and the TM16 (at least C-terminal seven residues) or together with the HL helix and the TM15 of the NuoL subunit lead to reduced stability of the membrane arm and therefore of the whole NDH-1 complex. A region of NuoL critical for stability of NDH-1 architecture has been discussed.  相似文献   

The midpoint redox potentials (E(m)) of all cofactors in photosystem I from Synechococcus elongatus as well as of the iron-sulfur (Fe(4)S(4)) clusters in two soluble ferredoxins from Azotobacter vinelandii and Clostridium acidiurici were calculated within the framework of a semi-continuum dielectric approach. The widely used treatment of proteins as uniform media with single dielectric permittivity is oversimplified, particularly, because permanent charges are considered both as a source for intraprotein electric field and as a part of dielectric polarizability. Our approach overcomes this inconsistency by using two dielectric constants: optical epsilon(o)=2.5 for permanent charges pre-existing in crystal structure, and static epsilon(s) for newly formed charges. We also take into account a substantial dielectric heterogeneity of photosystem I revealed by photoelectric measurements and a liquid junction potential correction for E(m) values of relevant redox cofactors measured in aprotic solvents. We show that calculations based on a single permittivity have the discrepancy with experimental data larger than 0.7 V, whereas E(m) values calculated within our approach fall in the range of experimental estimates. The electrostatic analysis combined with quantum chemistry calculations shows that (i) the energy decrease upon chlorophyll dimerization is essential for the downhill mode of primary charge separation between the special pair P(700) and the primary acceptor A(0); (ii) the primary donor is apparently P(700) but not a pair of accessory chlorophylls; (iii) the electron transfer from the A branch quinone Q(A) to the iron-sulfur cluster F(X) is most probably downhill, whereas that from the B branch quinone Q(B) to F(X) is essentially downhill.  相似文献   

Joshua L Heazlewood 《BBA》2003,1604(3):159-169
The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase of the mitochondrial respiratory chain is a large multisubunit complex in eukaryotes containing 30-40 different subunits. Analysis of this complex using blue-native gel electrophoresis coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has identified a series of 30 different proteins from the model dicot plant, Arabidopsis, and 24 different proteins from the model monocot plant, rice. These proteins have been linked back to genes from plant genome sequencing and comparison of this dataset made with predicted orthologs of complex I components in these plants. This analysis reveals that plants contain the series of 14 highly conserved complex I subunits found in other eukaryotic and related prokaryotic enzymes and a small set of 9 proteins widely found in eukaryotic complexes. A significant number of the proteins present in bovine complex I but absent from fungal complex I are also absent from plant complex I and are not encoded in plant genomes. A series of plant-specific nuclear-encoded complex I associated subunits were identified, including a series of ferripyochelin-binding protein-like subunits and a range of small proteins of unknown function. This represents a post-genomic and large-scale analysis of complex I composition in higher plants.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional changes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain at the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), the medullary origin of sympathetic vasomotor tone, in an experimental model of endotoxemia that mimics systemic inflammatory response syndrome. In Sprague-Dawley rats maintained under propofol anesthesia, intravenous administration ofEscherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 30 mg/kg) induced a reduction (Phase I), followed by an augmentation (Phase II) and a secondary decrease (Phase III) in the power density of vasomotor components (0–0.8 Hz) in systemic arterial pressure signals. LPS also elicited progressive hypotension, and death ensued within 4 h. Enzyme assay revealed significant depression of the activity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide cytochromec reductase (Complexes I + III) and cytochromec oxidase (Complex IV) in the RVLM during all three phases of endotoxemia. On the other hand, the activity of succinate cytochromec reductase (Complexes II + III) remained unaltered. We conclude that selective dysfunction of respiratory enzyme Complexes I and IV in the mitochondrial respiratory chain at the RVLM, whose neuronal activity is intimately related to the death process, is closely associated with fatal endotoxemia in the rat.  相似文献   

In Parkinson's disease, there is a selective defect in complex I of the electron transfer chain. To better understand complex I and its involvement in neurodegenerative disease, we raised an antibody against a conserved epitope of the human mitochondrially encoded subunit 1 of complex I (ND1). Antibodies were affinity purified and assessed by ELISA, immunoblotting, and immunocytochemistry. Immunoblots of brain homogenates from mouse, rat, and monkey brain showed a single 33-kDa band consistent with the predicted molecular mass of the protein. Subcellular fractionation showed the protein to be enriched in mitochondria. Immunocytochemistry in rat brain revealed punctate labeling in cell bodies and processes of neurons. Immunoreactively generally co-localized with subunit IV of complex IV. In striatum, ND1 immunoreactively was greatly enriched in large cholinergic neurons and neurons containing nitric oxide synthase, two cell populations that are resistant to excitotoxic and metabolic insults. In substantia nigra, many dopaminergic neurons had little ND1 immunoreactivity, which may help to explain their sensitivity to complex I inhibitors. In spinal cord, ND1 immunoreactively was enriched in motor neurons. We conclude that complex I is differentially distributed across brain regions, between neurons and glia, and between types of neurons. This antibody should provide a valuable tool for assessing complex I in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) in mammalian mitochondria is an L-shaped assembly of 44 protein subunits with one arm buried in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion and the orthogonal arm protruding about 100 Å into the matrix. The protruding arm contains the binding sites for NADH, the primary acceptor of electrons flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and a chain of seven iron-sulfur clusters that carries the electrons one at a time from FMN to a coenzyme Q molecule bound in the vicinity of the junction between the two arms. In the structure of the closely related bacterial enzyme from Thermus thermophilus, the quinone is thought to bind in a tunnel that spans the interface between the two arms, with the quinone head group close to the terminal iron-sulfur cluster, N2. The tail of the bound quinone is thought to extend from the tunnel into the lipid bilayer. In the mammalian enzyme, it is likely that this tunnel involves three of the subunits of the complex, ND1, PSST, and the 49-kDa subunit. An arginine residue in the 49-kDa subunit is symmetrically dimethylated on the ω-NG and ω-NG′ nitrogen atoms of the guanidino group and is likely to be close to cluster N2 and to influence its properties. Another arginine residue in the PSST subunit is hydroxylated and probably lies near to the quinone. Both modifications are conserved in mammalian enzymes, and the former is additionally conserved in Pichia pastoris and Paracoccus denitrificans, suggesting that they are functionally significant.  相似文献   

The endogenous monoamine 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline has been shown to prevent the neurotoxic effect of MPP(+) and other endogenous neurotoxins, which produce a parkinsonian-like syndrome in humans. We have tested its potential protective effect in vivo by measuring the protection of 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline in the neurotoxicity elicited by MPP(+) in rat striatum by tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry. Because we know that cellular damage caused by MPP(+) is primarily the result of mitochondrial respiratory inhibition at the complex I level, we have extended the study further to understand this protective mechanism. We found that the inhibitory effect on the mitochondrial respiration rate induced by MPP(+) in isolated rat liver mitochondria and striatal synaptosomes was prevented by addition of 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline. This compound has no antioxidant capacity; therefore, this property is not involved in its protective effect. Thus, we postulate that the preventive effect that 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline has on mitochondrial inhibition for MPP(+) could be due to a "shielding effect," protecting the energetic machinery, thus preventing energetic failure. These results suggest that this endogenous amine may protect against the effect of several parkinsonism-inducing compounds that are associated with progressive impairment of the mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

C.A. Wraight 《BBA》1979,548(2):309-327
The photoreduction of ubiquinone in the electron acceptor complex (Q1Q11) of photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, R26, was studied in a series of short, saturating flashes. The specific involvement of H+ in the reduction was revealed by the pH dependence of the electron transfer events and by net H+ binding during the formation of ubiquinol, which requires two turnovers of the photochemical act. On the first flash Q11 receives an electron via Q1 to form a stable ubisemiquinone anion (Q??11); the second flash generates Q??1. At low pH the two semiquinones rapidly disproportionate with the uptake of 2 H+, to produce Q11H2. This yields out-of-phase binary oscillations for the formation of anionic semiquinone and for H+ uptake. Above pH 6 there is a progressive increase in H+ binding on the first flash and an equivalent decrease in binding on the second flash until, at about pH 9.5, the extent of H+ binding is the same on all flashes. The semiquinone oscillations, however, are undiminished up to pH 9. It is suggested that a non-chromophoric, acid-base group undergoes a pK shift in response to the appearance of the anionic semiquinone and that this group is the site of protonation on the first flash. The acid-base group, which may be in the reaction center protein, appears to be subsequently involved in the protonation events leading to fully reduced ubiquinol. The other proton in the two electron reduction of ubiquinone is always taken up on the second flash and is bound directly to Q??11. At pH values above 8.0, it is rate limiting for the disproportionation and the kinetics, which are diffusion controlled, are properly responsive to the prevailing pH. Below pH 8, however, a further step in the reaction mechanism was shown to be rate limiting for both H+ binding electron transfer following the second flash.  相似文献   

Klodmann J  Braun HP 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(10):1071-26092
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex (complex I) is by far the largest protein complex of the respiratory chain. It is best characterized for bovine mitochondria and known to consist of 45 different subunits in this species. Proteomic analyses recently allowed for the first time to systematically explore complex I from plants. The enzyme is especially large and includes numerous extra subunits. Upon subunit separation by various gel electrophoresis procedures and protein identifications by mass spectrometry, overall 47 distinct types of proteins were found to form part of Arabidopsis complex I. An additional subunit, ND4L, is present but could not be detected by the procedures employed due to its extreme biochemical properties. Seven of the 48 subunits occur in pairs of isoforms, six of which were experimentally proven. Fifteen subunits of complex I from Arabidopsis are specific for plants. Some of these resemble enzymes of known functions, e.g. carbonic anhydrases and l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH), which catalyzes the last step of ascorbate biosynthesis. This article aims to review proteomic data on the protein composition of complex I in plants. Furthermore, a proteomic re-evaluation on its protein constituents is presented.  相似文献   

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