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A phospholipase C/sphingomyelinase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been assayed on vesicles containing phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylethanolamine and cholesterol at equimolar ratios. The enzyme activity modifies the bilayer chemical composition giving rise to diacylglycerol (DAG) and ceramide (Cer). Assays of enzyme activity, enzyme-induced aggregation and fusion have been performed. Ultrastructural evidence of vesicle fusion at various stages of the process is presented, based on cryo-EM observations. The two enzyme lipidic end-products, DAG and Cer, have opposite effects on the bilayer physical properties; the former abolishes lateral phase separation, while the latter generates a new gel phase [Sot et al., FEBS Lett. 582, 3230-3236 (2008)]. Addition of either DAG, or Cer, or both to the liposome mixture causes an increase in enzyme binding to the bilayers and a decrease in lag time of hydrolysis. These two lipids also have different effects on the enzyme activity, DAG enhancing enzyme-induced vesicle aggregation and fusion, Cer inhibiting the hydrolytic activity. These effects are explained in terms of the different physical properties of the two lipids. DAG increases bilayers fluidity and decreases lateral separation of lipids, thus increasing enzyme activity and substrate accessibility to the enzyme. Cer has the opposite effect mainly because of its tendency to sequester sphingomyelin, an enzyme substrate, into rigid domains, presumably less accessible to the enzyme.  相似文献   

We examined the volumetric behavior of the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/cholesterol binary bilayer system with high accuracy and more cholesterol concentrations to reveal the detailed molecular states in the liquid-disordered (Ld) phase, the liquid-ordered (Lo) phase and the gel phase. We measured the average specific volume of the binary bilayer at several temperatures by the neutral flotation method and calculated the average volume per molecule to estimate the partial molecular volumes of DPPC and cholesterol in each phase. As a result, we found that the region with intermediate cholesterol concentrations showed a more complicated behavior than expected from simple coexistence of Ld and Lo domains. We also measured fluorescence decay of trans-parinaric acid (tPA) added into the binary bilayer with more cholesterol concentrations to get further insight into the cholesterol-induced formation of the Lo phase. On the basis of these results we discuss the molecular interaction between DPPC and cholesterol molecule in the Lo phase and the manner of Ld/Lo phase coexistence.  相似文献   

The development of functional photosynthetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides was followed by near infra-red fast repetition rate (IRFRR) fluorescence measurements that were correlated to absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy and pigment analyses. To induce the formation of intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) (greening), cells grown aerobically both in batch culture and in a carbon-limited chemostat were transferred to semiaerobic conditions. In both aerobic cultures, a low level of photosynthetic complexes was observed, which were composed of the reaction center and the LH1 core antenna. Interestingly, in the batch cultures the reaction centers were essentially inactive in forward electron transfer and exhibited low photochemical yields FV/FM, whereas the chemostat culture displayed functional reaction centers with a rather rapid (1-2 ms) electron transfer turnover, as well as a high FV/FM of ∼0.8. In both cases, the transfer to semiaerobiosis resulted in rapid induction of bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis that was reflected by both an increase in the number of LH1-reaction center and peripheral LH2 antenna complexes. These studies establish that photosynthetic units are assembled in a sequential manner, where the appearance of the LH1-reaction center cores is followed by the activation of functional electron transfer, and finally by the accumulation of the LH2 complexes.  相似文献   

The gut microorganisms in some animals are reported to include a core microbiota of consistently associated bacteria that is ecologically distinctive and may have coevolved with the host. The core microbiota is promoted by positive interactions among bacteria, favoring shared persistence; its retention over evolutionary timescales is evident as congruence between host phylogeny and bacterial community composition. This study applied multiple analyses to investigate variation in the composition of gut microbiota in drosophilid flies. First, the prevalence of five previously described gut bacteria (Acetobacter and Lactobacillus species) in individual flies of 21 strains (10 Drosophila species) were determined. Most bacteria were not present in all individuals of most strains, and bacterial species pairs co-occurred in individual flies less frequently than predicted by chance, contrary to expectations of a core microbiota. A complementary pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicons from the gut microbiota of 11 Drosophila species identified 209 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs), with near-saturating sampling of sequences, but none of the OTUs was common to all host species. Furthermore, in both of two independent sets of Drosophila species, the gut bacterial community composition was not congruent with host phylogeny. The final analysis identified no common OTUs across three wild and four laboratory samples of D. melanogaster. Our results yielded no consistent evidence for a core microbiota in Drosophila. We conclude that the taxonomic composition of gut microbiota varies widely within and among Drosophila populations and species. This is reminiscent of the patterns of bacterial composition in guts of some other animals, including humans.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The geographic distribution of the genus Plectocephalus comprises a single species in Ethiopia, two in North America and possibly four more in South America, in a striking disjunction that is exceptional for genera of the tribe Cardueae. The enormity of this disjunction cast doubts on the precise taxonomic delineation of the genus, which is not unanimously recognized as a natural entity. The aims of this study were to define the generic boundaries of Plectocephalus and to formulate a hypothesis that would explain its natural range.


A combined molecular approach, using nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and external transcribed spacers (ETS), and plastid trnL-trnL-F, rpl32-trnLUAG and ndhF markers, was chosen for phylogenetic reconstruction by maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference.

Key Results

Phylogenetic analysis shows that Plectocephalus is a natural genus that includes the African species P. varians, together with all the native South American species, currently classified as Centaurea, C. cachinalensis, C. floccosa and C. tweediei. The recognition of Centaurodendron as an independent genus, which we consider appropriate, would make Plectocephalus paraphyletic. Affinities of Plectocephalus should lie with eastern representatives of Centaureinae. Geographic disjunction is explained as a consequence of dispersal via the Bering Land Bridge during the Miocene–Pliocene. The phylogeny of the basal grade of Centaureinae differs from previous phylogenies, and artefacts resulting from differences in mutation rates of annual and perennial taxa are confirmed. Sensitivity of ITS to these differences was the highest observed for all DNA regions used in this study.


The natural status of the genus Plectocephalus is confirmed and several nomenclatural combinations are proposed. New evidence contributes to the debate concerning problems posed by the use of ITS in the phylogenetic reconstruction of groups that differ in terms of their life cycles. Dispersal from Caucasus and Anatolia along the Siberian route and then across the Bering Land Bridge follows a route previously proposed for other taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Membranes made of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, one of the simplest paradigms for the study of liquid ordered-disordered phase separation, were investigated using a pulse-EPR spin-labeling method in which bimolecular collision of molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label is measured. This method allowed discrimination of liquid-ordered, liquid-disordered, and solid-ordered domains because the collision rates (OTP) differ in these domains. Furthermore, the oxygen transport parameter (OTP) profile across the bilayer provides unique information about the three-dimensional dynamic organization of the membrane domains. First, the OTP in the bilayer center in the liquid-ordered domain was comparable to that in the liquid-disordered domain without cholesterol, but the OTP near the membrane surface (up to carbon 9) was substantially smaller in the ordered domain, i.e., the cholesterol-based liquid-ordered domain is ordered only near the membrane surface, still retaining high levels of disorder in the bilayer center. This property may facilitate lateral mobility in ordered domains. Second, in the liquid-disordered domain, the domains with ~5 mol % cholesterol exhibited higher OTP than those without cholesterol, everywhere across the membrane. Third, the transmembrane OTP profile in the liquid-ordered domain that contained 50 mol % cholesterol dramatically differed from that which contained 27 mol % cholesterol.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is a terminal quinol:O2 oxidoreductase of respiratory chains of many bacteria. It contains three hemes, b558, b595, and d. The role of heme b595 remains obscure. A CO photolysis/recombination study of the membranes of Escherichia coli containing either wild type cytochrome bd or inactive E445A mutant was performed using nanosecond absorption spectroscopy. We compared photoinduced changes of heme d-CO complex in one-electron-reduced, two-electron-reduced, and fully reduced states of cytochromes bd. The line shape of spectra of photodissociation of one-electron-reduced and two-electron-reduced enzymes is strikingly different from that of the fully reduced enzyme. The difference demonstrates that in the fully reduced enzyme photolysis of CO from heme d perturbs ferrous heme b595 causing loss of an absorption band centered at 435 nm, thus supporting interactions between heme b595 and heme d in the di-heme oxygen-reducing site, in agreement with previous works. Photolyzed CO recombines with the fully reduced enzyme monoexponentially with τ ∼ 12 μs, whereas recombination of CO with one-electron-reduced cytochrome bd shows three kinetic phases, with τ ∼ 14 ns, 14 μs, and 280 μs. The spectra of the absorption changes associated with these components are different in line shape. The 14 ns phase, absent in the fully reduced enzyme, reflects geminate recombination of CO with part of heme d. The 14-μs component reflects bimolecular recombination of CO with heme d and electron backflow from heme d to hemes b in ∼ 4% of the enzyme population. The final, 280-μs component, reflects return of the electron from hemes b to heme d and bimolecular recombination of CO in that population. The fact that even in the two-electron-reduced enzyme, a nanosecond geminate recombination is observed, suggests that namely the redox state of heme b595, and not that of heme b558, controls the pathway(s) by which CO migrates between heme d and the medium.  相似文献   

PlcHR2 is the paradigm member of a novel phospholipase C/phosphatase superfamily, with members in a variety of bacterial species. This paper describes the phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase activities of PlcHR2 when the substrate is in the form of large unilamellar vesicles, and the subsequent effects of lipid hydrolysis on vesicle and bilayer stability, including vesicle fusion. PlcHR2 cleaves phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin at equal rates, but is inactive on phospholipids that lack choline head groups. Calcium in the millimolar range does not modify in any significant way the hydrolytic activity of PlcHR2 on choline-containing phospholipids. The catalytic activity of the enzyme induces vesicle fusion, as demonstrated by the concomitant observation of intervesicular total lipid mixing, inner monolayer-lipid mixing, and aqueous contents mixing. No release of vesicular contents is detected under these conditions. The presence of phosphatidylserine in the vesicle composition does not modify significantly PlcHR2-induced liposome aggregation, as long as Ca2+ is present, but completely abolishes fusion, even in the presence of the cation. Each of the various enzyme-induced phenomena have their characteristic latency periods, that increase in the order lipid hydrolysis < vesicle aggregation < total lipid mixing < inner lipid mixing < contents mixing. Concomitant measurements of the threshold diacylglyceride + ceramide concentrations in the bilayer show that late events, e.g. lipid mixing, require a higher concentration of PlcHR2 products than early ones, e.g. aggregation. When the above results are examined in the context of the membrane effects of other phospholipid phosphocholine hydrolases it can be concluded that aggregation is necessary, but not sufficient for membrane fusion to occur, that diacylglycerol is far more fusogenic than ceramide, and that vesicle membrane permeabilization occurs independently from vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

MgtE is a prokaryotic Mg2+ transporter that controls cellular Mg2+ concentrations. We previously reported crystal structures of the cytoplasmic region of MgtE, consisting of 2 domains, that is, N and CBS, in the Mg2+-free and Mg2+-bound forms. The Mg2+-binding sites lay at the interface of the 2 domains, making the Mg2+-bound form compact and globular. In the Mg2+-free structure, however, the domains are far apart, and the Mg2+-binding sites are destroyed. Therefore, it is unclear how Mg2+-free MgtE changes its conformation to accommodate Mg2+ ions. Here, we used paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) to characterize the relative orientation of the N and CBS domains in the absence of Mg2+ in solution. When the residues on the surface of the CBS domain were labeled with nitroxide tags, significant PRE effects were observed for the residues in the N domain. No single structure satisfied the PRE profiles, suggesting that the N and CBS domains are not fixed in a particular orientation in solution. We then conducted ensemble simulated annealing calculations in order to obtain the atomic probability density and visualize the spatial distribution of the N domain in solution. The results indicate that the N domain tends to occupy the space near its position in the Mg2+-bound crystal structure, facilitating efficient capture of Mg2+ with increased intracellular Mg2+ concentration, which is necessary to close the gate.  相似文献   

We have measured the rates of insertion into, desorption from, and spontaneous interlayer translocation (flip-flop) of the fluorescent lysophospholipid derivative NBD-lyso-1-myristoylphosphatidylethanolamine in l(d) and l(o) phase lipid bilayer membranes. The lipid bilayers, studied as LUV, were prepared from pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine, in the l(d) phase; and from two Chol-containing binary lipid mixtures, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine and Chol (molar ratio of 1:1) and SpM and Chol (molar ratio of 6:4), both in the l(o) phase. Insertion, desorption, and translocation rate constants and equilibrium constants for association of the amphiphile monomer with the lipid bilayers were measured between 15 degrees C and 35 degrees C, and the standard free energies, enthalpies, and entropies, as well as the activation energies for these processes were derived from these data. The equilibrium partition coefficients for partitioning of the amphiphile between the aqueous phase and the different membrane phases were also derived, and an estimation was made of hypothetical partition coefficients and the respective energetic parameters for partitioning between the different lipid phases if these were to coexist in the same membrane. We show that, contrary to general belief, the association of NBD-lysoMPE with lipid bilayers is not a diffusion-controlled process, the rate-limiting step in insertion being the formation of a free area in the membrane surface of an adequate size for insertion to occur.  相似文献   

The development of mass spectrometry-based techniques is opening new insights into the understanding of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism. AA incorporation, remodeling and release are collectively controlled by acyltransferases, phospholipases and transacylases that exquisitely regulate the distribution of AA between the different glycerophospholipid species and its mobilization during cellular stimulation. Traditionally, studies involving phospholipid AA metabolism were conducted by using radioactive precursors and scintillation counting from thin layer chromatography separations that provided only information about lipid classes. Today, the input of lipidomic approaches offers the possibility of characterizing and quantifying specific molecular species with great accuracy and within a biological context associated to protein and/or gene expression in a temporal frame. This review summarizes recent results applying mass spectrometry-based lipidomic approaches to the identification of AA-containing glycerophospholipids, phospholipid AA remodeling and synthesis of oxygenated metabolites.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase-activating protein-2 (GCAP-2) is a retinal Ca2+ sensor protein. It is responsible for the regulation of both isoforms of the transmembrane photoreceptor guanylate cyclase, a key enzyme of vertebrate phototransduction. GCAP-2 is N-terminally myristoylated and full activation of its target proteins requires the presence of this lipid modification. The structural role of the myristoyl moiety in the interaction of GCAP-2 with the guanylate cyclases and the lipid membrane is currently not well understood. In the present work, we studied the binding of Ca2+-free myristoylated and non-myristoylated GCAP-2 to phospholipid vesicles consisting of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine or of a lipid mixture resembling the physiological membrane composition by a biochemical binding assay and 2H solid-state NMR. The NMR results clearly demonstrate the full-length insertion of the aliphatic chain of the myristoyl group into the membrane. Very similar geometrical parameters were determined from the 2H NMR spectra of the myristoyl group of GCAP-2 and the acyl chains of the host membranes, respectively. The myristoyl chain shows a moderate mobility within the lipid environment, comparable to the acyl chains of the host membrane lipids. This is in marked contrast to the behavior of other lipid-modified model proteins. Strikingly, the contribution of the myristoyl group to the free energy of membrane binding of GCAP-2 is only on the order of − 0.5 kJ/mol, and the electrostatic contribution is slightly unfavorable, which implies that the main driving forces for membrane localization arises through other, mainly hydrophobic, protein side chain-lipid interactions. These results suggest a role of the myristoyl group in the direct interaction of GCAP-2 with its target proteins, the retinal guanylate cyclases.  相似文献   

In this study, we used cholestatrienol (CTL) as a fluorescent reporter molecule to study sterol-rich L(o) domains in complex lipid bilayers. CTL is a fluorescent cholesterol analog that mimics the behavior of cholesterol well. The ability of 12SLPC to quench the fluorescence of cholestatrienol gives a measure of the amount of sterol included in L(o) domains in mixed lipid membranes. The stability of sterol-rich domains formed in complex lipid mixtures containing saturated sphingomyelins, phosphatidylcholines, or galactosylceramide as potential domain-forming lipids were studied. The amount of sterol associated with sterol-rich domains seemed to always increase with increasing temperature. The quenching efficiency was highly dependent on the domain-forming lipid present in complex lipid mixtures. Sphingomyelins formed stable sterol-enriched domains and were able to shield CTL from quenching better than the other lipids included in this study. The saturated phosphatidylcholines also formed sterol-rich domains, but the quenching efficiency in membranes with these was higher than with sphingomyelins and the domains melted at lower temperatures. PGalCer was not able to form sterol-enriched domains. However, we found that PGalCer stabilized sterol-rich domains formed in PSM-containing bilayers. Using a fluorescent ceramide analog, we also demonstrated that N-palmitoyl-ceramide displaced the sterol from sphingolipid-rich domains in mixed bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

Fructans are a group of fructose-based oligo- and polysaccharides, which appear to be involved in membrane preservation during dehydration by interacting with the membrane lipids. To get further understanding of the protective mechanism, the consequences of the fructan-membrane lipid interaction for the molecular organization and dynamics in the dry state were studied. POPC and DMPC were investigated in the dry state by (2)H, (31)P NMR, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using two types of fructan and dextran. The order-disorder transition temperature of dry POPC was reduced by 70 degrees C in the presence of fructan. Fructan increased the mobility of the acyl chains, but immobilized the lipid headgroup region. Most likely, fructans insert between the headgroups of lipids, thereby spacing the acyl chains. This results in a much lower phase transition temperature. The headgroup is immobilized by the interaction with fructan. The location of the interaction with the lipid headgroup is different for the inulin-type fructan compared to the levan-type fructan, since inulin shows interaction with the lipid phosphate group, whereas levan does not. Dextran did not influence the phase transition temperature of dry POPC showing that reduction of this temperature is not a general property of polysaccharides.  相似文献   

VP1, a putative alpha-helical antimicrobial peptide (alpha-AMP) inhibited growth of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli at 500microM. The peptide induced stable surface pressure changes in monolayers formed from B. subtilis native lipid extract (circa 4.5mNm(-1)) but transient pressure changes in corresponding E. coli monolayers (circa 1.0mNm(-1)), which led to monolayer disintegration. Synthetic lipid monolayers mimetic of the extracts were used to generate compression isotherms. Thermodynamic analysis of B. subtilis isotherms indicated membrane stabilisation by VP1 (DeltaG(Mix)<0), via a mechanism dependent upon the phosphatidylglycerol to cardiolipin ratio. Corresponding analysis of E. coli isotherms indicated membrane destabilisation by the peptide (DeltaG(Mix)>0). Destabilisation correlated with PE levels present and appeared to involve a mechanism resembling those used by tilted peptides. These data emphasise that structure/function analysis of alpha-AMPs must consider not only their structural characteristics but also the lipid make-up of the target microbial membrane.  相似文献   

Specific phospholipids and fatty acids altered during oxidant-induced neuronal cell injury were determined using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ion trapping. The oxidants hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2), 0-1000 microM) and tert-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP, 0-400 microM) induced time- and concentration-dependent increases in reactive oxygen species in primary cultures of mouse neocortical cells as determined by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate staining and thiobarbituric acid formation. ESI-MS analysis of 26 m/z values, representing 42 different phospholipids, demonstrated that H(2)O(2) and TBHP increased the abundance of phospholipids containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, but had minimal affect on those containing mono- or di-unsaturated fatty acids. These increases correlated to time-dependent increase in 16:1-20:4, 16:0-20:4, 18:1-20:4 and 18:0-20:4 phosphatidylcholine. Oxidant exposure also increased mystric (14:0), palmitic (16:0), and stearic (18:0) acid twofold, oleic acid (18:1) two- to threefold, and arachidonic acid (20:4) fourfold, compared to controls. Increases in arachidonic acid levels occurred prior to increases in the phospholipids, but after increases in ROS, and correlated to increases in oxidized arachidonic acid species, specifically [20:4-OOH]-H(2)O-, 20:4-OH-, and Tri-OH-20:4-arachidonic acid. Treatment of cells with methyl arachidonyl flourophosphonate an inhibitor of Group IV and VI PLA(2), decreased oxidant-induced arachidonic acid release, while bromoenol lactone, an inhibitor of Group VI PLA(2), did not. Collectively, these data identify phospholipids and fatty acids altered during oxidant treatment of neurons and suggest differential roles for Group IV and VI PLA(2) in oxidant-induced neural cell injury.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Taylor CW 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4114-4120
Arachidonic acid (AA) regulates many aspects of vascular smooth muscle behaviour, but the mechanisms linking receptors to AA release are unclear. In A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells pre-labelled with (3)H-AA, vasopressin caused a concentration-dependent stimulation of 3H-AA release that required phospholipase C and an increase in cytosolic [Ca2+]. Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ entry via L-type channels or the capacitative Ca2+ entry pathway were each effective to varying degrees. Selective inhibitors of PLA2 inhibited the 3H-AA release evoked by vasopressin, though not the underlying Ca2+ signals, and established that cPLA2 mediates the release of AA. We conclude that in A7r5 cells vasopressin stimulates AA release via a Ca2+-dependent activation of cPLA2.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity crosslinking has been utilized to probe the nature of the ligand-receptor interface for a number of G protein-coupled receptor systems. Often the photoreactive benzophenone moiety incorporated in the ligand is found to react with a methionine in the receptor. We introduced methionines one-at-a-time into the region 163-176 of the parathyroid hormone receptor, and find that crosslinking occurs to the side-chain of methionine over a range of 11 amino acids. We call this the "Magnet Effect" of methionine. Hence, crosslinking contact points can be significantly shifted by the presence of methionine in a receptor domain.  相似文献   

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