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Initial contact between herpesviruses and host cells is mediated by virion envelope glycoproteins which bind to cellular receptors. In several alphaherpesviruses, the nonessential glycoprotein gC has been found to interact with cell surface proteoglycans, whereas the essential glycoprotein gD is involved in stable secondary attachment. In addition, gD is necessary for penetration, which involves fusion between virion envelope and cellular cytoplasmic membrane. As opposed to other alphaherpesvirus gD homologs, pseudorabies virus (PrV) gD is not required for direct viral cell-to-cell spread. Therefore, gD- PrV can be passaged in noncomplementing cells by cocultivating infected and noninfected cells. Whereas infectivity was found to be strictly cell associated in early passages, repeated passaging resulted in the appearance of infectivity in the supernatant, finally reaching titers as high as 10(7) PFU/ml (PrV gD- Pass). Filtration experiments indicated that this infectivity was not due to the presence of infected cells, and the absence of gD was verified by Southern and Western blotting and by virus neutralization. Infection of bovine kidney cells constitutively expressing PrV gD interfered with the infectivity of wild-type PrV but did not inhibit that of PrV gD- Pass. Similar results were obtained after passaging of a second PrV mutant, PrV-376, which in addition to gD also lacks gG, gI, and gE. Penetration assays demonstrated that PrV gD- Pass entered cells much more slowly than wild-type PrV. In summary, our data demonstrate the existence of a gD-independent mode of initiation of infection in PrV and indicate that the essential function(s) that gD performs in wild-type PrV infection can be compensated for after passaging. Therefore, regarding the requirement for gD, PrV seems to be intermediate between herpes simplex virus type 1, in which gD is necessary for penetration and cell-to-cell spread, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which lacks a gD gene. Our data show that the relevance of an essential protein can change under selective pressure and thus demonstrate a way in which VZV could have evolved from a PrV-like ancestor.  相似文献   

A syncytial (syn) variant of herpes simplex virus type 1 strain 17 syn+ was selected by serial passage in heparin, a glycosaminoglycan which potently inhibits herpes simplex virus infectivity. This virus, 17 hep syn, is sixfold more heparin resistant than its parent. By using marker transfer techniques, its syn phenotype, but not heparin resistance, was mapped first to the BamHI G fragment (0.343 to 0.415 map units) and then to a 670-bp KpnI-PstI subclone (0.345 to 0.351 map units) encoding the carboxy terminus of glycoprotein B (gB). Three cloned syncytial recombinants were generated from cotransfections of 17 syn+ with either 17 hep syn BamHI-G or the 670-bp subclone. After footpad inoculation of mice, 17 hep syn was as virulent as its parent, despite reaching lower titers in feet, sciatic nerves, dorsal root ganglia, spinal cords, and brains. Animals infected with 17 hep syn or the gB recombinant viruses developed a unique pattern of disease that was strikingly different than that seen with wild-type virus: severe inflammation and edema of the inoculated limb and death without antecedent paralysis. Histopathologic examination revealed limitation of spinal involvement by 17 hep syn to the dorsal aspect of the cord and decreased virus-induced damage in the central nervous system. The genetically unrelated syn variant MP, in contrast, was avirulent and did not cause severe local inflammation. After intracerebral inoculation, 17 hep syn was highly virulent and replicated to high titers in the brain. Yet, unlike the parental virus, it resulted in an altered distribution of herpes simplex virus antigens, which were limited to the ependymal and subependymal regions surrounding the lateral ventricles. Despite their syncytial phenotype and pathogenic properties, the recombinant viruses, unlike 17 hep syn, were not heparin resistant. We conclude that a transferable alteration in the 670-bp carboxy-terminal portion of the glycoprotein gB gene of 17 hep syn results in both its syncytial phenotype and the unique pattern of disease that it causes but does not result in heparin resistance. These observations provide direct biological evidence for an important role for herpes simplex virus gB in pathogenic events both at the peripheral site of infection and within the nervous system.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein complex gII of pseudorabies virus was isolated by immunoprecipitation with the monoclonal antibody M5, which was covalently linked to protein A-Sepharose. After sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyarylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions and blotting onto poly(vinylidene difluoride) membrane, its subunits, gIIa, gIIb, and gIIc, were subjected to N-terminal sequencing. gIIa and gIIb start at position 59 and gIIc starts at position 503 according to the amino acid sequence deduced from the gene, indicating that there is one major protein (gIIa) which is cleaved into the two protein fragments gIIb and gIIc. Protein labeling with 14C-amino acids gave no indication that the three proteins (gIIa, gIIb, and gIIc) of the complex are present in equimolar ratios. It seems that gIIa is only a minor component of the complex, whereas gIIb and gIIc are contained in equimolar amounts.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a human pathogen of the alphaherpesvirus family which infects and spreads in the nervous system. Glycoproteins play a key role in the process of assembly and maturation of herpesviruses, which is essential for neuroinvasion and transneuronal spread. Glycoprotein B (gB) is a main component of the HSV-1 envelope and is necessary for the production of infectious particles. The cytoplasmic domain of gB, the longest one among HSV-1 glycoproteins, contains several highly conserved peptide sequences homologous to motifs involved in intracellular sorting. To determine the specific roles of these motifs in processing, subcellular localization, and the capacity of HSV-1 gB to complement a gB-null virus, we generated truncated or point mutated forms of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged gB. GFP-gB with a deletion in the acidic cluster DGDADEDDL (amino acids [aa] 896 to 904) behaved the same as the parental form. Deletion or disruption of the YTQV motif (aa 889 to 892) abolished internalization and reduced complementation by 60%. Disruption of the LL motif (aa 871 to 872) impaired the return of the protein to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) while enhancing its recycling to the plasma membrane. Truncations from residue E 857 abolished transport and processing of the truncated proteins, which had null complementation activity, through the Golgi complex. Altogether, our results favor a model in which HSV-1 gets its final envelope in the TGN, and they suggest that endocytosis, albeit not necessary, might play a role in infectivity.  相似文献   

An antiserum specific for the carboxy terminus of p60src, the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus, was produced by immunization of rabbits with a conjugate of bovine serum albumin and the synthetic peptide NH2-Tyr-Val-Leu-Glu-Val-Ala-Glu-COOH. The carboxy-terminal six amino acids of this peptide correspond in sequence to that deduced for the carboxy terminus of the p60src of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus of subgroup A. The p60src proteins of the several strains of Rous sarcoma virus and the cellular homolog of the viral transforming protein, p60c-src, comprise a polymorphic family of polypeptides. The anticarboxy-terminal serum reacted readily with the p60src proteins of three different strains of Rous sarcoma virus. In contrast, no precipitation of cellular p60c-src could be detected with this serum. This suggests that the viral p60src proteins have identical carboxy termini and that the carboxy terminus of cellular p60c-src may be different from that of viral p60src. The anticarboxy-terminal serum reacted poorly with the subpopulation of viral p60src which is present in a complex with two cellular phosphoproteins. Apparently, the presence of the two cellular proteins interferes with the recognition of p60src by the anticarboxy-terminal serum. It seems likely, therefore, that these two cellular proteins bind to the carboxy-terminal domain of p60src.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein B (gB) of pseudorabies virus (PrV) is essential for virus entry into target cells and direct viral cell-to-cell spread. Recently, we described a carboxy-terminally truncated derivative of PrV gB, gB-007, which was inefficiently incorporated into virions, was unable to complement infectivity, but was fully capable of restoring direct viral cell-to-cell spread of gB-negative PrV (R. Nixdorf, B. G. Klupp, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 74:7137-7145, 2000). Since recombinant PrV-007, which expresses gB-007 instead of wild-type gB, was able to spread directly from cell to cell, we attempted to obtain compensatory mutations leading to restoration of the entry defect by performing serial passages in cell culture. This procedure has previously been used to successfully restore entry defects in gD- or gL-deficient PrV mutants. From an initial titer of 100 PFU per ml in the supernatant, titers increased, reaching wild-type levels of up to 10(7) PFU after ca. 20 passages. One single-plaque isolate of the passaged mutant, designated PrV-007Pass, was further characterized. PrV-007Pass gB was efficiently incorporated into the viral envelope and restored infectivity to a gB-negative PrV mutant, PrV-gB(-). Interestingly, localization of PrV-007Pass gB in the plasma membrane was similar to that of PrV-007. In contrast, wild-type gB is mainly found in intracellular vesicles. Marker rescue experiments and trans-complementation assays demonstrated the presence of compensatory mutations within the gB gene of PrV-007Pass. DNA sequencing revealed two point mutations in the gB open reading frame of PrV-007Pass, resulting in amino acid substitutions at positions 305 and 744 of gB, both of which are required for compensation of the defect in PrV-007. Our data again demonstrate the power of reversion analysis of herpesviruses and suggest that cytosolic and ectodomains play a role in incorporation of gB into virions.  相似文献   

The influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein synthesized from cloned DNA in a simian virus 40 vector is expressed on the surface of infected primate cells. Previously, it has been demonstrated that mutant HAs lacking the hydrophobic carboxy terminus fail to anchor on the cell surface and therefore are secreted extracellularly. During analysis of additional HA deletion mutants derived from an HA-simian virus 40 recombinant, we found a mutant with an altered hydrophobic carboxy terminus that exhibited another phenotype. This deletion mutant, dl-12, produced HA that was neither secreted nor expressed on the infected cell surface. The mutant HA was similar to the wild-type HA in apparent molecular weight and extent of glycosylation as assayed by endoglycosidase H sensitivity. The mutant HA localized near the perinuclear region of infected cells as indicated by an indirect immunofluorescence assay. Sequence analysis showed that a 5-base-pair deletion had occurred before the region encoding the hydrophobic carboxy terminus. Nevertheless, the physicochemical properties of the wild-type HA carboxy terminus were maintained in that the truncated HA carboxy terminus consisted of predominantly hydrophobic amino acids followed by several charged amino acids residues. This similarity in the carboxy terminus between the wild-type and mutant HAs may be responsible for the functional similarities observed. In spite of these similarities, the mutant HA failed to mature at the surface. These results suggest that the maturation of the mutant HA is blocked during a late stage in the transit to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Three mouse hybridomas secreting antibodies against the undecapeptide Lys-Pro-Pro-Thr-Pro-Pro-Pro-Glu-Pro-Glu-Thr, corresponding to the carboxy terminus of simian virus 40 large T antigen, were isolated and cloned. A sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to characterize the properties of the monoclonal antibodies. All three hybridomas, designated KT1, KT3, and KT4, produced antibodies that immunoprecipitated large T. The antibodies differed in their affinities for the peptide and for the native protein. Antibodies from KT3 precipitated large T better than those from KT1 or KT4. KT3 antibodies also had the highest affinity for the free peptide (5.2 X 10(6) M-1) as determined by radioimmunoassay; KT1 and KT4 antibodies had ca. 5- and 1,000-fold lower affinities, respectively. Inhibition studies with shorter peptides, overlapping the undecapeptide, revealed the approximate regions recognized by the different monoclonal antibodies. KT3 antibodies bound to a region within the carboxy-terminal six amino acids of large T. Antibodies from KT1 and KT4 reacted with sequences located further towards the amino terminus of the undecapeptide. Surprising results were obtained with KT4 antibodies. Their binding to the undecapeptide was completely inhibited by the undecapeptide itself or the carboxy-terminal hexapeptide. The carboxy-terminal pentamer, on the other hand, slightly enhanced binding, and the carboxy-terminal tetramer, Glu-Pro-Glu-Thr, was strongly stimulatory. A model for this effect is proposed. Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we confirmed previous studies (W. Deppert and G. Walter, Virology 122:56-70, 1982) which found that antiserum against sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured large T reacts strongly with the carboxy terminus of large T. By inhibition studies, we identified the approximate region within the undecapeptide recognized by anti-sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured large T and compared this region with the region identified by antipeptide serum.  相似文献   

On the basis of DNA sequence analysis, it has recently been shown that the pseudorabies virus (PrV) genome encodes a protein homologous to glycoprotein H (gH) of other herpesviruses (B. Klupp and T.C. Mettenleiter, Virology 182:732-741, 1991). To obtain antibodies specific for gH(PrV), rabbits were immunized with synthetic peptides representing two potential epitopes on gH(PrV) as predicted by computer analysis. The antipeptide sera recognized the gH precursor polypeptide pgH translated in vitro from an in vitro-transcribed mRNA. Western blot (immunoblot) analyses of purified pseudorabies virions using these antisera revealed specific reactivity with a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 95 kDa. Specificity of the reaction could be demonstrated by competition experiments with respective peptides. Analysis of PrV deletion mutants defective in genes encoding known glycoproteins proved that gH(PrV) constitutes a novel PrV glycoprotein not previously found. Treatment of purified virion preparations with endoglycosidase H reduced the apparent molecular mass of gH(PrV) to 90 kDa, indicating the presence of N-linked high-mannose (or hybrid) carbohydrates in mature virions. Removal of all N-linked carbohydrates by N-glycosidase F resulted in a product of 76 kDa. In summary, our results demonstrate the existence of gH in PrV as a structural component of the virion.  相似文献   

Due to the limited ultrastructural information about the coronavirion, little is known about the interactions acting at the interface between nucleocapsid and viral envelope. Knowing that subtle mutations in the carboxy-terminal endodomain of the M protein are already lethal, we have now probed the equivalent domain of the spike (S) protein by extending it terminally with a foreign sequence of 27 kDa: the green fluorescent protein (GFP). When expressed individually in murine cells, the S-GFP chimeric protein induced the formation of fluorescent syncytia, indicating that it was synthesized and folded properly, trimerized, and transported to the plasma membrane, where it exhibited the two key S protein functions, i.e., interaction with virus receptor molecules and membrane fusion. Incorporation into virus-like particles demonstrated the assembly competence of the chimeric spike protein. The wild-type S gene of mouse hepatitis coronavirus (MHV) was subsequently replaced by the chimeric construct through targeted recombination. A viable MHV-SGFP was obtained, infection by which could be visualized by the fluorescence induced. The efficiency of incorporation of the chimeric protein into particles was, however, reduced relative to that in wild-type particles which may explain, at least in part, the reduced infectivity produced by MHV-SGFP infection. We conclude that the incorporation of spikes carrying the large GFP moiety is apparently impaired by geometrical constraints and selected against during the assembly of virions. Probably due to this disadvantage, deletion mutants, having lost the foreign sequences, rapidly evolved and outcompeted the chimeric viruses during virus propagation. The fluorescent MHV-SGFP will now be a convenient tool to study coronaviral cell entry.  相似文献   

Role of glycoprotein gIII of pseudorabies virus in virulence.   总被引:14,自引:13,他引:1  
Deletion mutants of pseudorabies virus unable to express glycoprotein gIII, gI, or gp63 or double and triple mutants defective in these glycoproteins were constructed, and their virulence for day-old chickens inoculated intracerebrally was determined. Mutants of wild-type pseudorabies virus defective in glycoprotein gIII, gI, or gp63 were only slightly less virulent (at most, fivefold) for chickens than was the wild-type virus. However, mutants defective in both gIII and gI or gIII and gp63 were avirulent for chickens, despite their ability to grow in cell culture in vitro to about the same extent as mutants defective in gIII alone (which were virulent). These results show that gIII plays a role in virulence and does so in conjunction with gI or gp63. The effect of gIII on virulence was also shown when the resident gIII gene of variants of the Bartha vaccine strain (which codes for gIIIB) was replaced with a gIII gene derived from a virulent wild-type strain (which codes for gIIIKa); gIIIKa significantly enhanced the virulence of a variant of the Bartha strain to which partial virulence had been previously restored by marker rescue. Our results show that viral functions that play a role in the virulence of the virus (as measured by intracerebral inoculation of chickens) may act synergistically to affect the expression of virulence and that the ability of the virus to grow in cell culture is not necessarily correlated with virulence.  相似文献   

Antigenic variants of pseudorabies virus (PRV) containing mutations in a viral glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 82,000 (gIII) were isolated by selecting for resistance to a complement-dependent neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MCA82-2) directed against gIII. These mutants were completely resistant to neutralization with MCA82-2 in the presence of complement. Two mutants selected for further studies either did not express gIII or expressed an improperly processed form of the glycoprotein. The mutations were also associated with an altered plaque morphology (syncytium formation). The gIII gene was mapped by marker rescue of a gIII- mutant with cloned restriction enzyme fragments to the long unique region of the PRV genome between 0.376 and 0.383 map units. This corresponds to the map location of a glycoprotein described by Robbins et al. (J. Mol. Appl. Gen. 2:485-496, 1984). Since gIII is nonessential for viral replication in cell culture and has several other characteristics in common with the herpes simplex virus glycoprotein gC, gIII may represent the PRV equivalent to herpes simplex virus gC.  相似文献   

The Bartha vaccine strain of pseudorabies virus has a deletion in the short unique (Us) region of its genome which includes the genes that code for glycoproteins gI and gp63 (E. Petrovskis, J. G. Timmins, T. M. Gierman, and L. E. Post, J. Virol. 60:1166-1169, 1986). Restoration of an intact Us to the Bartha strain enhances its ability to be released from infected rabbit kidney cells and increases the size of the plaques formed on these cells (T. Ben-Porat, J. M. DeMarchi, J. Pendrys, R. A. Veach, and A. S. Kaplan, J. Virol. 57:191-196, 1986). To determine which gene function plays a role in virus release from rabbit kidney cells, deletions were introduced into the genomes of both wild-type virus and the "rescued" Bartha strain (Bartha strain to which an intact Us had been restored) that abolish the expression of either the gI gene alone or both gI and gp63 genes. The effect of these deletions on the phenotype of the viruses was studied. Deletion mutants of wild-type virus defective in either gI or gI and gp63 behave like wild-type virus with respect to virus release and plaque size on rabbit kidney cells. Deletion of gI from the rescued Bartha strain, however, strongly affects virus release and causes a decrease in plaque size. We conclude that gI affects virus release but that at least one other viral function also affects this process. This function is defective in the Bartha strain but not in wild-type virus; in its absence gI is essential to efficient release of the virus from rabbit kidney cells.  相似文献   

Role of a structural glycoprotein of pseudorabies in virus virulence.   总被引:1,自引:14,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The virulence of deletion mutants of pseudorabies virus defective in the expression of glycoprotein gI, gp63, or both was tested in 1-day-old chickens and young pigs. In the absence of expression of gI, the virulence of a fully virulent laboratory strain, PrV(Ka), for 1-day-old chickens was reduced approximately fourfold. Inactivation of glycoprotein gp63 appeared also to affect the virulence of PrV(Ka) only slightly, as did inactivation of both gI and gp63. The level of reduction in virulence, however, was considerably more marked in Bartha 43/25aB4, a less virulent virus strain. Inactivation of the expression of gI in Bartha 43/25aB4 reduced virulence for chickens at least 100-fold. The results obtained when the virulence of the mutants for pigs was determined were compatible with those obtained for chickens. These results indicate that gI plays a role in virulence, but that it does so in conjunction with at least one other viral function (a function that is defective in Bartha 43/25aB4).  相似文献   

A biochemical characterization of peptides from herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein gC was carried out. We utilized simple micromethods, based on immunological isolation of biosynthetically radiolabeled gC, to obtain gC in pure form for biochemical study. CNBr fragments of gC were prepared, isolated, and characterized. These CNBr fragments were resolved into six peaks by chromatography on Sephacryl S-200 in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Only three of the CNBr fragments contained carbohydrate side chains, as judged from the incorporation of [14C]glucosamine. Radiochemical microsequence analyses were carried out on the gC molecule and on each of the CNBr fragments of gC. A comparison of this amino acid sequence data with the amino acid sequence predicted from the DNA sequence of the gC gene showed that the first 25 residues of the predicted sequence are not present in the gC molecule isolated from infected cells and allowed alignment of the CNBr fragments in the gC molecule. Glycoprotein gC was also examined from three gC mutants, synLD70, gC-8, and gC-49. These mutants lack an immunoreactive envelope form of gC but produce a secreted, truncated gC gene product. Glycoprotein gC from cells infected with any of these gC- mutants was shown to have lost more than one CNBr fragment present in the wild-type gC molecule. The missing fragments included the one containing the putative transmembrane anchor sequence. Glycoprotein gC from the gC-8 mutant was also shown, by tryptic peptide map analysis, to have lost more than five major arginine-labeled tryptic peptides arginine-labeled tryptic peptides present in the wild-type gC molecule and to have gained a lysine-labeled tryptic peptide not present in wild-type gC.  相似文献   

The matrix (MA) protein of the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) is encoded by the amino-terminal region of the Gag precursor and is the component of the viral capsid that lines the inner surface of the virus envelope. Previously, we identified domains in the SIV MA that are involved in the transport of Gag to the plasma membrane and in particle assembly. In this study, we characterized the role in the SIV life cycle of highly conserved residues within the SIV MA region spanning the two N-terminal alpha-helices H1 and H2. Our analyses identified two classes of MA mutants: (i) viruses encoding amino acid substitutions within alpha-helices H1 or H2 that were defective in envelope (Env) glycoprotein incorporation and exhibited impaired infectivity and (ii) viruses harboring mutations in the beta-turn connecting helices H1 and H2 that were more infectious than the wild-type virus and displayed an enhanced ability to incorporate the Env glycoprotein. Remarkably, among the latter group of MA mutants, the R22L/G24L double amino acid substitution increased virus infectivity eightfold relative to the wild-type virus in single-cycle infectivity assays, an effect that correlated with a similar increase in Env incorporation. Furthermore, the R22L/G24L MA mutation partially or fully complemented single-point MA mutations that severely impair or block Env incorporation and virus infectivity. Our finding that the incorporation of the Env glycoprotein into virions can be upregulated by specific mutations within the SIV MA amino terminus strongly supports the notion that the SIV MA domain mediates Gag-Env association during particle formation.  相似文献   

A murine model immunized by systemic and mucosal delivery of plasmid DNA vaccine expressing glycoprotein B (pCIgB) of pseudorabies virus (PrV) was used to evaluate both the nature of the induced immunity and protection against a virulent virus. With regard to systemic delivery, the intramuscular (i.m.) immunization with pCIgB induced strong PrV-specific IgG responses in serum but was inefficient in generating a mucosal IgA response. Mucosal delivery through intranasal (i.n.) immunization of pCIgB induced both systemic and mucosal immunity at the distal mucosal site. However, the levels of systemic immunity induced by i.n. immunization were less than those induced by i.m. immunization. Moreover, i.n. genetic transfer of pCIgB appeared to induce Th2-biased immunity compared with systemic delivery, as judged by the ratio of PrV-specific IgG isotypes and Th1- and Th2-type cytokines produced by stimulated T cells. Moreover, the immunity induced by i.n. immunization did not provide effective protection against i.n. challenge of a virulent PrV strain, whereas i.m. immunization produced resistance to viral infection. Therefore, although i.n. immunization was a useful route for inducing mucosal immunity at the virus entry site, i.n. immunization did not provide effective protection against the lethal infection of PrV.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus (PRV) glycoprotein gX accumulates in the medium of infected cells. In an attempt to study the function of gX, two viruses were constructed that lacked a functional gX gene. One virus, PRV delta GX1, was derived by insertion of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene into the gX-coding region. The other virus, PRV delta GXTK-, was derived by subsequent deletion of the inserted herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene. Both viruses replicated in cell cultures but produced no gX. Furthermore, PRV delta GX1 was capable of killing mice with a 50% lethal dose of less than 100 PFU.  相似文献   

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