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Phosphorylation plays vital roles in the regulation of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) functions. The apelin and apelin receptor (APJ) system is involved in the regulation of cardiovascular function and central control of body homeostasis. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry, we first identified phosphorylated serine residues in the C terminus of APJ. To determine the role of phosphorylation sites in APJ-mediated G protein-dependent and -independent signaling and function, we induced a mutation in the C-terminal serine residues and examined their effects on the interaction between APJ with G protein or GRK/β-arrestin and their downstream signaling. Mutation of serine 348 led to an elimination of both GRK and β-arrestin recruitment to APJ induced by apelin-13. Moreover, APJ internalization and G protein-independent ERK signaling were also abolished by point mutation at serine 348. In contrast, this mutant at serine residues had no demonstrable impact on apelin-13-induced G protein activation and its intracellular signaling. These findings suggest that mutation of serine 348 resulted in inactive GRK/β-arrestin. However, there was no change in the active G protein thus, APJ conformation was biased. These results provide important information on the molecular interplay and impact of the APJ function, which may be extrapolated to design novel drugs for cardiac hypertrophy based on this biased signal pathway.  相似文献   

Arrestins bind active phosphorylated forms of G protein-coupled receptors, terminating G protein activation, orchestrating receptor trafficking, and redirecting signaling to alternative pathways. Visual arrestin-1 preferentially binds rhodopsin, whereas the two non-visual arrestins interact with hundreds of G protein-coupled receptor subtypes. Here we show that an extensive surface on the concave side of both arrestin-2 domains is involved in receptor binding. We also identified a small number of residues on the receptor binding surface of the N- and C-domains that largely determine the receptor specificity of arrestins. We show that alanine substitution of these residues blocks the binding of arrestin-1 to rhodopsin in vitro and of arrestin-2 and -3 to β2-adrenergic, M2 muscarinic cholinergic, and D2 dopamine receptors in intact cells, suggesting that these elements critically contribute to the energy of the interaction. Thus, in contrast to arrestin-1, where direct phosphate binding is crucial, the interaction of non-visual arrestins with their cognate receptors depends to a lesser extent on phosphate binding and more on the binding to non-phosphorylated receptor elements.  相似文献   

Flp-InTM T-RExTM 293 cells expressing a wild type human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor construct constitutively and able to express a receptor activated solely by synthetic ligand (RASSL) form of this receptor on demand maintained response to the muscarinic agonist carbachol but developed response to clozapine N-oxide only upon induction of the RASSL. The two constructs co-localized at the plasma membrane and generated strong ratiometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signals consistent with direct physical interactions. Increasing levels of induction of the FRET donor RASSL did not alter wild type receptor FRET-acceptor levels substantially. However, ratiometric FRET was modulated in a bell-shaped fashion with maximal levels of the donor resulting in decreased FRET. Carbachol, but not the antagonist atropine, significantly reduced the FRET signal. Cell surface homogeneous time-resolved FRET, based on SNAP-tag technology and employing wild type and RASSL forms of the human M3 receptor expressed stably in Flp-InTM TRExTM 293 cells, also identified cell surface dimeric/oligomeric complexes. Now, however, signals were enhanced by appropriate selective agonists. At the wild type receptor, large increases in FRET signal to carbachol and acetylcholine were concentration-dependent with EC50 values consistent with the relative affinities of the two ligands. These studies confirm the capacity of the human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor to exist as dimeric/oligomeric complexes at the surface of cells and demonstrate that the organization of such complexes can be modified by ligand binding. However, conclusions as to the effect of ligands on such complexes may depend on the approach used.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptor homo-oligomerization has been increasingly reported. However, little is known regarding the relationship between activation of the receptor and its association/conformational states. The mammalian olfactory receptors (ORs) belong to the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily. In this study, the homo-oligomerization status of the human OR1740 receptor and its involvement in receptor activation upon odorant ligand binding were addressed by co-immunoprecipitation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer approaches using crude membranes or membranes from different cellular compartments. For the first time, our data clearly show that mammalian ORs constitutively self-associate into homodimers at the plasma membrane level. This study also demonstrates that ligand binding mediates a conformational change and promotes an inactive state of the OR dimers at high ligand concentrations. These findings support and validate our previously proposed model of OR activation/inactivation based on the tripartite odorant-binding protein-odorant-OR partnership.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) phosphorylate agonist-occupied receptors initiating the processes of desensitization and β-arrestin-dependent signaling. Interaction of GRKs with activated receptors serves to stimulate their kinase activity. The extreme N-terminal helix (αN), the kinase small lobe, and the active site tether (AST) of the AGC kinase domain have previously been implicated in mediating the allosteric activation. Expanded mutagenesis of the αN and AST allowed us to further assess the role of these two regions in kinase activation and receptor phosphorylation in vitro and in intact cells. We also developed a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based assay to monitor the recruitment of GRK2 to activated α2A-adrenergic receptors (α2AARs) in living cells. The bioluminescence resonance energy transfer signal exhibited a biphasic response to norepinephrine concentration, suggesting that GRK2 is recruited to Gβγ and α2AAR with EC50 values of 15 nm and 8 μm, respectively. We show that mutations in αN (L4A, V7E, L8E, V11A, S12A, Y13A, and M17A) and AST (G475I, V477D, and I485A) regions impair or potentiate receptor phosphorylation and/or recruitment. We suggest that a surface of GRK2, including Leu4, Val7, Leu8, Val11, and Ser12, directly interacts with receptors, whereas residues such as Asp10, Tyr13, Ala16, Met17, Gly475, Val477, and Ile485 are more important for kinase domain closure and activation. Taken together with data on GRK1 and GRK6, our data suggest that all three GRK subfamilies make conserved interactions with G protein-coupled receptors, but there may be unique interactions that influence selectivity.  相似文献   

Prossnitz ER 《Life sciences》2004,75(8):893-899
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest family of transmembrane signaling molecules in the human genome. As such, they interact with numerous intracellular molecules, which can act either to propagate or curtail signaling from the receptor. Their primary mode of cellular activation occurs through heterotrimeric G proteins, which in turn can activate a wide spectrum of effector molecules, including phosphodiesterases, phospholipases, adenylyl cyclases and ion channels. Active GPCRs are also the target of G protein-coupled receptor kinases, which phosphorylate the receptors culminating in the binding of the protein arrestin. This results in rapid desensitization through inhibition of G protein binding, as well as novel mechanisms of cellular activation that involve the scaffolding of cellular kinases to GPCR-arrestin complexes. Arrestins can also serve to mediate the internalization of certain GPCRs, a process which plays an important role in regulating cellular activity both by mediating long-term desensitization through down regulation (degradation) of receptors and by recycling desensitized receptors back to the cell surface to initiate additional rounds of signaling. The mechanisms that regulate the subsequent intracellular trafficking of GPCRs following internalization are largely unknown. Recently however, it has become clear that the pattern of receptor phosphorylation and subsequent binding of arrestin play a critical role in the intracellular trafficking of internalized receptors, thereby dictating the ultimate fate of the receptor. In addition, arrestins have now been shown to be required for the recycling of GPCRs that are capable of internalizing through arrestin-independent mechanisms. This review will summarize recent advances in our understanding of the roles of arrestins in post-endocytic GPCR trafficking.  相似文献   

Thrombin is a potent platelet agonist that activates platelets and other cells of the cardiovascular system by cleaving its G-protein-coupled receptors, protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1), PAR4, or both. We now show that cleaving PAR1 and PAR4 with α-thrombin induces heterodimer formation. PAR1-PAR4 heterodimers were not detected when unstimulated; however, when the cells were stimulated with 10 nm α-thrombin, we were able to detect a strong interaction between PAR1 and PAR4 by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. In contrast, activating the receptors without cleavage using PAR1 and PAR4 agonist peptides (TFLLRN and AYPGKF, respectively) did not enhance heterodimer formation. Preventing PAR1 or PAR4 cleavage with point mutations or hirugen also prevented the induction of heterodimers. To further characterize the PAR1-PAR4 interactions, we mapped the heterodimer interface by introducing point mutations in transmembrane helix 4 of PAR1 or PAR4 that prevented heterodimer formation. Finally, we show that mutations in PAR1 or PAR4 at the heterodimer interface prevented PAR1-assisted cleavage of PAR4. These data demonstrate that PAR1 and PAR4 require allosteric changes induced via receptor cleavage by α-thrombin to mediate heterodimer formation, and we have determined the PAR1-PAR4 heterodimer interface. Our findings show that PAR1 and PAR4 have dynamic interactions on the cell surface that should be taken into account when developing and characterizing PAR antagonists.  相似文献   

Formation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) into dimers and higher order oligomers represents a key mechanism in pleiotropic signaling, yet how individual protomers function within oligomers remains poorly understood. We present a super-resolution imaging approach, resolving single GPCR molecules to ∼8 nm resolution in functional asymmetric dimers and oligomers using dual-color photoactivatable dyes and localization microscopy (PD-PALM). PD-PALM of two functionally defined mutant luteinizing hormone receptors (LHRs), a ligand-binding deficient receptor (LHRB−) and a signaling-deficient (LHRS−) receptor, which only function via intermolecular cooperation, favored oligomeric over dimeric formation. PD-PALM imaging of trimers and tetramers revealed specific spatial organizations of individual protomers in complexes where the ratiometric composition of LHRB− to LHRS− modulated ligand-induced signal sensitivity. Structural modeling of asymmetric LHR oligomers strongly aligned with PD-PALM-imaged spatial arrangements, identifying multiple possible helix interfaces mediating inter-protomer associations. Our findings reveal that diverse spatial and structural assemblies mediating GPCR oligomerization may acutely fine-tune the cellular signaling profile.  相似文献   

Arrestins mediate desensitization and internalization of G protein-coupled receptors and also direct receptor signaling toward heterotrimeric G protein-independent signaling pathways. We previously identified a four-residue segment (residues 212–215) of the dopamine D2 receptor that is necessary for arrestin binding in an in vitro heterologous expression system but that also impairs receptor expression. We now describe the characterization of additional mutations at that arrestin binding site in the third intracellular loop. Mutating two (residues 214 and 215) or three (residues 213–215) of the four residues to alanine partially decreased agonist-induced recruitment of arrestin3 without altering activation of a G protein. Arrestin-dependent receptor internalization, which requires arrestin binding to β2-adaptin (the β2 subunit of the clathrin-associated adaptor protein AP2) and clathrin, was disproportionately affected by the three-residue mutation, with no agonist-induced internalization observed even in the presence of overexpressed arrestin or G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. The disjunction between arrestin recruitment and internalization could not be explained by alterations in the time course of the receptor-arrestin interaction, the recruitment of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, or the receptor-induced interaction between arrestin and β2-adaptin, suggesting that the mutation impairs a property of the internalization complex that has not yet been identified.  相似文献   

The ability of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to activate selective signaling pathways according to the conformation stabilized by bound ligands (signaling bias) is a challenging concept in the GPCR field. Signaling bias has been documented for several GPCRs, including chemokine receptors. However, most of these studies examined the global signaling bias between G protein- and arrestin-dependent pathways, leaving unaddressed the potential bias between particular G protein subtypes. Here, we investigated the coupling selectivity of chemokine receptors CCR2, CCR5, and CCR7 in response to various ligands with G protein subtypes by using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer biosensors monitoring directly the activation of G proteins. We also compared data obtained with the G protein biosensors with those obtained with other functional readouts, such as β-arrestin-2 recruitment, cAMP accumulation, and calcium mobilization assays. We showed that the binding of chemokines to CCR2, CCR5, and CCR7 activated the three Gαi subtypes (Gαi1, Gαi2, and Gαi3) and the two Gαo isoforms (Gαoa and Gαob) with potencies that generally correlate to their binding affinities. In addition, we showed that the binding of chemokines to CCR5 and CCR2 also activated Gα12, but not Gα13. For each receptor, we showed that the relative potency of various agonist chemokines was not identical in all assays, supporting the notion that signaling bias exists at chemokine receptors.  相似文献   

The current activation model of the EGF receptor (EGFR) predicts that binding of EGF results in dimerization and oligomerization of the EGFR, leading to the allosteric activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase. Little is known about the regulatory mechanism of receptor oligomerization. In this study, we have employed FRET between identical fluorophores (homo-FRET) to monitor the dimerization and oligomerization state of the EGFR before and after receptor activation. Our data show that, in the absence of ligand, ~40% of the EGFR molecules were present as inactive dimers or predimers. The monomer/predimer ratio was not affected by deletion of the intracellular domain. Ligand binding induced the formation of receptor oligomers, which were found in both the plasma membrane and intracellular structures. Ligand-induced oligomerization required tyrosine kinase activity and nine different tyrosine kinase substrate residues. This indicates that the binding of signaling molecules to activated EGFRs results in EGFR oligomerization. Induction of EGFR predimers or pre-oligomers using the EGFR fused to the FK506-binding protein did not affect signaling but was found to enhance EGF-induced receptor internalization. Our data show that EGFR oligomerization is the result of EGFR signaling and enhances EGFR internalization.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2 (ERK1/2) proteins regulate a variety of cellular functions, including cell proliferation and differentiation, by interacting with and phosphorylating substrate proteins. Two docking sites, common docking (CD/ED) domain and F-site recruitment site (FRS), on ERK proteins have been identified. Specific interactions with the CD/ED domain and the FRS occur with substrates containing a docking site for ERK and JNK, LXL (DEJL) motif (D-domain) and a docking site for ERK, FXF (DEF) motif (F-site), respectively. However, the relative contributions of the ERK docking sites in mediating substrate interactions that allow efficient phosphate transfer are largely unknown. In these studies, we provide a quantitative analysis of ERK2 interactions with substrates using surface plasmon resonance to measure real time protein-protein interactions. ERK2 interacted with ELK-1 (DEF and DEJL motifs), RSK-1 (DEJL motif), and c-Fos (DEF motif) with K(D) values of 0.25, 0.15, and 0.97 μM, respectively. CD/ED domain mutations inhibited interactions with ELK-1 and RSK-1 by 6-fold but had no effect on interactions with c-Fos. Select mutations in FRS residues differentially inhibited ELK-1 or c-Fos interactions with ERK2 but had little effect on RSK-1 interactions. Mutations in both the ED and FRS docking sites completely inhibited ELK-1 interactions but had no effect on interactions with stathmin, an ERK substrate whose docking site is unknown. The phosphorylation status of ERK2 did not affect interactions with RSK-1 or c-Fos but did inhibit interactions with ELK-1 and stathmin. These studies provide a quantitative evaluation of specific docking domains involved in mediating interactions between ERK2 and protein substrates and define the contributions of these interactions to phosphate transfer.  相似文献   

Although the signal transduction mechanisms of the receptor tyrosine kinase MET are well defined, less is known about its close relative RON. MET initiates intracellular signaling by autophosphorylation on specific cytoplasmic tyrosines that form docking sites for the adaptor proteins Grb2 and Gab1. Grb2 binds directly and is essential for all of the biological activities of MET. Gab1 docks either directly or indirectly via Grb2 and controls only a subset of MET functions. Because MET and RON possess similar adaptor binding sites, it was anticipated that their adaptor interactions would be conserved. Here we show that in contrast to MET, RON relies primarily on Gab1 for signal transmission. Surprisingly, disruption of the Grb2 docking site of RON or Grb2 depletion augments activity, whereas enhancement of Grb2 binding attenuates Gab1 recruitment and signaling. Hence, RON and MET differ in their adaptor interactions; furthermore, Grb2 performs a novel antagonistic role in the context of RON signaling.  相似文献   

Thrombin activates platelets by binding and cleaving protease-activated receptors 1 and 4 (PAR1 and PAR4). Because of the importance of PAR4 activation on platelets in humans and mice and emerging roles for PAR4 in other tissues, experiments were done to characterize the interaction between PAR4 homodimers. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) were used to examine the PAR4 homodimer interface. In bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments, PAR4 formed homodimers that were disrupted by unlabeled PAR4 in a concentration-dependent manner, but not by rhodopsin. In BRET experiments, the PAR4 homodimers showed a specific interaction as indicated by a hyperbolic BRET signal in response to increasing PAR4-GFP expression. PAR4 did not interact with rhodopsin in BRET assays. The threshold maximum BRET signal was disrupted in a concentration-dependent manner by unlabeled PAR4. In contrast, rhodopsin was unable to disrupt the BRET signal, indicating that the disruption of the PAR4 homodimer is not due to nonspecific interactions. A panel of rho-PAR4 chimeras and PAR4 point mutants has mapped the dimer interface to hydrophobic residues in transmembrane helix 4. Finally, mutations that disrupted dimer formation had reduced calcium mobilization in response to the PAR4 agonist peptide. These results link the loss of dimer formation to a loss of PAR4 signaling.  相似文献   

In the rod cell of the retina, arrestin is responsible for blocking signaling of the G-protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin. The general visual signal transduction model implies that arrestin must be able to interact with a single light-activated, phosphorylated rhodopsin molecule (Rho*P), as would be generated at physiologically relevant low light levels. However, the elongated bi-lobed structure of arrestin suggests that it might be able to accommodate two rhodopsin molecules. In this study, we directly addressed the question of binding stoichiometry by quantifying arrestin binding to Rho*P in isolated rod outer segment membranes. We manipulated the "photoactivation density," i.e. the percentage of active receptors in the membrane, with the use of a light flash or by partially regenerating membranes containing phosphorylated opsin with 11-cis-retinal. Curiously, we found that the apparent arrestin-Rho*P binding stoichiometry was linearly dependent on the photoactivation density, with one-to-one binding at low photoactivation density and one-to-two binding at high photoactivation density. We also observed that, irrespective of the photoactivation density, a single arrestin molecule was able to stabilize the active metarhodopsin II conformation of only a single Rho*P. We hypothesize that, although arrestin requires at least a single Rho*P to bind the membrane, a single arrestin can actually interact with a pair of receptors. The ability of arrestin to interact with heterogeneous receptor pairs composed of two different photo-intermediate states would be well suited to the rod cell, which functions at low light intensity but is routinely exposed to several orders of magnitude more light.  相似文献   

Dimerization of G protein-coupled receptors has received much attention as a regulatory system of physiological function. Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are suitable models for studying the physiological significance of G protein-coupled receptor dimers because they form constitutive homodimers and function through dimeric rearrangement of their extracellular ligand binding domains. However, the molecular architecture of the transmembrane domains (TMDs) and their rearrangement upon agonist binding are still largely unknown. Here we show that the two helix Vs are arranged as the closest part in the dimeric TMDs and change their positions through synergistic control by the binding of two glutamates. The possibility that helix V is involved in an inter-protomer communication was first suggested by the finding that constitutively active mutation sites were identified on both sides of helix V. Then, comprehensive fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis using mGluRs whose cytoplasmic loops were labeled with donor and acceptor fluorescent proteins revealed that the third intracellular loop connecting helices V and VI of one protomer was in close proximity to the second and third intracellular loops of the other protomer and that all the intracellular loops became closer during the activation. Furthermore, FRET analysis of heterodimers in which only one protomer had ligand binding ability revealed the synergistic effect of the binding of two glutamates on the dimeric rearrangements of the TMD. Thus, the glutamate-dependent synergistic relocation of the helix Vs in the dimer is important for the signal flow from the extracellular ligand binding domain to the cytoplasmic surface of the mGluR.  相似文献   

The growing use of fluorescent biosensors to directly probe the spatiotemporal dynamics of biochemical processes in living cells has revolutionized the study of intracellular signaling. In this review, we summarize recent developments in the use of biosensors to illuminate the molecular details of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathways, which have long served as the model for our understanding of signal transduction, while also offering our perspectives on the future of this exciting field. Specifically, we highlight several ways in which biosensor-based single-cell analyses are being used to unravel many of the enduring mysteries that surround these diverse signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In seven-transmembrane (7TM), G protein-coupled receptors, highly conserved residues function as microswitches, which alternate between different conformations and interaction partners in an extended allosteric interface between the transmembrane segments performing the large scale conformational changes upon receptor activation. Computational analysis using x-ray structures of the β2-adrenergic receptor demonstrated that PheVI:09 (6.44), which in the inactive state is locked between the backbone and two hydrophobic residues in transmembrane (TM)-III, upon activation slides ∼2 Å toward TM-V into a tight pocket generated by five hydrophobic residues protruding from TM-III and TM-V. Of these, the residue in position III:16 (3.40) (often an Ile or Val) appears to function as a barrier or gate for the transition between inactive and active conformation. Mutational analysis showed that PheVI:09 is essential for the constitutive and/or agonist-induced signaling of the ghrelin receptor, GPR119, the β2-adrenergic receptor, and the neurokinin-1 receptor. Substitution of the residues constituting the hydrophobic pocket between TM-III and TM-V in the ghrelin receptor in four of five positions impaired receptor signaling. In GPR39, representing the 12% of 7TM receptors lacking an aromatic residue at position VI:09, unchanged agonist-induced signaling was observed upon Ala substitution of LeuVI:09 despite reduced cell surface expression of the mutant receptor. It is concluded that PheVI:09 constitutes an aromatic microswitch that stabilizes the active, outward tilted conformation of TM-VI relative to TM-III by sliding into a tight hydrophobic pocket between TM-III and TM-V and that the hydrophobic residue in position III:16 constitutes a gate for this transition.  相似文献   

The NIMA family protein kinases Nek9/Nercc1 and the highly similar Nek6 and Nek7 form a signaling module activated in mitosis, when they are involved in the control of spindle organization and function. Here we report that Nek9, the module upstream kinase, binds to DYNLL/LC8, a highly conserved protein originally described as a component of the dynein complex. LC8 is a dimer that interacts with different proteins and has been suggested to act as a dimerization hub promoting the organization and oligomerization of partially disorganized partners. We find that the interaction of LC8 with Nek9 depends on a (K/R)XTQT motif adjacent to the Nek9 C-terminal coiled coil motif, results in Nek9 multimerization, and increases the rate of Nek9 autoactivation. LC8 binding to Nek9 is regulated by Nek9 activity through the autophosphorylation of Ser(944), a residue immediately N-terminal to the (K/R)XTQT motif. Remarkably, LC8 binding interferes with the interaction of Nek9 with its downstream partner Nek6 as well as with Nek6 activation, thus controlling both processes. Our work sheds light into the control of signal transduction through the module formed by Nek9 and Nek6/7 and uncovers a novel manner in which LC8 can regulate partner physiology by interfering with protein complex formation. We suggest that this and other LC8 functions can be specifically regulated by partner phosphorylation.  相似文献   

G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) oligomerization has been observed in a wide variety of experimental contexts, but the functional significance of this phenomenon at different stages of the life cycle of class A GPCRs remains to be elucidated. Rhodopsin (Rh), a prototypical class A GPCR of visual transduction, is also capable of forming dimers and higher order oligomers. The recent demonstration that Rh monomer is sufficient to activate its cognate G protein, transducin, prompted us to test whether the same monomeric state is sufficient for rhodopsin phosphorylation and arrestin-1 binding. Here we show that monomeric active rhodopsin is phosphorylated by rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) as efficiently as rhodopsin in the native disc membrane. Monomeric phosphorylated light-activated Rh (P-Rh*) in nanodiscs binds arrestin-1 essentially as well as P-Rh* in native disc membranes. We also measured the affinity of arrestin-1 for P-Rh* in nanodiscs using a fluorescence-based assay and found that arrestin-1 interacts with monomeric P-Rh* with low nanomolar affinity and 1:1 stoichiometry, as previously determined in native disc membranes. Thus, similar to transducin activation, rhodopsin phosphorylation by GRK1 and high affinity arrestin-1 binding only requires a rhodopsin monomer.  相似文献   

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