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《Marine Mammal Science》1989,5(2):206-210
O n the N orthwest : C ommercial W haling in the P acific N orthwest 1790–1967. Robert Lloyd Webb.
T he S ei W hale : P opulation B iology , E cology and M anagement . Joseph Horwood
W ildlife R adio T agging , E quipment , F ield T echniques and D ata A nalysis . Robert Hayward.
B iology of the G enus C ephalorhynchus . R. L. Brownell, Jr. and G. P. Donovan, eds.
H andbook of M arine M ammals . V olume 4: R iver D olphins and the L arger T oothed W hales . S. H. Ridgway and R. Harrison, eds.
P olar B ears . Ian Stirling.
T he W hales of H awaii . Kenneth C. Balcomb, III.
W hales , D olphins and P orpoises . Richard Harrison and M. M. Bryden, eds.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1989,5(3):310-312
P olar B ears . Ian Stirling, with photographs by Dan Guravich.
W hales , D olphins and P orpoises . Consulting Editors Sir Richard Harrison and Dr. M. M. Bryden.
B iology and C onservation of the R iver D olphin s. W. F. Perrin, R. L. Brownell, Jr., Z. Kaiya and L. Jiankang (eds.).
A nimal S ona r. P rocesses and P erformanc e. P. E. Nachtigall and P. W. B. Moore (eds.).
N orth A tlantic K iller W hale s. J. Sigurjonsson and S. Leatherwood (eds.).  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1986,2(3):236-241
Book reviews in this article:
H andbook of M arine M ammals . V olume 3: T he S irenians and B aleen W hales . S. H. Ridgway and R. Harrison (eds.).
L es P hoques M oines -M onk S eal . Ronald and R. Duguy (eds.).
T he E lements of G raphing D ata . W. S. Cleveland.
G uia P ara el R econocimiento de C etaceos del M ar A rgentino . A. Lichter and A. Hooper.
M amiferos M arinos de C hile . W. Sielfeld K.
T he W hale W atcher's H andbook . E. Hoyt. Illustrations by P. Folkens.
W hales and D olphins of N ew Z ealand and A ustralia : A n I dentification G uide . A. N. Baker.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(2):179-184
Book reviews in this article:
C ommunication and B ehavior of W hales . R. Payne (ed.).
S trandings : W ays T o S ave W hales . F. D. r obson .
O rders and F amilies of R ecent M ammals of T he W orld . S. Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. (eds.).
S oviet -A merican C ooperative R esearch on M arine M ammals . V olume l—P innipeds . F. H. Fay and G. A. Fedoseev (eds.).
P athobiology of M arine M ammal D iseases . E. B. Howard (ed.).
S eals of T he W orld . (Second Edition.) J. E. Ring. British Museum and Cornell University Press.
T he G ray W hale : E schrichtius R obustus . M. L. Jones, S. L. Swartt and S. Leatherwood.
T he S ierra C lub H andbook of W hales and D olphins . S. Leatherwood and R. R. Reeves.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1986,2(2):159-163
Book reviews in this article:
S tudies of S ea M ammals in S outh L atitudes . J. K. Ling and M. M. Bryden (eds.).
E xploitation of M arine C ommunities . R. M. May (ed.).
H andbook of M arine M ammals . Volume 3. The Sirenians and Baleen Whales. Sam H. Ridgway and Richard Harrison (eds.).
I nternational R egulation of W haling : F rom C onservation of W haling F rom C onservation of W hales and R egulation of W hale -W atching . Vols. 1 and 2. Patricia Birnie (ed.).
M arine M ammals and F isheries . J. R. Beddington, R. J. H. Beverton and D. M. Lavigne (eds.).
T he E lements of G raphing D ata . William S. Cleveland.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1994,10(3):384-390
Book reviews in this article:
M arine M ammal S ensory S ystems . J. A. Thomas, R. A. Kastelein and A. Ya. Supin, eds.
T he B owhead W hale . J. J. B urns , J. J. Montague and C. J. Cowles, eds.
W orld C hecklist of T hreatened M ammals . World Conservation Monitoring Centre.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(4):342-347
Book reviews in this article:
A ntarcitc E cology . R. M. Laws (ed.).
S eals O f T he W orld . J. E. King.
R eproduction I n W hales , D olphins and P orpoises . W. F. Perrin, R. L. Brownell, Jr., and D. P. DeMaster, eds.
E volution I n T he G alapagos I slands . R. J. Berry (ed.).
H istorical W haling R ecords . M. F. Tillman and G. P. Donovan (eds.).
D iving and A sphyxia , A C omparative S tudy O f A nimals and M an . R. Elsner and B. Gooden.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1989,5(4):406-407
B iology of the G enus C ephalorhynchus . R. L. Brownell, Jr. and G. P. Donovan, eds.
W hales of the W orld . N. Bonner.
M arine M ammals of C alifornia New and revised edition. R. T. Orr and R. C. Helm.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
T he G ray W hale E schrichtius R obustus . M. L. Jones, S. L. Swartz and S. Leatherwood (eds.).
D iving and A sphyxia . R. Elsner and B. Gooden.
S tudies of S ea M ammals in S outh L atitudes . J. K. Ling and M. M. Bryden (eds.).
L es P hoques M oines —M onk S eal . K. Ronald and R. Duguy (eds.).  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》2000,16(4):838-846
Book Reviewed in this article:
A nimal T raining : S uccessful A nimal M anagement T hrough P ositive R inforcement . Ken Ramirez.
C onservation and M anagement of M arine M ammals . J. R. Twiss, Jr., R. R. Reeves and S. Montgomery, eds.
W ebster's W hales and D olphins of the W orld (CD-ROM).  相似文献   

F rost , D. R.; E theridge , R.: A Phylogenetic Analysis and Taxonomy of Iguanian Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata).
C lutton -B rock , T. H. (ed.): Reproductive success. Studies of individual variation in contrasting breeding systems.
H armelin -V ivien , M.; B ourlière , F. (eds.): Vertebrates in Complex Tropical Systems. Ecological Studies
E lsner , N.; S inger , W. (eds.): Dynamics and Plasticity in Neuronal Systems.
G roves , C olin P.: A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution.
E benman , B.; P ersson , L. (eds.): Size structured populations - ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
G eneral F eatures of the P aleobiological E volution of C etacea , Guram Andreevich Mchedlidze.
R eproduction in W hales , D olphins , and P orpoises . W. F. Perrin, R. L. Brownell, Jr., and D. P. DeMaster (Eds.).
C ommunication and B ehavior of W hales . R. Payne (Ed.).
E cholocation in W hales and D olphins . P. E. Purves and G. E. Pilleri.  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
《Marine Mammal Science》1995,11(2):255-259
Book reviews in this article:
M arine M ammals A shore —A F ield G uide for S trandings .
S tudies of W hite W hales ( D elphinapterus L eucas ) and N arwhals ( M onodon M onoceros ) in G reenland and A djacent Waters. E. W. Born, R. Dietz and R. R. Reeves, eds.
B ooks R eceived
L ife in M oving F luids : The Physical Biology Of Flow. Second Edition.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1990,6(4):356-358
H andbook of M arine —M ammals -V olume 4: R iver D olphins and the L arger T oothed W hales . Sam H. Ridgway and Sir Richard Harrison, eds.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1997,13(4):717-718
Book reviews in this article:
W hales , S eals , F ish, and M an . A. S. Blix, L. Walløe and Ø. Ultang, eds.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1991,7(2):203-207
M arine M ammal R esearch and C onservation IN S ri L anka 1985–86. Stephen Leatherwood and Randall R. Reeves, eds.
M arine P ollution . R. B. Clark.
T he N atural H istory of S eals . W. Nigel Bonner.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eehler , B.M. 1991. A Naturalist in New Guinea
B erthold , P. 1990. Vogelzug: eine kurze. aktuelle Gesamtübersicht
B ezzel , E. & P rinzinger , R. 1990. Ornithologie
B ub , H. 1991. Bird Trapping and Bird Banding
B urger , J. (ed.). 1988
B urke , T., D olf , G., J effreys , A.J. & W olff , R. (eds) 1991. DNA Fingerprinting: approaches and applications
C roxall , J.P. (ed.). 1991. Seabird Status and Conservation: a supplement
E rard , C. 1990. Ecologie et Comportement de Gobe-mouches
G alati , R. 1991. Golden-crowned Kinglets, Treetop Nesters of the North Woods
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1988. North American Owls: biology and natural history
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1991. Bustards. Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: birds of dry places
K uroda , N. 1990. The Jungle Crows of Tokyo
L ekagul , B. & R ound , P.D. 1991. Birds of Thailand
L loyd , C. T asker , M.L. & P artridge , K. 1991. The Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland
L örhl , H. 1991. Die Haubenmeise
L oye , J. E. & Z uk , M. (eds) 1991. Bird-Parasite Interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour
M itchell , A. 1989. The Fragile South Pacific: an ecological odyssey
O lney , P.J.S. & E llis , P. (eds) 1990. International Zoo Yearbook 1989, Vol. 29
O wen , M. & B lack , J.M. 1990. Waterfowl Ecology
R oberts , T.J. 1991. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 1; Regional studies and non-passeriformes
S chonn S., S cherzinger W., E xo K-L. & I lle R. 1991. Der Steinkauz. Athene noctua. Pp. 235, 139 monochrome photographs, 28 tables & 2 colour plates
S ibley , C.C. & A hlquist , J.E. 1990. Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: a study in molecular evolution
S kutch , A.F. 1991. Life of the Pigeon
S troud , D. & G lue , D. 1991. Britain's Birds in 1989–90: The conservation and monitoring review
Y eatman -B ekthelot , D. 1991. Atlas des Oiseaux de France en Hiver.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》2000,16(3):695-697
Book Reviewed in this article:
T he E mergence of W hales : E volutionary P atterns in the O rigin of C etacea . J. G. M. Thewissen, ed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》2001,149(7-8):485-492
Wilkinson, R. E. (ed.) Plant-Environment Interactions, Second Edition.
Stacey, G.; Keen, N. T. (eds) : Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Shurtle, M. C.; C. W. Averre Ill : Diagnosing Plant Diseases Caused by Nematodes.
Tjamos, E. C., R. C. Rowe, J. B. Heale, D. R. Fravel (eds) : Advances in Verticillium: Research and Disease Management.
Frederiksen, R. A.; G. N. Odvody (eds) : Compedium of Sorghum Diseases.
Podila, G. K., D. D. Douds Jr. (eds) : Current Advances in Mycorrhizae Research.
Kronstad, J. W. (ed.) : Fungal Pathology.
Agrawal, A. A., S. Tuzun, E. Bent (eds) : Induced Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores. Biochemistry, Ecology, and Agriculture.
Bartels, G.; Backhaus, G. F. (Hrg.) : Die Pr̈ng von Panzen auf ihre Widerstandsfhigkeit gegen Schadorganismen in der Biologischen Bundesanstalt. Teil 2 Resistenzpr̈ng von Kulturpanzen im Acker- und Gartenbau gegen Pilze, Bakterien und Viren-Testing of crop cultivars for resistance to noxious organisms at the Federal Biological Research Centre. Part 2. Testing of resistance of field and horticultural crops to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Mitt. Biol. Bundesanstalt för Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Heft 373.
Bacon, Ch. W., L. F. White Jr. (eds) : Microbial Endophytes.
Siddiqi, M. R. : Tylenchida. Parasites of Plants and Insects.
Khetan, S. K. : Microbial Pest Control.
Upadhyay, R. K., K. G. Mukerji, B. P. Chamola (eds) : Biocontrol Potential and its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture.  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1998,14(1):197-201
Book Reviewed in this article:
G illnetsand C etaceans . W. F. Perrin, G. P. Donovan and J. Barlow, eds.
S ensory S ystems of A quatic M ammals . R. A. Kastelein, J. A. Thomas and P. E. Nachtigall, eds.  相似文献   

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