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The current COVID-19 pandemic has led to a devastating impact across the world. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (the virus causing COVID-19) is known to use the receptor-binding domain (RBD) at viral surface spike (S) protein to interact with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor expressed on many human cell types. The RBD-ACE2 interaction is a crucial step to mediate the host cell entry of SARS-CoV-2. Recent studies indicate that the ACE2 interaction with the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has a higher affinity than its binding with the structurally identical S protein of SARS-CoV-1, the virus causing the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak. However, the biophysical mechanism behind such binding affinity difference is unclear. This study utilizes combined single-molecule force spectroscopy and steered molecular dynamics (SMD) simulation approaches to quantify the specific interactions between SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-CoV-1 RBD and ACE2. Depending on the loading rates, the unbinding forces between SARS-CoV-2 RBD and ACE2 range from 70 to 105 pN and are 30–40% higher than those of SARS-CoV-1 RBD and ACE2 under similar loading rates. SMD results indicate that SARS-CoV-2 RBD interacts with the N-linked glycan on Asn90 of ACE2. This interaction is mostly absent in the SARS-CoV-1 RBD-ACE2 complex. During the SMD simulations, the extra RBD-N-glycan interaction contributes to a greater force and prolonged interaction lifetime. The observation is confirmed by our experimental force spectroscopy study. After removing N-linked glycans on ACE2, its mechanical binding strength with SARS-CoV-2 RBD decreases to a similar level of the SARS-CoV-1 RBD-ACE2 interaction. Together, the study uncovers the mechanism behind the difference in ACE2 binding between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 and could help develop new strategies to block SARS-CoV-2 entry.  相似文献   

Respiratory transmission is the primary route of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is the known receptor of SARS-CoV-2 surface spike glycoprotein for entry into human cells. A recent study reported absent to low expression of ACE2 in a variety of human lung epithelial cell samples. Three bioprojects (PRJEB4337, PRJNA270632 and PRJNA280600) invariably found abundant expression of ACE1 (a homolog of ACE2 and also known as ACE) in human lungs compared to very low expression of ACE2. In fact, ACE1 has a wider and more abundant tissue distribution compared to ACE2. Although it is not obvious from the primary sequence alignment of ACE1 and ACE2, comparison of X-ray crystallographic structures show striking similarities in the regions of the peptidase domains (PD) of these proteins, which is known (for ACE2) to interact with the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Critical amino acids in ACE2 that mediate interaction with the viral spike protein are present and organized in the same order in the PD of ACE1. In silico analysis predicts comparable interaction of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with ACE1 and ACE2. In addition, this study predicts from a list of 1263 already approved drugs that may interact with ACE2 and/or ACE1 and potentially interfere with the entry of SARS-CoV-2 inside the host cells.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since its emergence, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only distressed medical services but also caused economic upheavals, marking urgent the need for effective therapeutics. The experience of combating SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV has shown that inhibiting the 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) blocks the replication of the virus. Given the well-studied properties of FDA-approved drugs, identification of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitors in an FDA-approved drug library would be of great therapeutic value. Here, we screened a library consisting of 774 FDA-approved drugs for potent SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhibitors, using an intramolecularly quenched fluorescence (IQF) peptide substrate. Ethacrynic acid, naproxen, allopurinol, butenafine hydrochloride, raloxifene hydrochloride, tranylcypromine hydrochloride, and saquinavir mesylate have been found to block the proteolytic activity of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro. The inhibitory activity of these repurposing drugs against SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro highlights their therapeutic potential for treating COVID-19 and other Betacoronavirus infections.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused a global crisis, urgently necessitating the development of safe, efficacious, convenient-to-store, and low-cost vaccine options. A major challenge is that the receptor-binding domain (RBD)-only vaccine fails to trigger long-lasting protective immunity if used alone for vaccination. To enhance antigen processing and cross-presentation in draining lymph nodes (DLNs), we developed an interferon (IFN)-armed RBD dimerized by an immunoglobulin fragment (I-R-F). I-R-F efficiently directs immunity against RBD to DLNs. A low dose of I-R-F induces not only high titers of long-lasting neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) but also more comprehensive T cell responses than RBD. Notably, I-R-F provides comprehensive protection in the form of a one-dose vaccine without an adjuvant. Our study shows that the pan-epitope modified human I-R-F (I-P-R-F) vaccine provides rapid and complete protection throughout the upper and lower respiratory tracts against a high-dose SARS-CoV-2 challenge in rhesus macaques. Based on these promising results, we have initiated a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase I/II trial of the human I-P-R-F vaccine (V-01) in 180 healthy adults, and the vaccine appears safe and elicits strong antiviral immune responses. Due to its potency and safety, this engineered vaccine may become a next-generation vaccine candidate in the global effort to overcome COVID-19.Subject terms: Innate immunity, Biological techniques  相似文献   

The strength of binding between human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the receptor binding domain (RBD) of viral spike protein plays a role in the transmissibility of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In this study we focus on a subset of RBD mutations that have been frequently observed in infected individuals and probe binding affinity changes to ACE2 using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements and free energy perturbation (FEP) calculations. Our SPR results are largely in accord with previous studies but discrepancies do arise due to differences in experimental methods and to protocol differences even when a single method is used. Overall, we find that FEP performance is superior to that of other computational approaches examined as determined by agreement with experiment and, in particular, by its ability to identify stabilizing mutations. Moreover, the calculations successfully predict the observed cooperative stabilization of binding by the Q498R N501Y double mutant present in Omicron variants and offer a physical explanation for the underlying mechanism. Overall, our results suggest that despite the significant computational cost, FEP calculations may offer an effective strategy to understand the effects of interfacial mutations on protein–protein binding affinities and, hence, in a variety of practical applications such as the optimization of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

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目的:设计并构建新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)受体结合结构域(receptor binding domain,RBD)在毕赤酵母表面的展示体系,并对表面展示的RBD进行功能性评价,从而为以RBD为靶点的高通量药物筛选平台奠定基础。方法:将四种锚定分子与新冠病毒RBD融合,电转化至毕赤酵母中;通过细胞免疫荧光分析,筛选能够成功展示RBD的锚定系统;进一步分析其与血管紧张素转化酶2(angiotensin-converting enzyme 2,ACE2)受体的亲和力,证明展示在细胞表面RBD分子的功能。结果:仅Sed1p锚定分子能够有效呈递RBD至毕赤酵母细胞表面,展示效率约为70%;亲和力分析结果表明,ACE2受体和表面展示RBD的亲和力(KD = 30.42 nmol/L)与溶液中RBD的亲和力(KD = 16.00 nmol/L)较为接近。结论:这一体系能够在毕赤酵母表面高效地展示具有生物学功能的RBD,可用于抗新冠病毒RBD药物的高通量筛选和评价。  相似文献   

The coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and the closely related SARS-CoV coronavirus enter cells by binding at the human angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (hACE2). The stronger hACE2 affinity of SARS-CoV-2 has been connected with its higher infectivity. In this work, we study hACE2 complexes with the receptor-binding domains (RBDs) of the human SARS-CoV-2 and human SARS-CoV viruses, using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and computational protein design with a physics-based energy function. The molecular dynamics simulations identify charge-modifying substitutions between the CoV-2 and CoV RBDs, which either increase or decrease the hACE2 affinity of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD. The combined effect of these mutations is small, and the relative affinity is mainly determined by substitutions at residues in contact with hACE2. Many of these findings are in line and interpret recent experiments. Our computational protein design calculations redesign positions 455, 493, 494, and 501 of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding motif, which contact hACE2 in the complex and are important for ACE2 recognition. Sampling is enhanced by an adaptive importance sampling Monte Carlo method. Sequences with increased affinity replace CoV-2 glutamine by a negative residue at position 493; serine by a nonpolar or aromatic residue or an asparagine at position 494; and asparagine by valine or threonine at position 501. Substitutions at positions 455 and 501 have a smaller effect on affinity. Substitutions suggested by our design are seen in viral sequences encountered in other species, including bat and pangolin. Our results might be used to identify potential virus strains with higher human infectivity and assist in the design of peptide-based or peptidomimetic compounds with the potential to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 binding at hACE2.  相似文献   

COVID-19 patients transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to minks in the Netherlands in April 2020. Subsequently, the mink-associated virus (miSARS-CoV-2) spilled back over into humans. Genetic sequences of the miSARS-CoV-2 identified a new genetic variant known as “Cluster 5” that contained mutations in the spike protein. However, the functional properties of these “Cluster 5” mutations have not been well established. In this study, we found that the Y453F mutation located in the RBD domain of miSARS-CoV-2 is an adaptive mutation that enhances binding to mink ACE2 and other orthologs of Mustela species without compromising, and even enhancing, its ability to utilize human ACE2 as a receptor for entry. Structural analysis suggested that despite the similarity in the overall binding mode of SARS-CoV-2 RBD to human and mink ACE2, Y34 of mink ACE2 was better suited to interact with a Phe rather than a Tyr at position 453 of the viral RBD due to less steric clash and tighter hydrophobic-driven interaction. Additionally, the Y453F spike exhibited resistance to convalescent serum, posing a risk for vaccine development. Thus, our study suggests that since the initial transmission from humans, SARS-CoV-2 evolved to adapt to the mink host, leading to widespread circulation among minks while still retaining its ability to efficiently utilize human ACE2 for entry, thus allowing for transmission of the miSARS-CoV-2 back into humans. These findings underscore the importance of active surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 evolution in Mustela species and other susceptible hosts in order to prevent future outbreaks.  相似文献   

为原核表达严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(简称新型冠状病毒,severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)S蛋白受体结合域(receptor binding domain, RBD)并制备多克隆抗体,利用基因克隆技术将RBD基因连接到原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1和pET-32a(+)上,电转化至大肠杆菌XL1-Blue感受态细胞,利用优化后的表达条件大量表达重组蛋白,经亲和层析纯化后通过SDS-PAGE检测蛋白的表达情况。利用GST-RBD融合蛋白作为免疫抗原免疫小鼠制备多克隆抗体,ELISA和Western blot分析抗血清的效价和特异性。PCR鉴定和序列测定结果显示,成功构建了重组载体pGEX-RBD和pET-RBD,在大肠杆菌中实现了GST-RBD和RBD-His融合蛋白的可溶性高效表达。研究获得的多克隆抗体的滴度达到约1∶3 000,并具有良好的结合特异性。原核表达的可溶性新型冠状病毒RBD重组蛋白具有良好的免疫原性,为后续制备基因工程抗体奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has swept over the world in the past months, causing significant loss of life and consequences to human health. Although numerous drug and vaccine development efforts are underway, there are many outstanding questions on the mechanism of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral association to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), its main host receptor, and host cell entry. Structural and biophysical studies indicate some degree of flexibility in the viral extracellular spike glycoprotein and at the receptor-binding domain (RBD)-receptor interface, suggesting a role in infection. Here, we perform explicitly solvated, all-atom, molecular dynamics simulations of the glycosylated, full-length, membrane-bound ACE2 receptor in both an apo and spike RBD-bound state to probe the intrinsic dynamics of the ACE2 receptor in the context of the cell surface. A large degree of fluctuation in the full-length structure is observed, indicating hinge bending motions at the linker region connecting the head to the transmembrane helix while still not disrupting the ACE2 homodimer or ACE2-RBD interfaces. This flexibility translates into an ensemble of ACE2 homodimer conformations that could sterically accommodate binding of the spike trimer to more than one ACE2 homodimer and suggests a mechanical contribution of the host receptor toward the large spike conformational changes required for cell fusion. This work presents further structural and functional insights into the role of ACE2 in viral infection that can potentially be exploited for the rational design of effective SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics.  相似文献   

The seasonal nature of outbreaks of respiratory viral infections with increased transmission during low temperatures has been well established. Accordingly, temperature has been suggested to play a role on the viability and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. The receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the Spike glycoprotein is known to bind to its host receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to initiate viral fusion. Using biochemical, biophysical, and functional assays to dissect the effect of temperature on the receptor–Spike interaction, we observed a significant and stepwise increase in RBD-ACE2 affinity at low temperatures, resulting in slower dissociation kinetics. This translated into enhanced interaction of the full Spike glycoprotein with the ACE2 receptor and higher viral attachment at low temperatures. Interestingly, the RBD N501Y mutation, present in emerging variants of concern (VOCs) that are fueling the pandemic worldwide (including the B.1.1.7 (α) lineage), bypassed this requirement. This data suggests that the acquisition of N501Y reflects an adaptation to warmer climates, a hypothesis that remains to be tested.  相似文献   

Coronavirus interaction with its viral receptor is a primary genetic determinant of host range and tissue tropism. SARS-CoV-2 utilizes ACE2 as the receptor to enter host cell in a species-specific manner. We and others have previously shown that ACE2 orthologs from New World monkey, koala and mouse cannot interact with SARS-CoV-2 to mediate viral entry, and this defect can be restored by humanization of the restrictive residues in New World monkey ACE2. To better understand the genetic determinants behind the ability of ACE2 orthologs to support viral entry, we compared koala and mouse ACE2 sequences with that of human and identified the key residues in koala and mouse ACE2 that restrict viral receptor activity. Humanization of these critical residues rendered both koala and mouse ACE2 capable of binding the spike protein and facilitating viral entry. Our study shed more lights into the genetic determinants of ACE2 as the functional receptor of SARS-CoV-2, which facilitates our understanding of viral entry.  相似文献   

It is urgent to find an effective antiviral drug against SARS-CoV-2. In this study, 96 virus-drug associations (VDAs) from 12 viruses including SARS-CoV-2 and similar viruses and 78 small molecules are selected. Complete genomic sequence similarity of viruses and chemical structure similarity of drugs are then computed. A KATZ-based VDA prediction method (VDA-KATZ) is developed to infer possible drugs associated with SARS-CoV-2. VDA-KATZ obtained the best AUCs of 0.8803 when the walking length is 2. The predicted top 3 antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-2 are remdesivir, oseltamivir, and zanamivir. Molecular docking is conducted between the predicted top 10 drugs and the virus spike protein/human ACE2. The results showed that the above 3 chemical agents have higher molecular binding energies with ACE2. For the first time, we found that zidovudine may be effective clues of treatment of COVID-19. We hope that our predicted drugs could help to prevent the spreading of COVID.  相似文献   

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