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Cytoarchitectonics of hypothalamic area of diencephalon of the sturgeons was studied in serial sections by techniques of Nissl staining and Bielschowski impregnation in Viktorov’s modification. The hypothalamus was shown to be the most expanded area of diencephalon and forms its the most ventral part. The hypothalamic area of four studied sturgeons, the hausen, Huso huso L., Kura sturgeon, Acipenser guldenstaedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, Caspian sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall. and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudioventris Lov. was found to have similar structure. Eleven nerve structures are identified and described in the hypothalamic area: dorsal, ventral, and caudal periventricular zones, rostral and dorsal hypothalamic nuclei, ventral and ventrolateral hypothalamic nuclei, diffuse and central nuclei of the inferior lobes, nucleus of the vascular sac, and mammillary nucleus. Peculiarities and common features of organization of four major parts of hypothalamus of the sturgeons are considered in comparison with those of other ray-finned fish. The performed analysis indicates a high level of development of hypothalamus of the sturgeons.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of the external nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: great sturgeon, Huso huso L., Kura sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, stellate sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall. and barbel sturgeon, Ac. nudiventris Lov. Study of morphological organization of the structures was carried out using routine Nissl staining and Bilschowski impregnation technique in Viktorov’s modification. Similar structure of this pretectal area was found in the species. Five nuclear formations were described in this pretectal area: parvocellular and magnocellular external pretectal nuclei, laminiform nucleus of pretectum, dorsal pretectal nucleus, and the accessory optic nucleus. Comparison of the obtained data with the literature revealed a high level of differentiation of the area of pretectum in the sturgeons. Also, a general conclusion is given on the organization of the whole pretectal area in the sturgeons.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of periventricular and rostral parts of the posterior tubercular area of diencephalon was studied in four species of the cartilaginous ganoids by using routine Nissl staining and Bielschowski impregnation technique in Viktorov’s modification. The posterior tubercular area in the giant sturgeon Huso huso L., the Kura sturgeon Acipenser güldenstädtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, the stellate sturgeon Ac. stellatus Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris Lov. was shown to have similar structure. Six structures were identified in these areas: the periventricular nucleus, paraventricular organ, nucleus of the paraventricular organ, and posterior tuberal nucleus in the periventricular region and preglomerular medial and lateral nuclei in the rostral region. Both nuclei of the rostral zone are migrated nuclei. Out of nuclei of the posterior tubercle regions, the posterior tuberal and medial preglomerular nuclei are characterized by polymorphism of cellular elements. A conclusion is made that these parts of the posterior tubercular area in the sturgeons considered to be the lower ray-finned fish are comparable with those of the higher teleosts, and even are more differentiated according to some parameters.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of ventrothalamic area of the diencephalon of the sturgeons was studied in four species of the sturgeons, the great sturgeon Huso huso L., the Kura sturgeon Acipenser guelden-staedtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, the Caspian sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudioventris Lov. using Nissl staining and Bilschowski impregnation techniques in Viktorov’s modification. The ventral thalamus of the sturgeons was found to include seven nuclei: ventromedial, ventrolateral, intermediate and ventral thalamic nuclei, thalamic eminence, and nuclei of ventral and medial optic tracts. The main attention was paid to comparative analysis of this area in the sturgeons and other actinopterygian fish. The structures common to all ray-finned fish or only to the lower teleosts and ganoids as well as characterizing only the sturgeons.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of caudal region of the posterior tubercular area of diencephalon was studied in four species of the true sturgeons: the giant sturgeon, Huso huso L., Kura sturgeon, Acipenser güldenstädtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, stellate sturgeon, Ac. stellatus Pall. and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris Lov. Morphologic organization of the brain region was studied by using staining techniques of Nissl and Bielschowski (Viktorov’s modification). Five nuclei were identified in the caudal region of the posterior tubercular area in all studied species: caudomedial, caudal and lateral thalamic nuclei forming the medial group, as well as lateral torus and posterior thalamic nuclei forming the lateral group. The latter two nuclei have their subdivisions. Characteristic peculiarity of the caudal region is the presence of only migrated nuclei. It is concluded that the level of differentiation of the diencephalon posterior tubercular area of the sturgeons allows considering it as one of the most evolutionary advanced structures among those in the actinopterygian fish line.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of periventricular and central nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: the great sturgeon Huso huso, L., the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gъldenst?dti persicus n. kurensis, Belyaeff, the starred sturgeon Ac. stellatus, Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris, Lov.; this pretectum part has a similar structure. Study of these parts of the pretectal area was carried out by methods of Nissl and Bielshowskii modified by Viktorov. In this part of the pretectal area, nine nuclear structures were described, eight of them—nuclear; these are ventral periventricular pretectal nucleus and its dorsal component, dorsal periventricular pretectal nucleus, nucleus of medial longitudinal bundle, subcomissural organ, medial and lateral intercalate nuclei, and central and posterior pretectal nuclei. The main attention has been paid to the issue of the evolutional progression of this part of the pretectal area in the sturgeons as compared with other Actinopterygii.  相似文献   

In this study, six candidate female-specific DNA sequences of octaploid Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii) were identified using comparative genomic approaches with high-throughput sequencing data. Their specificity was confirmed by traditional PCR. Two of these sex-specific sequences were also validated as female-specific in other eight sturgeon species and two hybrid sturgeons. The identified female-specific DNA fragments suggest that the family Acipenseridae has a ZZ/ZW sex-determining system. However, one of the two DNA sequences has been deleted in some sturgeons such as Sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus), Beluga (Huso huso) and Kaluga (H. dauricus). The difference of sex-specific sequences among sturgeons indicates that there are different sex-specific regions among species of sturgeon. This study not only provided the sex-specific DNA sequences for management, conservation and studies of sex-determination mechanisms in sturgeons, but also confirmed the capability of the workflow to identify sex-specific DNA sequences in the polyploid species with complex genomes.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of outer nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: the great sturgeon Huso huso, L., the Russian sturgeon Acipenser güldenst?dti persicus n. kurensis, Belyaeff, the starred sturgeon Ac. stellatus, Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris, Lov. Morphological organization of these structures was studied by methods of Nissl and Bielshowskii modified by Viktorov. In this part of the pretectal area, five nuclear structures were described: parvicellular and magnocellular outer pretectal nuclei, lamellar pretectal nucleus, and dorsal pretectal nucleus, as well as accessory optic nucleus. Comparison of the obtained results with literature data has revealed a sufficiently high level of differentiation of this pretectum part of the sturgeons. Besides, a general conclusion is presented on organization of their entire pretectal area.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of the dorsal part of diencephalon and epithalamus was studied in four species of the true sturgeons: the great sturgeon Huso huso L., the Kura sturgeon Acipenser gƅlden-st∂dtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, the starred sturgeon Ac. stellatus Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris Lov. Material was processed using routine Nissl and Bielschowski staining techniques (the latter in Viktorov’s modification). The described areas are the smallest among diencephalic regions. Dorsal thalamus is exceeded by the ventral one both in length and in the number nuclear structures. It includes four nuclear structures, three of which are periventricular: the anterior, posterior dorsal, and central nuclei, while the subhabenular nucleus is a migrated one. Epithalamic area has a pronounced right-left asymmetry that consists both in the external appearance of these structures and in their internal organization. Three types of neurons were revealed in epithalamic structures: granular cells, rounded neurons with poorly expressed processes, and bipolar neurons with clearly seen processes. In the epithalamic area, a sufficiently large nervous structure designated as the central habenular nucleus consisting of relatively large rounded neurons was described. A conclusion is made about a unique organization the studied areas in the true sturgeons, which distinguishes them markedly among both other actinopterygian fish and the higher organized vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibres and perikarya containing LH-RH-like material were identified immunohistochemically in the diencephalon of the domestic hen using the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase technique. Perikarya were thinly scattered in bilateral bands close to the third ventricle extending from the nucleus praeopticus paraventricularis magnocellularis, passing in front of the anterior commissure into the septal area. In this latter area, the perikarya tended to spread out laterally. A few perikarya were seen in the anterior portion of the nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis but were not found in the infundibular nuclear complex. Fibre tracts were seen running dorso-ventrally in the preoptic area apparently associated with the lamina terminalis. Fibres, possibly nerve terminals, were found in the lamina terminalis and in the external layers of the anterior and posterior divisions of the median eminence. A large number of fibres was seen distributed throughout the infundibular nuclear complex; scattered fibres were found close to the third ventricle in the anterior hypothalamus. Extrahypothalamic fibres were also observed to project from the septal area into other parts of the telencephalon.The authors thank Mrs G. Connell for technical assistance, Mr R.K. Field for help with photography, Professor A. Arimura and Dr. H.M. Fraser for anti-LH-RH serum and Hoechst Pharmaceuticals for the gift of synthetic LH-RH  相似文献   

Summary In the hypothalamus of the turtle, Lissemys punctata granosa, two magnocellular and 23 parvocellular neuronal complexes can be distinguished. The magnocellular complexes include the nucleus supraopticus and the nucleus paraventricularis; paraventricular neurons are partly arranged in rows parallel to the third ventricle. Most infundibular parvocellular nuclei display neurons disposed in rows parallel to the ventricular surface. In the preoptic region, the prominent parvocellular neuronal complexes encompass the nucleus periventricularis anterior, lateral preoptic area, the nucleus of the anterior commissure and the nucleus suprachiasmaticus. The prominent nucleus periventricularis posterior extends caudad and shows neurons arranged in vertical rows parallel to the third ventricle. Other parvocellular nuclei of the rostral hypothalamus are composed of clustered subunits. The nucleus arcuatus is a fairly large nuclear entity extending from the level marked dorsally by the nucleus paraventricularis to the area occupied by the nucleus of the paraventricular organ. A well-developed ventromedial nucleus is located ventrolateral to the paraventricular organ. The prominent paraventricular organ consists of tightly arranged neurons, some of which possess apical projections into the third ventricle; it is surrounded by the nucleus of the paraventricular organ. Nucleus hypothalamicus medialis et lateralis, nucleus hypothalamicus posterior and the nuclei recessus infundibuli are further nuclear units of the tuberal region. The caudal end of the hypothalamus is marked by the nucleus mamillaris; its neurons are scattered among the fibers of the retroinfundibular commissure. The median eminence is well developed and shows a large medial and two lateral protrusions into the infundibular recess.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of periventricular and central nuclei of the pretectal area was studied in four species of the sturgeons: the great sturgeon Huso huso, L., the Russian sturgeon Acipenser güldenst?dti persicus n. kurensis, Belyaeff, the starred sturgeon Ac. stellatus, Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris, Lov.; this pretectum part has a similar structure. Study of these parts of the pretectal area was carried out by methods of Nissl and Bielshowskii modified by Viktorov. In this part of the pretectal area, nine nuclear structures were described, eight of them--nuclear; these are ventral periventricular pretectal nucleus and its dorsal component, dorsal periventricular pretectal nucleus, nucleus of medial longitudinal bundle, subcomissural organ, medial and lateral intercalate nuclei, and central and posterior pretectal nuclei. The main attention has been paid to the issue of the evolutional progression of this part of the pretectal area in the sturgeons as compared with other Actinopterygii.  相似文献   

Analysis of dynamics of commercial catches and the state of populations of Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, starred sturgeon A. stellatus, and great sturgeon A. huso (Huso huso) in the Caspian Sea is presented. In the retrospective, the role of natural and artificial reproduction in formation of populations of Acipenseridae sturgeons is considered. The main principles of rational organization of practical activity for preservation and restoration of populations of Acipenseridae sturgeons are formulated.  相似文献   

This study investigates muscle proteins in Russian (Acipenser gueldensiaedtii Brandt), Siberian (Acipenser baerii Brandt), and Amur (Acipenser schrenckii Brandt) sturgeons using the method of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A group of fractions, which is presumably the product of a polyallelic duplicated MY-1* locus, is recorded among the general pool of proteins. Data from densitometric analysis makes it possible to put forward a hypothesis about an eight-gene determination of this system of proteins. The highest heterogeneity and polymorphism was revealed in the Russian sturgeon. Analysis of the genotype distribution in samples of the studied species allowed us to make an assumption that the genetic structure of spawning sturgeon stocks is significantly metamorphosed under the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors.  相似文献   

Legally certified sturgeon fisheries require population protection and conservation methods, including DNA tests to identify the source of valuable sturgeon roe. However, the available genetic data are insufficient to distinguish between different sturgeon populations, and are even unable to distinguish between some species. We performed high‐throughput single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐genotyping analysis on different populations of Russian (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), Persian (A. persicus), and Siberian (A. baerii) sturgeon species from the Caspian Sea region (Volga and Ural Rivers), the Azov Sea, and two Siberian rivers. We found that Russian sturgeons from the Volga and Ural Rivers were essentially indistinguishable, but they differed from Russian sturgeons in the Azov Sea, and from Persian and Siberian sturgeons. We identified eight SNPs that were sufficient to distinguish these sturgeon populations with 80% confidence, and allowed the development of markers to distinguish sturgeon species. Finally, on the basis of our SNP data, we propose that the A. baerii‐like mitochondrial DNA found in some Russian sturgeons from the Caspian Sea arose via an introgression event during the Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   

The six North Pacific members of the genus Acipenser have generally similar environmental requirements and share several specific morphological features. This Pacific group consists of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, Sakhalin sturgeon, A. mikadoi, white sturgeon, A. transmontanus, Chinese sturgeon, A. sinensis, Dabry’s sturgeon, A. dabryanus and Amur sturgeon, A. schrenkii. A qualitative morphological examination of these species revealed synapomorphic characters that suggest close phyolgenetic relationships resulting from common ancestry of eastern and western species within the Pacific Rim. An evolutionary taxonomic approach, considering a reduction of characters from east to west, would suggest an Asian ancestry for all Pacific sturgeons. In contrast however, a phylogenetic approach using derived character states suggests a North American ancestry. Besides a common ancestry for Chinese and American sturgeons, the taxonomic status of A. mikadoi is discussed.  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑内一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元的分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用NADPH-d组织化学方法观察了大白鼠下丘脑内一氧化氮合酶(NDS)阳性神经元的分布及形态特征。结果显示:在视上核、室旁核的大细胞部、环状核、穹窿周核、下丘脑外侧区、下丘脑腹内侧核、下丘脑背内侧核、乳头体区大部分核团均可见一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元聚集成团。在视前内侧区、视前外侧区、下丘脑前区、下丘脑背侧区、下丘脑后区、室周核、室旁核小细胞部及穹窿内可见散在的一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元。室周核内可见呈阳性反应的接触脑脊液神经元的胞体及突起。一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元大多可见突起,有的突起上可见1~2级分支,并可见膨体。下丘脑大部分区域内可见阳性神经纤维。弓状核内可见许多弧形纤维连于第三脑室室管膜和正中隆起。  相似文献   

鲟分枝杆菌病及其病原研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20092010年间,我国人工养殖的中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)、史氏鲟(Acipenser schrencki)和杂交鲟(hybrid sturgeon:A. baeri-A. gueldenstaedtii)暴发了细菌性疾病。患病鲟通过组织切片观察,病原菌的分离、鉴定以及组织样品中病原菌的检测,结果显示从19条患病鲟中分离到49株分枝杆菌。病原菌经过多个保守基因的测序分析和部分生理生化特征的鉴定,共发现有7种分枝杆菌,分别为龟分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium chelonae)、海分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium marinum)、戈登氏分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium gordonae)、偶发分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium fortuitum)、苏尔加分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium szulgai)、猪分枝杆菌 (Mycobacterium porcinum)和Mycobacterium arpuense。在诊断过程中发现两种或三种分枝杆菌同时存在于同一样品中,分子生物学的诊断结果表明分枝杆菌复合感染十分常见,而海分枝杆菌是分枝杆菌复合感染中最为常见的分枝杆菌。分离的病原菌对斑马鱼的攻毒试验结果表明在以上7种分枝杆菌中海分枝杆菌的毒力最强。以上结果表明海分枝杆菌是鲟分枝杆菌病的主要致病菌,分枝杆菌复合感染是鲟分枝杆菌病的主要感染形式。研究中史氏鲟和中华鲟的分枝杆菌病,以及在病鱼体内分离的猪分枝杆菌和M. arupense在国内外均尚未见报道。    相似文献   

The state of natural spawning of sturgeons in the Lower Volga River was investigated through genetic monitoring of juveniles (larvae, fingerlings, subadults) captured at seven traditionally used monitoring locations. Sampling was performed during the period 2017–2019. In total, 460 individuals were caught and genotyped using a set of six microsatellite loci (Afug41, Afug51, Afug135, An20, AoxD161, AoxD165) and mtDNA control region sequencing. The observed species-specific microsatellite alleles revealed the presence of juvenile sturgeons originating from natural spawning also included some hybrids between Acipenser stellatus and A. ruthenus. Thus, the majority of sterlet breeding takes place in natural spawning grounds but also sterlet hybridizes with a small number of stellate sturgeons. Juveniles of other sturgeon species were not identified, and it is concluded that natural spawning activities of Russian sturgeon, beluga and ship sturgeon were insignificant or even absent in the Lower Volga during the observation period.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of the Sakhalin sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi and two mitogenomes of the Amur sturgeon A. schrenckii were sequenced using Roche 454 technology. The mitogenomes of the green sturgeon A. medirostris (obtained from GenBank) and the Sakhalin sturgeon differ as much as the mitogenomes of two mtDNA haplogroups (SM and BG) found in the same population of the Amur sturgeon: 0.0042 ± 0.0006 and 0.0036 ± 0.0005 substitutions per site (Tamura–Nei distance, TrN), respectively. The differences of these mitogenome pairs from mitogenomes of sister species (kaluga A. dauricus and white sturgeon A. transmontanus) are 3–6 times larger: 0.0260 ± 0.0015 and 0.0102 ± 0.0008, respectively. Thus, the differences between the mitogenomes of the Sakhalin and green sturgeons can be attributed to the variability at the intraspecific level. The time that has passed since the divergence of the Sakhalin and green sturgeons is considered to be much shorter than was previously believed: approximately 0.16 rather than 9.60 million years.  相似文献   

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