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ABSTRACT.   Many passerine species exhibit a "dawn chorus"—a bout of intense singing activity before or at dawn, but our understanding of this phenomenon is poor. Tyrant flycatchers (Tyrannidae) exhibit pronounced daily bouts of dawn singing. I documented this behavior in several populations of Buff-breasted Flycatchers ( Empidonax fulvifrons ) in Arizona, tape recording >30,000 songs of 23 individuals during dawn singing. Individual males sang a dawn bout each morning, even during breeding phases when daytime song was almost completely absent. Dawn bouts began 5–10 min before local civil twilight and continued for 25–30 min. Each male possessed two song types delivered at high rates during dawn singing (four times the rate during sustained daytime singing). Song rate varied significantly over the course of dawn bouts, increasing to 55 songs / min at mid-bout, then declining to the end of the bout. Type 2 songs comprised about 30% of songs during dawn singing, and decreased significantly in proportion during the final 10 min of the bout. Songs of the two types were delivered in a nonrandom fashion. Males sang at locations near territory boundaries and pairs of neighbors engaged in counter-singing from the same locations each morning. A number of dawn singing bouts ended with attempted or successful copulations. These observations are consistent with the social dynamics hypothesis for the functional significance of dawn singing in this species.  相似文献   

Male songbirds often establish territories and attract mates by singing, and some song features can reflect the singer's condition or quality. The quality of the song environment can change, so male songbirds should benefit from assessing the competitiveness of the song environment and appropriately adjusting their own singing behavior and the neural substrates by which song is controlled. In a wide range of taxa, social modulation of behavior is partly mediated by the arginine vasopressin or vasotocin (AVP/AVT) systems. To examine the modulation of singing behavior in response to the quality of the song environment, we compared the song output of laboratory-housed male Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) exposed to 1 week of chronic playback of songs categorized as either high or low quality, based on song length, complexity, and trill performance. To explore the neural basis of any facultative shifts in behavior, we also quantified the subjects' AVT immunoreactivity (AVT-IR) in three forebrain regions that regulate sociosexual behavior: the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm), the lateral septum (LS), and the preoptic area. We found that high-quality songs increased singing effort and reduced AVT-IR in the BSTm and LS, relative to low-quality songs. The effect of the quality of the song environment on both singing effort and forebrain AVT-IR raises the hypothesis that AVT within these brain regions plays a role in the modulation of behavior in response to competition that individual males may assess from the prevailing song environment.  相似文献   

Male quality may influence both the outcome of sperm competition and female faithfulness. In male house sparrows Passer domesticus , the size of the black throat patch (badge) signals dominance and perhaps attractiveness. So far, however, no study has reported any significant relationships between badge size, paternity and paternity assurance behaviours in this species. We found that the time mates spent together at the nest was positively correlated with badge size. Furthermore, although paternity losses were influenced by both the time spent at the nest and within-pair copulation frequency, we found no relationship between copulation rate and badge size. It seems therefore that copulation frequency served as a paternity assurance behaviour, whereas the time mates stayed together at the nest may have reflected male attractiveness. Alternatively, females may have decided to stay with large-badged males because they were better able to protect them from harassment by strange males. We also found that paternity losses were related to male badge size; average-badged males cuckolded were more often than males with smaller or larger badges. We suggest that average-badged males suffered higher paternity losses because they had different time allocation strategies than other males.  相似文献   

Bird song often varies geographically, and when this geographicvariation has distinct boundaries, the shared song types arereferred to as song dialects. We investigated the role of songdialect in male mating success in a wild breeding populationof mountain white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrysoriantha). In 2 of 3 years, males singing unusual songs ("nonlocal"males) had lower total fertilization success (measured by microsatellitepaternity analysis) than did males singing the local dialect ("local" males). Similarly, females produced disproportionately more young with local than with nonlocal males. However, dialectwas not a significant predictor of male mating success whencontrolling for other factors that might affect paternity.Instead, the low mating success of nonlocal males was apparentlydue to an interaction between song dialect and parasite load.Nonlocal males were more severely infected by bloodborne Haemoproteusthan were local males, although they did not differ in anyother measured aspect of quality. Immigrant birds may be immunologically disadvantaged, possibly due to a lack of previous experiencewith the local parasite fauna, resulting in low mating success.  相似文献   

Tammar wallaby females (Macropus eugenii) are seasonally breeding marsupials with a post-partum oestrus after a highly synchronised birth period when testosterone concentrations rise in males. Chemical communication appears to be important for mating, as males show checking behaviour, sniffing the urogenital opening (UGO) and the pouch of females. This study investigates whether the presence of pregnant and oestrous females directly influences testosterone in males and if oestrous odours or secretion from the pouch or UGO are attractive. Concentrations of plasma testosterone were measured in males housed with pregnant and oestrous females during two consecutive cycles in the breeding season, and an artificially induced cycle in the non-breeding season. Males were also tested for their interest in swabs taken from the urogenital opening (UGO) or pouch of oestrous females. Testosterone increased sharply in males in the presence of pregnant and oestrous females during all cycles in both seasons, but there was no change when males were exposed to non-cycling females in lactational or seasonal diapause. Males had no preference for either oestrous or non-oestrous samples taken from the pouch or from the UGO from oestrous females. This study confirms that the increase in plasma testosterone in tammar males can be induced through the presence of pregnant and oestrous females, regardless of season and that the increase began when the females were in late-pregnancy. This confirms that the male's reproductive state is dependent on a signal from females and is not blocked through seasonal effects.  相似文献   

Artificial night lighting is expanding globally, but its ecological consequences remain little understood. Animals often use changes in day length as a cue to time seasonal behaviour. Artificial night lighting may influence the perception of day length, and may thus affect both circadian and circannual rhythms. Over a 3.5 month period, from winter to breeding, we recorded daily singing activity of six common songbird species in 12 woodland sites, half of which were affected by street lighting. We previously reported on analyses suggesting that artificial night lighting affects the daily timing of singing in five species. The main aim of this study was to investigate whether the presence of artificial night lighting is also associated with the seasonal occurrence of dawn and dusk singing. We found that in four species dawn and dusk singing developed earlier in the year at sites exposed to light pollution. We also examined the effects of weather conditions and found that rain and low temperatures negatively affected the occurrence of dawn and dusk singing. Our results support the hypothesis that artificial night lighting alters natural seasonal rhythms, independently of other effects of urbanization. The fitness consequences of the observed changes in seasonal timing of behaviour remain unknown.  相似文献   

1. This study investigates how the density and size of conspecific neighbours affected the mortality of established colonies. Data were from a population of 250–300 colonies of the red harvester ant [ Pogonomyrmex barbatus (F. Smith)], on a 10-ha site, from 1988 to 1995.
2. Colonies are more likely to die as they grow older.
3. Small neighbours tend to lower the probability of dying.
4. The probability of dying varied significantly from year to year.
5. There was little effect of crowding on mortality.
6. There appeared to be no spatial effects, on the scale of 25. m, on the probability of dying.
7. Previous work shows effects of density on the founding of new colonies and on the reproductive output of established ones. The results presented here indicate that competition with neighbours rarely causes the death of established colonies.  相似文献   

Song in male songbirds is activated by the sex steroid testosterone (T). Using male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), we compared effects of T in the normal spring state of photosensitivity (i.e., when the pituitary-gonadal axis is sensitive to stimulation by increasing daylength) and in the late summer-early fall state of photorefractoriness (i.e., when they are insensitive to increasing daylength). Photosensitive males experienced short days for 8 weeks and then long days for another 22 weeks to induce photorefractoriness. T implants were given to the birds twice, first when on short days and photosensitive, and second when on long days and photorefractory. Song rates were compared among 5 conditions: (1) photosensitive, short days, low T titers; (2) photosensitive, short days, high T titers; (3) photosensitive, long days, high T titers; (4) photorefractory, long days, low T titers; and (5) photorefractory, long days, high T titers. Plasma levels of T were monitored throughout the experiment by radioimmunoassay. T was equally effective in inducing song in both the photosensitive and photorefractory conditions. Thus, no seasonal change was found in the sensitivity to hormone action of the neural target sites mediating this behavior in song sparrows. Photosensitive birds sang at a higher rate when on long days than when on short days, however, even though there was no concomitant increase in plasma levels of T. This finding suggests that environmental factors can alter the expression of song activated by similar levels of T.  相似文献   

Competition decreased transpiration from young lettuce plants after 2 days, before any reductions in leaf area became apparent, and stomatal conductance (g(s) ) of lettuce and tomato plants was also reduced. Stomatal closure was not due to hydraulic signals or competition for nutrients, as soil water content, leaf water status and leaf nitrate concentrations were unaffected by neighbours. Competition-induced stomatal closure was absent in an abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient tomato mutant, flacca, indicating a fundamental involvement of ABA. Although tomato xylem sap ABA concentrations were unaffected by the presence of neighbours, ABA/pH-based stomatal modulation is still likely to underlie the response to competition, as soil and xylem sap alkalization was observed in competing plants. Competition also modulated leaf ethylene production, and treatment of lettuce plants with an ethylene perception inhibitor (1-methylcyclopropene) diminished the difference in g(s) between single and competing plants grown in a controlled environment room, but increased it in plants grown in the greenhouse: ethylene altered the extent of the stomatal response to competition. Effects of competition on g(s) are discussed in terms of the detection of the absence of neighbours: increases in g(s) and carbon fixation may allow faster initial space occupancy within an emerging community/crop.  相似文献   

Cannibalism is widespread in the animal kingdom. The most common, well-known cases are found in some arthropod systems where the larger females occasionally consume the smaller males before, during, or after mating (i.e., sexual cannibalism). The killing and consumption of females by males are, on the other hand, seemingly much rarer and theoretically more difficult to explain, at least among adults, because the consumption of females would result in the loss of potential mates for males. Here, we use observations submitted to a community science reporting system to describe three instances of adult males feeding on adult females in the Montpellier snake, Malpolon monspessulanus, in the south of France. We discuss our observations in the theoretical framework of cannibalism to provide potential explanations for these observations and briefly review empirical findings of cannibalism in vertebrates, which confirms that this sex-reversed form of sexual cannibalism is rare in nature.  相似文献   

Males of many songbird species have peaks of singing activity at dawn and dusk. Singing during those twilight periods can function in territory proclamation, and males are suggested to adjust song output to the level of intruder pressure. We used song playback during the breeding season to simulate intrusions into territories of male Winter Wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes) shortly after dawn. We then compared male singing behaviour during the dawn and dusk chorus before and 1 day after the simulated intrusion. One day after the playback, male Wrens increased their song output before sunrise, which confirms our results from a previous study on dawn singing in autumn territories. At dusk, on the evening following the playback, males slightly increased song output after sunset, but singing activity at dusk was generally very low. We found no significant changes of song output after sunrise, before sunset, and between 2 days of control without playback. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that dawn and dusk singing is important for territory defence in spring. Unlike in autumn, however, increased singing in spring at dawn and dusk could also serve to defend other resources such as fertile mates or to strengthen the pair bond after a territorial challenge. In comparison with the results on autumnal singing, male Wrens started singing earlier at dawn during the breeding season, and they generally sang more songs at dawn and immediately after playback. The increase in absolute numbers of songs sung in the morning after playback seemed greater in spring than in autumn; however, the proportional increase relative to overall song output was similar in both seasons.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role that androgen receptors (ARs) play in modulating aggressive behavior in male song sparrows, Melospiza melodia morphna. Song sparrows are seasonally breeding, territorial birds that maintain year-round territories with male-female pair bonds formed during the spring breeding season. Plasma testosterone levels peak as territories are established and mates acquired. In late summer, testosterone levels fall and remain basal during the non-breeding season. We examined the role of ARs in regulating territorial aggression in captive song sparrows under short- and long-day conditions as well as just prior to, and at the start of the breading season in freely living birds using the nonsteroidal antiandrogen flutamide to block AR function. Birds were implanted with either empty or drug filled silastic implants for 18 to 42 days and then challenged with a novel male decoy to assess the individual birds level of male-male aggression. Freely living birds remained on their home territory and underwent a simulated territorial intrusion, whereas laboratory-held birds were assessed using a laboratory simulated territorial intrusion and remained in their home cage. Experimental treatment of male song sparrows decreased aggressive behavior during the pre-breeding life history substage (March-April) in freely living birds as well as in laboratory-held birds under long-day (16L:8D) conditions. During the early breeding substage (April-May) there was no measurable effect of flutamide treatment on aggressive behavior, nor was there a difference in behavior in the (8L:16D) laboratory birds. This demonstrates that ARs are an important component of the neuroendocrine control of aggressive behavior. Given that flutamide only affected aggression during the pre-breeding substage and in LD birds, the results suggest that AR dependent control of aggressive behavior changes as song sparrow life history states change.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of patch size and competitor number onaggression among house sparrows, Passer domesticus, foragingat patches of seven different sizes in a doubling series (0.014,0.029, 0.058, 0.116, 0.230, 0.462, and 0.922 m2). Contrary toour expectations, the birds did not defend an entire patch,even when it was small as 0.014 m2. The frequency of aggressionamong the birds decreased gradually with increasing patch size,in contrast to the step decline predicted by resource defensetheory. Moreover, the birds fought more frequently and moreintensely as competitor density increased. Both results areconsistent with the predictions of a modified hawk-dove modelfor shared patches. Females were more aggressive and fed ata higher rate than did males. The proportion of females increasedas patch size decreased, and aggression became more frequentand intense. Even when patches are shared, patch size has animportant effect on the frequency and intensity of foragingcompetition and the size and composition of foraging groups.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits in many mate recognition systems have evolved in response to preexisting female biases. These biases are often quite general in form and are likely to be shared by predators, thereby imposing a cost on male trait expression. The Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces: Characidae), a visual predator of swordtail fishes, exhibits the same visual preferences for male body size morphs as do females. Furthermore, tetras in populations where swordtails are absent prefer males with sword ornaments over males with swords removed. The predator preference is thus likely to have arisen prior to contact with fishes bearing the ornament, as has also been suggested for mating preferences for swords.  相似文献   

The evolution of separate males and females is an important evolutionary transition that has occurred multiple times in flowering plants. While empirical studies have stressed the potential importance of natural enemies and organismal interactions in the evolution of separate sexes, there has been no treatment of natural enemies in the theoretical literature. We investigated the effects of disease on the evolution of females in gynodioecious populations composed of females and hermaphrodites, where sex is determined by the interaction of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and nuclear restorer genes. When females are significantly more resistant than hermaphrodites, disease drives an increase in the frequency of females and sex determination becomes nuclear, creating the pre-conditions for the evolution of separate males and females. However, when females are only moderately more resistant, disease drives changes in the frequency of CMS and restorer alleles, but has little effect on the frequency of females. We discuss our results in the context of the evolution of mating systems and cyto-nuclear epistasis.  相似文献   

Animals often use alternative strategies when they compete for resources, but it is unclear in most cases what factors determine the actual tactic followed by individuals. Although recent models suggest that the internal state of animals may be particularly important in tactic choice, the effects of state variables on the use of alternative behavioural forms have rarely been demonstrated. In this study, using experimental wind exposure to increase overnight energy expenditure, we show that flock-feeding house sparrows (Passer domesticus) with lowered energy reserves increase their use of scrounging (exploiting others' food findings) during their first feed of the day. This result is in accordance with the prediction of a state-dependent model of use of social foraging tactics. We also show that scrounging provides less variable feeding rates and patch finding times than the alternative tactic. These latter results support the theoretical assumption that scrounging is a risk-averse tactic, i.e. it reduces the risk of immediate starvation. As the level of energy reserves predicts the use of social foraging tactics, we propose that selection should favour individuals that monitor the internal state of flock mates and use this information to adjust their own tactic choice.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of corticosterone on plasma levels of reproductive hormones (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and luteinizing hormone) and territorial defense behavior in male tree sparrows, Spizella arborea. Birds receiving Silastic implants filled with corticosterone (B) had significantly higher plasma levels of B than control birds, which received empty implants, and exhibited pectoral muscle wastage and a decrease in body mass. We evaluated the hormonal and agonistic responses of the two implanted groups of birds using a simulated territorial intrusion (STI) 2 to 4 days after they were implanted. Corticosterone-treated and control birds did not differ in their circulating levels of reproductive hormones or in their behavioral responses to STI (latency to respond to intrusion, number of songs, and closest approach to a decoy and tape recording). Unlike previous studies of north temperate passerines, high physiological levels of exogenous B had no effect either on circulating levels of reproductive hormones or on territorial behaviors associated with breeding. Nonetheless, untreated tree sparrows do mount a robust adrenocortical response, having a two- to fourfold increase in plasma B levels during a 1-h period of capture. Thus, adrenocortical responsiveness is maintained in these birds, but elevated levels of glucocorticoids do not suppress reproductive hormones or associated behaviors. We believe that this hormonal and behavioral refractoriness to glucocorticoids-or uncoupling of the stress response from the reproductive axis-may be advantageous for species having extreme temporal constraints on their breeding schedules.  相似文献   

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