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Allozyme electrophoresis, a partial nucleotide sequence of a mitochondrial gene for cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and discriminant analysis of shell morphometric characters were used to study the relationships among the Sicilian marine gastropods of the Patella genus. Allozyme and mtDNA markers unequivocally distinguished the species and were very useful markers in correctly classifying the different species when morphological characters overlapped each other. Several allozyme loci and many nucleotide positions were diagnostic of species. In contrast, the discriminant analysis of simple morphometric shell characters failed to adequately discriminate the species, suggesting that environmental factors influence colouration and morphological patterns in the Patella species. Our results underline the importance of a genetic approach, as compared to a morphological approach, in discriminating the Mediterranean Patella species.  相似文献   

The housefly, Musca domestica, was conditioned to odours using the proboscis extension response to labellar stimulation with sucrose solution as an unconditioned response and the properties of conditioning were investigated. Among trials including forward pairing of the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US), backward pairing and isolated presentations of CS and US, only forward pairing is effective on the acquisition of conditioning. Backward pairing combined with forward pairing does not influence the effectiveness of the forward pairing. CS given overlapping with a US presentation permits only weak conditioning. The acquisition of conditioning decreases with increase of the CS-US interval. In the differential conditioning situation to two odours, discriminative responses are observed. In the flies conditioned with one antenna, the conditioned response is elicited not only by stimulation of the antenna used for conditioning but also by stimulation of the antenna not used for conditioning, although the response using the former is higher than with the latter. The ability to be conditioned is reduced immediately after fastening on a clay bed and increases with time. Ability can also be improved by transection of the ventral nerve cord.  相似文献   

Lactating Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus) were presented with three-day-old male and female pups that were either untreated, coated with collodion in the anogenital region or on the neck, or perfumed; or with female pups odorized with either male or female pup urine. As measured by related t-tests of maternal anogenital licking, male and female pups were discriminated in the untreated condition, but not when masking stimuli were present. Female pups treated with male urine elicited more licking than female pups treated with female urine. Overall, maternal licking was decreased by olfactory masking agents and increased by pup urine. It was concluded that olfactory stimuli from pups both stimulate maternal licking and serve as a basis for discriminating male and female offspring.  相似文献   

Gene targeting induced by homologous integration of a foreign DNA segment into a chromosomal target sequence enables precise disruption or replacement of genes of interest and provides an effective means to analyze gene function, and also becomes an useful technique for breeding. But, integration of introduced DNA fragments is predominantly non-homologous in most species. However, we presented high-efficient homologous integration in disruptants of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), that is, the Ku70-, Ku80- or Lig4-homologs deficient strain, in a model fungus Neurospora crassa. When the effect of NHEJ-defective plants for gene targeting was therefore examined in a model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the efficiencies of gene targeting in the Atlig4/Atlig4 plant were 2/7 (28.6%) against calli obtained a selection-marker gene, 2/16 (12.5%) against selected calli, and about 2/540 (0.004%) against total cell particles at the starting point for transformation. The results of this paper show that the NHEJ-deficient system might cause a decrease in the efficiency of transformation but gives true targeted transformants with high efficiency in plant cell.  相似文献   

During the spring of 1971, a modest epizootiological study of the “gray crab” disease was made in Chincoteague Bay, Virginia, an enzootic area. An outbreak of Paramoeba infections occurred in June with a peak prevalence of at least 17%. Crabs appeared to succumb rapidly, and evidence indicated that all animals attaining patent infections eventually died. Paramoeba perniciosa is believed to be the probable cause of many of the previously reported mass mortalities of blue crabs along the southeastern Atlantic coast.  相似文献   



The olfactory nonsensory cells contribute to the maintenance of normal functions of the olfactory epithelium (OE). Specifically, the ciliated nonsensory cells of teleosts play important roles in the odorant detection by OE in aqueous environment. Their cilia show strong beating activities and cause water flow at the OE surface, making the detection of odorants by OE more efficient. Because intracellular Ca2+ level has been reported to play an important role in ciliary beating, the ciliary beating activity may be regulated by intracellular Ca2+ dynamics of these ciliated nonsensory cells.


We performed Ca2+ imaging experiments to analyze the Ca2+ dynamics in acutely dissociated OE cells of the goldfish. Furthermore, we examined the contribution of the Ca2+ dynamics to the ciliary beating frequency (CBF) at the surface of the intact OE.


Olfactory nonsensory cells showed both spontaneous intracellular Ca2+ oscillations and propagating intercellular Ca2+ waves. Application of 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborate (2-APB), which antagonizes IP3-induced Ca2+ release from intracellular stores suppressed these Ca2+ oscillations. Furthermore, 2-APB application to the intact OE lamellae resulted in the decrease of CBF at the surface of the OE.


These results indicate that spontaneous intracellular calcium oscillations persistently up-regulate the ciliary beating at the surface of the OE in teleosts.

General significance

Ciliary beating activity at the surface of OE can be regulated by the Ca2+ dynamics of olfactory nonsensory cells. Because this ciliary movement causes inflow of external fluid into the nostril, this regulation is suggested to influence the efficiency of odorant detection by OE.  相似文献   

Tasmanian echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus, were tested in serial discrimination-reversal tasks, comparing their operant behaviour in reversal-shift and non-reversal-shift conditions, using positional and visual/tactile cues. Learning-set formation of the pattern characteristic of eutherian mammals was observed in all tests for all subjects, but performances were superior in tests of positional discrimination and in reversal-shift conditions. The results were consistent with those obtainable for eutherian mammals in comparable tests and suggest that echidnas can be used as subjects in experimental studies of operant learning.  相似文献   

This study describes the morphology and function of the antennal sensilla in two gall midge species, Contarinia nasturtii and Mayetiola destructor, where multi-component sex pheromones have been identified. Both species possess sensilla trichodea, s. coeloconica, s. chaetica and s. circumfila. Sensilla circumfila, which consist of several sensilla that bifurcate and fuse into one structure, are unique for the gall midges. In C. nasturtii s. circumfila are sexually dimorphic. In males, they form elongated loops suspended on cuticular spines, whereas in females they run like worm-like structures directly on the antennal surface. Single sensillum recordings demonstrated that olfactory sensory neurons housed in male s. circumfila in C. nasturtii responded to the female sex pheromone. In M. destructor, s. circumfila were attached to the antennal surface in both sexes, and displayed no response to sex pheromone components.A sexual dimorphism was also found in the number of s. trichodea per antennal segment in both C. nasturtii (male 1 vs. female 7) and M. destructor (male 13 vs. female 10). OSNs located in male M. destructor s. trichodea responded to the sex pheromone. This is the first gall midge single sensillum study, and the first demonstration of the functional significance of s. circumfila.  相似文献   

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