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Glucose and methionine were malabsorbed in some intestinal regions of turkeys infected with Eimeria meleagrimitis, E. adenoeides, or E. dispersa. The decrease in absorption was not always related to the numbers of parasites in the cells or the extent of damage to the mucosa. With E. adenoeides, malabsorption was found in the jejunum even though parasites were not present. Conversely, with E. dispersa, no malabsorption was observed in the duodenum even though light microscopy showed numerous parasites. In many intestinal regions, damage to the mucosal surface visible with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was slight or absent, although malabsorption was marked. No changes were noted with SEM in the structure and orientation of the brush border in these regions. Villar height was significantly reduced in the regions of heaviest infection when intestinal damage was visible. Conversely, the crypts of Lieberkühn were often two or three times as deep in infected poults as in uninfected poults. In general, no differences were found in the thickness of the circular and longitudinal muscle layers between the infected and uninfected poults. The dry weight of the intestinal tissue was less from infected poults than from uninoculated controls and was related to both region of the intestine and severity of the infection.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Lon protease degrades the E. coli DNA-binding protein HUβ, but not the related protein HUα. Here we show that the Lon protease binds to both HUβ and HUα, but selectively degrades only HUβ in the presence of ATP. Mass spectrometry of HUβ peptide fragments revealed that region K18-G22 is the preferred cleavage site, followed in preference by L36-K37. The preferred cleavage site was further refined to A20-A21 by constructing and testing mutant proteins; Lon degraded HUβ-A20Q and HUβ-A20D more slowly than HUβ. We used optical tweezers to measure the rupture force between HU proteins and Lon; HUα, HUβ, and HUβ-A20D can bind to Lon, and in the presence of ATP, the rupture force between each of these proteins and Lon became weaker. Our results support a mechanism of Lon protease cleavage of HU proteins in at least three stages: binding of Lon with the HU protein (HUβ, HUα, or HUβ-A20D); hydrolysis of ATP by Lon to provide energy to loosen the binding to the HU protein and to allow an induced-fit conformational change; and specific cleavage of only HUβ.  相似文献   

The study describes cross protection experiments with chimeric DNA vaccine pVAX1-cSZ2-IL-2 to determine its efficacy against four important Eimeria species. Seven-day-old chickens were randomly divided into nine groups; group 1 negative control, groups 2, 3, 4, 5 positive controls; and groups 6, 7, 8 and 9 experimental groups. On days 7 and 14, groups 1-5 were injected with TE buffer, and groups 6-9 with the vaccine. At 21 days of age, all chickens were inoculated with 5 × 104 sporulated oocysts except for the negative control. Groups 2 and 6 were inoculated with Eimeria tenella, groups 3 and 7 with Eimerianecatrix, groups 4 and 8 with Eimeria acervulina and groups 5 and 9 with Eimeria maxima. Seven days later, all chickens were weighed and slaughtered to obtain intestinal samples. Efficacy of immunization was evaluated on the basis of oocyst decrease ratio, lesion score, body-weight gain and anti-coccidial index. The results indicated that the recombinant plasmid can induce host immune responses by alleviating intestinal lesions, body weight loss and oocyst ratio and imparting good protection against E. tenella and E.acervulina, medium protection against E. necatrix but little effect against E. maxima. It is concluded that the conserved antigen can provide cross protection and should be explored further.  相似文献   

In field tests, mentha-1,8-dien-4-ol, a major oxidation product of d-limonene with selenium dioxide, greatly increased activity for the scolytid beetle, Taenoglyptes fulvus (Cryphalus fulvus auct.). The attractant, however, does not seem to be contained in neutral host volatiles from fresh phloem of Pinus densiflora, and this suggests that it may be either a sort of pheromone of beetle origin or, if not, simply a mimic. Further detections of the oxidation products of pinenes, i.e. pinocarvone, trans-pinocarveol, and verbenone in the host volatiles, in addition to those of myrtenal and myrtenol are also described.  相似文献   

Many alpine plants display a generalist pollination system where almost any available flower visitor could act as a legitimate pollinator. Co-flowering related plant species displaying a generalized pollination system can decrease their fitness due to interspecific mating. In this study, we determine the difference in diversity and composition of the pollination systems of two co-occurring species endemic to the alpine region of the Sierra Nevada (SE Spain), Erysimum nevadense Reut. and Erysimum baeticum baeticum (Heywood) Polatschek (Brassicaceae), and check for the potential role of floral and plant traits in explaining the observed differences. For this, we labeled 30 plants in two populations of each plant species located in the same area. We determined flower visitor assemblage by sampling all insects approaching the flowers and contacting the sexual organs during 60-min surveys. We found that the diversity of the pollinator assemblage was similar between the two studied wallflower species, both species showing a much generalized pollination system. However, the composition of the pollinator assemblage was different, since the flowers of E. nevadense were visited mostly by beetles and in a lesser extent by hover-flies, whereas the flowers of E. baeticum baeticum were visited mostly by ants and bees. Interestingly, flower traits varied between species, with E. nevadense displaying yellow, smaller and shallower flowers and E. baeticum baeticum displaying purple, large and deeper flowers. These findings suggest that differences in floral traits can explain the observed differences in the composition of the pollinator assemblage between both wallflower species.  相似文献   

The tendency for predatory responses to habituate and to be reinstated through sensitization and the passing of time was studied in two species of fish (the goldfish and the paradise fish). Prey (live brine shrimp), confined in a clear plastic tube were presented for short daily exposures to individual fish. Bites directed at the stimulus tube containing the prey were the primary response measure. In both species biting decreased significantly over the 6 days of the experiment. Reinstatement of the habituated response occurred by two means: (1) reinforcement (i.e. allowing the fish to chase and consume the prey), and (2) passing of time (10 days) with no intervening stimulation (recovery). Reinstatement could not be produced by presenting a novel stimulus, nutritive stimuli, nor by a shorter recovery interval.  相似文献   

The lectins of the seeds of four species of the genus Erythrina, namely E. indica, E. arborescens, E. lithosperma, and E. suberosa were isolated by affinity chromatography on acid-treated ECD-Sepharose 6B. The lectins were found homogeneous in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunochemical tests. In SDS-gel electrophoresis, E. indica and E. lithosperma lectins each gave two bands with subunit molecular weights of 30,000 and 33,000 in the case of the former and 26,000 and 28,000 in the case of the latter. E. arborescens and E. suberosa gave single bands corresponding to polypetide chain molecular weight of 28,000. The lectins were found to be glycoproteins with their neutral sugar contents ranging from 4–9%. In carbohydrate specificity all the lectins were d-galactose specific. Their close similarity was also demonstrated by their homologous cross-reaction against the antiserum to E. indica lectin. In hemagglutinating activity toward human erythrocytes, E. indica and E. suberosa lectins showed higher activity toward the O group and E. arborescens toward the B group. The results show the similarity of the lectins derived from different species of the same genus in respect of immunochemical properties and carbohydrate specificity. In studies on E. indica lectin, the protein was found homogeneous by electrophoretic, immunochemical, and sedimentation experiments. Its molecular weight of 68,000 determined from sedimentation and diffusion data indicated that the molecule was a dimer of two noncovalently bound unequal subunits whose SDS-gel electrophoretic molecular weights are noted above. The lectin was devoid of cysteine and methionine and contained valine as its N-terminal amino acid. It had 9% neutral sugars and 1.5% glucosamine. Equilibrium dialysis studies with lactose showed that the values of the association constant K at different temperatures were of similar orders of magnitude to other lectins and the dimeric molecule possessed two noninteracting binding sites.  相似文献   

Resistance to reinfection varied with the species of Eimeria and with the number of oocysts in the inoculum. Chickens immunized with doses of 20,000 and 80,000 oocysts of E. acervulina, 312 and 1250 oocysts of E. brunetti or E. necatrix, or 1250 and 5000 oocysts of E. maxima at 2 and 4 weeks of age, respectively, were almost completely immune to a challenge dose at 6 weeks of age. Resistance was slightly less in chickens immunized with 1250 and 5000 oocysts of E. acervulina or 312 and 1250 oocysts of E. maxima. Birds given three immunizing infections of 1250, 5000, and 20,000 oocysts of E. maxima were completely immune 8 weeks after the last dose. Resistance was slightly less in birds immunized with similar doses of E. brunetti or E. necatrix. Doses of 20,000, 80,000, and 320,000 oocysts appeared necessary to confer a high level of immunity to E. acervulina. More than three low doses of oocysts appear necessary to induce a complete and enduring immunity against a high challenge for E. acervulina, E. brunetti, and E. necatrix. Higher immunizing doses would not be satisfactory due to the pathogenic effects of the coccidia after the initial infection.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour of two species of periodical cicadas, Magicicada septendecim and M. cassini, was studied in the field during the 1970, 1973, and 1974 emergences of these insects. In areas where both species were courting there were differences in both male and female courtship patterns, both in acoustic and behavioural components. Experiments with models showed that male M. septendecim were more likely to court crude models of females than were M. cassini males. When females were ‘courted’ with models that could imitate some of male courtship, they were more receptive when the models' ‘songs’ were those of conspecific males. Acoustic differences between species are probably used by females in mate selection, maintaining species separation even in areas where the two species overlap in both space and time.  相似文献   

SurA is a gram-negative, periplasmic chaperone protein involved in the proper folding of outer membrane porins (OMPs), which protect bacteria against toxins in the extracellular environment by selectively regulating the passage of nutrients into the cell. Previous studies demonstrated that deletion of SurA renders bacteria more sensitive to toxins that compromise the integrity of the outer membrane. Inhibitors of SurA will perturb the folding of OMPs, leading to disruption of the outer membrane barrier and making the cell more vulnerable to toxic insults. The discovery of novel SurA inhibitors is therefore of great importance for developing alternative strategies to overcome antibiotic resistance. Our laboratory has screened over 10,000,000 compounds in silico by computationally docking these compounds onto the crystal structure of SurA. Through this screen and a screen of fragment compounds (molecular weight?less than?250?g/mol), we found twelve commercially readily available candidate compounds that bind to the putative client binding site of SurA. We confirmed binding to SurA by developing and employing a competitive fluorescence anisotropy-based binding assay. Our results show that one of these compounds, Fmoc-β-(2-quinolyl)-d-alanine, binds the client binding site with high micromolar affinity. Using this compound as a lead, we also discovered that Fmoc-l-tryptophan and Fmoc-l-phenylalanine, but not Fmoc-l-tyrosine, bind SurA with similar micromolar affinity. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a competitive fluorescence anisotropy assay developed for the identification of inhibitors of the chaperone SurA, and the identification of three small molecules that bind SurA at its client binding site.  相似文献   

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