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Positive assortative mating occurs when individuals with similar phenotypes mate more frequently with each other than is expected by chance. In species in which both the males and females are ornamented, assortative pairings could arise from mutual mate choice on the same trait. We test this mechanism of mate choice and assortative pairing in the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata), an Australian estrildid finch in which both sexes are ornamented with red bills, red rumps and white flank spots. We have previously shown sex differences in the degree of ornamentation as females have more flank spots than males. These white flank spots are used during sexual display, being fully displayed by courting males and by females when approaching a displaying male. Here, we experimentally test whether mutual mate preference is based on the number of flank spots. There was no evidence for a direct mutual preference for spot number. Given a choice of potential mates with a natural or experimentally manipulated number of flank spots, males preferred females with more spots, while female preference was not solely based on flank spots. Intriguingly, in both wild and captive Diamond Firetails, we found the number of flank spots in pairs was correlated suggesting a basis for positive assortative pairing. Nevertheless, we conclude that assortative pairing in Diamond Firetails is not due to mutual choice of mates based on the number of flank spots. We discuss different selection pathways for this trait in each sex.  相似文献   

Some secondary sexual traits (SSTs) such as structural characteristicsare semi-permanent or static, while others, such as courtshipdisplay, are more labile or dynamic. In this paper we reportresults from two experiments designed to test the relative attractivenessto female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis, Passeriformes, Aves)of a relatively static plumage trait, the amount of white inthe tail, and a relatively dynamic behavioral trait, courtshipintensity. The experiments derived from a study showing that femalejuncos prefer males that court more vigorously. We asked whether femalesalso base their preferences on plumage traits and how they respond whenpresented with a choice between attractive traits that are eitherstatic (plumage) or dynamic (courtship) in nature. In the firstexperiment we presented males to females in paired mate-choicetrials and found that males enhanced with more white in theirtails were more attractive to females than controls with unenhancedtails. Females spent more time with enhanced males and directedmore sexual displays toward them. In the second experiment we testedwhether females preferred males with enhanced tails (a staticSST) or males with enhanced hormone-mediated courtship behavior(a dynamic SST). In this experiment females did not demonstratea consensus preference for either the static or the dynamictrait. Instead, some females preferred the male whose courtshipperformance was enhanced with testosterone, while others preferredthe male with an enhanced tail. We conclude that both kindsof traits are important in junco mate choice, but that somefemales apparently weigh static traits more heavily than dynamicones, while other females use opposite weightings.  相似文献   

Direct sexual selection via mutual mate choice can result in both sexes showing conspicuous traits. We experimentally tested whether this hypothesis can explain tail length in the bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus). In this species, both sexes have a long, graduated tail. Males have, however, a longer tail than females, suggesting perhaps that females are choosier than males in selecting mates. We used two choice set‐ups for each sex: shortened vs. control tail individuals and elongated vs. control tail individuals. We found that direct sexual selection seems to operate differently in the two sexes. In both set‐ups, females spent more time with the male with the longest tail, and they also showed sexual display behaviour only towards these males. Males spent more time with control than with short‐tailed females, but they did not discriminate between control and long‐tailed females. Moreover, males displayed preference towards both short‐ and long‐tailed females. Thus, females preferred long‐tailed males, whereas males did not always prefer long‐tailed females. Our study suggests that mutual mate choice has played a role in the evolution of long tails in bearded tits. It also suggests that the sexual dimorphism in tail length has evolved because mate choice exerts a stronger sexual selection pressure on males than on females.  相似文献   

Examples of male mate choice are becoming increasingly common, even in polygynous species. We create a series of population genetic models to examine the evolutionary equilibria and dynamics resulting from male mate choice during polygyny, alone and in the context of mutual mate choice by both sexes. We find that unless males with a preference are able to increase their overall courtship output, male preference will be lost. This loss can be counteracted if males choose females not based on arbitrary traits, but based on a trait that indicates high fertility or viability. We also conclude that if male and female preferences and traits are all controlled by different loci, the male and female mate choice systems are decoupled; the presence of a male preference then has no influence on the equilibria or dynamics of female mate choice. If male and female traits are coupled by pleiotropy, it becomes possible for a male preference to be maintained, regardless of whether preferences between the sexes are pleiotropic or controlled by separate loci.  相似文献   

While it is well established that females prefer to mate with well‐ornamented males, the influence of perceptive and cognitive processes on the expression of female mate choice is still poorly known. It has been suggested that the female perception of a male's attractiveness is not absolute, but depends on the other males with which he is compared that have been previously encountered (comparative evaluation). We investigated whether mate preference in bearded reedlings (Panurus biarmicus) is dependent on or independent of social context in relation to two different traits: beard and tail lengths. Each female had a choice between two to three males with different modifications of beard and tail. For each female, three different experiments were conducted (one binary and two trinary tests). We found that when females are presented with options that vary antagonistically with respect to two ornaments (binary test), some individuals prefer one trait while others the other trait. This indicates that in our bearded reedlings population exists a mate preference polymorphisms. Moreover, we found that the presence of a third stimulus, irrespective of the initial preference, reduced the strength of the initial preference – what we can call a “preference dilution effect.” Our results suggest that the female's choice may be constrained by her cognitive abilities when she is simultaneously presented with several options varying for two uncorrelated traits.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that males and females have mating preferences for larger individuals of the other sex, potential underlying differences between male and female preferences for body size are not commonly investigated. Here, sexual differences in body size preferences are examined in the poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora. Females preferred larger males to smaller males, but preference did not appear to be affected by female size. One population-level analysis for males did not indicate an overall preference for larger females. A closer examination, however, revealed an effect of male size on preference; larger males preferred larger females, while smaller males preferred smaller females. It appears then that females, regardless of size, share a preference for large males, but males differ in their behaviour, depending on their body size. In addition, while the degree of difference in size between paired females did not appear to affect male preference, the degree of difference in size between paired males strongly affected female preference; the greater the difference, the more strongly females preferred the larger male. Thus, intersexual selection is found to operate in both sexes, but how it operates appears to differ. Intrasexual and intersexual differences in mating behaviour may be missed when evaluating population-wide preferences. That is, there can be underlying differences in how the sexes respond and the consequences of such differences should be considered when investigating mate choice. The results are considered in terms of the evolution of mating preferences, alternative mating strategies, assortative mating, the maintenance of trait variation in a population, and current methods to evaluate mating preferences.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is hypothesized to be the result of differential selection pressures between the sexes. Dimorphic traits can serve as indicators of mate quality, altering mate preferences in the opposite sex in favor of a conspicuous trait. Common indicators of mate quality include color and size, with traditional assumptions and evidence predicting a preference for more colorful and/or larger sized mates in many species. Both male and female preferences for more colorful and larger mates within a species are rarely examined simultaneously, however. We examined a sexually dichromatic freshwater fish, Percina roanoka and found that male coloration is positively correlated with size, suggesting color may function as an indicator of viability. We tested preferences for coloration and size in both sexes in a dichotomous mate choice setup in which only visual signals were exchanged. Neither females nor males exhibited a color or size preference in individuals of the opposite sex. Visual cues alone therefore appear to be insufficient to elicit a significant preference in both sexes of this species. Male coloration in P. roanoka does not appear to be driven solely by female preference.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters are assumed to be costly to produce and maintain, and this will select for morphological modifications that reduce the magnitude of such costs. Here we test whether a feather ornament, the sexually exaggerated outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference, and other aspects of the morphology used for flight have been modified to increase aerodynamic performance. This was done by making comparisons among sexes within populations, among individuals varying in tail length within populations, and among populations from different parts of Europe. Male barn swallows experienced reduced drag from their elongated tail feathers by morphological modifications of the ornamental feathers as compared to females. Morphological features of the outermost tail feathers were unrelated to tail length in both males and females within populations. Wing and tail morphology (length of central tail feathers and wings, wing span, wing area, wing loading, and aspect ratio) was modified in males compared to females. Barn swallows with long tails had morphological tail and wing modifications that reduced the cost of a large ornament, and similar modifications were seen among populations. The costs of the exaggerated secondary sexual character were therefore reduced by the presence of cost-reducing morphological modifications. The assumptions of reliable signalling theory, that signals should be costly, but more so to low than to high quality individuals, were not violated because long-tailed male barn swallows had the largest cost-reducing morphological characters.  相似文献   

Sexual selection imposed by mating preferences is often implicated in the evolution of both sexual dimorphism and divergence between species in signalling traits. Epicuticular compounds (ECs) are important signalling traits in insects and show extensive variability among and within taxa. Here, we investigate whether variation in the multivariate EC profiles of two sex role‐reversed beetle species, Megabruchidius dorsalis and Megabruchidius tonkineus, predicts mate attractiveness and mating success in males and females. The two species had highly distinct EC profiles and both showed significant sexual dimorphism in ECs. Age and mating status in both species were also distinguishable by EC profile. Males and females of both species showed significant association between their EC profile and attractiveness, measured both as latency to mating and as success in mate‐choice trials. Remarkably, the major multivariate vector describing attractiveness was correlated in both species, both sexes, and in both choice and no‐choice experiments such that increased attractiveness was in all cases associated with a similar multivariate modification of EC composition. Furthermore, in both sexes this vector of attractiveness was associated with more male‐like EC profiles, as well as those characterizing younger and nonvirgin individuals, which might reflect a general preference for individuals of high condition in both sexes. Despite significant sexual selection on EC composition, however, we found no support for the proposition that sexual selection is responsible for divergence in ECs between these species.  相似文献   

Although females in numerous species generally prefer males with larger, brighter and more elaborate sexual traits, there is nonetheless considerable intra‐ and interpopulation variation in mating preferences amongst females that requires explanation. Such variation exists in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, an important model organism for the study of sexual selection and mate choice. While female guppies tend to prefer more ornamented males as mates, particularly those with greater amounts of orange coloration, there remains variation both in male traits and female mating preferences within and between populations. Male body size is another trait that is sexually selected through female mate choice in some species, but has not been examined as extensively as body coloration in the guppy despite known intra‐ and interpopulation variation in this trait among adult males and its importance for survivorship in this species. In this study, we used a dichotomous‐choice test to quantify the mating preferences of female guppies, originating from a low‐predation population in Trinidad, for two male traits, body length and area of the body covered with orange and black pigmentation, independently of each other. We expected strong female mating preferences for both male body length and coloration in this population, given relaxation from predation and presumably relatively low cost of choice. Females indeed exhibited a strong preference for larger males as expected, but surprisingly a weaker (but nonetheless significant) preference for orange and black coloration. Interestingly, larger females demonstrated stronger preferences for larger males than did smaller females, which could potentially lead to size‐assortative mating in nature.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies indicate that not only females but also males can be selective when choosing a mate. In species exhibiting male or mutual mate choice, females may benefit from being attractive. While male attractiveness is often positively influenced by higher plasma levels of the androgenic hormone testosterone, it has been shown that testosterone can masculinise female behavior and morphology in several bird species, potentially rendering them less attractive. In this study, we investigated whether female budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus , suffer from increased plasma testosterone levels through a negative effect on their attractiveness to males. We experimentally increased plasma testosterone levels in testosterone-treated females (T-females) compared to controls (C-females) and allowed males to choose between a T- and a C-female in a two-way choice situation. Although testosterone treatment significantly affected female behavioral and morphological characteristics, males did not show a significant difference in preference between T- and C-females. These results suggest that experimentally increasing testosterone levels in females does not appear to influence male preference during initial mate choice. Our findings indicate that selection for higher levels of testosterone in male budgerigars is probably not constrained by a correlated response to selection causing negative effects on female attractiveness during initial mate choice. Evaluating whether or not a potential constraint may arise from negative testosterone-induced effects on other fitness related traits in females requires further work.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice for homologous sexual display traits has been demonstrated in several recent studies yet little attention has been given to quantitative comparison of the strength and form of mate preferences between the sexes. Such comparisons may provide important insight into the evolution of mate choice for honest signals. In particular, because females generally provide the majority of resources for initial offspring development, female displays may trade-off with fecundity, causing preference evolution to differ between the sexes. Recent theory suggests that adaptive male preferences for honest displays in females are possible under certain conditions and may result in preferences that are convex (i.e., stabilizing) in form. We compared sexual selection on a suite of contact pheromones arising from mutual mate choice using nine separate geographic populations of Drosophila serrata. We show that the convex selection is stronger on females than on males overall in these populations, and that convex selection is the predominate form of nonlinear selection on females but not males.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is a key factor that can influence mate choice in many species. We experimentally determined the influence of this factor on mate preference in the crustacean terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare. This biological model is gregarious which could increase the risk of inbreeding by mating with closely related partners. Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance during mate choice can thus be expected. Moreover, previous studies predict that males would be the choosy sex. We performed Y‐choice tests giving males the choice between two females presenting different levels of heterozygosity and genetic similarity to the male. Our results show potential inbreeding avoidance according to the genetic characteristics of females presented to males. The higher the variation in genetic similarity to the male between females is, the higher the preference of the male towards the most dissimilar female is. Hence, male preferences may only be detectable when the difference between females’ genetic characteristics is large enough. If heterozygosity is associated with fitness in A. vulgare (as in many organisms), the patterns of mate preference we observe may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Local adaptation can be strengthened through a diversity of mechanisms that reduce gene flow between contrasting environments. Recent work revealed that mate choice could enhance local adaptation when females preferentially mate with locally adapted males and that such female preferences readily evolve, but the opposing effects of recombination, migration and costs of female preferences remain relatively unexplored. To investigate these effects, we develop a two‐patch model with two genes, one influencing an ecological trait and one influencing female preferences, where both male signals and female preferences are allowed to depend on the match between an individual's ecological trait and the local environment (condition). Because trait variation is limited when migration is rare and the benefits of preferential mating are short‐lived when migration is frequent, we find that female preferences for males in high condition spread most rapidly with intermediate levels of migration. Surprisingly, we find that preferences for locally adapted males spread fastest with higher recombination rates, which contrasts with earlier studies. This is because a stronger preference allele for locally adapted males can only get uncoupled from maladapted ecological alleles following migration through recombination. The effects of migration and recombination depend strongly on the condition of the males being chosen by females, but only weakly on the condition of the females doing the choosing, except when it comes to the costs of preference. Although costs always impede the spread of female preferences for locally adapted males, the impact is substantially lessened if costs are borne primarily by females in poor condition. The abundance of empirical examples of condition‐dependent mate choice combined with our theoretical results suggests that the evolution of mate choice could commonly facilitate local adaptation in nature.  相似文献   

To investigate the idea that sexual imprinting creates incipient reproductive isolation between phenotypically diverging populations, I performed experiments to determine whether colony-reared zebra finches would imprint on details of artificial white crests. In the first experiment, adults in one breeding colony wore white crests with a vertical black stripe, while in another colony adults wore crests having a horizontal black stripe; except for their crests, breeders possessed wild-type plumage and conformation. Offspring of both sexes reared in these colonies developed mate preferences for opposite-sexed birds wearing the crest type with which they were reared; neither sex developed a social preference for crested individuals of the same sex. In a second experiment, females reared by crested parents preferred crested males versus males with red leg bands, while control females (reared in a colony of wild-type, uncrested birds) preferred red-banded males in the same test. Results of a third experiment that used sexually dimorphic crest phenotypes indicate that both sexes of offspring imprinted on maternal crest patterns. Results support the hypothesis that sexual imprinting can facilitate isolation both by engendering a preference for population-typical traits and by prioritizing such an imprinting-based preference over species-typical preferences for other traits used in mate choice. Comparison with results of other recent studies indicates that imprinting tendencies of both sexes vary with the characteristics of traits presented as an imprinting stimuli. Tendency to imprint may vary with the perceived information content (e.g., kin, sex, or population indicator) of parental traits, a process dubbed selective sexual imprinting.  相似文献   

Under the indicator models of mate choice, female preferences evolve to exploit the condition-dependence or "indicator value" of male traits, which in turn may cause these traits to evolve to elaborate extremes. If the indicator value of a male trait changes, the payoff function of the female preference for that trait should change and the preference should evolve to a new optimum. I tested this prediction in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a species in which the indicator value of a sexually selected male trait, carotenoid coloration, varies geographically. Carotenoid coloration is thought to be an indicator of foraging ability and health because animals must obtain carotenoid pigments from their diet. The primary dietary source of carotenoids for guppies is unicellular algae, the abundance of which varies among natural streams because of variation in forest canopy cover. Carotenoid availability limits male coloration to a greater extent in streams with greater forest canopy cover. Thus, the indicator value of male coloration covaries positively with canopy cover. To test the indicator model prediction, I measured genetic divergence in the strength of female preferences for carotenoid coloration between high- and low-carotenoid availability streams in each of three river drainages. Second-generation laboratory-born females were given a choice between full-sib males raised on three different dietary levels of carotenoids. For all six populations, male attractiveness (as determined from the responses of females to male courtship displays) increased with dietary carotenoid levels. However, the strength of female preferences differed between populations in the predicted direction in only one of three river drainages. These results fail to support a crucial prediction of the indicator model. More studies taking an interpopulation approach to studying mate preference evolution are needed before the explanatory value of the indicator models can be rigorously assessed.  相似文献   

A previous experimental study of great snipe, Gallinago media, has reported an effect on male mating success of the amount of white in their tails. That result is one of a very limited set of existing experimental results supporting a female mate preference for a morphological trait in animals. However, a later observational study did not find any correlation between amount of white and male mating success. If females sample a limited number of males, their preferences need not result in strong relationships between mating success and trait values in males, possibly explaining the failure to find the predicted correlation. Yet, females of lekking species are thought to have ample opportunities for mate sampling. To resolve these contrasting results, we present in this paper (1) a larger correlational study (several leks during 10 years) showing no relationship between male mating success and whiteness of tails (measured in several ways), and most importantly (2) evidence that individual females do not mate predominantly with males with very white tails among those males that each female samples. These results show that females do not prefer males with whiter tails as mates, within the contemporary natural variation in the trait. They also show that there is no sexual selection of the trait at present. This does not necessarily imply that white tails are not a sexually selected adaptation in males, but the mechanisms are likely to have been different from direct mate choice of whiter tails per se. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Females of many species are frequently courted by promiscuous males of their own and other closely related species. Such mating interactions may impose strong selection on female mating preferences to favor trait values in conspecific males that allow females to discriminate them from their heterospecific rivals. We explore the consequences of such selection in models of the evolution of female mating preferences when females must interact with heterospecific males from which they are completely postreproductively isolated. Specifically, we allow the values of both the most preferred male trait and the tolerance of females for males that deviate from this most preferred trait to evolve. Also, we consider situations in which females base their mating decisions on multiple male traits and must interact with males of multiple species. Females will rapidly differentiate in preference when they sometimes mistake heterospecific males for suitable mates, and the differentiation of female preference will select for conspecific male traits to differentiate as well. In most circumstances, this differentiation continues indefinitely, but slows substantially once females are differentiated enough to make mistakes rare. Populations of females with broader preference functions (i.e., broader tolerance for males with trait values that deviate from females' most preferred values) will evolve further to differentiate if the shape of the function cannot evolve. Also, the magnitude of separation that evolves is larger and achieved faster when conspecific males have lower relative abundance. The direction of differentiation is also very sensitive to initial conditions if females base their mate choices on multiple male traits. We discuss how these selection pressures on female mate choice may lead to speciation by generating differentiation among populations of a progenitor species that experiences different assemblages of heterospecifics. Opportunities for differentiation increase as the number of traits involved in mate choice increase and as the number of species involved increases. We suggest that this mode of speciation may have been particularly prevalent in response to the cycles of climatic change throughout the Quaternary that forced the assembly and disassembly of entire communities on a continentwide basis.  相似文献   

D A Roff  D J Fairbairn 《Heredity》2015,114(4):404-412
The evolution of mate choice is a function of the heritability of preference. Estimation in the laboratory is typically made by presenting a female with a limited number of males. We show that such an approach produces a downwardly biased estimate, which we term the heritability of choice. When preference is treated as a threshold trait then less biased estimates are obtained particularly for preferences based on the relative value of the preferred trait. Because females in the wild typically survey on average less than five males we argue that the heritability of choice may be more meaningful than the heritability of preference. The restricted number of males surveyed can lead to a reduction in the phenotypic variance of the preferred trait in the group of males selected by the females if the phenotypic variance in preference is equal to or less than the phenotypic variance in the referred trait. If the phenotypic variance in preference exceeds that of the preferred trait then the opposite occurs. A second effect of the restricted number of males sampled is that females are likely to mate initially with males that are not the most preferred. The failure to find the most preferred male may account for the common observation of multiple matings and extra-pair copulations. We suggest that current explanations for polyandry need to take this failure into account.  相似文献   

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