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Extra-pair copulations (EPCs) (copulations outside the pair bond) resulting in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) are widespread in birds. To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek EPCs, but also prevent their females from having EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when these females are most receptive (fertile period). The Seychelles warbler is the first species to offer explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding functions as paternity guarding: in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female''s fertile period, the rates of intrusions by other males and successful EPCs (male mounting female) were significantly higher than those observed in the control group and in the absence of mate guarding the frequency of successful EPCs increased significantly with local male density. Male warblers do not assure their paternity through frequent copulations to devalue any sperm from other males: males do not copulate with their partners immediately following a successful EPC obtained by their partners, the frequency of successful within-pair copulations does not increase with the frequency of successful EPCs and females initiate all successful copulations and are capable of resisting copulation attempts.  相似文献   

We studied copulation behaviour of the osprey, Pandion haliaetus, a semicolonial, fish-eating raptor, in Corsica (Mediterranean). Pairs copulated over a long period (45 days) and at a high rate, with, on average, 288 within-pair copulations (WPCs) for a clutch. Pairs breeding at higher density faced more frequent territorial intrusions than others and were potentially at an increased cuckoldry risk. However, and contrary to predictions of the ‘paternity assurance’ hypothesis for frequent copulations, we found that WPC rate decreased with increasing frequency of territorial intrusions. Male territory attendance increased with territorial intrusion frequency, to the detriment of the food provisioning of the female. Both attempted and successful WPC rates were positively related to the amount of food delivered by the male. Thus, the more frequent the territorial intrusions, the more time the male spent within his territory, the less he courtship fed and the smaller the fish he delivered, and the less the pair copulated successfully. WPC rate was also higher in newly formed pairs than in established pairs, and decreased with increasing pair bond length. The results suggest that males rely on mate guarding rather than frequent copulations to ensure paternity, and do not support the idea that sperm competition is the main cause of frequent WPCs. Nonfertilization functions of frequent copulations, such as pair bonding, mate assessment and mate retention, were likely early in the prelaying period. The findings that WPC rate decreased with mate fidelity and that females traded copulations for food suggest that mate retention was a possible function of frequent copulations in this species. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Mougeot F 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(3):633-642
Two main paternity assurance strategies are generally found in birds: mate guarding and frequent copulations. The latter is expected particularly in species such as raptors that cannot guard their mates efficiently because of ecological constraints, such as frequent courtship feeding. I investigated the prelaying behaviour of red kites, in which the males courtship feed. I compared pair behaviour in situations of varying breeding density and simulated male territorial intrusions by presenting decoys. Males' certainty of paternity was likely to decrease with increasing breeding density, because of the proximity of other males and more frequent male territorial intrusions during the presumed fertile period. The percentage of time spent by males within their breeding territory during the prelaying period was positively related to the number of close breeding neighbours, suggesting territory surveillance and mate guarding. The kites copulated frequently and over a long period. Copulation frequency prior to and during laying increased with breeding density, and in isolated pairs in response to simulated male territorial intrusions. The results support the idea of paternity assurance through frequent copulations during the presumed fertile period of the female, and suggest that early copulation activity is related to functions other than fertilization, such as pair bonding or mate assessment. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity in hooded warblers   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
We examined the role of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in themating system of the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a monogamoussongbird. DNA fingerprinting revealed that 8 of 17 (47%) femaleshad extrapair young in their first or second brood, and 23 of78 (29%) nestlings were the result of EPFs. Extrapair youngwere signifkandy more likely to occur in first broods than insecond broods. The proportion of EPFs within a brood was stronglybirnodal among broods: nests had 50% or more extrapair youngor none. In seven of eight broods where EPFs occurred, an adjacentmale neighbor was identified as the actual father. Male-likecoloration in females did not reduce the likelihood of havingextrapair young. Females with extrapair young did not receiveless parental care from their mates. All males who obtainedEPFs were mated to fertile females or were feeding offspringat the time they most likely mated with the extrapair female.Our results are consistent with the female control hypothesis,which predicts that females benefit from extrapair copulations(EPCs) and have some control over which males, if any, obtainEPCs. However, we could not reject the alternative hypothesisthat some male neighbors are particularly dominant and aggressiveduring EPC attempts, so females accept these EPCs to minimizecosts.  相似文献   

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs; copulations outside the pair bond) are widespread in birds and may result in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek to gain EPFs, but also prevent their own females from gaining EPFs. Although males could reduce the number of EPCs by their mates, this does not necessarily mean that they reduce the number of EPFs; indeed several studies have found no association between EPCs and EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when the pair female is most receptive (fertile period). We show that males that guarded their mates more closely were less likely to have extra-pair young in their nest. This study on the Seychelles warbler is the first to provide explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding is effective in reducing EPFs. First, in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female's fertile period, extra-pair parentage was higher than in the control group. Second, in the experimental group, the probability of having an extra-pair nestling in the nest was positively associated with the number of days during the fertile period for which mate guarding was artificially stopped. Thus, male mate guarding was effective in reducing the risk of cuckoldry.  相似文献   

The importance that the density of breeders has on the opportunity for extra-pair fertilisations (EPFs) is controversial. Some evidence supports the idea that population density and frequency of extra-pair paternity are positively associated, whereas other work does not. In the present paper we estimate EPF frequency in a dense House Sparrow Passer domesticus colony. We detected extra-pair nestlings in 9.3% of 54 broods studied, and 7% of 171 nestlings were sired by extra-pair fathers. The number of clutches laid per female, the change of male or female between two consecutive breeding attempts and the age of the partners showed no association with the presence or absence of extra-pair fertilisations. Morphometric variables of paired males and females did not discriminate broods with EPFs from those without. We detected a single case of a female laying a "parasitic" egg in the nest of a male that in a previous breeding attempt was the extra-pair genetic father of her entire brood. The frequency of extra-pair fertilisation recorded in this study was low compared with that in other House Sparrow populations breeding at lower densities, or other species that breed in colonies. This result does not support the claim that EPF frequency is associated with population density. We propose, as an explanation for this result, that under high intra-sexual competition for nest sites (1) males may have limited opportunities to search for females for extra-pair copulations and (2) the high quality of male nest-owners may reduce female propensity to search for additional sexual partners.  相似文献   

In passerine species with frequent extrapair mating, young (second calendar year) males often have a lower fertilization success than older (after second calendar year) males. This pattern might be explained by male- or female-driven mechanisms, such as female preference for older males or higher competitive ability of older males. In this study we measured the size of the testes, the seminal glomera and the cloacal protuberance as well as the size and motility of the sperm, in individual bluethroats Luscinia svecica . In this species, nearly all extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) are obtained by older males. We found that the mass of the testes and the seminal glomera were highly positively correlated and that older males had significantly larger testes (38%), seminal glomera (15%) and cloacal protuberance (23%) than young males. In contrast, there was no difference between age groups in average sperm size or sperm motility. Our results are consistent with the idea that higher fertilization success by older males in this species is due to their higher rate of sperm production, allowing larger ejaculates and/or more frequent copulations. Unequal sperm production capacities by young and older males have important implications for the interpretation of paternity patterns in extrapair mating systems.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory suggests that males should strategically allocate sperm to those females that will bring them the best possible genetic returns. Although males of a number of species of insects and fishes have been shown to allocate sperm strategically, we provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that an avian species is also capable of allocating ejaculates. Male Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) are more likely to transfer sperm during extra-pair copulations (EPCs) than during pair copulations. We investigated the question of how males allocate ejaculates within the constraints of limited sperm availability and found (i) that males that engaged in EPC attempts ejaculated less often when copulating with their social partner than males that made no EPC attempts, and (ii) that there was no difference between males that were involved in failed EPC attempts and those that were involved in successful EPCs in the proportion of copulations that resulted in sperm transfer. These results indicate that males achieve strategic allocation of sperm within the constraints of limited sperm availability by withholding ejaculates from their social partners.  相似文献   

Although 92% of avian species are socially monogamous, extra-pair copulation (EPC), resulting in extra-pair paternity (EPP), is a common reproductive strategy in birds. Among seabirds, in which the rate of social monogamy reaches 100%, Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels) show low EPP rates, with the noticeable exception of the only albatross investigated in this regard, the Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata . This species, in which forced copulations are known to occur, showed a surprisingly high rate of EPP (25% of chicks). We investigate here EPP rates in another albatross species, the Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans , subject to a demographic survey conducted for 38 years. We combined data on pair bonds with analysis of ten microsatellite loci and found that 10.7% of 75 chicks had an extra-pair sire. Although there was some evidence for inbreeding avoidance, within-pair and extra-pair chicks showed similar levels of heterozygosity, and the incidence of EPP was independent of age, experience or past reproductive success. Hence, we found no evidence that females benefit from EPCs. Owing to the male-biased sex ratio in adults, widowed and divorced males required more time to find a new mate (+28 and +72%, respectively) than did females. Combined with high sexual size dimorphism, this phenomenon might promote the forced copulations observed in this species. Our data therefore suggest that EPC is beneficial to unpaired males but occurs at random in females, consistent with the hypothesis that EPP results solely from forced EPCs. However, the importance of the latter for EPP and the part played by solitary males require further investigation.  相似文献   

DAVE CURRIE  JARI VALKAMA 《Ibis》2000,142(3):372-381
We compared paternity assurance behaviour and related displays in high (1.6 pairs perkm2) and low (6.7 pairs per km2) density populations of the Curlew Numenius arquata breeding on arable farmland in western Finland. There was little evidence of individuals pursuing extra-pair copulations or males exhibiting paternity assurance behaviour. Furthermore, there was no variation in the frequency of intrusions or in the intensity of paternity assurance behaviour relative to lay date. However, intrusions and approaches to the pair female by extra-pair males were more frequent at high breeding density, and pair males remained closer to their female, followed her more and exhibited a higher frequency of copulatory behaviours in the high-density population. Therefore, high breeding density appeared to increase opportunities for individuals to copulate outside the pair-bond and resulted in more intense male paternity guards. Male song flight displays were also more frequent in the high-density population. Territorial absences by males were infrequent in both areas. The increased frequency of intrusions and interactions between non-pair individuals (male-male and male-female) at high density were probably the major factors in explaining area differences in the intensity of paternity assurance and territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

In male birds, testosterone (T) plays an important role in aggressive and mate-attraction behaviour. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, extra-group copulations (EGCs) occur frequently, but are not accompanied by sexual courtship displays as in within-pair copulations. Paternity is nearly always gained by primary males. We investigated whether T levels and sperm storage capability (cloacal protuberance (CP)) in adult primary and subordinate males were related to timing of egg laying, levels of cuckoldry and extra-group paternity (EGP) opportunities. During the sexually active period before egg laying, T levels and CP were only elevated or enlarged (respectively) in primary males, and some suggestion was found that subordinate males do not invest in elevated T levels. The peak in T occurred during the fertile period of the female partner and corresponded to the peak period of male sexual displays and mate guarding, but was independent of cuckoldry risk (density of neighbouring primary males). CP was also enhanced during this period; however, CP but not T remained elevated after egg laying by their mates, and CP but not T was positively related to EGP opportunities (density of neighbouring fertile females). We conclude that T is involved in sexual courtship displays and mate guarding, but not in gaining EGCs. These findings contrast with those in other species where EGP involves elaborate sexual displays.  相似文献   

Male mate guarding by close following has been reported in many socially monogamous bird species and is generally believed to function as a paternity guard. Many aspects of the dynamics and effectiveness of this behavior are still however poorly understood. Here, we describe the temporal variation in mate guarding behavior in male reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus) with a particular focus on how males allocate their mating effort between mate guarding and extrapair mating in a context of intense sperm competition. In our highly synchronous study population most males have to balance the simultaneous and mutually exclusive demands of mate guarding and seeking extrapair copulations (EPCs). We found that males frequently switched between guarding their mates and performing intrusions to neighboring territories. Both activities seemed to have significant fitness payoffs, as male mate guarding effort had a positive effect on paternity, and a large fraction of extrapair fertilizations occurred during the days when the sire guarded its own female. The reed bunting is thus an example of how discontinuous or part‐time mate guarding can still be effective in securing paternity. Female reed buntings were not particularly active in initiating EPCs as they never were observed performing extraterritorial forays. We argue that the absence of female‐initiated EPCs is a prerequisite for males to trade mate guarding against seeking EPCs. Otherwise, if females circumvent male mate guarding by timing their EPCs to periods of male absence, males should guard their mates almost continuously or rely on alternative paternity guards.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques used to assign paternity have revealed previously unknown incidences of extra-pair paternity in socially monogamous bird species. DNA fingerprinting has now been used sufficiently often for mating-system biologists to appreciate the natural variation in the frequency of broods showing extra-pair young. The variation between species and between populations of the same species is surprisingly marked. Explaining this variation may help us to understand the factors promoting sexual selection. Recent comparative studies and detailed behavioural studies suggest that factors such as breeding density, genetic variation in the population and the intensity of sexual conflicts determine the costs and benefits to males and females of engaging in extra-pair copulations, and therefore contribute to the variation among populations.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity in relation to male age in Bullock's orioles   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Single-locus minisatellite DNA profiling was used to assign paternity in a population of Bullock's orioles, Icterus galbula bullockii, and to determine the contribution of age to a male's success in obtaining extra-pair paternity. There was a very low rate of intraspecific brood parasitism (2/202 = 1.0% of chicks). Older adult males lost less within-pair paternity and gained more extra-pair fertilizations than did yearling subadult males. This resulted in adult males benefiting from an annual reproductive success more than double that of subadult males. Behavioural observations, used to determine the role of female choice in extra-pair copulations (EPCs), indicated that females actively participate in EPCs and that they prefer to obtain them from older males. While it was possible that females obtained EPCs as an insurance against the possible infertility of their social mate, the results of this study fit best with the hypothesis that females were attempting to obtain better-quality genes for their offspring by obtaining EPCs with older, better-quality males.  相似文献   

The genetic mating system is known for only a few species of owls. Most of them are genetically monogamous. The Lanyu scops owl Otus elegans botelensis breeds in high density in the forests of Lanyu (Orchid Island), southeast of Taiwan. Because extra-pair copulations (EPCs) have frequently been observed, we suspected a high degree of extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). Through intensive field observations we quantified both within-pair and extra-pair copulations of this owl, and used a set of microsatellite loci to assign the parentage of 200 offspring from 108 families collected between 1999 and 2004. Among copulations for which we could identify both participants, 19.77% were EPC. However, no EPC was observed in the period just before egg laying. We found only two cases of parentage mismatch among 108 broods. The first case was most likely a case of brood usurpation, which would be the first case reported in the Strigidae. The second case was an EPF resulting in one offspring. Our study found that parentage mismatch in the Lanyu scops owls to be extremely low, therefore reproductive success can be estimated accurately by simply counting chicks in nests.  相似文献   

Mate switching and copulation behaviour in King Penguins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) in monogamous birds may result from either extra‐pair copulations (EPCs) or mate switching. In this study of King Penguins in South Georgia, we observed no EPCs at all, an effect of very efficient mate guarding. Onshore males fast and need not divert attention to foraging or to defending nest or territory, as this species has neither. However, we found that mate switching was common. On average 38% (range: 29%–56%; three years pooled) of the birds established pair bonds with at least one initial partner before switching to the partner they bred with (i.e. the “pair mate”). Of the observed copulations of 44 studied females, 22% were with initial partners and 78% with the pair mate. This and the high proportion of mate switching suggest that roughly 10% of the females could have received sperm from males other than the pair mate. The average copulation frequency was 0.026 h?1, resulting in an estimated 8.2 copulations per clutch (which consists of one egg). That more copulations than necessary for fertilisation occur suggests that males try to protect paternity by sperm competition, and that this is a result of the potential for EPP due to mate switching in King Penguins. All observed copulations except one took place between days 13 and 5, with the peak 7.5 days prior to egg‐laying. The birds found their pair mates (often not the same as in the previous year) on average about 10 days before egg‐laying, and always established themselves at the outskirts of the colony about 8 days before egg‐laying. Thus, most copulations occurred around the time the birds joined the colony. We suggest that it is adaptive to obtain a breeding spot early, because the colony will grow and pairs joining later will protect the offspring. Additionally, we suggest that early copulation outside the colony is adaptive because of the risk of failing to fertilise the egg when copulating among aggressive neighbours inside the dense colony. Based on these two arguments we suggest a “safe place hypothesis” to explain the early copulation peak in King Penguins.  相似文献   

The short-tailed shearwater is a colonially nesting, socially monogamous seabird. Little is known about mate fidelity and breeding behaviour in this species because breeding birds are nocturnal on land and spend much of their time within subterranean nesting burrows. Colonial breeding and extended sperm storage create opportunities for extra-pair copulations which may form a significant component of the mating strategy in this species. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was used to examine the genetic relationship between nestlings and the male and female nest attendants in 83 burrows from two distinct breeding colonies. Genetic analyses identified nine nestlings, approximately equally distributed between the two colonies, that were not related to the attendant pair male in those burrows, implying extra-pair paternity through extra-pair copulations. These results are used retrospectively to discuss the characteristics of extra-pair copulations and extra-pair fertilizations and the implications for estimates of life-time reproductive success in the short-tailed shearwater.  相似文献   

We tested the relationship between synchrony of breeding andthe frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in two populationsof red-winged blackbirds known to differ in female extrapairbehavior. We found no association between the number of simultaneouslyfertilizable females (temporal neighbors) and EPF rate in eitherpopulation, although a significant difference between populationsin the direction of this relationship (positive where femalesinitiated extrapair copulations and negative where males initiatedthem) suggested a modest difference in the influence of synchrony.Males losing offspring to EPFs tended to have more fertilizablefemales at that time than the actual sires in some analysesbut not in others. We also tested several assumptions underlyingtwo competing hypotheses for the effects of synchrony. We foundno evidence that females pursued extrapair copulations moreoften when other females were synchronous. Rather, females weremore likely to gain EFFs with exirapatr males whose social mateswere not yet building their nests. Synchrony also did not consistentlyaffect male pursuit of exirapair copulations or achievementof EPFs. These results suggest that timing of breeding has someeffects on extrapair activity, but that those effects are bothrelatively weak and influenced by other factors that vary betweenyears or populations.  相似文献   

The genetic mating system is known for only a few species of owls. Most of them are genetically monogamous. The Lanyu scops owl Otus elegans botelensis breeds in high density in the forests of Lanyu (Orchid Island), southeast of Taiwan. Because extra‐pair copulations (EPCs) have frequently been observed, we suspected a high degree of extra‐pair fertilizations (EPFs). Through intensive field observations we quantified both within‐pair and extra‐pair copulations of this owl, and used a set of microsatellite loci to assign the parentage of 200 offspring from 108 families collected between 1999 and 2004. Among copulations for which we could identify both participants, 19.77% were EPC. However, no EPC was observed in the period just before egg laying. We found only two cases of parentage mismatch among 108 broods. The first case was most likely a case of brood usurpation, which would be the first case reported in the Strigidae. The second case was an EPF resulting in one offspring. Our study found that parentage mismatch in the Lanyu scops owls to be extremely low, therefore reproductive success can be estimated accurately by simply counting chicks in nests.  相似文献   

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