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The possibility of plumage status signalling within the social systems of wintering birds has been a controversial issue. Our results are the first to demonstrate conclusively the reality of such signalling. Data from eight groups of captive white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii), each with 8 to 11 different individuals, show that immature and adult females with crowns painted to resemble more brightly coloured, dominant adult males consistently win encounters with control birds of their own age and sex. These experiments demonstrate that signals that correlate with age (adult versus immature) and sex (adult male versus adult female) are used by the birds as reliable indicators of relative dominance position. Our demonstration of status signalling draws attention to the need to explain how such a system can be evolutionarily stable and we discuss some suitable models.  相似文献   

The relationship between cultural variation and biological variationamong natural populations has been the subject of both theoreticaland empirical study. Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis is oneof three subspecies of white-crowned sparrow known to form geographicalsong dialects. We investigated whether these dialects correspondto genetic differences among Z. l. pugetensis populations. Wecompared allele frequencies at four microsatellite loci in malesfrom 11 sites spanning six dialects over the subspecies' rangein Oregon and Washington. Cluster analysis and genotype assignmenttests indicated no tendency for sample sites within dialectareas to be genetically more similar than are sites from differentdialect areas. AMOVA tests revealed high within-site variationand low but significant cross-site and cross-dialect-area variation.Finally, genetic distance between sites was not correlated withdialect differences when the effect of geographic distance wascontrolled statistically. We compare our finding of low geneticdifferentiation among Z. l. pugetensis dialect populations toresults of previous studies on Z. l. nuttalli and Z. l. oriantha.Because genetic structuring appears weaker than cultural (songdialect) structure in this species, we discuss the behavioralmechanisms underlying dialect maintenance in the presence ofapparent gene flow.  相似文献   

The white‐crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys, has served as a model species for studies of song and reproductive physiology. Here, we describe primers for 21 novel microsatellite loci isolated from the Puget Sound subspecies, Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, which will be useful for parentage and population genetic analyses. Based on genotypes from seven to 22 adult birds from one population, the average number of alleles per locus was 10.9 (four to 21 alleles) and observed heterozygosity varied from 0.50 to 1.00. All loci also amplified products in at least one of three other passerine species tested.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that expression of mounting behavior in sexually inexperienced, adult male white-crowned sparrows does not require elevated plasma levels of androgen; adult males maintained on nonstimulatory short days mount sexually receptive females. The experiments reported here demonstrate that (1) sexually inexperienced, prepubertal males maintained on nonstimulatory short days show very low mounting rates in response to female sexual displays; (2) these males exhibit high mounting rates when exposed to stimulatory long days but androgen treatment on short days is ineffective in stimulating high mounting rates; and (3) prepubertal castration has no effect on the expression of mounting behavior by photostimulated adult males. Thus, there is no evidence that mounting behavior of adult male white-crowned sparrows depends on androgen.  相似文献   

White-crowned sparrows learn and produce multiple song types as juveniles, but most individuals stop singing all except one by the end of the first singing season. This single song type is generally maintained throughout adulthood. We demonstrate that, at the start of the second and subsequent singing seasons, this species can recall songs that had been deleted during the first singing season. The re-expression of song occurred in both the oriantha and the gambelii subspecies. Although all our males recrystallized the original song in the second year, our results indicate a mechanism for seasonal song change without new song memorization. The traditional dichotomy of closed-ended versus open-ended learning is inadequate for birds that learn early in life but can change their song output seasonally. We suggest that species can exhibit a closed sensitive period for song memorization and first production, with the ability to recall deleted songs later in life. This type of learning, selective attrition followed by subsequent re-expression, may be used by some species currently considered open-ended learners. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In photoperiodic birds, endocrine responses to behavioural interactions between males and females may be involved in temporally "fine-tuning" the onset of reproduction to yearly variations in the environment. This study examined the endocrine and behavioural responses of male White-crowned sparrows ( Zonotrichia leucophrys ) to changes in the endocrine state of the female, as signalled by changes in her behaviour. Males on different photoperiodic regimes were paired with oestrogen-treated, sexually receptive females. Males exposed to gonadostimulatory long days mounted and copulated with oestrogen-treated females even before gonadal development was complete. These males had higher plasma levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone and maintained enlarged testes longer than control males paired with untreated, nonreceptive females. Males maintained on nonstimulatory short days also mounted oestrogen-treated females; however, testes of these males remained nonfunctional and their plasma levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone were basal. Thus, reproductive function of photostimulated males is profoundly affected by changes in the endocrine state and behaviour of the female. However, male sexual behaviours are expressed in response to visual and auditory stimuli from the female regardless of male hormonal condition or photoperiodic treatment.  相似文献   

Territorial aggression, displayed by male vertebrates in a reproductive context, is generally thought to be mediated by testosterone. The challenge hypothesis predicts that in socially monogamous species, territorial challenges should induce an increase in plasma testosterone concentrations, which will enhance aggressive behaviour and territory defence. This hypothesis is based on northern latitude birds and needs to be tested in tropical birds before it can be universally accepted. We tested the challenge hypothesis in an equatorial population of rufous-collared sparrows in Papallacta, Ecuador. This population shows an extended breeding period during which males aggressively guard territories. During the early breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific or heterospecific simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) lasting 10 min. Conspecific-challenged males responded more aggressively than heterospecific-challenged males. However, there was no increase in plasma testosterone in response to the conspecific STI. During the breeding season, males were challenged with conspecific STIs lasting 0, 10 or 30 min. Males behaved aggressively regardless of STI duration, and did not differ in plasma testosterone or luteinizing hormone concentrations. During the breeding season, males were implanted with testosterone-filled or empty silastic tubes and subsequently challenged with a conspecific STI. Testosterone implants significantly raised plasma testosterone concentrations, but testosterone-implanted males were not more aggressive than blank-implanted controls. Combined, these findings suggest that testosterone concentrations above breeding baseline are not related to territorial aggression in this population and therefore do not support the challenge hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sexually reproducing organisms should mate with the highest quality individuals that they can. When female songbirds choose a mate, they are thought to use several aspects of male song that reflect his quality. Under resource-limited environmental conditions, male Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) vary among one another in several aspects of song quality, including song length, song complexity, and trill performance. In a 2-pronged approach, we tested whether variation in song quality of male Lincoln's sparrows influences the behavior of females that are in a reproductive-like state. Over two trials, we exposed females to songs from the high and low ends of the distribution of naturally occurring song quality variation and found a higher level of behavioral activity in females exposed to high-quality songs, especially when they had first been exposed to low-quality songs. We also examined female phonotaxis toward antiphonally played songs with experimentally elevated and reduced trill performance and found that females moved preferentially toward the songs with elevated trill performance. Contrary to most studies investigating the behavioral responses of wild, female songbirds to variation in male song, we obtained our results without administering exogenous estradiol, which can artificially perturb the female's physiology. Our results demonstrate that the behavior of female Lincoln's sparrows is modulated by the quality of male songs to which they are exposed and that trill performance plays a significant role in this behavioral modulation. Furthermore, as the order of song quality presentation matters, it appears that recent song experience also influences female behavior.  相似文献   

Exposing vertebrates to pathogenic organisms or inflammatory stimuli, such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), activates the immune system and triggers the acute phase response. This response involves fever, alterations in neuroendocrine circuits, such as hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and -gonadal (HPG) axes, and stereotypical sickness behaviors that include lethargy, anorexia, adipsia, and a disinterest in social activities. We investigated the hormonal, behavioral, and thermoregulatory effects of acute LPS treatment in a seasonally breeding songbird, the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) using laboratory and field experiments. Captive male and female sparrows were housed on short (8L:16D) or long (20L:4D) day lengths and injected subcutaneously with LPS or saline (control). LPS treatment activated the HPA axis, causing a rapid increase in plasma corticosterone titers over 24 h compared to controls. Suppression of the HPG axis occurred in long-day LPS birds as measured by a decline in luteinizing hormone levels. Instead of a rise in body temperature, LPS-injected birds experienced short-term hypothermia compared to controls. Birds treated with LPS decreased activity and reduced food and water intake, resulting in weight loss. LPS males on long days experienced more weight loss than LPS males on short days, but this seasonal effect was not observed in females. These results paralleled seasonal differences in body condition, suggesting that modulation of the acute phase response is linked to energy reserves. In free-living males, LPS treatment decreased song and several measures of territorial aggression. These studies highlight immune-endocrine-behavior interrelationships that may proximately mediate life-history tradeoffs between reproduction and defense against pathogens.  相似文献   

Song in male songbirds is activated by the sex steroid testosterone (T). Using male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), we compared effects of T in the normal spring state of photosensitivity (i.e., when the pituitary-gonadal axis is sensitive to stimulation by increasing daylength) and in the late summer-early fall state of photorefractoriness (i.e., when they are insensitive to increasing daylength). Photosensitive males experienced short days for 8 weeks and then long days for another 22 weeks to induce photorefractoriness. T implants were given to the birds twice, first when on short days and photosensitive, and second when on long days and photorefractory. Song rates were compared among 5 conditions: (1) photosensitive, short days, low T titers; (2) photosensitive, short days, high T titers; (3) photosensitive, long days, high T titers; (4) photorefractory, long days, low T titers; and (5) photorefractory, long days, high T titers. Plasma levels of T were monitored throughout the experiment by radioimmunoassay. T was equally effective in inducing song in both the photosensitive and photorefractory conditions. Thus, no seasonal change was found in the sensitivity to hormone action of the neural target sites mediating this behavior in song sparrows. Photosensitive birds sang at a higher rate when on long days than when on short days, however, even though there was no concomitant increase in plasma levels of T. This finding suggests that environmental factors can alter the expression of song activated by similar levels of T.  相似文献   

This paper presents information on the biochemical properties (via starch gel electrophoresis) of 26 marine species (15 fish and 11 invertebrates). Evidence is presented on 48 polymorphisms found in the 26 species. Estimates of the proportion of the genome heterozygous per individual per species were calculated and ranged from 0.000 to 0.176 for the invertebrates and from 0.000 to 0.074 for the fish species. Estimates of the percentage of loci polymorphic per species for invertebrates were 0 to 54 %; for the fish species, the range was 0 to 20 %.  相似文献   

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