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Many juvenile mammals play, and rates and patterns of play behavior often differ between young males and females. The sexual dimorphisms typical of mammalian play suggest that it might be influenced by gonadal hormones. Moreover, because play competes with growth, physical development, and acquisition of fat reserves for available energy, play behavior should theoretically be influenced by energetic variables. We examined patterns of social play behavior and endocrine and energetic mediation of social play in free-living juvenile Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi). Bouts of social play in young S. beldingi resembled adult copulation and fighting, and young males initiated sexual play but not play fighting at much higher rates than did young females. To elucidate the proximal causes of play, we altered early androgen exposure by treating females with testosterone (T) at birth and used females treated with oil vehicle as controls. We concurrently manipulated energy availability by provisioning with extra food and used unprovisioned squirrels as controls. Hourly rates of play behavior were highest near the time of weaning and declined thereafter among both experimental and control groups of juveniles. Thus, we observed no influence of either T treatment or food provisioning on the temporal patterning of play behavior. Perinatal T treatment had no effect on play fighting, but caused rates of sexual play behavior initiated by young females to increase to near those observed for young males, suggesting that T organizes a masculine tendency to initiate sexual play behavior but not play fighting. Food provisioning increased rates of play among males and females from both T-treated and control litters, suggesting that energy availability limits play behavior.  相似文献   

Belding's ground squirrels are seasonally breeding rodents that have a single annual mating season (ca. 3 weeks long) which begins shortly after their vernal emergence from a 7-month period of hibernation. In this study, changes in vaginal estrus were assessed among unmated captive females. Following a 7-month period in a coldroom, vaginal lavages were taken daily to monitor changes in estrous condition. Females were in vaginal estrus within 24-48 hr of removal from the coldroom. Rather than exhibiting repeated cycles, adults (greater than or equal to 2 years old) remained in prolonged estrus (typically 3-4 weeks, but 8-10 weeks in some cases), whereas yearlings exhibited similar but shorter and possibly periodic changes in vaginal condition. The difference between the two age classes persisted in a second year of testing, indicating that the preadult status of yearlings (in the first year of testing) did not primarily account for the difference. In another experiment, removal from the coldroom was delayed for 24 days relative to adults removed at a time coincident with emergence from hibernation of free-living females. The "delayed" adults showed persistent vaginal estrus for a shorter total duration, such that both groups reached anestrus at approximately the same time. This implies that the latency to anestrus is not simply a fixed period from the time of removal from the coldroom.  相似文献   

The retention of social memory during long periods of separation, such as hibernation or migration, has not been well documented, despite evidence for long-term social relationships in migrating species or in long-lived sedentary species. We investigated the ability of captive Belding's ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi, to remember previously familiar individuals as well as littermates after 9 months of isolation. Before hibernation, young ground squirrels discriminated between odours of familiar and unfamiliar individuals, as shown by greater investigation of a novel individual's odour. The following spring, these yearlings did not respond differentially to odours of previously familiar and unfamiliar individuals, suggesting that memory for familiar conspecifics was lost during hibernation. In contrast, both female and male yearlings continued to discriminate between odours of littermates and previously familiar nonlittermates. Thus, recognition of close kin was maintained during prolonged social isolation, but recognition of familiar, unrelated individuals was not. If re-establishment of familiarity is not costly or if adults rarely interact with the same individuals in successive years, then selection may not favour retention of individual memories of particular conspecifics over the winter. Even though males rarely encounter kin after dispersal, yearling males did recognize their siblings, suggesting that the relative costs of maintaining kin-recognition abilities year-round may be low. Possible mechanisms underlying the formation and maintenance of individual and kin recognition are discussed. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal, the permanent departure of an individual from its birth site, is sex biased in most mammals, with males dispersing at higher rates or over greater distances than do female conspecifics. Because dispersal movements may be energetically expensive, their occurrence should theoretically be influenced by energy availability. Moreover, the male bias typical of mammalian dispersal suggests that this behavior might be mediated by gonadal androgens. Using free-living Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) as subjects, we provisioned juveniles with extra food to evaluate energetic influences on male dispersal behavior. Provisioning increased body mass and body fat of juvenile males and caused them to disperse at younger ages, but did not affect blood glucose levels. Dispersing males were fatter than same-aged males that had not yet dispersed. Moreover, body fat of provisioned and unprovisioned males did not differ when evaluated relative to the week during which they dispersed, suggesting that there may be a fat threshold for dispersal. In a second experiment, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone (T) in provisioned and unprovisioned, free-living juveniles to evaluate the hypothesis that male dispersal behavior is activated by concurrent high levels of T. We observed no increase in plasma T associated with dispersal by juvenile males, no sex differences in circulating T among juveniles, and no effects of food provisioning on juvenile T levels. In a third experiment with free-living S. beldingi, we concurrently altered early androgen exposure by treating females with T at birth and manipulated energy availability by food provisioning. Perinatal T-treatment increased the likelihood of dispersal among juvenile females. Provisioning increased body mass and body fat of juveniles and caused males and T-treated females to disperse at significantly younger ages than either their unprovisioned counterparts or the few provisioned control females that dispersed. These results suggest that early T exposure in this species determines the probability of dispersal, whereas the amount of energy an individual has stored as fat strongly influences the timing of dispersal. Early T exposure also appears to cause the timing of dispersal to respond to energy availability and body fat in a male-typical way, possibly by organizing masculine mass and fat thresholds for dispersal.  相似文献   

The relation between body weight and sexual maturation was examined in a hibernator, Belding's ground squirrel, by manipulating the availability of food to weaned juvenile males. Following body weight manipulation in the summer, testicular growth, serum testosterone, and spermatogenesis were monitored during the subsequent year, which included 7 mo when males were in the coldroom (ca. 8 degrees C), followed by 5 mo in the laboratory (ca. 20 degrees C). Juveniles (less than 1 yr old) maintained on a restricted diet entered the coldroom at normal body weights for their age class in nature and had immature gonads throughout the year, which is characteristic of this group in the field. In contrast, juveniles given abundant food during the summer entered the coldroom at body weights typical for free-living yearlings and exhibited mature gonads shortly after males were removed from the cold (high relative testis weights, high serum testosterone levels, and all stages of spermatogenesis). The high level of gonadal activity in overfed males was confined to a period of a few weeks in the spring, which coincided with the time when mating occurs in nature. The ability of male Belding's ground squirrels to accumulate body weight prior to hibernation seems important to sexual maturation in this seasonally breeding rodent.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been conducted on the role of glucocorticoids in regulating growth, mobilizing energy, responding to stressors and modulating learning and memory. However, little is known about the production of corticoids during early development in free-living animals, particularly during sensitive periods of acquisition of important behaviors. In a four-year study of Belding's ground squirrels, Spermophilus beldingi, a non-invasive assay of glucocorticoids was used to quantify age and population differences among juveniles from three California locations. Fecal-cortisol metabolites are elevated during a short period when juveniles first emerge aboveground from their natal burrows at about 4 weeks of age. This period of cortisol elevation coincides with when young are learning survival behaviors such as anti-predator responses and foraging strategies. Population differences in juvenile cortisol levels, which may reflect local variation in habitat quality and predator environments, were not evident until 2 weeks after emergence. Elevated cortisol at the age of emergence was also observed in juveniles born and reared in captivity without exposure to typical stressors that occur around the age of emergence. These results indicate that corticoids are regulated during early development, and the possible functions of age-related corticoid levels are discussed, including mobilization of glucose for natal emergence and later facilitation of growth and energy storage during the short summer before hibernation. In some species, elevated corticoids can also facilitate learning and memory, and current work is exploring whether the higher cortisol observed in all three S. beldingi populations just after emergence function to promote rapid acquisition of survival behaviors.  相似文献   

Preliminary identification of the physiological causes of natal dispersal in two populations of free-living Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) was attempted in the Sierra Nevada of California. Two competing hypotheses, each suggesting a different endocrinological cause for natal dispersal in this species were tested. Data collected by observation, trapping, and telemetry during three field seasons (1979–1981) contradict predictions of the hypothesis that concurrent, high levels of circulating gonadal steroids cause natal dispersal. Rather the data suggest that perinatal exposure to androgen subsequently results in dispersal of treated individuals. The hormone may promote dispersal behavior through its mediating effects on juveniles' exploratory and social behaviors, and on their responsiveness to frightening stimuli. Possible interactions of endocrine mechanisms with other proximal and ultimate causes of dispersal are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary I examined the potential inheritance of the ability of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) to select an optimal diet. I calculated the diet that would maximize daily energy intake for each of 21 adult females and their litters, using a linear programming optimization model for each individual. The absolute value of the difference between an individual's predicted optimal diet and observed diet (deviation from an optimal diet) was used as a measure of an individual's foraging ability. The foraging ability of individuals was consistent over time and in different foraging environments, so I considered foraging ability to be a potentially heritable trait.Inheritance was determined from correlations of mother and offspring foraging ability. I experimentally removed some mothers just as they weaned their offspring so that offspring could not be influenced by their mother while learning to forage, while leaving the other mothers to raise their litters normally. In both cases, offspring strongly resembled their mother in foraging ability. However, offspring with mothers absent exhibited significantly larger deviations from their optimal diet. Offspring with mothers absent appeared to imitate their mother's diet during lactation, and this tendency partially explained their greater deviation. Consequently, offspring appear to inherit the ability to forage optimally from their mother, perhaps through observational learning or imitation. There may also be a genetic basis to foraging ability, but uncontrolled maternal effects in the experiment prevent a proper test for it.  相似文献   

This study evaluates whether Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) recognize predators under natural conditions. I observed these squirrels for 300 h during two consecutive summers, during which I described 1029 aerial and terrestrial interactions, including 299 interactions with animals known to prey on squirrels. Squirrels responded differentially to predators and non-predators, to predators that hunt differently, and to contextually different interactions with the same predator. Responses shown in encounters with predators included Trill and Chirp vocalizing, upright Posting, crouching, running to burrow entrances, entering burrows, Approaching or chasing predators, and doubling-back on pursuing predators. Ground squirrels appear to adjust their antipredator behaviour depending on the amount and kind of danger they face during an encounter.  相似文献   

Juvenile thirteen-lined ground squirrels, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, are less vigilant (i.e. they spend less time visually scanning the environment) than adults. To determine whether nutritional need was a potential cause of this difference, we supplemented two groups of free-ranging juveniles during the predispersal stage, while juveniles were still near and around the natal burrows. The high-energy food group (HEF: 11 squirrels) received peanut butter and oats while the low-energy food group (LEF: seven squirrels) received lettuce. Adults (14 squirrels) were also supplemented, but due to their greater home range sizes, it was not feasible to classify them as either HEF or LEF. To evaluate the effect of supplementation on antipredator vigilance, the behavioural act of visually scanning for predators, we videotaped individuals while they were foraging above ground during 5-min observation periods. Each squirrel was observed and weighed during three time periods over 23 days. From the videotape, we extracted measures of time spent vigilant, locomoting and foraging. All three categories of squirrels gained mass over the study period, but the HEF juveniles rapidly exceeded that of the LEF juveniles. Early in the study, LEF and HEF juveniles did not significantly differ in either body mass or time budgets, and, initially, both juvenile groups were similar to adults in the amount of time devoted to vigilance. Later in the study, the behaviour of HEF juveniles closely resembled that of adults (increased time devoted to vigilance and decreased time devoted to foraging), while LEF juveniles decreased vigilance and increased their foraging time. This study indicates that for thirteen-lined ground squirrels the lower vigilance of juveniles is due, at least in part, to the greater nutritional needs of young animals with consequent increases in foraging, which is largely incompatible with vigilance. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

A hormonal-challenge protocol was used to compare the stress response of males of Arctic ground squirrels and red squirrels during the breeding season (May). These squirrels live in the same boreal forest of the Yukon, but have very different life histories and utilize the forest in markedly different ways. Red squirrels had levels of total cortisol, maximum corticosteroid-binding capacity, and free cortisol that were 5, 7, and 2 times, respectively, those of Arctic ground squirrels. Red squirrels were resistant to suppression by an artificial glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX); Arctic ground squirrels were not. Cortisol levels in red squirrels responded slowly but continuously to the ACTH injection; Arctic ground squirrels responded rapidly and then stabilized. Testosterone levels in red squirrels were extremely sensitive to the challenge, being suppressed by both DEX and ACTH; levels in Arctic ground squirrels were resistant to the challenge, being modestly suppressed by DEX and stimulated by ACTH. Energy mobilization, as measured by glucose and free fatty acid responses, was not affected. Red squirrels had four times the levels of white blood cells and higher proportions of lymphocytes and lower proportions of eosinophils than Arctic ground squirrels, indicating that the latter were in worse condition immunologically. Our evidence suggests that the functions associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are compromised in breeding male Arctic ground squirrels, but not in red squirrels. We propose that in male red squirrels this axis has evolved in the context of a stable social system based on long-lived animals with individual territories which are needed to deal with unpredictable winter food supplies. In contrast, Arctic ground squirrels escape the rigors of winter by hibernation and this hormonal axis has evolved in short-lived males in the context of intense intra-sexual competition in a social system based on female kin groups and regular male dispersal to avoid inbreeding. J. Exp. Zool. 286:390-404, 2000.  相似文献   

Summary Optimal diets were determined for each of 109 individual Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) at two sites in northwestern Montana. Body mass, daily activity time, and vegetation consumption rates for individuals were measured in the field, along with the average water content of vegetation at each ground squirrel colony. I also measured stomach and caecal capacity and turnover rate of plant food through the digestive tract for individuals in the laboratory to construct regressions of digestive capacity as a function of individual body mass. Finally, I obtained literature estimates of average daily energy requirements as a function of body mass and digestible energy content of vegetation. These data were used to construct a linear programming diet model for each individual. The model for each individual was used to predict the proportion of two food types (monocots and dicots) that maximized daily energy intake, given time and digestive constraints on foraging. Individuals were classified as optimal or deviating, depending on whether their observed diet was significantly different from their predicted optimal diet. I determined the consequences of selecting an optimal diet for energy intake and fitness. As expected, daily energy intake calculated for deviators (based on their observed diet proportion) was less than that for optimal foragers. Deviating foragers do not appear to compensate for their lower calculated energy intake through other factors such as body size or physiological efficiency of processing food. Growth rate, yearly survivorship, and litter size increase with calculated energy intake, and optimal foragers have six times the reproductive success of deviators by age three. Optimal foraging behavior, therefore, appears to confer a considerable fitness advantage.  相似文献   

The social system of round-tailed ground squirrels, Spermophilus tereticaudus, is quantitatively described in terms of seasonal changes in interaction rates, the effect of age and sex on type and frequency of interaction, the differential response to kin and non-kin, the determinants of dominance, including territoriality, the associations between classes of individuals, and the dispersion of home ranges and core areas. From January to March, the adult squirrels were sociable and nonterritorial. Following copulation in March, they were unsociable and territorial. In May and June, juveniles lived mainly within their mothers' territories. Those juveniles that did not disperse from the study area in late June established territories near their mothers. From September to December, all squirrels were inactive underground.  相似文献   

Philopatry and dispersal result in selection of habitat locations that may differ in resources and social environment and thus should influence fitness components like survival and reproduction. We examined short-distance movements of young and adult females from natal or previous nesting sites within a colony of Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada, over a 17-year period. Females of all ages were strongly philopatric, yet a few (10-15%) exhibited movements that took them to new home ranges. We tested three hypotheses to explain the pattern of female natal and breeding movements: (1) that movements of philopatric females promote proximity to close kin; (2) that range shifts favour close kin via bequeathal of territory and (3) that dispersers move to lower density areas where competition for resources is lower. Tests of these three hypotheses revealed that: (1) philopatry and movements of young and older philopatric females led to proximity to mothers and local presence of close kin; (2) breeding dispersal did not result in bequeathal of home range to daughters, but movements of philopatric females suggested that they shared space with close kin and (3) adult females moved to new ranges with lower local densities, though dispersing females also left ranges where local density was significantly lower than for philopatric females. Natal and breeding movements among years produced two opportunities for territorial females: close spatial proximity to close kin via short philopatric movements, and habitats with fewer competitors via longer dispersal movements.  相似文献   

Summary Auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) were characterized at 37 °C in ground squirrels (Citellus lateralis) which were implanted with recording screws to record ABRs, and a thermistor to record brain temperature. After two weeks ground squirrels were reanesthetized and tone pips and clicks were delivered through a TDH-49 headphone.Recorded ABRs were found to vary in a predictable manner as a function of stimulus frequency and intensity. At intensities above 50 dB SPL, ABRs could be recorded over the range tested (2–32 kHz). An 8 kHz tone pip was the best frequency for recording ABRs at the lowest stimulus intensities. Latencies decreased as stimulus frequencies increased from 4 kHz to 32 kHz.  相似文献   

In European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) as in other obligate hibernators, physiological processes underlie strict time constraints. Especially for the juveniles growth and prehibernatory fattening are temporally very limited. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of specific nutritional factors on development in juvenile males. Male ground squirrels were investigated for a 7-week period starting at natal emergence. Individuals were assigned to 1 of 3 experimental groups and were provided with a diet either high in proteins or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The third group was used as a control and was fed with a standard rat diet. Food quality affected growth in that males of the high-protein group had significantly larger head lengths in week 4, 5, and 6 after natal emergence than those of the other 2 groups. However, body mass did not differ significantly between the groups. All juvenile males showed an increase in plasma testosterone levels from week 1–2 to week 3–4 post-emergence, thereafter testosterone secretion remained stable until week 5–6. The daily testosterone increase after the first 2 weeks was significantly higher in the PUFA group compared to the other 2 groups. The results underline the importance of diet composition for growth rates and the timing of gonadal activation during early development in this species.  相似文献   

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