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F. W. Robertson 《Genetica》1987,72(2):111-125
Four populations of the cactophilous species D. buzzatii have been compared with respect to the phenotypic variation of thorax and wing length of wild versus laboratory reared flies. Three of the strains were intercrossed to provide parent, F1 and F2 comparisons as a test of co-adaptation. The genetic contribution to phenotypic variation of laboratory reared flies was estimated from the correlation between sibs derived from random pair mating and reared individually in separate cultures. The average natural temperature during development was estimated from the relations between the wing/thorax ratio and temperature in laboratory tests.The variance of thorax and wing length of wild flies was several times greater than that of laboratory reared flies and the increase was attributed primarily to variation in larval food supply although temperature fluctuation is also important. There was no evidence of heterosis or F2 break-down in the crosses. For two of the populations the heritability of thorax length was high, 60–70%, and substantially lower for the third. The average temperature estimated from the wing/thorax/temperature relationship differed between sites. The reduction of body size below the potential maximum averaged 30% for two and 20% for the other population, with a wide spread about these values. The evidence is discussed in relation to assessing the nature of ecological variation by comparing the variation of morphological traits in wild and laboratory reared flies.  相似文献   

The “body size hypothesis” predicts that if individuals of a population migrate different distances from the breeding to the wintering grounds, the distance should be related to the differential ability to cope with adverse conditions, with larger individuals wintering further north. Data collected over a 40-year period in Essex, UK and the Camargue, southern France, revealed that the average body mass of Teal ringed in Essex during these years was actually not greater than that of Teal ringed in the Camargue. A higher proportion of males were included in the UK ringing catch than in the French catch, but we found no support for the body size hypothesis to explain such differential migration of the sexes.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Selected body temperatures (SBT) of adult male, female and subadult Lacerta vivipara from a Belgian population, were measured monthly in a laboratory thermogradient.

2. 2.|Monthly mean SBTs varied between 29.9 and 34.0°C and differed significantly among months in all three lizard groups, and among lizard groups in 4 out of 6 months.

3. 3.|Evidence for a positive relationship between monthly SBT and air temperature was found in the subadults, but not in the adult lizards.

4. 4.|Monthly mean SBTs measured in this study were consistently higher (mean difference = 2.0°C) than those obtained by Patterson and Davies (1978) in a similar study on Lacerta vivipara from southern England.

Author Keywords: Selected body temperature; behavioural thermoregulation; Lacerta vivipara; intraspecific variation in body temperature  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism within species increases with body size in insects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tiit Teder  Toomas Tammaru 《Oikos》2005,108(2):321-334
Studies examining interspecific differences in sexual size dimorphism (SSD) typically assume that the degree of sexual differences in body size is invariable within species. This work was conducted to assess validity of this assumption. As a result of a systematic literature survey, datasets for 158 insect species were retrieved. Each dataset contained adult or pupal weights of males and females for two or more different subsets, typically originating from different conditions during immature development. For each species, an analysis was conducted to examine dependence of SSD on body size, the latter variable being used as a proxy of environmental quality. A considerable variation in SSD was revealed at the intraspecific level in insects. The results suggest that environmental conditions may strongly affect the degree, though not the direction of SSD within species. In most species, female size appeared to be more sensitive to environmental conditions than male size: with conditions improving, there was a larger relative increase in female than male size. As a consequence, sexual differences in size were shown to increase with increasing body size in species with female-biased SSD (females were the larger sex in more than 80% of the species examined). The results were consistent across different insect orders and ecological subdivisions. Mechanisms leading to intraspecific variation in SSD are discussed. This study underlines the need to consider intraspecific variation in SSD in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Oruç I  Guo XM  Barton JJ 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16251
Face aftereffects are proving to be an effective means of examining the properties of face-specific processes in the human visual system. We examined the role of gender in the neural representation of faces using a contrast-based adaptation method. If faces of different genders share the same representational face space, then adaptation to a face of one gender should affect both same- and different-gender faces. Further, if these aftereffects differ in magnitude, this may indicate distinct gender-related factors in the organization of this face space. To control for a potential confound between physical similarity and gender, we used a Bayesian ideal observer and human discrimination data to construct a stimulus set in which pairs of different-gender faces were equally dissimilar as same-gender pairs. We found that the recognition of both same-gender and different-gender faces was suppressed following a brief exposure of 100 ms. Moreover, recognition was more suppressed for test faces of a different-gender than those of the same-gender as the adaptor, despite the equivalence in physical and psychophysical similarity. Our results suggest that male and female faces likely occupy the same face space, allowing transfer of aftereffects between the genders, but that there are special properties that emerge along gender-defining dimensions of this space.  相似文献   

Selection intensity and phenotypic variability are inversely related. It has been hypothesized that, owing to opposing selection pressures on pelvic morphology in females between efficiency in locomotion and obstetric adequacy, female pelvic morphology is less variable than that in males. The hypothesis was supported based on data derived from observational methods of sexing pelves (Meindl et al., 1985). The hypothesis was tested in the present study based on a metrical analysis of the true pelvis. The results show that there are no sexual differences in pelvic variability. Consequently, while males and females are equally variable in the dimensions of the true pelvis, the visual cues that osteologists use to sex pelves are more variable in males.  相似文献   

The different levels of media access in otherwise very similar villages in rural Nicaragua provided a natural laboratory to explore the effect of television (TV) access on men's preferences for female body size and shape. In study 1 we compared the female body ideals of men from three discrete villages who experienced different levels of TV but otherwise inhabited a similar ecological and sociocultural environment. 3D modelling software enabled participants to create their ideal female body with more precision than simply choosing a figure from a limited range of 2D images. In study 2 we further explored local men's perceptions of female physical attractiveness and attitudes towards television using focus group discussions. Results from study 1 showed that men in the high TV villages preferred significantly slimmer bodies compared to those in the low TV village. Regression analyses showed TV access to be a significant predictor of ideal body size and upper body shape, but not of ideal lower body shape. The central theme to emerge from study 2 was the importance of the relationship between lower body shape, movement, and sex in the men's judgments of female attractiveness: the curvaceous body was perceived by the men to be a reliable cue to potential sexual promise, rather than valued simply for its visual aesthetic. Overall, findings suggest that TV access is linked to rural Nicaraguan men's perceptions of ideal female body weight and breast size, but preferences for a curvaceous lower body shape may be driven primarily by judgments of female sexual promise.  相似文献   

Summary Cytophotometric, karyological, and biochemical analyses were carried out in the meristems of seedlings obtained from seeds collected from 35 natural populations of hexaploid Festuca amndinacea in Italy. Highly significant differences between populations were observed in the amount of nuclear DNA (up to 32.3%). These changes are linked to variations in the amount of heterochromatin and in the frequency of repeated DNA sequences, and particularly of a fraction of them. Differences between populations in the arm ratios and total length of the chromosomes were also observed. The genome sizes of the populations are correlated positively with the mean temperature during the year and with that of the coldest month at the stations, and correlate negatively with their latitudes. The intraspecific genome changes observed are discussed in relation to other pertinent data to be found in the literature and in relation to their possible role in environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

The storage of lipids to buffer energy shortage may incur such costs as increased vulnerability to predation, and animals may be more muscular in order to reduce such costs. If muscle and lipid mass interact to determine survival, then both the muscularity and the adiposity of animals will be affected by factors such as predator density and food availability. Here we explore how adiposity and muscularity may depend on such factors. We confirm the expectation that adiposity should decrease with the risk of predation and increase with the frequency of interruptions to the food supply. More surprisingly, the predicted relationships between skeletal size, muscularity, and adiposity qualitatively depended on various factors: for example, adiposity should increase with foraging costs only for small animals and should decrease with total body mass if competition for food is intense. Furthermore, if the locomotive costs of carrying lipids are low, then adiposity should increase with body mass, whereas if such costs are high, then adiposity should decrease with body mass. These predictions are supported by observations of variation between and within species. Our approach demonstrates that broad patterns of body composition can be understood in terms of the fundamental ecological trade-off between starvation and predation.  相似文献   

Within a population of the web-building spiderAgelena limbata, the weight of the first instar nymphs ranged from 1.187 to 6.559 mg. Both intraclutch and interclutch variation were recorded. The mean weights were different among clutches and the coefficients of variation within a clutch ranged from 3.3 to 29.2%. Variation in the nymphal weight was certainly derived from variation in the egg weight because there was a high correlation between the two weights. Factors affecting interclutch variation in nymphal weight were examined by multiple regression analysis. Nymphal weight was positively correlated with the body size and food conditions of female parents, and negatively correlated with the clutch size. Among these three factors, the food conditions of female parents had the largest apparent effect on the interclutch variation. The results suggest that females with larger body size and more food produce larger offspring, and that there is a trade-off between offspring size and clutch size. Heavier nymphs had larger body size (carapace width) and may have larger energy reserves. Heavier nymphs survived experimental starvation for a significantly longer period.  相似文献   

Although most arthropod species have a fixed number of body segments, one order of centipedes – the Geophilomorpha – provides an unusual opportunity to study the variation and microevolution of segment number. This is because all species in all but one family exhibit variation in the number of leg‐bearing segments (LBS) within and between natural populations. One species in particular, the coastal geophilomorph Strigamia maritima, has become a ‘model system’ for these studies, because of its high population densities and the consequent ease of collecting large samples. Previous studies on this species have examined various aspects of segment number variation. However, most studies have characterized each population by an LBS distribution and a mean LBS number that are based on data from all life‐stages. Here, we dissect the variation within as well as between populations and show that different cohorts within a population often have significantly different LBS number distributions. This is almost certainly due to developmental plasticity, probably related to the prevailing microhabitat temperature within brood chambers, but possibly related to other environmental factors too. Although we found no evidence of selection, the fact that different species of geophilomorphs have different LBS distributions suggests that, in the long term, selection may act on the developmental reaction norm of LBS number. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 678–685.  相似文献   

Comparing five species of pipefish, egg size was significantly larger in species with brood pouches (Syngnathus typhle, Syngnathus acus and Syngnathus rostellatus) than in species without brood pouches (Entelurus aequoreus and Nerophis ophidion). Egg size correlated positively with female body size in species with brood pouches, but was similar across female sizes in the species lacking pouches. These results may reflect differences in offspring competition as a consequence of variable offspring relatedness within a brood, due to the mating systems adopted by the different species and the presence or absence of a brood pouch.  相似文献   

Mezhzherin SV 《Genetika》2002,38(9):1252-1258
An analysis of allozymic variation carried out in the main groups of vertebrate animals revealed a tendency towards the increased level of genetic polymorphism in the species of small animals compared to the large ones. This tendency was clearly followed in caudate amphibians, fishes, and mammals. The data are discussed in terms of the integration of monogenic and polygenic systems in the populations. It is hypothesized that this relationship between heterozygosity and body size confirms more general regularity consisting in highly statistically significant correlation between polygenic heterozygosity, maturation rate and life span. It is suggested that high rate of development in small animals resulting in early sexual maturation, can serve as a mechanism determining correlation between heterozygosity and body size at the species level. As a result, compared to large animals, small animals display higher rates of generation change, resulting in accelerated growth of population size and faster accumulation of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Relationships between body size and abundance in ecology   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Body size is perhaps the most fundamental property of an organism and is related to many biological traits, including abundance. The relationship between abundance and body size has been extensively studied in an attempt to quantify the form of the relationship and to understand the processes that generate it. However, progress has been impeded by the under appreciated fact that there are four distinct, but interrelated, relationships between size and abundance that are often confused in the literature. Here, we review and distinguish between these four patterns, and discuss the linkages between them. We argue that a synthetic understanding of size-abundance relationships will result from more detailed analyses of individual patterns and from careful consideration of how and why the patterns are related.  相似文献   

Mating preferences for genetic compatibility strictly depend on the interplay of the genotypes of potential partners and are therein fundamentally different from directional preferences for ornamental secondary sexual traits. Thus, the most compatible partner is on average not the one with most pronounced ornaments and vice versa. Hence, mating preferences may often conflict. Here, we present a solution to this problem while investigating the interplay of mating preferences for relatedness (a compatibility criterion) and large body size (an ornamental or quality trait). In previous experiments, both sexes of Pelvicachromis taeniatus, a cichlid fish with mutual mate choice, showed preferences for kin and large partners when these criteria were tested separately. In the present study, test fish were given a conflicting choice between two potential mating partners differing in relatedness as well as in body size in such a way that preferences for both criteria could not simultaneously be satisfied. We show that a sex-specific trade-off occurs between mating preferences for body size and relatedness. For females, relatedness gained greater importance than body size, whereas the opposite was true for males. We discuss the potential role of the interplay between mating preferences for relatedness and body size for the evolution of inbreeding preference.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is a key process in the evolution of biological diversity but relatively few studies have identified the selective forces that drive trait divergence at low taxonomic levels, particularly amongst mammals. Variation in body size across taxa is fundamental as shown by allometric relationships with numerous physiological, morphological and life-history traits. Differences in adult size across cohorts within populations of temperate ungulates are determined by variation in trophic resource availability during growth, suggesting that natural selection might promote the evolution of size divergence across sister taxa through local adaptation to variation in habitat productivity. We tested this hypothesis in the hartebeest ( Alcelaphu s sp.), an antelope lineage including eight extant (or recently extinct) allopatric subspecies that evolved within the last million years and colonized all the African savannahs. We predicted that body size across the subspecies should correlate positively with habitat productivity across taxon ranges. Mean body size of all the hartebeest taxa was quantified using skull length from museum specimens, and climatic variables were used as surrogates of habitat productivity. Body size across subspecies was positively correlated with rainfall, suggesting that variation in habitat primary production may drive morphological evolution between taxa. Focusing at a low taxonomic level has allowed us to identify a critical selective force that may shape divergence in body size, without the confounding effect of variation in trophic niche. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 431–440.  相似文献   

1. The cichlid fish Metriaclima zebra , common in Lake Malawi, feeds by filtering plankton from the water and by brushing items from sediment covered substrata. It inhabits isolated rocky reefs among which community structure, resource availability and gene pools are likely to differ. We speculated that body size and trophic morphology of M. zebra might vary concomitantly.
2. We quantified the extent of genetic, body size and trophic variation within and between populations of M. zebra from southern Lake Malawi. Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that: (i) local populations are genetically differentiated, (ii) local populations differ in jaw morphology, dentition and standard length (SL), and (iii) variation in size is correlated with variation in trophic morphology.
3. Local populations of M. zebra differed in mean SL and were genetically differentiated. Moreover, populations exhibited dissimilar oral jaw morphologies and dentitions, perhaps related to differences in feeding biology. Variation in jaw shape was largely restricted to the curvature of the distal tip of the dentary. Populations were characterised by individuals with oblique, upward or downward directed gapes. Dental patterns differed in the proportion of unicuspid teeth in all rows of each jaw (dentaries and premaxillae) and the spacing of teeth in affected rows.
4. Within populations, jaw and tooth shapes were correlated with body size. Smaller individuals possessed upward curving jaws and closely packed multicusped teeth, while larger individuals exhibited relatively downward-directed jaws with increasing numbers of widely spaced unicuspid teeth.
5. Metriaclima zebra populations have increased in mean SL over the last decade, in contrast to a decline among Lake Malawi pelagic cichlids. Differences in size may contribute to variation in trophic morphology and may track local environmental dynamics in this lacustrine system.  相似文献   

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