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Research on the behavioural ecology of ultraviolet (UV-A, wavelengths of 320–400 nm, hereafter: UV) sensitivity in terrestrial vertebrates has mainly focused on sexual signalling and foraging in birds and reptiles, whereas the fact that some rodents are also sensitive to UV light has been somewhat ignored. Here, we present the results of two behavioural experiments, which tested whether rodents use UV cues in foraging. In the first experiment we asked whether the colour contrast in the UV waveband is used as a foraging cue. House mice were offered UV-reflecting and UV-absorbing artificial food items in two different illuminations where UV light was either present or absent. The food items were offered to two groups of mice, one group on a UV-reflecting and the other on a UV-absorbing background. The second experiment investigated more specifically whether UV cues are especially important in dawn and dusk when short wavelengths are high in the proportion of available light. House mice showed no preference between the food items regardless of illumination or background. Therefore, our results indicate that house mice do not use UV cues in foraging.  相似文献   

Abstract Coevolution is thought to have led to many small mammal species avoiding the scent marks of their main mammalian predators, as they provide a reliable cue to predation risk. Most support for this hypothesis comes from northern hemisphere predator/prey systems, however, it is unclear whether this avoidance of predator faecal odour occurs in Australia's mammalian fauna, which has evolved in relative isolation from the rest of the world, and is dominated by marsupials rather than placentals. We tested this theory for an Australian system with marsupial and placental predators and prey, that share a long‐term (>1 million years) or short‐term (<150 years) exposure to each other. The predators were the native marsupial tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced placental red fox Vulpes vulpes. The potential prey were three native rodent species, the bush rat Rattus fuscipes, the swamp rat Rattus lutreolus, the eastern chestnut mouse Pseudomys gracilicaudatus, and the marsupial brown antechinus Antechinus stuartii. Small mammals were captured in Elliott traps with 1/3 of traps treated with fox faeces, 1/3 treated with quoll faeces and the remainder left untreated. The native rodent species all showed avoidance of both tiger quoll and red fox odours whereas the marsupial antechinus showed no responses to either odour. Either predator odour avoidance has not evolved in this marsupial or their reaction to predator odours may be exhibited in ways which are not recognizable through trapping. The avoidance by the rodents of fox odour as well as quoll odour indicates this response may either be due to common components in fox and quoll odour, or it may be a recently evolved response.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Changes in the sex allocation (i.e. in pollen versus seed production) of hermaphroditic plants often occur in response to the environment. In some homosporous ferns, gametophytes choose their gender in response to chemical cues sent by neighbours, such that spores develop as male gametophytes if they perceive a female or hermaphrodite nearby. Here it is considered whether a similar process might occur in the androdioecious angiosperm species Mercurialis annua, in which males co-occur with hermaphrodites; previous work on a Spanish population of M. annua found that individuals were more likely to develop as males at high density.


Using a novel approach to treat plants with leachate from pots containing males or hermaphrodites of M. annua, the hypothesis that individuals assess their mating opportunities, and adjust their sex expression accordingly, was tested through an exchange of chemical cues through the soil.

Key Results

For the population under study, from Morocco, no evidence was found for soil-signal-dependent sex expression: neither sex ratios nor sex allocation differed among experimental treatments.


The results imply either that the Moroccan population under study behaves differently from that previously studied in Spain (pointing to potential geographical variation in plasticity for sex expression), or that our method failed to capture the signals used by M. annua for adjustment of sex expression.  相似文献   

For small mammals that are vulnerable to predation, the protection provided by physical structuring within the habitat is important in determining suitable nest or resting sites but little is known about how different aspects of structure affect use of the habitat more generally. We examined the effects of ground-level structure (open/complex), overhead cover (present/absent) and the distribution of protected nest sites and food (clumped together/scattered) on activity and use of space among house mice, Mus domesticus, in enclosures. Adult pairs were housed in eight habitat types differing in arrangement of nestboxes, bricks and cover sheets, and their location was monitored under infrared light every 0.5 s over 4 h during the dark period. The mice spent much more time within protected nest sites and were more restricted in use of different sites within habitats that had little ground-level structure and no overhead cover. Much wider use was made of structurally complex habitats. Complex ground-level structure had the greatest impact on emergence from protected nest sites and use of space, since mice preferred to stay close to, or on top of, walls and other objects when undisturbed. The influence of overhead cover on normal activity depended on the extent of ground-level structure and origin of the mice, but, when disturbed by an experimenter, mice sheltered under overhead cover or in enclosed nest sites. Preference between nest sites depended on accessibility from under overhead cover and proximity to enclosure walls. We found almost no sex differences in activity or use of space. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Do predator-prey ‘waiting games’ where prey hide from potential predators have inherently unstable evolutionary outcomes, making it impossible to generate quantitative predictions about hiding times? Fiddler crabs, Uca lactea perplexa, respond to potential predators by retreating into their burrows. Time inside the burrow during unprovoked retreats during normal activity provides a ‘null model’ to test whether sex, tidal cycle and body size affect hiding time from potential predators. Using experimentally created predator-like stimuli we found that males hid for significantly longer than females, and larger crabs of both sexes also hid for longer. This differs from burrow use during unprovoked retreats, suggesting hiding time varies depending on the potential risk of predation on re-emergence. If risk prior to hiding predicts risk on emergence, the closer the proximity of a predator-like stimulus when first encountered the longer crabs should hide. We confirmed this experimentally (stimuli at 0.5 versus 2.5 m). Finally, we tested whether males hide for longer when a predator-like stimulus approaches them directly rather than tangentially. None of three pairwise comparisons was statistically significant, but crabs hid less as the angle of approach became more tangential. These results suggest prey can use stimuli prior to hiding to predict predation risk on re-emergence, but studies on predators are required to test this claim. Finally, theoretical models must explain why hiding time has a lognormal distribution and low variance such that a predator can predict when most prey will re-emerge. For example, 95% of crabs re-emerged within 2.3 min of hiding. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Large-brained diurnal mammals with complex social systems are known to plan where and how to reach a resource, as shown by a systematic movement pattern analysis. We examined for the first time large-scale movement patterns of a solitary-ranging and small-brained mammal, the mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), by using the change-point test and a heuristic random travel model to get insight into foraging strategies and potential route-planning abilities. Mouse lemurs are small nocturnal primates inhabiting the seasonal dry deciduous forest in Madagascar. During the lean season with limited food availability, these lemurs rely on few stationary food resources. We radio-tracked seven lemurs and analysed their foraging patterns. First change-points coincided with out-of-sight keystone food resources. Travel paths were more efficient in detecting these resources than a heuristic random travel model within limits of estimated detection distance. Findings suggest that even nocturnal, solitary-ranging mammals with small brains plan their route to an out-of-sight target. Thus, similar ecological pressures may lead to comparable spatial cognitive skills irrespective of the degree of sociality or relative brain size.  相似文献   

Mammal Research - Foraging animals must contend with fluctuating environmental variables that affect foraging success, including conditions like wind noise, which could diminish the usefulness of...  相似文献   

Species distribution, ecology, and behaviour are shaped, amongst other things, by interspecific, antagonistic interactions, and this phenomenon is particularly noticeable among predators. We studied the spatial co-distribution of two top piscivorous bird species foraging on inland waters outside breeding season. We considered the hypothesis that goosanders, Mergus merganser, and great cormorants, Phalacrocorax carbo, avoid foraging in close proximity to each other. Data collected on five river-reservoir systems in the Western Carpathians (Poland and Slovakia) during two periods (2014–2015 and 2015–2016) showed that goosander numbers reduced significantly and their foraging areas changed when large flocks of cormorants arrived and began foraging. We also found that inter-flock distances were greatest between flocks of goosanders and cormorants, suggesting that the former species avoided the waters occupied by the latter. Distribution of flocks of both species was additionally determined by the location of foraging place in river-reservoir system, weather, and presence of other piscivorous birds (e.g. grebes) and raptors (e.g. eagles). Together with the results of research in adjacent Bohemia, this study suggests that competition between cormorants and goosanders may arise when bodies of water suitable for piscivorous foraging are scattered and limited in number, as in the mountainous areas of Central Europe.  相似文献   

Expression divergence, rather than sequence divergence, has been shown to be important in speciation, particularly in the early stages of divergence of traits involved in reproductive isolation. In the two European subspecies of house mice, Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus, earlier studies have demonstrated olfactory‐based assortative mate preference in populations close to their hybrid zone. It has been suggested that this behaviour evolved following the recent secondary contact between the two taxa (~3,000 years ago) in response to selection against hybridization. To test for a role of changes in gene expression in the observed behavioural shift, we conducted a RNA sequencing experiment on mouse vomeronasal organs. Key candidate genes for pheromone‐based subspecies recognition, the vomeronasal receptors, are expressed in these organs. Overall patterns of gene expression varied significantly between samples from the two subspecies, with a large number of differentially expressed genes between the two taxa. In contrast, only ~200 genes were found repeatedly differentially expressed between populations within M. m. musculus that did or did not display assortative mate preferences (close to or more distant from the hybrid zone, respectively), with an overrepresentation of genes belonging to vomeronasal receptor family 2. These receptors are known to play a key role in recognition of chemical cues that handle information about genetic identity. Interestingly, four of five of these differentially expressed receptors belong to the same phylogenetic cluster, suggesting specialization of a group of closely related receptors in the recognition of odorant signals that may allow subspecies recognition and assortative mating.  相似文献   

We compared the feeding behaviour of garden birds in the presence of four heterospecific decoy species at suburban feeding stations to assess the relative importance of body size (large vs. small) and demeanour (high vs. low potential for inter-specific aggression) as cues for threat recognition. We conducted separate trials with live, caged Australian magpie, Cracticus tibicen, and common myna, Acridotheres tristis, large and small species known to chase and harass heterospecifics, and comparably sized species not known for inter-species aggression (i.e. rock dove, Columba livia, and ringneck dove, Streptopelia risoria). Birds of all species arrived at feeding stations sooner and displayed higher-risk activities in the presence of small decoys. The two most common species that visited the feeding stations, silvereye, Zosterops lateralis, and house sparrow, Passer domesticus, were most likely to perform high-risk behaviours (i.e. landing on the stimulus cage and feeding from the station) in the presence of common mynas. The activities were performed least frequently in the presence of Australian magpies. As garden birds likely had the most experience interacting with common mynas, the results suggest that a two-step decision rule, with size and familiarity as important cues, may be used to recognize potential threats.  相似文献   

When attacked by herbivores, plants produce toxic secondary metabolites that function as direct defenses, as well as indirect defenses that attract and reward predators of the offending herbivores. These indirect defenses include both nutritive rewards such as extra floral nectar, as well as informational rewards, such as the production and release of volatile compounds that betray the location of feeding herbivores to predators. Herbivory of Nicotiana attenuata by the tobacco hornworm (Manduca larvae) alters the volatile profiles of both the plant and larval headspace. Herbivory-elicited specific changes in the volatile profiles are detected by arthropod predators of Manduca larvae. The known predators that perceive volatile cues induced by Manduca herbivory of N. attenuata are insects that target Manduca at early developmental stages, when the larvae are still small; large, late-instar larvae may have outgrown these predation risks. However, here we offer evidence that branched chain aliphatic acids derived from the digestion of plant O-acyl sugars from trichomes may betray Manduca larvae to lizard predators during late developmental stages as well.  相似文献   

Reducing resource competition is a crucial requirement for colonial seabirds to ensure adequate self‐ and chick‐provisioning during breeding season. Spatial segregation is a common avoidance strategy among and within species from neighboring breeding colonies. We determined whether the foraging behaviors of incubating lesser black‐backed gulls (Larus fuscus) differed between six colonies varying in size and distance to mainland, and whether any differences could be related to the foraging habitats visited. Seventy‐nine incubating individuals from six study colonies along the German North Sea coast were equipped with GPS data loggers in multiple years. Dietary information was gained by sampling food pellets, and blood samples were taken for stable isotope analyses. Foraging patterns clearly differed among and within colonies. Foraging range increased with increasing colony size and decreased with increasing colony distance from the mainland, although the latter might be due to the inclusion of the only offshore colony. Gulls from larger colonies with consequently greater density‐dependent competition were more likely to forage at land instead of at sea. The diets of the gulls from the colonies furthest from each other differed, while the diets from the other colonies overlapped with each other. The spatial segregation and dietary similarities suggest that lesser black‐backed gulls foraged at different sites and utilized two main habitat types, although these were similar across foraging areas for all colonies except the single offshore island. The avoidance of intraspecific competition results in colony‐specific foraging patterns, potentially causing more intensive utilization of terrestrial foraging sites, which may offer more predictable and easily available foraging compared with the marine environment.  相似文献   

We studied the winter foraging niches of tits and related species in deciduous forest fragments varying in size between 1 and 30 ha (plus one forest of 200 ha) in order to investigate the influence of forest fragmentation on foraging niches Very few correlations between niche structure (foraging niche, width and overlap) and forest size or isolation turned out to be significant This implies that either the species that disappear in small fragments are those that suffer most from competition (making the effect unmeasurable), or that competition is relatively unimportant for niche structure In any case we find no evidence that foraging niches are strongly affected by the changes (in habitat and/or community structure) associated with fragmentation  相似文献   

The consequences of manipulating abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis rates on stomatal response to drought were analysed in wild‐type, a full‐deficient mutant and four under‐producing transgenic lines of N. plumbaginifolia. The roles of ABA, xylem sap pH and leaf water potential were investigated under four experimental conditions: feeding detached leaves with varying ABA concentration; injecting exogenous ABA into well‐watered plants; and withholding irrigation on pot‐grown plants, either intact or grafted onto tobacco. Changes in ABA synthesis abilities among lines did not affect stomatal sensitivity to ABA concentration in the leaf xylem sap ([ABA]xyl), as evidenced with exogenous ABA supplies and natural increases of [ABA]xyl in grafted plants subjected to drought. The ABA‐deficient mutant, which is uncultivable under normal evaporative demand, was grafted onto tobacco stock and then presented the same stomatal response to [ABA]xyl as wild‐type and other lines. This reinforces the dominant role of ABA in controlling stomatal response to drought in N. plumbaginifolia whereas roles of leaf water potential and xylem sap pH were excluded under all studied conditions. However, when plants were submitted to soil drying onto their own roots, stomatal response to [ABA]xyl slightly differed among lines. It is suggested, consistently with all the results, that an additional root signal of soil drying modulates stomatal response to [ABA]xyl.  相似文献   

Biomass allocation is an important plant trait that responds plastically to environmental heterogeneities. However, the effects on this trait of pollutants owing to human activities remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the response of biomass allocation of Phragmites australis to petroleum pollution by a 13CO2 pulse-labelling technique. Our data show that plant biomass significantly decreased under petroleum pollution, but the root–shoot ratio for both plant biomass and 13C increased with increasing petroleum concentration, suggesting that plants could increase biomass allocation to roots in petroleum-polluted soil. Furthermore, assimilated 13C was found to be significantly higher in soil, microbial biomass and soil respiration after soils were polluted by petroleum. These results suggested that the carbon released from roots is rapidly turned over by soil microbes under petroleum pollution. This study found that plants can modulate biomass allocation in response to petroleum pollution.  相似文献   

Finding the right host plant for feeding and reproduction is crucial for herbivorous insects. Usually they need both visual and olfactory cues to locate and colonize their host plants, but the respective role of the two types of stimuli is difficult to disentangle. Model plants mimicking the shape and colour of natural hosts, combined with odours dispensers, are relevant tools for this purpose. We used dummy pines and cut branches of natural pines to investigate host attraction in Monochamus galloprovincialis, the insect vector of the pine wood nematode in Europe. We compared the behavioural response of males and females, sexually mature or immature, in a large climatic chamber and in an olfactometer. Immature females were significantly attracted by the sole odours released by pines. Immature males and mature males and females needed a combination of visual and olfactory cues to find the host tree. These findings suggest that beetles use both visual and chemical cues to locate pine trees but that relevant stimuli likely differ between beetles of different sex and sexual maturation status. Our results question the implementation of precautionary clear‐cuts around infested trees for limiting the spread of PWN.  相似文献   

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