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We examined genetic consequences of basic predictions of life history and sexual selection theory in a wild population of redfronted lemurs. Because group living in lemurs evolved independently from other primates, and because polygynous lemurs deviate in several sexually selected traits from theoretical predictions, data on genetic correlates of their social and mating systems can make important contributions to studies of convergence in social evolution, but such data are not available from wild populations. We extracted DNA from tissue samples obtained from 59 animals living in Kirindy forest, Madagascar, and examined individual variability at several microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial D-loop. We found that closely related females of a single matriline formed the core of the four main study groups. Virtually all haplotypes of adult males differed from those of coresident females, and many male haplotypes were represented by only one or two individuals. Paternity analyses for infants from groups with detailed behavioural data revealed that a disproportionate share of infants were sired by the central, dominant male of a group, despite promiscuous mating. Extragroup paternities were not detected. The skew in male reproductive success cannot be reconciled with the lack of sexual dimorphism and the even adult sex ratios. We therefore conclude that these group-living lemurs converge with many other primates in sex-specific life history trajectories, including female philopatry and male dispersal, but that the observed skew in male reproductive success makes the apparent lack of adaptation to intrasexual selection in certain behavioural, demographic and morphological traits even more puzzling. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Globin prepared from hemoglobin of the brown lemur (Lemur fulvus fulvus) was separated into alpha and beta chains by chromatography on a CM 52 column. The S-aminoethylated alpha and beta chains were each digested with trypsin and resulting peptides were isolated. The amino acid sequences of the tryptic peptides were established. The ordering of these peptides in the alpha and beta chains was deduced from the homology of their amino acid sequences with that of human adult hemoglobin. The primary structure of brown lemur hemoglobin thus obtained differs from that of human hemoglobin in 15 amino acids in the alpha chain and 26 in the beta chain.  相似文献   

Examination of vaginal smears and observations of the colour and tumescence of the genitalia and discharge of mucus of 9 brown lemurs indicated that the oestrous cycle lasted for 30 days and that cycles occurred between September and July. The timing of cycles of females housed in visual isolation differed from that of females able to see other lemurs, indicating that the oestrous cycle in this species can be influenced by different housing conditions.  相似文献   

A group of one male and two female Mayotte lemurs was observed at Chester Zoo, and their behaviors compared with published observations of wild populations of this and related forms of the brown lemur. It was found that the captive animals were active by both day and night, but that the pattern of activity was different from wild lemurs. The captive lemurs were less active than their wild counterparts and showed different timing of activity because of the feeding regimen at the zoo. The animals did not ignore the public at the zoo, but, on the contrary, directed some behaviors at the zoo visitors, particularly if the zoo visitors attempted to interact with the lemurs; under these conditions there was also an increase in the movements of the lemurs in the cage. Levels of aggression in the zoo lemurs were higher than those reported for wild populations, and aggression appeared to occur predominantly in the birth season. Levels of affiliative behaviors, particularly allogrooming, were comparable with those in the wild. Olfactory behaviors such as scent marking and anogenital sniffing also showed seasonal peaks and again appeared to occur at higher rates than in the wild.  相似文献   

There is limited information on bobcat ejaculate traits and sperm cryopreservation and fertilizing ability. Bobcats were electroejaculated under general anesthesia in November (autumn) and April (spring), and endocrine and sperm traits were characterized. Testosterone (mean ± SEM: 0.90 ± 0.15 ng/mL) was not different between sampling times, but cortisol (average: 13.95 ± 1.73 μg/dL) was significantly higher in April. Average number of spermatozoa was 10.0 ± 3.4 × 106 sperm/ejaculate, with values being significantly higher in April. Sperm motility (average 55.7 ± 5.8% motile sperm) was not different between sampling times. The proportion of normal spermatozoa in the ejaculate (average: 14.7 ± 2.1%) was significantly higher in April, but the percentage of spermatozoa with intact acrosomes (average: 43.7 ± 3.8%) was significantly higher in autumn. Spermatozoa were cryopreserved in a Tes-Tris-based diluent (TEST) or Biladyl, both containing 20% egg yolk and 4% glycerol. Diluted sperm were loaded into straws, refrigerated using a programmable thermoblock with a dry chamber, frozen in nitrogen vapors, thawed, and incubated in F-10 medium with 5% fetal bovine serum for up to 3 h. After cryopreservation in TEST, there were about 50% motile sperm upon thawing, and survival was high during incubation post-thaw. Cryopreservation in Biladyl led to similar results, but motility decreased substantially during incubation post-thaw. Bobcat spermatozoa fertilized domestic cat oocytes matured in vitro. Fertilization rates were higher for sperm collected in April and cryopreserved in TEST (46%) than for those cryopreserved using Biladyl (<3%). Fertilized oocytes cleaved in culture, and some (27%) reached the morula stage. This study has allowed us to gain further baseline information on bobcat reproduction, explore sperm cryopreservation conditions, and show that fertilizing capacity can be tested using in vitro-matured cat oocytes. These results will be important for future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Li X S  Zhang Y L  Luo Y Q  SETTELE Josef 《农业工程》2006,26(10):3184-3197
This article investigates the biology of Byasa impediens, presenting its life-table data and analyzing its habitat requirements and the key factors threatening the survival of this species. This study also aims to detect specific protection methods to guarantee the long-term survival of Byasa impediens in Baishuijiang Reserve. Byasa impediens is bivoltine in Baishuijiang Reserve. The pupae overwinter on shrubs or on branches of trees. The eclosion of the first generation starts in mid-April. The adults of the first generation emerge in large numbers in mid-late May, and the second generation emerges from late June to mid-July. The two generations overlap. The adult males emerge 7–10 days earlier than the adult females. Their flight behavior is determined by factors such as perching along small rivers and gullies, and visiting flowers. The males are strong fliers. On the contrary, the flying ability of the females is weak; therefore, they just visit flowers, mate, and lay eggs near the natal area. The ratio of female to male is 1:4.1. The maximum lifespan of the males is 26 days, with an average of 6.9 days, whereas the maximum lifespan of the females is 21 days, with an average of 7.6 days. The pregnant eggs per female are 31.5 on average. The incubation period of the first generation is 12–14 days, whereas that of the second generation is 7–9 days. The larvae feed mainly on Aristolochia heterophylla. The larval period of the first generation lasts for 30 days with five instars and that of the second generation lasts for 30–40 days with five or six instars. The pupal period of the first generation begins in early June and lasts for 20–26 days whereas for the second generation, it begins between late July and late September. The adults prefer the following nectar plants: Albizzia julibrissin, Bauhinia glauca, Clerodendrum bungei, and Sambucus chinensis. The plant Aristolochia heterophylla is distributed at an altitude of 900–1680 m, and the most suitable range is 1200–1500 m. The host plants grow mainly along the paths and along the borders of forests where the canopy is rather open and shrubby undergrowth is found. The plant can hardly be found when the canopy density of the forest is greater than 80%. The elevation range most suitable for the larvae is 1200–1500 m. The ideal habitat of host plants also seems to be the ideal habitat of Byasa impediens. The key factors that adversely affect the population of Byasa impediens are loss and deterioration of habitats. The loss and deterioration of the habitats result in a decrease in the numbers of host plants and a more restricted distribution of the potential habitats. The habitat is easily influenced by anthropogenic activities, such as herding, cultivating, and using pesticides, which in turn influences the growth of the host plant Aristolochia heterophylla and the larvae of butterflies. Abnormal climatic conditions and natural enemies are the key factors affecting population density. The hot and dry weather in summer and the heavy rain in autumn considerably reduce the survival rate of eggs and larvae. The ichneumon parasitoids reduce the survival rate of the over-wintering pupae. The primary natural enemies of the larvae include spiders, earwigs, wasps, bugs, and ichneumon parasitoids. Other natural enemies of pupae and adults are birds. The most important conservation measures are preservation and reconstruction of the natural habitat, which includes rebuilding forests, enhancing management, enforcing existing laws, and developing eco-tourism. Creating a core-patch near all patches at a central area is also an important measure for conservation. In the most ideal habitat, appropriate shrub cutting can increase the growth of host plants, thereby promoting expansion of the Byasa impediens population.  相似文献   

Fucogalactans from edible Agaricus bisporus (RFP-Ab) and wild Lactarius rufus (RFP-Lr) mushrooms were obtained on aqueous extraction followed by purification. RFP-Ab had Mw 43.8 × 104 g mol−1 and RFP-Lr Mw 1.4 × 104 g mol−1. RFP-Lr had a (1 → 6)-linked α-d-Galp main-chain partially substituted at O-2 by nonreducing end-units of α-l-Fucp (29%). While RFP-Ab had a similar main chain, it was partially substituted at O-2 by nonreducing end-units of α-l-Fucp (2.8%) and β-d-Galp (14.5%), and partially methylated at HO-3. Both RFP-Lr and RFP-Ab were tested in mice against polymicrobial sepsis. Lethality rate, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and cytokine levels were determined. It was observed a reduction in late mortality rate by 62.5% and 50%, respectively, prevention of neutrophil accumulation in ileum and decreasing in TNF-α and IL-1β serum levels.  相似文献   

Arrhenotokous parthenogenesis was confirmed in Trichogramma dendrolimi and T. papilionis. Subsequently the possible links between mating systems and biological traits of males, and sex ratios, were investigated in these two species, using Papilio xuthus eggs for their hosts. T. dendrolimi males attained 100% insemination of females in the parasitized host before egress from it. The high insemination rate was guaranteed by male precedence in emergence, lack of courtship in mating behaviour and short copulation time, combined with a long stay of emerging wasps within the host. The males were often the last to leave a host and made no mating attempts outside the host. Most but not all T. papilionis females were also inseminated in the host. The lower insemination rate of this species resulted from almost simultaneous emergence of both sexes, which prevented males from mating with inactive females. Another mating site of T. papilionis was just outside the host, which males left prior to most females. A reduced possibility of outbreeding was inferred in T. dendrolimi on the grounds that males were short-lived, frequently failed to expand their wings and died in the host. The reduced outbreeding was reflected in considerably lower sex ratios in T. dendrolimi.  相似文献   

The life history of A. mackerrasae was found to differ from that of A. cantonensis as follows: (1) the moulting times of A. cantonensis in the definitive host occurred a few days earlier than those of A. mackerrasae; (2) the growth rate of A. cantonensis was more rapid than that of A. mackerrasae. However, there were no differences in the migratory pattern of the third-stage larvae of both species in experimentally-infected definitive hosts. It is concluded that Mackerras & Sandars (1955) described the life history of A. mackerrasae and not A. cantonensis.  相似文献   

Physiologically related features of muscle morphology are considered with regard to functional adaptation for locomotor and postural behavior in the brown lemur (Lemur fulvus). Reduced physiological cross-sectional area, estimated maximum excursion of the tendon of insertion, length of tendon per muscle fasciculus, and areal fiber type composition were examined in the quadriceps femoris in order to assess the extent of a "division of labor" among four apparent synergists. Each of these four muscles in this prosimian primate displays a distinguishing constellation of morphological features that implies functional specialization during posture and normal locomotion (walk/run, galloping, leaping). Vastus medialis is best suited for rapid whole muscle recruitment and may be reserved for relatively vigorous activities such as galloping and leaping (e.g., small cross-sectional area per mass, long excursion, predominance of fast-low oxidative fibers, relatively little tendon per fasciculus). In theory, rectus femoris could be employed isometrically in order to store elastic strain energy during all phasic activities (e.g., large cross-sectional area per mass, short excursion, predominance of fast-high oxidative fibers, large amount of tendon per fasciculus). Vastus intermedius exhibits an overall morphology indicative of a typical postural muscle (e.g., substantial cross-sectional area, short excursion, predominance of slow-high oxidative fibers, large amount of tendon per fasciculus). The construction of vastus lateralis reflects an adaptation for high force, relatively high velocity, and resistance to fatigue (e.g., large cross-sectional area, long excursion, most heterogeneous distribution of fiber types, large amount of tendon per fasciculus); this muscle is probably the primary contributor to a wide range of locomotor behaviors in lemurs. Marked dramatic architectural disparity among the four bellies, coupled with relative overall fiber type heterogeneity, suggests the potential for exceptional flexibility in muscle recruitment within this mass. One interpretation of this relatively complex neuromuscular organization in the brown lemur is that it represents an adaptation for the exploitation of a three-dimensional arboreal environment by rapid quadrupedalism and leaping among irregular and spatially disordered substrates.  相似文献   

Six brown lemurs and four black lemurs were presented with two stimulus arrays of one and four raisins. Under a reverse-reward contingency, they received the array they did not choose. All subjects showed a strong preference for the larger array and developed a strong side preference bias. When a large-or-none reward contingency was applied (i.e. no reward followed the choice of the larger array, but this array was given for the choice of the smaller array), six of the 10 subjects overcame their side bias and learned to select the smaller array. When a correction procedure was added, all the remaining subjects mastered the task. Performance was maintained when the original reverse-reward contingency was rerun, and when novel array pairs were presented. Several months after the study, six subjects retained a significant preference for choosing the smaller of the two arrays. The results demonstrate a form of self-control in two prosimian species.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratios (ASRs) and population size are two of the most fundamental parameters in population biology, as they are the main determinants of genetic and demographic viability, and vulnerability of a population to stochastic events. Underpinning the application of population viability analysis for predicting the extinction risk of populations is the need to accurately estimate parameters that determine the viability of populations (i.e. the ASR and population size). Here we demonstrate that a lack of temporal information can confound estimation of both parameters. Using acoustic telemetry, we compared differences in breeding durations of both sexes for a giant Australian cuttlefish Sepia apama breeding aggregation to the strongly male-biased operational sex ratio (4:1), in order to estimate the population ASR. The ratio of breeding durations between sexes was equal to the operational sex ratio, suggesting that the ASR is not strongly male-biased, but balanced. Furthermore, the short residence times of individuals at the breeding aggregation suggests that previous density-based abundance estimates have significantly underestimated population size. With the current wide application of population viability analysis for predicting the extinction risk of populations, tools to improve the accuracy of such predictions are vital. Here we provide a new approach to estimating the fundamental ASR parameter, and call for temporal considerations when estimating population size.  相似文献   

Four red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures of approximately 55–60 °C and an optimum pH for growth between 7.5 and 8.5, were recovered from hot springs in Central France. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. The new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the glycolipid profile and fatty acid composition because these organisms lacked the hydroxy fatty acids and the glycolipid variant GL-1a found in all other isolates of the species of Meiothermus examined. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus rufus for the new species, which is represented by strains CAL-4T (=DSM 22234T=LMG 24878T) and CAL-12 (=DSM 22235=LMG 24879). We also propose emending the genus Meiothermus to include strains that have only one glycolipid instead of two glycolipid variants.  相似文献   

Identifying the patterns and processes driving dispersal is critical for understanding population structure and dynamics. In many organisms, sex-biased dispersal is related to the type of mating system. Considerably, less is known about the influence of life-history variability on dispersal. Here we investigated patterns of dispersal in masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) to evaluate influences of sex and life history on dispersal. As expected, assignment tests and isolation by distance analysis revealed that dispersal of marine-migratory masu salmon was male-biased. However, dispersal of resident and migratory males did not follow our expectation and marine-migratory individuals dispersed more than residents. This may be because direct competition between marine-migratory and resident males is weak or that the cost of dispersal is smaller for marine-migratory individuals. This study revealed that both sex and migratory life-history influence patterns of dispersal at a local scale in masu salmon.  相似文献   

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