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The DExD/H-box Prp5 protein (Prp5p) is an essential, RNA-dependent ATPase required for pre-spliceosome formation during nuclear pre-mRNA splicing. In order to understand how this protein functions, we used in vitro, biochemical assays to examine its association with the spliceosome from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. GST-Prp5p in splicing assays pulls down radiolabeled pre-mRNA as well as splicing intermediates and lariat product, but reduced amounts of spliced mRNA. It cosediments with active spliceosomes isolated by glycerol gradient centrifugation. In ATP-depleted extracts, GST-Prp5p associates with pre-mRNA even in the absence of spliceosomal snRNAs. Maximal selection in either the presence or absence of ATP requires a pre-mRNA with a functional intron. Prp5p is present in the commitment complex and functions in subsequent pre-spliceosome formation. Reduced Prp5p levels decrease levels of commitment, pre-spliceosomal and spliceosomal complexes. Thus Prp5p is most likely an integral component of the spliceosome, being among the first splicing factors associating with pre-mRNA and remaining until spliceosome disassembly. The results suggest a model in which Prp5p recruits the U2 snRNP to pre-mRNA in the commitment complex and then hydrolyzes ATP to promote stable association of U2 in the pre-spliceosome. They also suggest that Prp5p could have multiple ATP-independent and ATP-dependent functions at several stages of the splicing cycle.  相似文献   

To produce messenger RNA, the spliceosome excises introns from precursor (pre)-mRNA and splices the flanking exons. To establish fidelity, the spliceosome discriminates against aberrant introns, but current understanding of such fidelity mechanisms is limited. Here we show that an ATP-dependent activity represses formation of mRNA from aberrant intermediates having mutations in any of the intronic consensus sequences. This proofreading activity is disabled by mutations that impair the ATPase or RNA unwindase activity of Prp22p, a conserved spliceosomal DExD/H-box ATPase. Further, cold-sensitive prp22 mutants permit aberrant mRNA formation from a mutated 3' splice-site intermediate in vivo. We conclude that Prp22p generally represses splicing of aberrant intermediates, in addition to its known ATP-dependent role in promoting release of genuine mRNA. This dual function for Prp22p validates a general model in which fidelity can be enhanced by a DExD/H-box ATPase.  相似文献   

UAP56 is an essential eukaryotic pre-mRNA splicing factor and mRNA export factor. The mechanisms of its functions are not well understood. We determined the crystal structures of the N- and C-terminal domains of human UAP56 (comprising 90% of the full-length UAP56) at 1.9 A resolution. The two domains each have a RecA-like fold and are connected by a flexible linker. The overall fold of each domain is highly similar to the corresponding domains of eIF4A (a prototypic DExD/H-box protein), with differences at the loops and termini. This structural similarity suggests that UAP56 is likely to possess ATPase and helicase activity similar to eIF4A. The NTP binding pocket of UAP56 is occupied by a citrate ion, mimicking the phosphates of NTP and retaining the P loop in an open conformation. The crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of UAP56 also reveals a dimer interface that is potentially important for UAP56's function.  相似文献   

Splicing of introns from mRNA precursors is a two-step reaction performed by the spliceosome, an immense cellular machine consisting of over 200 different proteins and five small RNAs (snRNAs). We previously demonstrated that fragments of two of these RNAs, U6 and U2, can catalyze by themselves a splicing-related reaction, involving one of the two substrates of the first step of splicing, the branch site substrate. Here we show that these same RNAs can catalyze a reaction between RNA sequences that resemble the 5' splice site and the branch site, the two reactants of the first step of splicing. The reaction is dependent on the sequence of the 5' splice site consensus sequence and the catalytically essential domains of U6, and thus it resembles the authentic splicing reaction. Our results demonstrate the ability of protein-free snRNAs to recognize the sequences involved in the first splicing step and to perform splicing-related catalysis between these two pre-mRNA-like substrates.  相似文献   

The gene defective in fidget mice encodes fidgetin, a member of the AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) family of ATPases. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified cAMP-dependent protein kinase A anchoring protein 95 kDa (AKAP95) as a potential fidgetin-binding protein. Epitope-tagged fidgetin co-localized with endogenous AKAP95 in the nuclear matrix, and the physical interaction between fidgetin and AKAP95 was further confirmed by reciprocal immunoprecipitation. To evaluate the biological significance of the fidgetin-AKAP95 binding, we created AKAP95 mutant mice through a gene trap strategy. Akap95 mutant mice are surprisingly viable with no overt phenotype. However, a significant number of mice carrying both Akap95 and fidget mutations die soon after birth due to cleft palate, consistent with the overlapping expression of AKAP95 and fidgetin in the branchial arches during mouse embryogenesis. These results expand the spectrum of the pleiotropic phenotypes of fidget mice and provide new leads on the in vivo function of AKAP95.  相似文献   

Type III protein secretion (TTS) is catalyzed by translocases that span both membranes of Gram-negative bacteria. A hydrophilic TTS component homologous to F1/V1-ATPases is ubiquitous and essential for secretion. We show that hrcN encodes the putative TTS ATPase of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and that HrcN is a peripheral protein that assembles in clusters at the membrane. A decahistidinyl HrcN derivative was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity in a folded state. Hydrodynamic analysis, cross-linking, and electron microscopy revealed four distinct HrcN forms: I, 48 kDa (monomer); II, approximately 300 kDa (putative hexamer); III, 575 kDa (dodecamer); and IV, approximately 3.5 MDa. Form III is the predominant form of HrcN at the membrane, and its ATPase activity is dramatically stimulated (>700-fold) over the basal activity of Form I. We propose that TTS ATPases catalyze protein translocation as activated homo-oligomers at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

FliT is a flagellar type III export chaperone specific for the filament-capping protein FliD. The FliT/FliD complex binds to the FliI ATPase of the flagellar export apparatus. The C-terminal α4 helix of FliT controls its interaction with FliI but it remains unknown how it does so. Here, we analysed the FliI-FliT interaction by pull-down assays using GST affinity chromatography. FliT94, missing the C-terminal α4 helix, bound to the extreme N-terminal region of FliI (FliI(EN)) with high affinity and to the C-terminal ATPase domain (FliI(CAT)) with low affinity. The C-terminal α4 helix of FliT suppressed the interaction with FliI(EN). FliH and FliT94 bound to a common binding site on FliI(EN) and hence FliH induced the release of FliI from FliT94 in an ATP-independent manner. FliD increased the binding affinity of FliI(CAT) for FliT. These results raise a possible hypothesis that the FliH/FliI complex binds to the FliT/FliD complex through FliI(CAT) to escort it from the cytoplasm to the export gate made up of six integral membrane proteins and that, upon dissociation of FliD from FliT, FliT94 may bind to FliI(EN) and then FliI may transfer from FliT94 to FliH by the direct competition of FliT94 and FliH for FliI(EN).  相似文献   

The ability of Legionella pneumophila to grow and cause disease in the host is completely dependent on a type IV secretion system known as the Dot/Icm complex. This membrane-spanning apparatus translocates effector molecules into host cells in a process that is poorly understood but that is known to require the putative ATPase DotB. One possible role for DotB is suggested by its similarity to the PilT family of proteins, which mediate pilus retraction. To better understand the molecular behavior of DotB, we have purified the protein and shown that it forms stable homohexameric rings and hydrolyzes ATP with a specific activity of 6.4 nmol of ATP/min/mg of protein. ATPase activity is critical to the function of DotB, as alteration of the conserved Walker box lysine residue resulted in a mutant protein, DotB K162Q, which failed to bind or hydrolyze ATP and which could not complement a DeltadotB strain for intracellular growth in macrophages. Consistent with the ability of DotB to interact with itself, the dotBK162Q allele exhibited transdominance over wild-type dotB, providing the first example of such a mutation in L. pneumophila. Finally, the DotB K162Q mutant protein had a significantly enhanced membrane localization in L. pneumophila compared to wild-type DotB, suggesting a relationship between nucleotide binding and membrane association. These results are consistent with a model in which DotB cycles between the cytoplasm and the Dot/Icm complex at the membrane, where it hydrolyzes nucleotides to provide energy to the complex.  相似文献   

Splicing of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) alternative exons IIIb and IIIc is regulated by the auxiliary RNA cis-element ISE/ISS-3 that promotes splicing of exon IIIb and silencing of exon IIIc. Using RNA affinity chromatography, we have identified heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein M (hnRNP M) as a splicing regulatory factor that binds to ISE/ISS-3 in a sequence-specific manner. Overexpression of hnRNP M promoted exon IIIc skipping in a cell line that normally includes it, and association of hnRNP M with ISE/ISS-3 was shown to contribute to this splicing regulatory function. Thus hnRNP M, along with other members of the hnRNP family of RNA-binding proteins, plays a combinatorial role in regulation of FGFR2 alternative splicing. We also determined that hnRNP M can affect the splicing of several other alternatively spliced exons. This activity of hnRNP M included the ability not only to induce exon skipping but also to promote exon inclusion. This is the first report demonstrating a role for this abundant hnRNP family member in alternative splicing in mammals and suggests that this protein may broadly contribute to the fidelity of splice site recognition and alternative splicing regulation.  相似文献   

Giardia has unique microtubule structures, including the ventral disc, the primary organelle of attachment to the host, and the median body, a structure of undefined function. During attachment, the ventral disc has a domed conformation and enables Giardia to attach to the host intestinal epithelia within seconds. The mechanism of attachment via the ventral disc and the overall structure, function, and assembly of the ventral disc are not well understood. Our recent proteomic analysis of the ventral disc indicated that the median body protein (MBP), previously reported to localize exclusively to the median body, was primarily localized to the ventral disc. Using high-resolution light and electron microscopy, we confirm that the median body protein localizes primarily to the overlap zone of the ventral disc. The MBP also occasionally localized to the median body during prophase. To define the contribution of MBP to the ventral disc structure, we depleted MBP using an anti-MBP morpholino. We found that the ventral disc was no longer able to form properly and that the disc structure often had an aberrant nondomed or flattened horseshoe conformation. The ability of attached anti-MBP morpholino-treated trophozoites to withstand shear forces and normal forces was significantly decreased. Most notably, the plasma membrane contacts with the surface, including those of the bare area, were defective after the anti-MBP knockdown. To our knowledge, this is the first ventral disc protein whose depletion directly alters ventral disc structure, confirming that the domed ventral disc conformation is important for robust attachment.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Cheng YT  Bi D  Palma K  Li X 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(21):1936-1942
Innate immunity is critical for sensing and defending against microbial infections in multicellular organisms. In plants, disease resistance genes (R genes) play central roles in recognizing pathogens and initiating downstream defense cascades. Arabidopsis SNC1 encodes a TIR-NBS-LRR-type R protein with a similar structure to nucleotide binding oligomerization domain (Nod) proteins in animals. A point mutation in the region between the NBS and LRR of SNC1 results in constitutive activation of defense responses in the snc1 mutant. Here, we report the identification and characterization of mos2-1, a mutant suppressing the constitutive defense responses in snc1. Analysis of mos2 single mutants indicated that it is not only required for resistance specified by multiple R genes, but also for basal resistance. Map-based cloning of MOS2 revealed that it encodes a novel nuclear protein that contains one G-patch and two KOW domains and has homologs across the animal kingdom. The presence of both G-patch and KOW domains in the MOS2 protein suggests that it probably functions as an RNA binding protein critical for plant innate immunity. Our discovery on the biological functions of MOS2 will shed light on functions of the MOS2 homologs in animals, where they may also play important roles in innate immunity.  相似文献   

Nuclear speckles are known to be the storage sites of mRNA splicing regulators. We report here the identification and characterization of a novel speckle protein, referred to as NSrp70, based on its subcellular localization and apparent molecular weight. This protein was first identified as CCDC55 by the National Institutes of Health Mammalian Gene Collection, although its function has not been assigned. NSrp70 was colocalized and physically interacted with SC35 and ASF/SF2 in speckles. NSrp70 has a putative RNA recognition motif, the RS-like region, and two coiled-coil domains, suggesting a role in RNA processing. Accordingly, using CD44, Tra2β1 and Fas constructs as splicing reporter minigenes, we found that NSrp70 modulated alternative splice site selection in vivo. The C-terminal 10 amino acids (531-540), including (536)RD(537), were identified as a novel nuclear localization signal, and the region spanning 290-471 amino acids was critical for speckle localization and binding to SC35 and ASF/SF2. The N-terminal region (107-161) was essential for the pre-mRNA splicing activity. Finally, we found that knockout of NSrp70 gene in mice led to a lack of progeny, including fetal embryos. Collectively, we demonstrate that NSrp70 is a novel splicing regulator and essentially required early stage of embryonic development.  相似文献   

The rate of mitochondrial ATPase inactivation by the naturally occurring inhibitor protein in the presence of saturating ATP and Mg2+ at pH 8.0 depends hyperbolically on the amount of inhibitor added; the upper limit of an apparent first-order constant for the inactivation process is 1.0(-1) at 25 degrees C. A dramatic difference in the inactivation rate is observed when the protein inhibitor is added to the same assay system from either acidic (pH 4.8) or alkaline (pH 8.2) solutions. The slow reversible transition of the inhibitor from its rapidly reacting 'acidic' form to the slow reacting 'alkaline' form occurs when the solution of the protein inhibitor is subjected to a pH-jump from 4.8 to 8.2 (t1/2 approximately 30s at 25 degrees C). The pH-profile of the inhibitor active/inactive equilibrium suggests that a group with pKa approximately 6.5 is involved in the transition. Treatment of the inhibitor protein with a histidine-specific reagent (e.g. diethyl pyrocarbonate) abolishes its inactivating effect on the ATPase activity. It is concluded that the protonation/deprotonation of the inhibitor protein followed by its slow conformational changes is the rate-limiting step in the inhibitor-ATP synthetase interaction.  相似文献   

Vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase pumps consist of two domains, V(1) and V(o). Subunit d is a component of V(o) located in a central stalk that rotates during catalysis. By generating mutations, we showed that subunit d couples ATP hydrolysis and proton transport. The mutation F94A strongly uncoupled the enzyme, preventing proton transport but not ATPase activity. C-terminal mutations changed coupling as well; ATPase activity was decreased by 59-72%, whereas proton transport was not measurable (E328A) or was moderately reduced (E317A and C329A). Except for W325A, which had low levels of V(1)V(o), mutations allowed wild-type assembly regardless of the fact that subunits E and d were reduced at the membrane. N- and C-terminal deletions of various lengths were inhibitory and gradually destabilized subunit d, limiting V(1)V(o) formation. Both N and C terminus were required for V(o) assembly. The N-terminal truncation 2-19Delta prevented V(1)V(o) formation, although subunit d was available. The C terminus was required for retention of subunits E and d at the membrane. In addition, the C terminus of its bacterial homolog (subunit C from T. thermophilus) stabilized the yeast subunit d mutant 310-345Delta and allowed assembly of the rotor structure with subunits A and B. Structural features conserved between bacterial and eukaryotic subunit d and the significance of domain 3 for vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase function are discussed.  相似文献   

Damianov A  Kann M  Lane WS  Bindereif A 《Biological chemistry》2006,387(10-11):1455-1460
The biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) involves organized translocations between the cytoplasm and certain nuclear domains, such as Cajal bodies and nucleoli. Here we identify human RBM28 protein as a novel snRNP component, based on affinity selection of U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). As shown by immunofluorescence, RBM28 is a nucleolar protein. Anti-RBM28 immunoprecipitation from HeLa cell lysates revealed that this protein specifically associates with U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNAs. Our data provide the first evidence that RBM28 is a common nucleolar component of the spliceosomal ribonucleoprotein complexes, possibly coordinating their transition through the nucleolus.  相似文献   

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