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The Ames Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Ames Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay (Salmonella test; Ames test) is a short-term bacterial reverse mutation assay specifically designed to detect a wide range of chemical substances that can produce genetic damage that leads to gene mutations. The test employs several histidine dependent Salmonella strains each carrying different mutations in various genes in the histidine operon. These mutations act as hot spots for mutagens that cause DNA damage via different mechanisms. When the Salmonella tester strains are grown on a minimal media agar plate containing a trace of histidine, only those bacteria that revert to histidine independence (his(+)) are able to form colonies. The number of spontaneously induced revertant colonies per plate is relatively constant. However, when a mutagen is added to the plate, the number of revertant colonies per plate is increased, usually in a dose-related manner. The Ames test is used world-wide as an initial screen to determine the mutagenic potential of new chemicals and drugs. The test is also used for submission of data to regulatory agencies for registration or acceptance of many chemicals, including drugs and biocides. International guidelines have been developed for use by corporations and testing laboratories to ensure uniformity of testing procedures. This review provides historical aspects of how the Ames was developed and detailed procedures for performing the test, including the design and interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Statistical features of a base-specific Salmonella mutagenicity assay are considered in detail, following up on a previous report comparing responses of base-specific Salmonella (Ames II) strains with those of traditional tester strains. In addition to using different Salmonella strains, the new procedure also differs in that it is performed as a microwell fluctuation test, as opposed to the standard plate or preincubation test. This report describes the statistical modeling of data obtained from the use of these new strains in the microwell test procedure. We emphasize how to assess any significant interactions between replicate cultures and exposure doses, and how to identify a significant increase in the mutagenic response to a series of concentrations of a test substance.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of three water bodies, viz. industrial waste water of Aligarh city, ground water pumped out from the industrial area of Aligarh, and river water of Yamuna, downstream of Agra, was carried out by means of Ames plate incorporation test and the Ames fluctuation test. All the test samples were significantly mutagenic in both the testing systems. The ground water and river water samples were subjected to XAD concentration prior to the mutagenicity/genotoxicity testing, while the industrial waste water was used directly. Whereas TA98, TA102 and TA104 strains have been found to be maximally sensitive in the Ames plate incorporation assay conducted for various water samples, TA98 and TA100 strains were the most responsive strains in the Ames fluctuation test. The apparent disparity in the sensitivity patterns of various Ames strains by plate incorporation and fluctuation assays could be attributed to a large extent to the different conventional ways of interpretation of the data in these systems.  相似文献   

The Ames Salmonella/microsomal activation mutagenesis assay has been modified to improve sensitivity and reproducibility to complex mixtures derived from the refining and processing of petroleum. Oil samples were dissolved in cyclohexane and subsequently extracted with dimethyl sulfoxide to produce aqueous compatible solutions which readily interact with tester bacteria. Also, the liver homogenate (S-9) and NADP cofactor concentrations were increased and hamster rather than rat liver S-9 was used. The initial slope of the dose response curve relating mutagenicity (revertants per plate) to the dose of extract added was used as an index of mutagenic activity, this slope was obtained through a computerized curve fitting procedure. The modified assay was used to rank 18 oil samples for mutagenic activity, this ranking correlates highly (r = 0.92) with potency rankings of the same samples previously determined from dermal carcinogenicity bioassays. Sensitivity and reproducibility of the assay are sufficient to permit routine use for detecting potential carcinogenic activity of individual refinery streams and blends which contain components boiling above 500°F.Abbreviations API American Petroleum Institute - B[a]P benzo[a]pyrene - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - S-9 microsomal fraction from rat liver  相似文献   

A micronucleus test in gill cells of the freshwater mussel Anodonta cygnea has been proposed for the detection of drinking water genotoxicity. Animals were exposed for 28 days to a drinking water sample and collected every week. Highly significant increases in spontaneous MN frequency were observed at each sampling, especially after 13 days of exposure. As positive control 2 doses of mytomicin C (MMC) were used (10(-8) and 10(-7) M). A second experiment was performed at a municipal waterworks in order to assess the role of water treatment processes in the production of mutagenic compounds. The most prevalent genotoxic effects were detected after chlorination (mean: 10.47% +/- 3.05, p less than 0.001).  相似文献   

The mutagenicities of two sets of chemicals acting singly and in pairwise combinations were determined by use of the Salmonella/microsomal assay. The first set consisted of the promutagens of benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(rst)pentaphene. The second set contained the direct-acting mutagens methyl-nitro-nitroso-guanidine and ethyl methane sulfonate. In the tests with the promutagens, the quantities of S-9 mix were varied over the range of 0.05 ml to 1.0 ml with increasing quantities of each chemical. The mutagenic responses or production of revertant colonies of the promutagens, acting singly and in pairwise combinations failed to show an additive effect. Excess quantities of S-9 mix appeared to inhibit partially or totally the mutagenic activity of each chemical, although for each particular dose there was an optimal quantity of S-9 mix to induce maximum activity. However, the direct-acting mutagens produced, individually, almost linear dose responses with increasing concentrations. In pairwise combinations, these chemicals also showed linear responses that closely approximated the theoretical additivity indicating that the mutagenicity of the mixtures was the sum of the activities of each component.  相似文献   

AIMS: Mutagenic pollution of natural environment is currently one of the most serious ecological problems. Therefore, rapid detection of the presence of mutagens is a very important issue. Although many mutagenicity assays have already been described, only a few are suitable for testing samples from natural environment. One of such assays is a microbiological mutagenicity test based on genetically modified Vibrio harveyi strains. The aim of this work was to modify and improve the V. harveyi assay. METHODS AND RESULTS: A series of V. harveyi dark and dim mutants were tested for reversion of their phenotype towards efficient light emission in response to incubation with known mutagens. Luminescence of the A16 strain (luxE mutant) increased significantly after a few hours of such a treatment with various mutagenic agents, revealing a dose-response correlation. Sensitivity of the assay has been determined for different mutagens. CONCLUSIONS: The luminescence-based V. harveyi mutagenicity assay is rapid, sensitive and reveals a dose-response correlation for various mutagens. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The assay developed in this study is a potentially useful tool in studies on mutagenic pollution of environment, especially marine water.  相似文献   

C Pueyo 《Mutation research》1978,54(3):311-321
The forward-mutation assay using the L-arabinose-sensitive strain SV3 of Salmonella typhimurium has been calibrated against a selected set of mutagens. Strain SV3 is sensitive to chemicals causing base-pair substitutions, frameshift mutations and deletions. New strains deficient for the excision-repair system or the lipopolysaccharide barrier or both have been selected from strain SV3. The additional mutations do not affect the independence of the assay from experimental artifacts due to physiological or lethal damage or differences in plating density. The new strains are more sensitive than SV3 to certain mutagens. Techniques for using this set of strains are presented and their relative advantages discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether bacterial mutagenicity assays can be applied in sediment quality assessment. The arabinose-sensitive forward mutation strain Salmonella typhimurium BA 9 was added to freshly deposited sediments of the River Elbe, collected during March, April, and May 1994. Up to twelve locations were sampled each month and mutagenicity was determined employing the solid phase and sequentially prepared toluene- and methanol-extracts of the sediments. Mutagenicity was detected at all sites within the solid sediments without addition of S9-mix; however, the addition of mammalian enzymes (S9) enhanced the mutagenic effect. In contrast, mutagenicity of toluene extracts containing the lipophilic fraction of the sediment samples was higher in the absence of S9-mix; peaks of mutagenic activity in these samples were observed at Dessau (mouth of the River Mulde) and close to the city of Hamburg (Bunthaus). Similar results were obtained with methanolic extracts of the sediments, although the effects were usually lower in comparison to the corresponding toluene extracts. These results show that the mutagenicity assays are capable of assessing water/sediment contamination and reveal that the mutagenicity detected in sediments reflects local industrial activities as well as hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   

Rapid enzyme assay techniques based on direct measurement of beta-d-galactosidase (GALase) or beta-d-glucuronidase (GLUase) activity without selective cultivation are used for rapid estimation of the level of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in water samples. Reported detection limits using fluorogenic substrates correspond to culturable target bacteria concentrations that can be appropriate within present guidelines for recreational waters. The rapidity, that is detection within one hour, compromises the specificity of the assay; enzyme activity contributions from other than target bacteria need to be considered, particularly at low levels of target bacteria. Enzyme activities are more persistent than the culturability of target bacteria to environmental and disinfection stress, thus water samples may express enzyme activities of both culturable and viable non-culturable cells.  相似文献   

In previous papers, the synthesis and chemical properties of iron-complexed azo and formazan dyes were reported. It was shown that in certain cases iron could be substituted for the traditionally used metals such as chromium and cobalt, without having an adverse effect on dye stability. While these results suggested that the iron analogs were potential replacements for the commercially used chromium and cobalt prototypes, characterization of potentially adverse environmental effects of the new dyes was deemed an essential step in their further development. The present paper provides results from using the Salmonella/mammalian microsome assay to determine the mutagenicity of some important commercial metal complexed dyes, their unmetallized forms, and the corresponding iron-complexed analogs. The study compared the mutagenic properties of six unmetallized azo dyes, six commercial cobalt- or chromium-complexed azo dyes, six iron-complexed azo dyes, six unmetallized formazan dyes, and six iron-complexed formazan dyes. The results of this study suggest that the mutagenicity of the unmetallized dye precursors plays a role in determining the mutagenicity of the iron-complexes. For the monoazo dye containing a nitro group, metal complex formation using iron or chromium decreased or removed mutagenicity in TA100; however, little reduction in mutagenicity was noted in TA98. For the formazan dye containing a nitro group, metal-complex formation using iron increased mutagenicity. Results varied for metal-complexes of azo and formazan dyes without nitro groups, but in general, the metal-complexed dyes based on mutagenic ligands were also mutagenic, while those dyes based on nonmutagenic ligands were nonmutagenic.  相似文献   

As part of the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) project, this paper describes validation of raster-based daily surface water depth models of the Greater Everglades in Florida developed using real-time stage data and elevation data obtained from a survey with an aerial height finder. Daily median stage data obtained at over 200 locations were interpolated using the multiquadric radial basis function. Surface water depth was obtained by subtracting a digital elevation model from the interpolated stage raster. The model was validated with 751 independent field measurements of surface water depth between 1999 and 2004. Correlations between prediction error and both density of the monitoring gages and distance from a major linear geographic feature, such as a canal, were weak, suggesting that the error does not depend on these features. South Florida has distinct dry and wet seasons and the study area is dominated by sawgrass and wet prairie. Seasonality and ground vegetation type significantly affect prediction error. Correlation between observed and predicted water depth was high for all combination of season and vegetation type (0.83–0.96). Model validation using an equivalence test provided evidence of equivalence between predicted and observed water depths in dry season prairie-dominated and wet season sawgrass-dominated areas with the strict test and in dry season sawgrass-dominated areas with the liberal test, but not in wet season prairie-dominated areas. Equivalence between observed and predicted water depth for both dry season sawgrass- and wet season prairie-dominated areas were confirmed with the strict test after further model calibrations using linear regressions.  相似文献   

Mutagens in urban air pollution come from anthropogenic sources (especially combustion sources) and are products of airborne chemical reactions. Bacterial mutation tests have been used for large, multi-site, and/or time series studies, for bioassay-directed fractionation studies, for identifying the presence of specific classes of mutagens, and for doing site- or source-comparisons for relative levels of airborne mutagens. Early research recognized that although carcinogenic PAHs were present in air samples they could not account for the majority of the mutagenic activity detected. The mutagenicity of airborne particulate organics is due to at least 500 identified compounds from varying chemical classes. Bioassay-directed fractionation studies for identifying toxicants are difficult to compare because they do not identify all of the mutagens present, and both the analytical and bioassay protocols vary from study to study. However, these studies show that the majority of mutagenicity is usually associated with moderately polar/highly polar classes of compounds that tend to contain nitroaromatic compounds, aromatic amines, and aromatic ketones. Smog chamber studies have shown that mutagenic aliphatic and aromatic nitrogen-containing compounds are produced in the atmosphere when organic compounds (even non-mutagenic compounds) are exposed to nitrogen oxides and sunlight. Reactions that occur in the atmosphere, therefore, can have a profound effect on the genotoxic burden of ambient air. This review illustrates that the mutagenesis protocol and tester strains should be selected based on the design and purpose of the study and that the correlation with animal cancer bioassay results depends upon chemical class. Future emphasis needs to be placed on volatile and semi-volatile genotoxicants, and on multi-national studies that identify, quantify, and apportion mutagenicity. Initial efforts at replacing the Salmonella assay for ambient air studies with some emerging technology should be initiated.  相似文献   

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