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两色绿刺蛾生物学特性及发生规律   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
两色绿刺蛾在福建闽西北1a发生2代,以老熟幼虫在土壤中结茧越冬。该虫1a有2次发生高峰期,分别在6月上、中旬和9月下旬至10月上旬。以第1代发生量大,危害严重。该虫发生与竹林结构、竹立量、坡向、坡位均有关系。林间调查表明:该虫第2代的天敌寄生率高。天敌是抑制种群数量增长的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

通过1986~1989年室内外饲养观察,该虫在广州1年发生6代,以雌成虫在被害枝叶上越冬。1月下旬越冬成虫开始产卵。田间若虫于2月上中旬、4月下旬、6月中旬、8月上旬、10月上旬出现5次高峰。该虫的捕食性优势种天敌主要有中华草岭、尼氏钝绥螨。寄生性优势种天敌主要为跳小蜂科的一种小峰(学名待定),对雌成虫的寄生率高达63%~76%。加强观赏植物管理,保护和利用自然天敌,适时施用40%氧乐果、25%喹硫磷、40%速扑杀乳油或60%柴油乳剂,能很好地控制该虫的发生。  相似文献   

考氏把盾蚧的生物学特性及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过1986-1989年室内外饲养观察,该虫在广州1年发生6代,以雌成虫在被害枝上越冬。1月下旬越冬成虫开始产卵。田间若虫于2月上中旬、4月下旬、8月上旬、10月上旬出现5次高峰。该虫捕食性优势种天敌主要有中华草岭、尼氏钝绥螨。寄生性优势种天敌主要为跳小蜂科的一种小蜂(学名特定),对雌成虫的寄虫生率高达63%~76%。加强观赏植物管理,保护和利用自然天敌,适时施用40%氧乐果、25%喹硫磷、40%  相似文献   

陈顺立  罗沛稻 《昆虫知识》1992,29(4):209-211
蕾鹿蛾是黑荆树的一种重要害虫。该虫在福建南平一年发生3代,以幼虫越冬,翌年4月下旬开始化蛹本文描述了该虫的形态特征,记述了它的生活史、生活习性、天敌种类,提出了防治方法。  相似文献   

多物种共存系统中3种蜘蛛对褐飞虱的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择稻田生态系统中天敌蜘蛛优势种食虫沟瘤蛛(Oedothorox insecticeps)、拟水狼蛛(Pirata subpiraticus)、粽管巢蛛(Clubiona japonicola)和水稻主要害虫飞虱(Nilaparvata lugenis)组成多物种共存系统,运用二次通用旋转组合设计统计方法探讨多种蜘蛛对1种稻虫的控制作用,分析天敌之间以及天敌与害虫之间的相互作用关系,得出了天敌对害虫的捕食量模型2个。对模型进行主次分析表明,害虫自身密度的大小对天敌的捕食量影响较大。天敌中对捕食量作用最大的是粽管巢蛛,其次是拟水狼蛛,食虫沟瘤蛛的作用稍小。分析天敌间的交互作用表明,天敌个体大、活动能力强、生态位窄及其重叠值高、捕食量大,它们的种内种间干扰程度也大,特别是粽管巢蛛的种内干扰、拟水狼蛛和粽管巢蛛的种间干扰作用十分明显。最后讨论了天敌蜘蛛能有效控制害虫的最大密度,以及在该害虫密度下各种天敌密度的最佳组合。  相似文献   

杨扇舟蛾Clostera anachoreta(Fabricius)是杨树食叶害虫中分布广泛、发生面积大,危害濒繁、蔓延迅速的虫种,常爆发成灾,在短期内吃光叶片,对树木生长影响极大.近年来,在山东发生面积常高达百余万亩,造成巨大的经济损失.为更好地利用天敌防治该虫,笔者于1998年~2000年对其天敌种类和作用进行了调查.  相似文献   

刘联仁 《昆虫知识》1991,28(4):231-233
桉树大毛虫是近年在四川省会理县发现的一种石榴主要害虫。本文描述了该虫各虫态的形态特征和生物学特性。在会理县关河乡该虫一年发生1~2代,以蛹越冬。主要天敌有梳胫节腹寄蝇,对老熟幼虫的寄生率高达33~48%。人工捕杀和保护利用寄蝇是较好的防治方法。  相似文献   

蚧虫化学生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董文霞  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2005,25(4):878-884
概述了蚧虫性信息素、植物-蚧虫-天敌三者关系中的化学联系研究进展,介绍了蚧虫化学生态学在生物防治上的应用,并探讨了蚧虫化学生态学的发展前景  相似文献   

可可锤盲蝽Helopeltis sp.是海南岛为害可可、腰果和胡椒等多种热带作物的重要害虫之一。本文对该虫的形态特征、生活习性及其发生与外界环境的关系都作了较详细的报道。该虫在海南岛1年发生8代,完成1个世代平均历期为45天。若虫共5龄,1龄若虫对温湿度敏感。该虫天敌已知有蜘蛛,螨类和寄生蜂。  相似文献   

引进天敌椰甲截脉姬小蜂防治椰心叶甲的可行性探讨   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
从2 0 0 2年海南省首次在海口市发现新入侵害虫椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima(Gestro)以来,现该虫已蔓延到海南省的1 1个市县。从地理纬度、气候条件、寄主分布范围等自然条件来看,椰心叶甲也完全有可能向高纬度的临近省份扩散。直接影响到种植业及旅游业的健康发展,因此防治该虫迫在眉睫。通过海南省的生态条件,椰心叶甲的寄主和天敌特点综合分析,认为引进天敌椰甲截脉姬小蜂Asecodeshispinarum防治该害虫是经济有效的方法。  相似文献   

美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea(Drury)是国家林业和草原局的重点防控对象,也是我国重大外来林业检疫性有害生物.现阶段美国白蛾在我国的种群密度持续增加和扩散,缺乏有效天敌的控制应该是重要的原因之一.本文综述了国内、外美国白蛾的捕食性和寄生性天敌的种类.捕食性天敌主要包括昆虫、蜘蛛、两栖类和鸟类,整理出国外报道的捕食性天敌名录119种,国内捕食性天敌名录29种;寄生性天敌主要包括寄生蜂和寄生蝇类,整理出国外报道的寄生性天敌名录47种,国内寄生性天敌名录53种.本文回顾了我国在美国白蛾天敌利用方面取得的阶段成果,并针对将来天敌复合体的应用和原产地天敌的引进提出了展望.  相似文献   

刘雨芳  杨荷  阳菲  谢美琦 《昆虫学报》2019,62(7):857-867
【目的】探索生境高异质度对稻田捕食性天敌及水稻害虫的生态调节有效性,了解这种策略是否会引起其他植食性昆虫成为水稻重要害虫的风险。【方法】2017-2018年连续2年种植单季稻,在稻田边缘种植花生与大豆,构建高异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with high heterogeneous marginal habitats, HHR),调查HHR稻田与简单低异质性边缘生境稻田(rice paddy with low heterogeneous marginal habitats, LHR)中捕食性天敌与水稻害虫功能团的发生规律与相关性,计算益害比。【结果】2017年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌40种,1 667头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌30种,991头。2018年在HHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌33种,1 384头;在LHR稻田中采集到捕食性天敌34种,1 031头。HHR与LHR两类稻田中获得的捕食性天敌群落重要值Pi≥0.01的物种相似度很高,优势种相似。2017年HHR稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度明显高于LHR稻田,这种差异主要由群落重要值Pi<0.01的种类引起。2018年两类稻田的捕食性天敌物种丰富度没有差异。单位样方面积内的捕食性天敌个体数量,HHR中明显高于LHR,这种差异在2017年的分蘖期与成熟期达显著水平(P<0.05),在2018年的开花期极显著(P<0.01)。2017年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫22种,637头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫19种,743头;物种相似性系数0.88。2018年在HHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,1 011头;在LHR中采集到水稻害虫16种,2 014头;物种相似性系数0.75;主要害虫物种组成结构相同。水稻害虫数量发生的时间动态分析表明,在分蘖期,虽然HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显高于LHR(P<0.05),但此期害虫的数量不多,发生较轻。在孕穗期、开花期与成熟期,HHR稻田中的水稻害虫数量明显低于LHR稻田,这种差异在2017年的成熟期与2018年的孕穗期极显著(P<0.01),在2018年的成熟期差异显著(P<0.05)。2017年HHR和LHR中个体数量益害比Npi值分别为2.62和1.33;2018年分别为1.37和0.51。【结论】具有高异质性边缘生境的稻田,能提高系统对捕食性天敌物种的涵养潜力,显著提高稻田捕食性天敌个体数量,提高益害比,具有更好的控制害虫的物质基础,促进捕食性天敌对水稻害虫的生态控制效能,不会引起其他植食性昆虫演变为水稻重要害虫风险,可为保护稻田生态系统天敌发挥生态效能提供可借鉴的策略与方法。  相似文献   

查明麦田害虫天敌有98种,其中捕食性天敌80种,寄生性天敌18种,对天敌种群动态作了系统观察,分析了影响天敌种群数量的环境因素,对大灰食蚜蝇,黑带食蚜蝇,七星瓢虫捕食麦蚜效能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci Gennadius是一种广泛分布于世界各地的多食性害虫,对我国多个省市区的农作物和观赏植物造成了严重的危害。化学杀虫剂的大量使用在杀伤天敌的同时使烟粉虱产生了不同程度的抗性,防治越来越困难;相较于化学防治,在不同地区筛选有效的天敌对烟粉虱进行生物防治是对烟粉虱进行有效控制的重要方法。我国报道的捕食性天敌共计26科109种,寄生性天敌共计2科59种。烟粉虱防治过程中由于单一的防治效果不理想,联合多个天敌资源的利用是增加对烟粉虱的生物防治效果的重要手段。本文通过对我国烟粉虱捕食性和寄生性天敌种类系统全面的整理,同时对烟粉虱优势种天敌中的单种或者多种组合利用后对烟粉虱的的控害潜能进行综述,以期为烟粉虱天敌昆虫种类的筛选和实现高效的生物防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

四川南充市春季麦田昆虫群落结构初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过巴氏罐诱法及网捕法、目测法,对南充市4月份的麦田昆虫群落进行分层调查,结果显示地表昆虫5目14科30种,其中天敌昆虫1目2科5种;麦田中上层昆虫7目10科21种,其中天敌昆虫4目5科16种。调查表明南充市麦田昆虫种类较多,天敌昆虫种类丰富,不同种类天敌昆虫占据不同的生态位,各自发挥作用,应保护利用。  相似文献   

Insect herbivores feeding on low-quality plants often compensate by increasing their consumption of plant tissue. This usually results in a longer developmental time leading to a higher vulnerability to natural enemies. This has been termed the slow-growth, high-mortality hypothesis. To explore how compensation may shape the species composition of herbivore and natural enemy populations, we present a mathematical model of a tri-trophic system incorporating both the nutritional quality of plants and herbivores, and the compensatory ability of herbivores and their natural enemies. Using this model we predict the abundance of herbivores and natural enemies, and some characteristics of the composition of species of insect communities along a gradient of plant nutritional quality. Specifically, we make the following predictions: 1) In the absence of natural enemies, the abundance of the juvenile herbivores increases with plant quality, and only highly compensating herbivores persist at low plant nutritional quality. 2) If natural enemies are present, the abundance of the juvenile herbivores decreases with increasing plant quality due to more effective suppression by the natural enemies. Poorly compensating herbivores increase while their highly compensating counterparts decrease with lowered plant quality. 3) When the plants have low nutritional quality, natural enemies will only persist when either very highly compensating herbivores are present or if the natural enemy itself is highly compensating. 4) The abundance of adult herbivores in a community with natural enemies can either increase or decrease with increasing plant quality depending on the compensatory abilities of herbivores and natural enemies.  相似文献   

雷朝亮  吴肇玉 《动物学报》1989,35(3):318-327
经调查,蚕豆田的昆虫和蜘蛛,计有68种,其中属农作物害虫的有18种,天敌有50种。本文还对蚕豆田节肢类的优势种群、种群动态及其群落特征进行了分析,阐明了保护蚕豆田中的天敌对控制后茬作物害虫的重要意义。  相似文献   

Habitat manipulation is a branch of conservation biological control in which vegetation complexity and diversity are increased in managed landscapes to provide food and other resources for arthropod natural enemies. This is often achieved by maintaining noncrop plant material such as flowering strips and beetle banks that provide natural enemies with nectar and pollen, alternative prey, shelter from disturbance, and overwintering sites. In most cases, plant material used in habitat manipulation programs is not native to the area in which it is planted. Using native plant species in conservation biological control could serve a dual function of suppressing pest arthropod outbreaks and promoting other valuable ecosystem services associated with native plant communities. We evaluated 10 plant species native to Maryland for their attractiveness to foliar and ground-dwelling natural enemies. Plants that showed particular promise were Monarda punctata, Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, and Eupatorium hyssopifolium, which generally harbored the greatest abundance of foliar predators and parasitoids, although abundance varied over time. Among ground-dwelling natural enemies, total predator and parasitoid abundance differed between plant species, but carabid and spider abundance did not. Matching certain plant species and their allied natural enemies with specific pest complexes may be enhanced by identifying the composition of natural enemy assemblages at different times of year and in both foliar and ground habitat strata.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse how to effectively protect and scientifically utilize the natural enemies of Pentatomidae in tea plantations in the peak period. In this paper, the spatial, quantitative and temporal relationships between Pentatomidae and its natural enemies in “Pingyangtezao”, “Wuniuzao”, “Huangshandayezhong”, “Anjibaicha”,”Longjing 43″ and “Nongkangzao” tea gardens in Hefei, China were comprehensively compared and analyzed with the methods of geostatistical analysis, gray system analysis and temporal ecotone overlap index analysis. According to the size of the closeness index, the top three natural enemies with the largest sum of spatial, quantitative, and temporal closeness indexes in the six tea gardens were Clubiona japonicola (X7, 16.514), Oxyopes sertatus (X5, 16.390) and Xysticus ephippiafus (X2, 16.270). The size of the ratio between the number of Pentatomidae individuals and natural enemies largely determines whether the natural enemies follow Pentatomidae pests closely or not. The better the growth of tea plantations and the richer the diversity of pest species, the more accurately the predation preference of natural enemies can be reflected. In the control of Pentatomidae, specific analysis should be made according to the occurrence characteristics of target pests in different tea plantations and the basic attributes of tea plantations (species, growth, population characteristics of natural enemies and pests, etc.) in order to scientifically utilize its natural enemies.  相似文献   

Large plants are often more conspicuous and more attractive for associated animals than small plants, e.g. due to their wider range of resources. Therefore, plant size can positively affect species richness of associated animals, as shown for single groups of herbivores, but studies usually consider intraspecific size differences of plants in unstandardised environments. As comprehensive tests of interspecific plant size differences under standardised conditions are missing so far, we investigated effects of plant size on species richness of all associated arthropods using a common garden experiment with 21 Brassicaceae species covering a broad interspecific plant size gradient from 10 to 130 cm height. We recorded plant associated ecto- and endophagous herbivores, their natural enemies and pollinators on and in each aboveground plant organ, i.e. flowers, fruits, leaves and stems. Plant size (measured as height from the ground), the number of different plant organ entities and their biomass were assessed. Increasing plant size led to increased species richness of associated herbivores, natural enemies and pollinating insects. This pattern was found for ectophagous and endophagous herbivores, their natural enemies, as well as for herbivores associated with leaves and fruits and their natural enemies, independently of the additional positive effects of resource availability (i.e. organ biomass or number of entities and, regarding natural enemies, herbivore species richness). We found a lower R2 for pollinators compared to herbivores and natural enemies, probably caused by the high importance of flower characteristics for pollinator species richness besides plant size. Overall, the increase in plant height from 10 to 130 cm led to a 2.7-fold increase in predicted total arthropod species richness. In conclusion, plant size is a comprehensive driver of species richness of the plant associated arthropods, including pollinators, herbivores and their natural enemies, whether they are endophagous or ectophagous or associated with leaves or fruits.  相似文献   

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